Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
PLMD Namespace Reference


 Tiny namespace for hybrid36 format.
 We use a separate namespace here instead of hiding these classes in the Plumed class, because some of these structs might be specialized by the user.


class  Accelerator
class  Action
 Base class for all the input Actions. More...
class  ActionAnyorder
class  ActionAtomistic
class  ActionForInterface
class  ActionOptions
 This class is used to bring the relevant information to the Action constructor. More...
class  ActionPilot
class  ActionRegister
 Register holding all the allowed keywords. More...
struct  ActionRegisterPointers
class  ActionRegistration
 Each instance of this specialized class represents an action that can be called with the specified directive. More...
class  ActionSet
 std::vector containing the sequence of Action to be done. More...
class  ActionSetup
class  ActionShortcut
class  ActionToGetData
 Provides the keyword GET More...
class  ActionToPutData
 Provides the keyword PUT More...
class  ActionWithArguments
class  ActionWithMatrix
class  ActionWithValue
class  ActionWithVector
class  ActionWithVirtualAtom
 Class to add a single virtual atom to the system. More...
class  Angle
class  AtomNumber
class  BiasRepresentation
 this class implements a general purpose class that aims to provide a Grid/list transparently add gaussians to a bias More...
class  BiasWeight
class  Brent1DRootSearch
 A class for doing parabolic interpolation and minimisation of 1D functions using Brent's method. More...
class  CheckInRange
class  Citations
class  CLTool
class  CLToolMain
 Class providing cmd() access to command line tools. More...
class  CLToolOptions
class  CLToolRegister
 Same as ActionRegister, but for CLTools. More...
struct  CLToolRegisterPointers
class  Colvar
class  Communicator
class  ConjugateGradient
class  DataPassingObject
class  DataPassingObjectTyped
class  DataPassingTools
class  DataPassingToolsTyped
class  DLLoader
class  DomainDecomposition
class  ERMSD
 A class that implements ERMSD calculations. More...
class  Exception
class  ExceptionDebug
 Class representing a debug error (can only be thrown when using debug options) More...
class  ExceptionError
 Class representing a generic error. More...
class  ExceptionRegisterError
 Class representing an error in a register. More...
class  ExceptionTypeError
 Class representing a type error in the PLMD::Plumed interface. More...
class  ExchangePatterns
class  F1dim
class  FileBase
 Base class for dealing with files. More...
class  FlexibleBin
class  ForwardDecl
 Utility class for forward declaration of references. More...
class  GenericMolInfo
class  GREX
class  Grid
class  GridBase
class  Group
 Provides the keyword GROUP More...
class  HistogramBead
class  IFile
class  KernelFunctions
class  Keywords
 This class holds the keywords and their documentation. More...
class  LatticeReduction
 Class implementing algorithms for lattice reduction. More...
class  LeptonCall
class  LinkCells
class  Log
 Class containing the log stream. More...
class  LoopUnroller
class  Matrix
 This class stores a full matrix and allows one to do some simple matrix operations. More...
class  MatrixSquareBracketsAccess
 Utility class to add [][] access. More...
class  mdMemoryView
class  MemoryView
class  Minimise1DBrent
 A class for doing parabolic interpolation and minimisation of 1D functions using Brent's method. More...
class  MinimiseBase
class  MolDataClass
 This class provides information on various kinds of molecules for instance the kinds of residues that are in a protein the atoms involved in the backbone of a particular residue etc. More...
class  MPI_Comm
 Surrogate of MPI_Comm when MPI library is not available. More...
class  MPI_Datatype
 Surrogate of MPI_Datatype when MPI library is not available. More...
class  MPI_Request
 Surrogate of MPI_Request when MPI library is not available. More...
class  MPI_Status
 Surrogate of MPI_Status when MPI library is not available. More...
class  MultiValue
class  NeighborList
class  OFile
class  Pbc
class  PbcAction
 Provides the keyword PBC More...
class  PDB
 Minimalistic pdb parser. More...
class  Plumed
 C++ wrapper for plumed. More...
class  PlumedHandle
 Tiny local class to load a PLUMED kernel. More...
class  PlumedMain
 Main plumed object. More...
class  ProbWeight
class  Random
class  Register
 Base class, with type independent information. More...
class  RegisterBase
 General register. More...
class  RMSD
class  RMSDCoreData
 this is a class which is needed to share information across the various non-threadsafe routines so that the public function of rmsd are threadsafe while the inner core can safely share information More...
class  RootFindingBase
class  SparseGrid
class  Stopwatch
class  Subprocess
 Class managing a subprocess. More...
class  SubprocessPid
 Small utility class, used to avoid inclusion of unistd.h> in a header file. More...
class  SwitchingFunction
class  TargetDist
class  TensorGeneric
class  TensorGenericAux
 Small class to contain local utilities. More...
class  Tools
class  Torsion
class  Tree
class  TypesafePtr
class  Units
class  Value
class  VectorGeneric
class  WeightBase
class  WithCmd
 Base for classes with cmd() method. More...


