Base class for all the input Actions. More...
#include <Action.h>
Public Types | |
typedef std::vector< Action * > | Dependencies |
Public Member Functions | |
Action (const ActionOptions &) | |
Standard constructor from ActionOptions. More... | |
virtual | ~Action () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | activate () |
Set action to active. More... | |
void | addDependency (Action *) |
Specify that this Action depends on another one. More... | |
virtual void | apply ()=0 |
Apply an Action. More... | |
virtual void | beforeUpdate () |
Before Update. More... | |
virtual void | calculate ()=0 |
Calculate an Action. More... | |
void | calculateFromPDB (const PDB &) |
Calculate the action given a pdb file as input. More... | |
virtual void | calculateNumericalDerivatives (ActionWithValue *a=NULL) |
Perform calculation using numerical derivatives N.B. More... | |
virtual bool | checkNeedsGradients () const |
Check if the action needs gradient. More... | |
virtual bool | checkNumericalDerivatives () const |
Check if numerical derivatives should be performed. More... | |
void | checkRead () |
Check if Action was properly read. More... | |
bool | checkUpdate () const |
Check if action should be updated. More... | |
std::string | cite (const std::string &s) |
Cite a paper see PlumedMain::cite. More... | |
void | clearDependencies () |
Clear the dependence list for this Action. More... | |
virtual void | clearOptions () |
virtual void | deactivate () |
Set action to inactive. More... | |
void | error (const std::string &msg) const |
Crash calculation and print documentation. More... | |
void | exit (int c=0) |
Exit with error code c. More... | |
int | fclose (FILE *fp) |
Closes a file opened with Action::fclose(). More... | |
void | fflush () |
Tell to the Action to flush open files. More... | |
FILE * | fopen (const char *path, const char *mode) |
Opens a file. More... | |
bool | getCPT () const |
Return true if we are doing at a checkpoint step. More... | |
const Dependencies & | getDependencies () const |
Return dependencies. More... | |
virtual std::string | getDocumentation () const |
bool | getExchangeStep () const |
Check if we are on an exchange step. More... | |
std::string | getKeyword (const std::string &key) |
Just read one of the keywords and return the whole thing as a string. More... | |
const std::string & | getLabel () const |
Returns the label. More... | |
const std::string & | getName () const |
Returns the name. More... | |
bool | getRestart () const |
Return true if we are doing a restart. More... | |
long int | getStep () const |
Return the present timestep. More... | |
double | getTime () const |
Return the present time. More... | |
double | getTimeStep () const |
Return the timestep. More... | |
bool | isActive () const |
Check if action is active. More... | |
bool | isOptionOn (const std::string &s) const |
Check if an option is on. More... | |
virtual void | lockRequests () |
template<class T > | |
void | parse (const std::string &key, T &t) |
Parse one keyword as generic type. More... | |
void | parseFlag (const std::string &key, bool &t) |
Parse one keyword as boolean flag. More... | |
template<class T > | |
bool | parseNumbered (const std::string &key, const int no, T &t) |
Parse one numbered keyword as generic type. More... | |
template<class T > | |
bool | parseNumberedVector (const std::string &key, const int no, std::vector< T > &t) |
Parse a vector with a number. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | parseVector (const std::string &key, std::vector< T > &t) |
Parse one keyword as std::vector. More... | |
virtual void | prepare () |
Prepare an Action for calculation This can be used by Action if they need some special preparation before calculation. More... | |
virtual void | readAtomsFromPDB (const PDB &) |
This is overwritten in ActionAtomistic so that we can read the atoms from the pdb input file rather than taking them from the MD code. More... | |
virtual void | runFinalJobs () |
RunFinalJobs This method is called once at the very end of the calculation. More... | |
virtual void | setOption (const std::string &s) |
virtual void | unlockRequests () |
virtual void | update () |
Update. More... | |
void | warning (const std::string &msg) |
Issue a warning. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | registerKeywords (Keywords &keys) |
Register all the relevant keywords for the action. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
Communicator & | comm |
std::set< FILE * > | files |
const Keywords & | keywords |
Log & | log |
Reference to the log stream. More... | |
Communicator & | multi_sim_comm |
PlumedMain & | plumed |
Reference to main plumed object. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
Action (const Action &a)=delete | |
Copy constructor is deleted. More... | |
Action & | operator= (const Action &a)=delete |
Assignment operator is deleted. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
bool | active |
Switch to activate Action on this step. More... | |
Dependencies | after |
Actions on which this Action depends. More... | |
bool | doCheckPoint |
std::string | label |
Label of the Action, as set with LABEL= in the plumed.dat file. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | line |
Directive line. More... | |
const std::string | name |
Name of the directive in the plumed.dat file. More... | |
std::set< std::string > | options |
Option that you might have enabled. More... | |
int | replica_index |
bool | restart |
double | update_from |
Update only after this time. More... | |
double | update_until |
Update only until this time. More... | |
Friends | |
class | ActionShortcut |
Base class for all the input Actions.
