PLUMED allows you to run a number of enhanced sampling algorithms. The list of enhanced sampling algorithms contained in PLUMED is as follows:
ABMD | Adds a ratchet-and-pawl like restraint on one or more variables. |
BIASVALUE | Takes the value of one variable and use it as a bias |
EXTENDED_LAGRANGIAN | Add extended Lagrangian. |
EXTERNAL | Calculate a restraint that is defined on a grid that is read during start up |
LOWER_WALLS | Defines a wall for the value of one or more collective variables, which limits the region of the phase space accessible during the simulation. |
MAXENT | Add a linear biasing potential on one or more variables f_{i}\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right) satisfying the maximum entropy principle as proposed in Ref. [3] . |
METAD | Used to performed metadynamics on one or more collective variables. |
MOVINGRESTRAINT | Add a time-dependent, harmonic restraint on one or more variables. |
PBMETAD | Used to performed Parallel Bias metadynamics. |
RESTRAINT | Adds harmonic and/or linear restraints on one or more variables. |
UPPER_WALLS | Defines a wall for the value of one or more collective variables, which limits the region of the phase space accessible during the simulation. |
In addition to the keywords above, by enabling optional modules you can access to the following keywords:
CALIBER | (from PLUMED-ISDB module) Add a time-dependent, harmonic restraint on one or more variables. |
DRR | (from Extended-System Adaptive Biasing Force module) Used to performed extended-system adaptive biasing force(eABF) [70] method on one or more collective variables. This method is also called dynamic reference restraining(DRR) [127] . A detailed description of this module can be found at [37] . |
EDS | (from Experiment Directed Simulation module) Add a linear bias on a set of observables. |
FISST | (from FISST (Infinite Switch Simulated Tempering in Force) module) Compute and apply the optimal linear force on an observable to enhance sampling of conformational distributions over a range of applied forces. |
FUNNEL | (from Funnel-Metadynamics (FM) module) Calculate a funnel-shape restraint potential that is defined on a grid that is read during the setup. |
LOGMFD | (from Logarithmic Mean Force Dynamics module) Used to perform LogMFD, LogPD, and TAMD/d-AFED. |
MAZE_OPTIMIZER_BIAS | (from MAZE module) |
METAINFERENCE | (from PLUMED-ISDB module) Calculates the Metainference energy for a set of experimental data. |
OPES_METAD | (from OPES (On-the-fly Probability Enhanced Sampling) module) On-the-fly probability enhanced sampling (OPES) with metadynamics-like target distribution [62]. |
RESCALE | (from PLUMED-ISDB module) Scales the value of an another action, being a Collective Variable or a Bias. |
VES_DELTA_F | (from Variationally Enhanced Sampling (VES code) module) Implementation of VES \Delta F method [61] (step two only). |
VES_LINEAR_EXPANSION | (from Variationally Enhanced Sampling (VES code) module) Linear basis set expansion bias. |
Methods, such as METAD or PBMETAD, that work by introducing a history dependent bias can be restarted using the RESTART keyword