typedef Tensor3d Tensor
typedef TensorGeneric< 1, 1 > Tensor1d
typedef TensorGeneric< 2, 2 > Tensor2d
typedef TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > Tensor3d
typedef TensorGeneric< 4, 4 > Tensor4d
typedef TensorGeneric< 5, 5 > Tensor5d
typedef Vector3d Vector
typedef VectorGeneric< 1 > Vector1d
typedef VectorGeneric< 2 > Vector2d
typedef VectorGeneric< 3 > Vector3d
typedef VectorGeneric< 4 > Vector4d
typedef VectorGeneric< 5 > Vector5d
using VectorView = mdMemoryView< helpers::dynamic_extent, 3 >


ActionRegisteractionRegister ()
template<typename T >
void chol_elsolve (const Matrix< T > &M, const std::vector< T > &b, std::vector< T > &y)
template<typename T >
void cholesky (const Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &B)
CLToolRegistercltoolRegister ()
VectorGeneric< 3 > crossProduct (const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v1, const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v2)
TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > dcrossDv1 (const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v1, const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v2)
TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > dcrossDv2 (const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v1, const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v2)
template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric< n > delta (const VectorGeneric< n > &v1, const VectorGeneric< n > &v2)
TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > deriNorm (const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v1, const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &v2)
double determinant (const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &t)
template<typename T >
int diagMat (const Matrix< T > &A, std::vector< double > &eigenvals, Matrix< double > &eigenvecs)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
void diagMatSym (const TensorGeneric< n, n > &mat, VectorGeneric< m > &evals, TensorGeneric< m, n > &evec)
template<typename T >
dotProduct (const std::vector< T > &A, const std::vector< T > &B)
 Calculate the dot product between two vectors. More...
template<unsigned n>
double dotProduct (const VectorGeneric< n > &v1, const VectorGeneric< n > &v2)
constexpr double dp2cutoff (6.25)
static bool dp2cutoffNoStretch ()
constexpr double epsilon (std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > extProduct (const VectorGeneric< n > &v1, const VectorGeneric< m > &v2)
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & getModuleMap ()
template<typename T >
static void getPointer (const TypesafePtr &p, const std::vector< unsigned > &shape, const unsigned &start, const unsigned &stride, T *&pp)
bool indexed_lt (std::pair< Grid::index_t, double > const &x, std::pair< Grid::index_t, double > const &y)
TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > inverse (const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &t)
template<typename T >
int Invert (const Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< double > &inverse)
static bool isZero (const ExpressionTreeNode &node)
constexpr double kBoltzmann (0.0083144621)
template<typename T >
int logdet (const Matrix< T > &M, double &ldet)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l>
TensorGeneric< n, l > matmul (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &a, const TensorGeneric< m, l > &b)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l, unsigned i>
TensorGeneric< n, i > matmul (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &a, const TensorGeneric< m, l > &b, const TensorGeneric< l, i > &c)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l>
VectorGeneric< n > matmul (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &a, const TensorGeneric< m, l > &b, const VectorGeneric< l > &c)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
VectorGeneric< n > matmul (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &a, const VectorGeneric< m > &b)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
VectorGeneric< n > matmul (const VectorGeneric< m > &a, const TensorGeneric< m, n > &b)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l>
VectorGeneric< l > matmul (const VectorGeneric< n > &a, const TensorGeneric< n, m > &b, const TensorGeneric< m, l > &c)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
double matmul (const VectorGeneric< n > &a, const TensorGeneric< n, m > &b, const VectorGeneric< m > &c)
template<unsigned n_>
double matmul (const VectorGeneric< n_ > &a, const VectorGeneric< n_ > &b)
template<typename T >
void matrixOut (Log &ostr, const Matrix< T > &mat)
template<unsigned n>
double modulo (const VectorGeneric< n > &v)
template<unsigned n>
double modulo2 (const VectorGeneric< n > &v)
template<typename T >
void mult (const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B, Matrix< T > &C)
template<typename T >
void mult (const Matrix< T > &A, const std::vector< T > &B, std::vector< T > &C)
template<typename T >
void mult (const std::vector< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B, std::vector< T > &C)
template<typename T >
norm (const std::vector< T > &A)
 Calculate the dot product between a vector and itself. More...