The input Actions are more or less corresponding to the directives in the plumed.dat file and are applied in order at each time-step.
typedef std::vector<Action*> PLMD::Action::Dependencies |
explicit |
Standard constructor from ActionOptions.
virtual |
privatedelete |
Copy constructor is deleted.
virtual |
Set action to active.
void PLMD::Action::addDependency | ( | Action * | action | ) |
Specify that this Action depends on another one.
pure virtual |
Apply an Action.
This method is called one time per step. The set of all Actions is applied in backward order.
Implemented in PLMD::analysis::Histogram, PLMD::isdb::MetainferenceBase, PLMD::generic::FitToTemplate, PLMD::mapping::PCAVars, PLMD::ves::Optimizer, PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase, PLMD::ves::BasisFunctions, PLMD::ves::TargetDistribution, PLMD::generic::Plumed, PLMD::generic::WrapAround, PLMD::generic::Include, PLMD::generic::DumpAtoms, PLMD::generic::Group, PLMD::generic::EffectiveEnergyDrift, PLMD::generic::WholeMolecules, PLMD::generic::ResetCell, PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarDensity, PLMD::ves::OutputFesBias, PLMD::adjmat::Sprint, PLMD::analysis::Average, PLMD::generic::Read, PLMD::mapping::Mapping, PLMD::analysis::AnalysisBase, PLMD::multicolvar::DistanceFromContour, PLMD::generic::UpdateIf, PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge, PLMD::generic::Print, PLMD::ves::OutputBasisFunctions, PLMD::ves::OutputTargetDistribution, PLMD::adjmat::OutputCluster, PLMD::generic::RandomExchanges, PLMD::secondarystructure::SecondaryStructureRMSD, PLMD::multicolvar::DumpMultiColvar, PLMD::multicolvar::BridgedMultiColvarFunction, PLMD::analysis::Committor, PLMD::generic::Flush, PLMD::isdb::Selector, PLMD::generic::DumpDerivatives, PLMD::generic::DumpForces, PLMD::generic::EndPlumed, PLMD::manyrestraints::ManyRestraintsBase, PLMD::generic::DumpProjections, PLMD::generic::Debug, PLMD::GenericMolInfo, PLMD::Colvar, PLMD::adjmat::DumpGraph, PLMD::adjmat::ClusteringBase, PLMD::bias::Bias, PLMD::generic::Time, PLMD::ActionShortcut, PLMD::function::Function, PLMD::bias::ReweightBase, PLMD::ActionWithVirtualAtom, PLMD::gridtools::ActionWithInputGrid, PLMD::gridtools::ActionWithIntegral, PLMD::ActionAnyorder, PLMD::ActionSetup, and PLMD::gridtools::GridPrintingBase.
inlinevirtual |
Before Update.
This is a special method that is called just before the update() method. It can be used by actions that want to do something irrespectively of the fact that update() is active or not. In other words, this is always called, even when action is not active.
Reimplemented in PLMD::generic::UpdateIf.
pure virtual |
Calculate an Action.
This method is called one or more times per step. The set of all Actions is calculated in forward order.
