This is the developer manual. Please first have a look at the user manual .
Plumed 2 is written in C++ and uses many of the advanced, object-oriented features of this language. This structure makes the implementation of collective coordinates and free energy methods straightforward. In fact, it should be possible to implement methods and collective coordinates (CV) by creating a single file and without touching any other part of the code. Futhermore, to implement new methodology does not require one to be some sort of C++ wizzard. Rather, the code has been specifically redisigned to make the implementation of new CVs and new free energy methods straightforward so as to encourage people to implement whatever new functionality they require. This document serves then to provide an introduction as to how to go about implementing new functionality in plumed. A good starting point is Base classes for CVs, functions, biases, etc. as this page contains links to parts of the manual where you can find information on how to go about implementing CV, functions and biases. Another useful page is the Tool Box page, which contains information on the many reusable objects that have been implemented in plumed.
If you want to understand a little more about the code and the way that we use the various features of C++ before you start then we describe this breifly here:
A brief introduction to the plumed core
And finally, for the developers of MD codes, we provide information as to how to incorperate plumed into your codes here:
How to add plumed to an MD code
Lastly, we ask that contributors endeavor to maintain the portability of plumed by, as much as possible, using only the STL library and lapack in modifications. If you need to use any less standard library (e.g. Boost, Sockets) please ensure that your functionality is not installed during a default compilation. However, do feel free to provide alternative compilation options that incorperate your functionality.
Information about C++
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