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The following pages describe how to perform a variety of tasks using PLUMED

Master ISDD tutorial 2024: Brief introduction to PLUMED This tutorial explains the syntax of the PLUMED input file and how to use PLUMED to analyze CVs
Master ISDD tutorial 2024: Metadynamics simulations with PLUMED This tutorial explains how to use PLUMED to run metadynamics simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 22.1: Funnel-Metadynamics This Masterclass explains how to use PLUMED to run and analyze Funnel-Metadynamics simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 22.2: Analysis of Plumed output by Metadynminer This Masterclass explains the use of R package Metadynminer to analyze metadynamics results.
PLUMED Masterclass 22.3: OPES method This Masterclass shows how to use PLUMED to run and analyze OPES simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 22.5: Machine learning collective variables with Pytorch This Masterclass shows how to train machine learning-based CVs in PyTorch and deploy them in PLUMED.
PLUMED Masterclass 22.6: EDS module + Coarse-Grained directed simulations This Masterclass describes how to bias simulations to agree with experimental data using experiment directed simulation.
PLUMED Masterclass 22.8: Modelling Concentration-driven processes with PLUMED This Masterclass discusses the analysis and simulation of processes driven by concentration such as nucleation, diffusion and growth with PLUMED.
PLUMED Masterclass 22.9: Using path collective variables to find reaction mechanisms in complex free energy landscapes This Masterclass explains the syntax of the PLUMED input file and how to use PLUMED to analyze CVs
PLUMED Masterclass 22.10: Hamiltonian replica exchange with PLUMED and GROMACS This Masterclass explains how to use Hamiltonian replica exchange simulations with GROMACS + PLUMED
PLUMED Masterclass 22.11: Variationally enhanced sampling with PLUMED This Masterclass explains how to run variationally enhanced sampling simulations with PLUMED
PLUMED Masterclass 22.12: Liquid-solid chemical potential differences with the environment similarity CV This Masterclass explains how to compute chemical potential differences between the liquid and a solid with the environment similarity CV
PLUMED Masterclass 22.13: SASA module and the application of PLUMED for implicit solvent simulations This Masterclass explains how to use the SASA module of PLUMED to perform implicit solvent simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 22.15: FISST module and application of mechanical forces with PLUMED This Masterclass explains how to use the SASA module of PLUMED to perform implicit solvent simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 21.1: PLUMED syntax and analysis This Masterclass explains the syntax of the PLUMED input file and how to use PLUMED to analyze CVs
PLUMED Masterclass 21.2: Statistical errors in MD This Masterclass explains how to report averages, histograms and the associated error bars so that others can reproduce your results.
PLUMED Masterclass 21.3: Umbrella sampling This Masterclass explains how to use PLUMED to run simple restrained simulations and account for the bias in the analysis
PLUMED Masterclass 21.4: Metadynamics This Masterclass explains how to use PLUMED to run and analyze metadynamics simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 21.5: Simulations with multiple replicas This Masterclass explains how to use PLUMED to run multiple-replica simulations
PLUMED Masterclass 21.6: Dimensionality reduction This Masterclass explains how to select collective variables in a variety of contexts
PLUMED Masterclass 21.7: Optimizing PLUMED performances This Masterclass explains how to use optimize PLUMED performances
Advanced Methods in MD 2023: Metadynamics simulations with PLUMED This tutorial explains how to use PLUMED to run metadynamics simulations
Lugano tutorial: Brief guide to PLUMED syntax and analyzing trajectories This tutorial explains the syntax of the PLUMED input file and how to use PLUMED to analyze CVs
Lugano tutorial: Using restraints This tutorial explains how to use PLUMED to run simple restrained simulations and account for the bias in the analysis
Lugano tutorial: Metadynamics simulations with PLUMED This tutorial explains how to use PLUMED to run metadynamics simulations
Lugano tutorial: Calculating error bars Calculating error bars
Lugano tutorial: Dimensionality reduction How to perform dimensionality reduction using PLUMED
Lugano tutorial: Using PLUMED with LAMMPS An exercise on running PLUMED with LAMMPS
Lugano tutorial: Binding of a ion and a dinucleotide An exercise to compute binding free energies
Lugano tutorial: Computing proton transfer in water An exercise to run a simple proton transfer calculation with CP2K
Lugano tutorial: Folding free energy for a protein described by a go-model This tutorial propose a more complex case to test your own skill with a more realistic example
Using Hamiltonian replica exchange with GROMACS This tutorial explains how to use Hamiltonian replica exchange in GROMACS
Julich tutorial: Developing CVs in plumed Implementing new collective variables in plumed
ESDW Workshop Lyon 2019: A very simple introduction to PLUMED This tutorial gives a brief introduction to PLUMED by showing how it can be used to study a cluster of 7 Lennard Jones atoms.
MARVEL tutorial: Analyzing CVs This tutorial explains how to use PLUMED to analyze CVs
MARVEL tutorial: Path CVs This tutorial explains how to use various kinds of path collective variables
new-munster This tutorial explains how to use PLUMED to run metadynamics simulations
Optimizing PLUMED performance A short 1.5 hours tutorial that introduces performance optimization

In addition, the following websites contain resources that might be helpful

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDvZmbWE5ps A short video introduction to the use of multicolvars in PLUMED 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxJP16qNCYs A short video introduction to the syntax of the PLUMED 2 input file
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadynamics A wikipedia article on metadynamics

Some older tutorials are also available here (some of them cover topics not covered by the recent tutorial but syntax may be outdated):