Implemented in PLMD::isdb::CS2Backbone, PLMD::bias::MetaD, PLMD::ves::VesLinearExpansion, PLMD::bias::PBMetaD, PLMD::isdb::Metainference, PLMD::isdb::EMMI, PLMD::function::FuncPathMSD, PLMD::isdb::RDC, PLMD::opes::OPESmetad, PLMD::function::FuncSumHills, PLMD::generic::FitToTemplate, PLMD::mapping::PCAVars, PLMD::ves::Optimizer, PLMD::ves::BasisFunctions, PLMD::ves::TargetDistribution, PLMD::function::Custom, PLMD::ves::VesDeltaF, PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase, PLMD::bias::MaxEnt, PLMD::generic::Plumed, PLMD::generic::WrapAround, PLMD::generic::Include, PLMD::generic::DumpAtoms, PLMD::isdb::SAXS, PLMD::generic::Group, PLMD::colvar::Dimer, PLMD::vatom::Center, PLMD::bias::ExtendedLagrangian, PLMD::bias::External, PLMD::colvar::DRMSD, PLMD::colvar::ContactMap, PLMD::colvar::Distance, PLMD::generic::EffectiveEnergyDrift, PLMD::bias::MovingRestraint, PLMD::colvar::ERMSD, PLMD::generic::WholeMolecules, PLMD::function::Target, PLMD::generic::ResetCell, PLMD::mapping::AdaptivePath, PLMD::ves::OutputFesBias, PLMD::isdb::JCoupling, PLMD::adjmat::Sprint, PLMD::colvar::EEFSolv, PLMD::colvar::Torsion, PLMD::generic::Read, PLMD::analysis::Average, PLMD::analysis::AnalysisBase, PLMD::multicolvar::CenterOfMultiColvar, PLMD::vatom::FixedAtom, PLMD::colvar::Gyration, PLMD::bias::ABMD, PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge, PLMD::colvar::Angle, PLMD::colvar::PathMSDBase, PLMD::isdb::FretEfficiency, PLMD::generic::UpdateIf, PLMD::multicolvar::DistanceFromContour, PLMD::isdb::PRE, PLMD::ves::OutputBasisFunctions, PLMD::function::Combine, PLMD::generic::Print, PLMD::colvar::Position, PLMD::ves::OutputTargetDistribution, PLMD::function::LocalEnsemble, PLMD::adjmat::OutputCluster, PLMD::isdb::NOE, PLMD::bias::BiasValue, PLMD::colvar::Puckering, PLMD::generic::RandomExchanges, PLMD::secondarystructure::SecondaryStructureRMSD, PLMD::multicolvar::DumpMultiColvar, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterDistribution, PLMD::function::Piecewise, PLMD::bias::LWalls, PLMD::maze::Loss, PLMD::bias::UWalls, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterDiameter, PLMD::analysis::Committor, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterSize, PLMD::colvar::Dipole, PLMD::colvar::Energy, PLMD::bias::Restraint, PLMD::colvar::Constant, PLMD::generic::Flush, PLMD::isdb::Selector, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterProperties, PLMD::function::Ensemble, PLMD::function::Stats, PLMD::multicolvar::BridgedMultiColvarFunction, PLMD::function::Sort, PLMD::generic::DumpDerivatives, PLMD::generic::DumpForces, PLMD::generic::EndPlumed, PLMD::colvar::ExtraCV, PLMD::generic::Debug, PLMD::colvar::Template, PLMD::GenericMolInfo, PLMD::generic::DumpProjections, PLMD::manyrestraints::ManyRestraintsBase, PLMD::vatom::Ghost, PLMD::colvar::Cell, PLMD::adjmat::DumpGraph, PLMD::colvar::ColvarFake, PLMD::colvar::Volume, PLMD::generic::Time, PLMD::gridtools::ActionWithGrid, PLMD::adjmat::ClusteringBase, PLMD::colvar::MultiRMSD, PLMD::ActionShortcut, PLMD::colvar::PCARMSD, PLMD::colvar::RMSD, PLMD::colvar::CoordinationBase, PLMD::bias::ReweightBase, PLMD::ActionAnyorder, PLMD::ActionSetup, PLMD::gridtools::GridPrintingBase, PLMD::mapping::PathBase, PLMD::logmfd::LogMFD, PLMD::eds::EDS, PLMD::piv::PIV, PLMD::fisst::FISST, PLMD::isdb::Rescale, PLMD::maze::OptimizerBias, PLMD::funnel::Funnel, PLMD::function::FuncPathGeneral, PLMD::funnel::FUNNEL_PS, PLMD::function::annfunc::ANN, PLMD::isdb::Caliber, PLMD::maze::Optimizer, PLMD::colvar::ProjectionOnAxis, and PLMD::isdb::Select.
