Base classes for CVs, functions, biases, etc.

Classes which can be used to create CVs, functions, biases and so on. More...


class  PLMD::multicolvar::ActionVolume
class  PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithAveraging
class  PLMD::ActionWithVirtualAtom
 Class to add a single virtual atom to the system. More...
class  PLMD::analysis::AnalysisBase
class  PLMD::bias::Bias
class  PLMD::CLTool
class  PLMD::Colvar
class  PLMD::function::Function
class  PLMD::isdb::MetainferenceBase
class  PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarFilter
class  PLMD::maze::Optimizer
 Base class for implementing optimizers for ligand unbinding. More...
class  PLMD::ReferenceConfiguration
class  PLMD::ves::VesBias

Detailed Description

Classes which can be used to create CVs, functions, biases and so on.

The typical way to add a new feature to plumed is to create a new class which just inherits from one of the classes of this group. For example, a new collective variable can be created by inheriting from PLMD::Colvar. Most of the Classes providing input directives are based on classes from this group.

To add a class to this group, just put a

\ingroup INHERIT

statement somewhere inside the header.