Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 How to add plumed to an MD codeLearn how to use plumed in a not yet supported MD code
 A brief introduction to the plumed core
 Using external libraries in PLUMED
 Creating plumed documentation
 Parsing functionality
 How to add a new collective variable
 How to add a new function
 How to add a new command-line tool
 Implementing analysis methods in PLUMED
 Implementing methods for calculating the distances between pairs of configurations
 How to add a new MultiColvar
 Installation Layout
 Adding regressions tests
 How to contribute new functionality to PLUMED
 A brief introduction to git
 Validating syntax with plumedcheck
 How to format code properly
 Experiment Directed Simulation (EDS)
 Permutation Invariat Vector (PIV)
 Reference for interfacing MD codes with PLUMED
Plumed.h and Plumed.c contain the external plumed interface, which is used to integrate it with MD engines
 Todo List