void PLMD::Action::calculateFromPDB | ( | const PDB & | pdb | ) |
Calculate the action given a pdb file as input.
This is used to initialize things like distance from a point in CV map space given a pdb as an input file
virtual |
Perform calculation using numerical derivatives N.B.
only pass an ActionWithValue to this routine if you know exactly what you are doing.
Reimplemented in PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithAveraging, PLMD::multicolvar::DumpMultiColvar, PLMD::ActionAtomistic, PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase, PLMD::analysis::AnalysisBase, PLMD::mapping::Mapping, PLMD::ActionWithArguments, PLMD::multicolvar::BridgedMultiColvarFunction, PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithInputVessel, PLMD::isdb::MetainferenceBase, and PLMD::mapping::PCAVars.
inlinevirtual |
Check if the action needs gradient.
Reimplemented in PLMD::bias::MetaD, PLMD::bias::PBMetaD, and PLMD::generic::DumpProjections.
inlinevirtual |
Check if numerical derivatives should be performed.
Reimplemented in PLMD::ActionWithValue.
void PLMD::Action::checkRead | ( | ) |
Check if Action was properly read.
This checks if Action::line is empty. It must be called after a final Action has been initialized
bool PLMD::Action::checkUpdate | ( | ) | const |
Check if action should be updated.
std::string PLMD::Action::cite | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Cite a paper see PlumedMain::cite.
void PLMD::Action::clearDependencies | ( | ) |
Clear the dependence list for this Action.
virtual |
inlinevirtual |
Set action to inactive.
void PLMD::Action::error | ( | const std::string & | msg | ) | const |
Crash calculation and print documentation.
void PLMD::Action::exit | ( | int | c = 0 | ) |
Exit with error code c.
int PLMD::Action::fclose | ( | FILE * | fp | ) |
Closes a file opened with Action::fclose().
void PLMD::Action::fflush | ( | ) |
Tell to the Action to flush open files.
FILE * PLMD::Action::fopen | ( | const char * | path, |
const char * | mode | ||
) |
Opens a file.
This is similar to plain fopen, but with some extra functionality.
bool PLMD::Action::getCPT | ( | ) | const |
Return true if we are doing at a checkpoint step.
inline |
Return dependencies.
virtual |
bool PLMD::Action::getExchangeStep | ( | ) | const |
Check if we are on an exchange step.
std::string PLMD::Action::getKeyword | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Just read one of the keywords and return the whole thing as a string.
inline |
Returns the label.
inline |
Returns the name.
inline |
Return true if we are doing a restart.
long int PLMD::Action::getStep | ( | ) | const |
Return the present timestep.
double PLMD::Action::getTime | ( | ) | const |
Return the present time.
double PLMD::Action::getTimeStep | ( | ) | const |
Return the timestep.
inline |
Check if action is active.
inline |
Check if an option is on.
inlinevirtual |
void PLMD::Action::parse | ( | const std::string & | key, |
T & | t | ||
) |
Parse one keyword as generic type.
void PLMD::Action::parseFlag | ( | const std::string & | key, |
bool & | t | ||
) |
Parse one keyword as boolean flag.
bool PLMD::Action::parseNumbered | ( | const std::string & | key, |
const int | no, | ||
T & | t | ||
) |
Parse one numbered keyword as generic type.
bool PLMD::Action::parseNumberedVector | ( | const std::string & | key, |
const int | no, | ||
std::vector< T > & | t | ||
) |
Parse a vector with a number.
void PLMD::Action::parseVector | ( | const std::string & | key, |
std::vector< T > & | t | ||
) |
Parse one keyword as std::vector.
virtual |
Prepare an Action for calculation This can be used by Action if they need some special preparation before calculation.