bool operator!= (const AtomNumber &a, const AtomNumber &b)
template<typename enumtype >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_bit_and, enumtype > operator& (enumtype a, enumtype b)
 Perform a bitwise AND between two enum values. More...
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > operator* (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t1, double s)
template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric< n > operator* (const VectorGeneric< n > &v, double s)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > operator* (double s, const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t1)
template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric< n > operator* (double s, const VectorGeneric< n > &v)
template<typename T >
Matrix< T > operator* (T &v, const Matrix< T > &m)
 Multiply matrix by scalar. More...
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > operator+ (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t1, const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t2)
template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric< n > operator+ (const VectorGeneric< n > &v1, const VectorGeneric< n > &v2)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > operator- (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t1, const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t2)
template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric< n > operator- (const VectorGeneric< n > &v1, const VectorGeneric< n > &v2)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > operator/ (const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t1, double s)
template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric< n > operator/ (const VectorGeneric< n > &v, double s)
bool operator< (const AtomNumber &a, const AtomNumber &b)
template<typename T >
Logoperator<< (Log &ostr, const Matrix< T > &mat)
Logoperator<< (Log &ostr, const PDB &pdb)
template<class T >
OFileoperator<< (OFile &of, const T &t)
 Write using << syntax. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &log, const Citations &cit)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &log, const Register &reg)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Stopwatch &sw)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TensorGeneric< n, m > &t)
template<unsigned n>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VectorGeneric< n > &v)
template<class T >
Subprocessoperator<< (Subprocess &ep, const T &t)
bool operator<= (const AtomNumber &a, const AtomNumber &b)
bool operator== (const AtomNumber &a, const AtomNumber &b)
bool operator> (const AtomNumber &a, const AtomNumber &b)
bool operator>= (const AtomNumber &a, const AtomNumber &b)
template<typename enumtype >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_bit_or, enumtype > operator| (enumtype a, enumtype b)
 Perform a bitwise OR between two enum values. More...
constexpr double pi (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307)
static __PLUMED_WRAPPER_ANONYMOUS_BEGIN bool PlumedGetenvExceptionsDebug () noexcept
 Retrieve PLUMED_EXCEPTIONS_DEBUG (internal utility). More...
template<typename T >
int pseudoInvert (const Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< double > &pseudoinverse)
Keywords::argType stoat (std::string_view str)
 Converts a string to the corresponding Keywords::argType. More...
Keywords::componentType stoct (std::string_view str)
 Converts a string to the corresponding Keywords::componentType. More...
static const std::string & StopwatchEmptyString () noexcept
 Return an empty string. More...
static bool SubprocessPidGetenvSignals () noexcept
static void testThrow (const char *what)
 Small utility just used in this file to throw arbitrary exceptions. More...
std::string toString (Keywords::argType at)
std::string toString (Keywords::componentType at)
template<typename T >
void transpose (const Matrix< T > &A, Matrix< T > &AT)
template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric< n, m > transpose (const TensorGeneric< m, n > &t)
template<class T >
std::size_t typesafePtrSizeof ()
std::size_t typesafePtrSizeof< const void > ()
std::size_t typesafePtrSizeof< void > ()
static bool typesafePtrSkipCheck ()
template<typename enumtype >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_valid, bool > valid (enumtype a)
 Test if an enum value is valid. More...
TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > VcrossTensor (const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &v2, const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v1)
TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > VcrossTensor (const VectorGeneric< 3 > &v1, const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &v2)


constexpr double dp2cutoffA =1.00193418799744762399
constexpr double dp2cutoffB =-.00193418799744762399
const double epsilon =1e-14
template<typename T >
constexpr bool isActionType = std::is_base_of<Action, T>::value

Typedef Documentation

◆ VectorView

Function Documentation

◆ actionRegister()

ActionRegister& PLMD::actionRegister ( )

◆ chol_elsolve()

template<typename T >
void PLMD::chol_elsolve ( const Matrix< T > &  M,
const std::vector< T > &  b,
std::vector< T > &  y 

