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Target Distributions

The following list contains the target distributions available in the VES code.

TD_CHI Chi distribution (static).
TD_CHISQUARED Chi-squared distribution (static).
TD_CUSTOM Target distribution given by an arbitrary mathematical expression (static or dynamic).
TD_EXPONENTIAL Exponential distribution (static).
TD_EXPONENTIALLY_MODIFIED_GAUSSIAN Target distribution given by a sum of exponentially modified Gaussian distributions (static).
TD_GAUSSIAN Target distribution given by a sum of Gaussian kernels (static).
TD_GENERALIZED_EXTREME_VALUE Generalized extreme value distribution (static).
TD_GENERALIZED_NORMAL Target distribution given by a sum of generalized normal distributions (static).
TD_GRID Target distribution from an external grid file (static).
TD_LINEAR_COMBINATION Target distribution given by linear combination of distributions (static or dynamic).
TD_MULTICANONICAL Multicanonical target distribution (dynamic).
TD_MULTITHERMAL_MULTIBARIC Multithermal-multibaric target distribution (dynamic).
TD_PRODUCT_COMBINATION Target distribution given by product combination of distributions (static or dynamic).
TD_PRODUCT_DISTRIBUTION Target distribution given by a separable product of one-dimensional distributions (static or dynamic).
TD_UNIFORM Uniform target distribution (static).
TD_VONMISES Target distribution given by a sum of Von Mises distributions (static).
TD_WELLTEMPERED Well-tempered target distribution (dynamic).