Typical case is for collective variables which would like to change their list of requested atoms. By default (if not overridden) does nothing.
Reimplemented in PLMD::isdb::EMMI, PLMD::function::FuncPathMSD, PLMD::generic::Plumed, PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase, PLMD::generic::Read, PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge, PLMD::generic::UpdateIf, PLMD::generic::Print, PLMD::GenericMolInfo, PLMD::gridtools::ConvertToFES, PLMD::colvar::Energy, PLMD::colvar::ExtraCV, PLMD::colvar::CoordinationBase, PLMD::function::FuncPathGeneral, and PLMD::maze::Optimizer.
inlinevirtual |
This is overwritten in ActionAtomistic so that we can read the atoms from the pdb input file rather than taking them from the MD code.
Reimplemented in PLMD::ActionAtomistic.
static |
Register all the relevant keywords for the action.
inlinevirtual |
RunFinalJobs This method is called once at the very end of the calculation.
The set of all Actions in run for the final time in forward order.
Reimplemented in PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithAveraging, PLMD::analysis::AnalysisBase, PLMD::gridtools::ConvertToFES, PLMD::analysis::ReadDissimilarityMatrix, and PLMD::gridtools::GridPrintingBase.
virtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
This method is called one time per step. The set of all Actions is updated in forward order.
Reimplemented in PLMD::isdb::CS2Backbone, PLMD::bias::MetaD, PLMD::ves::VesLinearExpansion, PLMD::bias::PBMetaD, PLMD::isdb::Metainference, PLMD::isdb::RDC, PLMD::opes::OPESmetad, PLMD::ves::Optimizer, PLMD::ves::TargetDistribution, PLMD::ves::VesDeltaF, PLMD::generic::Plumed, PLMD::bias::MaxEnt, PLMD::generic::DumpAtoms, PLMD::isdb::SAXS, PLMD::bias::ExtendedLagrangian, PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeTetrapore, PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeCavity, PLMD::generic::EffectiveEnergyDrift, PLMD::mapping::AdaptivePath, PLMD::isdb::JCoupling, PLMD::ves::OutputFesBias, PLMD::generic::Read, PLMD::analysis::AnalysisBase, PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge, PLMD::generic::Print, PLMD::isdb::PRE, PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithAveraging, PLMD::adjmat::OutputCluster, PLMD::isdb::NOE, PLMD::multicolvar::DumpMultiColvar, PLMD::generic::Flush, PLMD::generic::DumpDerivatives, PLMD::analysis::ReadDissimilarityMatrix, PLMD::generic::DumpForces, PLMD::generic::DumpProjections, PLMD::adjmat::DumpGraph, PLMD::analysis::ReadAnalysisFrames, PLMD::gridtools::GridPrintingBase, PLMD::logmfd::LogMFD, PLMD::eds::EDS, and PLMD::fisst::FISST.
void PLMD::Action::warning | ( | const std::string & | msg | ) |
Issue a warning.
friend |
private |
Switch to activate Action on this step.
private |
Actions on which this Action depends.
Communicator& PLMD::Action::comm |
private |
std::set<FILE*> PLMD::Action::files |
const Keywords& PLMD::Action::keywords |
private |
Label of the Action, as set with LABEL= in the plumed.dat file.
private |
Directive line.
This line is progressively erased during Action construction so as to check if all the present keywords are correct.
Log& PLMD::Action::log |
Reference to the log stream.
Communicator& PLMD::Action::multi_sim_comm |
private |
Name of the directive in the plumed.dat file.
private |
Option that you might have enabled.
PlumedMain& PLMD::Action::plumed |
Reference to main plumed object.
private |
private |
private |
Update only after this time.
private |
Update only until this time.
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