◆ cholesky()

template<typename T >
void PLMD::cholesky ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
Matrix< T > &  B 

◆ cltoolRegister()

CLToolRegister& PLMD::cltoolRegister ( )

◆ crossProduct()

VectorGeneric<3> PLMD::crossProduct ( const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v2 

v2 Only available for size 3

◆ dcrossDv1()

TensorGeneric<3,3> PLMD::dcrossDv1 ( const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v2 

◆ dcrossDv2()

TensorGeneric<3,3> PLMD::dcrossDv2 ( const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v2 

◆ delta()

template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::delta ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< n > &  v2 

◆ deriNorm()

TensorGeneric<3,3> PLMD::deriNorm ( const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v1,
const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &  v2 

◆ determinant()

double PLMD::determinant ( const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &  t)

◆ diagMat()

template<typename T >
int PLMD::diagMat ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
std::vector< double > &  eigenvals,
Matrix< double > &  eigenvecs 

◆ diagMatSym()

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
void PLMD::diagMatSym ( const TensorGeneric< n, n > &  mat,
VectorGeneric< m > &  evals,
TensorGeneric< m, n > &  evec 

◆ dotProduct() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T PLMD::dotProduct ( const std::vector< T > &  A,
const std::vector< T > &  B 

Calculate the dot product between two vectors.

◆ dotProduct() [2/2]

template<unsigned n>
double PLMD::dotProduct ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< n > &  v2 

◆ dp2cutoff()

constexpr double PLMD::dp2cutoff ( 6.  25)

◆ dp2cutoffNoStretch()

static bool PLMD::dp2cutoffNoStretch ( )

◆ extProduct()

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::extProduct ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< m > &  v2 

◆ getModuleMap()

const std::map< std::string, std::string > & PLMD::getModuleMap ( )

◆ getPointer()

template<typename T >
static void PLMD::getPointer ( const TypesafePtr p,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  shape,
const unsigned &  start,
const unsigned &  stride,
T *&  pp 

◆ indexed_lt()

bool PLMD::indexed_lt ( std::pair< Grid::index_t, double > const &  x,
std::pair< Grid::index_t, double > const &  y 

◆ inverse()

TensorGeneric<3,3> PLMD::inverse ( const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &  t)

◆ Invert()

template<typename T >
int PLMD::Invert ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
Matrix< double > &  inverse 

◆ isZero()

static bool PLMD::isZero ( const ExpressionTreeNode node)

◆ logdet()

template<typename T >
int PLMD::logdet ( const Matrix< T > &  M,
double &  ldet 

◆ matmul() [1/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l>
TensorGeneric<n,l> PLMD::matmul ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  a,
const TensorGeneric< m, l > &  b 

◆ matmul() [2/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l, unsigned i>
TensorGeneric<n,i> PLMD::matmul ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  a,
const TensorGeneric< m, l > &  b,
const TensorGeneric< l, i > &  c 

◆ matmul() [3/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::matmul ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  a,
const TensorGeneric< m, l > &  b,
const VectorGeneric< l > &  c 

◆ matmul() [4/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::matmul ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  a,
const VectorGeneric< m > &  b 

◆ matmul() [5/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::matmul ( const VectorGeneric< m > &  a,
const TensorGeneric< m, n > &  b 

◆ matmul() [6/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned l>
VectorGeneric<l> PLMD::matmul ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  a,
const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  b,
const TensorGeneric< m, l > &  c 

◆ matmul() [7/8]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
double PLMD::matmul ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  a,
const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  b,
const VectorGeneric< m > &  c 

◆ matmul() [8/8]

template<unsigned n_>
double PLMD::matmul ( const VectorGeneric< n_ > &  a,
const VectorGeneric< n_ > &  b 

◆ matrixOut()

template<typename T >
void PLMD::matrixOut ( Log ostr,
const Matrix< T > &  mat 

◆ modulo()

template<unsigned n>
double PLMD::modulo ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v)

◆ modulo2()

template<unsigned n>
double PLMD::modulo2 ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v)

◆ mult() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void PLMD::mult ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
const Matrix< T > &  B,
Matrix< T > &  C 

◆ mult() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void PLMD::mult ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
const std::vector< T > &  B,
std::vector< T > &  C 

◆ mult() [3/3]

template<typename T >
void PLMD::mult ( const std::vector< T > &  A,
const Matrix< T > &  B,
std::vector< T > &  C 

◆ norm()

template<typename T >
T PLMD::norm ( const std::vector< T > &  A)

Calculate the dot product between a vector and itself.

◆ operator!=()

bool PLMD::operator!= ( const AtomNumber a,
const AtomNumber b 

◆ operator&()

template<typename enumtype >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_bit_and,enumtype> PLMD::operator& ( enumtype  a,
enumtype  b 

Perform a bitwise AND between two enum values.

aThe first enum value.
bThe second enum value.
The result of performing a bitwise AND between the two values.

This operator is only available for enum types that have a specialization of enum_traits::BitmaskEnum with the has_bit_and trait enabled.

Useful for checking composed values agains masks.

Note that the value may be a 0, and if you do not have defined the 0 as a named value you should use valid(enumtype) to check it.

See also
valid(enumtype) for a complete example
operator|(enumtype, enumtype)

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::operator* ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t1,
double  s 

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::operator* ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v,
double  s 

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::operator* ( double  s,
const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t1 

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::operator* ( double  s,
const VectorGeneric< n > &  v 

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<typename T >
Matrix<T> PLMD::operator* ( T &  v,
const Matrix< T > &  m 

Multiply matrix by scalar.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::operator+ ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t1,
const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t2 

◆ operator+() [2/2]

template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::operator+ ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< n > &  v2 

◆ operator-() [1/2]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::operator- ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t1,
const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t2 

◆ operator-() [2/2]

template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::operator- ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v1,
const VectorGeneric< n > &  v2 

◆ operator/() [1/2]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::operator/ ( const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t1,
double  s 

◆ operator/() [2/2]

template<unsigned n>
VectorGeneric<n> PLMD::operator/ ( const VectorGeneric< n > &  v,
double  s 

◆ operator<()

bool PLMD::operator< ( const AtomNumber a,
const AtomNumber b 

◆ operator<<() [1/9]

template<typename T >
Log& PLMD::operator<< ( Log ostr,
const Matrix< T > &  mat 

◆ operator<<() [2/9]

Log& PLMD::operator<< ( Log ostr,
const PDB pdb 

◆ operator<<() [3/9]

template<class T >
OFile& PLMD::operator<< ( OFile of,
const T &  t 

Write using << syntax.

Formatted output with << operator.

◆ operator<<() [4/9]

std::ostream & PLMD::operator<< ( std::ostream &  log,
const Citations cit 

It writes on the ostream the list of all the bibliographic items prefixed with their reference number

◆ operator<<() [5/9]

std::ostream & PLMD::operator<< ( std::ostream &  log,
const Register reg 

◆ operator<<() [6/9]

std::ostream& PLMD::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Stopwatch sw 

◆ operator<<() [7/9]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
std::ostream& PLMD::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TensorGeneric< n, m > &  t 

◆ operator<<() [8/9]

template<unsigned n>
std::ostream& PLMD::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VectorGeneric< n > &  v 

◆ operator<<() [9/9]

template<class T >
Subprocess& PLMD::operator<< ( Subprocess ep,
const T &  t 

◆ operator<=()

bool PLMD::operator<= ( const AtomNumber a,
const AtomNumber b 

◆ operator==()

bool PLMD::operator== ( const AtomNumber a,
const AtomNumber b 

◆ operator>()

bool PLMD::operator> ( const AtomNumber a,
const AtomNumber b 

◆ operator>=()

bool PLMD::operator>= ( const AtomNumber a,
const AtomNumber b 

◆ operator|()

template<typename enumtype >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_bit_or,enumtype> PLMD::operator| ( enumtype  a,
enumtype  b 

Perform a bitwise OR between two enum values.

aThe first enum value.
bThe second enum value.
The result of performing a bitwise OR between the two values.

This operator is only available for enum types that have a specialization of enum_traits::BitmaskEnum with the has_bit_or trait enabled.

The principal use is to compose named enum values into masks or combined options.

See also
valid(enumtype) for a complete example
operator&(enumtype, enumtype)

◆ PlumedGetenvExceptionsDebug()

static __PLUMED_WRAPPER_ANONYMOUS_BEGIN bool PLMD::PlumedGetenvExceptionsDebug ( )

Retrieve PLUMED_EXCEPTIONS_DEBUG (internal utility).

This function should not be used by external programs. It is defined as inline static so that it can store a static variable (for quicker access) without adding a unique global symbol to a library including this header file.

◆ pseudoInvert()

template<typename T >
int PLMD::pseudoInvert ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
Matrix< double > &  pseudoinverse 

◆ stoat()

Keywords::argType PLMD::stoat ( std::string_view  str)

Converts a string to the corresponding Keywords::argType.

strThe string to convert.
The Keywords::argType corresponding to the string.
std::invalid_argumentIf the string does not match any enum value.

◆ stoct()

Keywords::componentType PLMD::stoct ( std::string_view  str)

Converts a string to the corresponding Keywords::componentType.

strThe string to convert.
The Keywords::componentType corresponding to the string.
std::invalid_argumentif the string does not match any enum value.

◆ StopwatchEmptyString()

static const std::string& PLMD::StopwatchEmptyString ( )

Return an empty string.

Inline static so that it can store a static variable (for quicker access) without adding a unique global symbol to a library including this header file.

◆ SubprocessPidGetenvSignals()

static bool PLMD::SubprocessPidGetenvSignals ( )


Inline static so that it can store a static variable (for quicker access) without adding a unique global symbol to a library including this header file.

◆ testThrow()

static void PLMD::testThrow ( const char *  what)

Small utility just used in this file to throw arbitrary exceptions.

◆ toString() [1/2]

std::string PLMD::toString ( Keywords::argType  at)

◆ toString() [2/2]

std::string PLMD::toString ( Keywords::componentType  at)

◆ transpose() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void PLMD::transpose ( const Matrix< T > &  A,
Matrix< T > &  AT 

◆ transpose() [2/2]

template<unsigned n, unsigned m>
TensorGeneric<n,m> PLMD::transpose ( const TensorGeneric< m, n > &  t)

◆ typesafePtrSizeof()

template<class T >
std::size_t PLMD::typesafePtrSizeof ( )

◆ typesafePtrSizeof< const void >()

std::size_t PLMD::typesafePtrSizeof< const void > ( )

◆ typesafePtrSizeof< void >()

std::size_t PLMD::typesafePtrSizeof< void > ( )

◆ typesafePtrSkipCheck()

static bool PLMD::typesafePtrSkipCheck ( )

◆ valid()

template<typename enumtype >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_valid,bool> PLMD::valid ( enumtype  a)

Test if an enum value is valid.

aThe enum value to test.
true if the enum value is not equal to zero, false otherwise.

This operator is only available for enum types that have a specialization of enum_traits::BitmaskEnum with the has_valid trait enabled.

// Note: explicit declarations of the values, and
enum class myenum { A=1,B=1<<1,C=1<<2 };
//then activate the functions `&`, `|` and `valid`
struct BitmaskEnum< myenum > {
static constexpr bool has_valid = true;
static constexpr bool has_bit_or = true;
static constexpr bool has_bit_and = true;
myenum val = myenum::A | myenum::C;
std::cout <<"val is "<< int(val) << "\n";
if(PLMD::valid( val & myenum::A)) {
std::cout << "val has A\n";
if(PLMD::valid(val & myenum::B)) {
std::cout << "val has B\n";
if(PLMD::valid(val & myenum::C)) {
std::cout << "val has C\n";
if(PLMD::valid(val & (myenum::A | myenum::C))) {
std::cout << "val has C and A\n";
//will produce:
///>val is 5
///>val has A
///>val has C
///>val has C and A
See also
operator|(enumtype, enumtype)
operator&(enumtype, enumtype)

◆ VcrossTensor() [1/2]

TensorGeneric<3,3> PLMD::VcrossTensor ( const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &  v2,
const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v1 

◆ VcrossTensor() [2/2]

TensorGeneric<3,3> PLMD::VcrossTensor ( const VectorGeneric< 3 > &  v1,
const TensorGeneric< 3, 3 > &  v2 

Variable Documentation

◆ dp2cutoffA

constexpr double PLMD::dp2cutoffA =1.00193418799744762399

◆ dp2cutoffB

constexpr double PLMD::dp2cutoffB =-.00193418799744762399

◆ epsilon

const double PLMD::epsilon =1e-14

◆ isActionType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool PLMD::isActionType = std::is_base_of<Action, T>::value
constexpr std::enable_if_t< enum_traits::BitmaskEnum< enumtype >::has_valid, bool > valid(enumtype a)
Test if an enum value is valid.
Definition: BitmaskEnum.h:162
double val
Definition: lapack.cpp:3556