LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ves - VesBias.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 299 400 74.8 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 30 48 62.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The VES code team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE-VES file at the root of this folder for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of VES code module.
       8             : 
       9             :    The VES code module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    The VES code module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with the VES code module.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : 
      23             : #include "VesBias.h"
      24             : #include "BasisFunctions.h"
      25             : #include "CoeffsVector.h"
      26             : #include "CoeffsMatrix.h"
      27             : #include "Optimizer.h"
      28             : #include "FermiSwitchingFunction.h"
      29             : #include "VesTools.h"
      30             : #include "TargetDistribution.h"
      31             : 
      32             : #include "tools/Communicator.h"
      33             : #include "core/ActionSet.h"
      34             : #include "core/PlumedMain.h"
      35             : #include "core/Atoms.h"
      36             : #include "tools/File.h"
      37             : 
      38             : 
      39             : namespace PLMD {
      40             : namespace ves {
      41             : 
      42          82 : VesBias::VesBias(const ActionOptions&ao):
      43             :   Action(ao),
      44             :   Bias(ao),
      45             :   ncoeffssets_(0),
      46             :   coeffs_pntrs_(0),
      47             :   targetdist_averages_pntrs_(0),
      48             :   gradient_pntrs_(0),
      49             :   hessian_pntrs_(0),
      50             :   sampled_averages(0),
      51             :   sampled_cross_averages(0),
      52             :   use_multiple_coeffssets_(false),
      53             :   coeffs_fnames(0),
      54             :   ncoeffs_total_(0),
      55             :   optimizer_pntr_(NULL),
      56             :   optimize_coeffs_(false),
      57             :   compute_hessian_(false),
      58             :   diagonal_hessian_(true),
      59             :   aver_counters(0),
      60             :   kbt_(0.0),
      61             :   targetdist_pntrs_(0),
      62             :   dynamic_targetdist_(false),
      63             :   grid_bins_(0),
      64             :   grid_min_(0),
      65             :   grid_max_(0),
      66             :   bias_filename_(""),
      67             :   fes_filename_(""),
      68             :   targetdist_filename_(""),
      69             :   coeffs_id_prefix_("c-"),
      70             :   bias_file_fmt_("14.9f"),
      71             :   fes_file_fmt_("14.9f"),
      72             :   targetdist_file_fmt_("14.9f"),
      73             :   targetdist_restart_file_fmt_("30.16e"),
      74             :   filenames_have_iteration_number_(false),
      75             :   bias_fileoutput_active_(false),
      76             :   fes_fileoutput_active_(false),
      77             :   fesproj_fileoutput_active_(false),
      78             :   dynamic_targetdist_fileoutput_active_(false),
      79             :   static_targetdist_fileoutput_active_(true),
      80             :   bias_cutoff_active_(false),
      81             :   bias_cutoff_value_(0.0),
      82             :   bias_current_max_value(0.0),
      83             :   bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_(NULL),
      84         246 :   calc_reweightfactor_(false)
      85             : {
      86          82 :   log.printf("  VES bias, please read and cite ");
      87         246 :   log << plumed.cite("Valsson and Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 090601 (2014)");
      88          82 :   log.printf("\n");
      89             : 
      90          82 :   double temp=0.0;
      91         164 :   parse("TEMP",temp);
      92          82 :   if(temp>0.0) {
      93         164 :     kbt_=plumed.getAtoms().getKBoltzmann()*temp;
      94             :   }
      95             :   else {
      96           0 :     kbt_=plumed.getAtoms().getKbT();
      97             :   }
      98          82 :   if(kbt_>0.0) {
      99          82 :     log.printf("  KbT: %f\n",kbt_);
     100             :   }
     101             :   // NOTE: the check for that the temperature is given is done when linking the optimizer later on.
     102             : 
     103         164 :   if(keywords.exists("COEFFS")) {
     104         164 :     parseVector("COEFFS",coeffs_fnames);
     105             :   }
     106             : 
     107         164 :   if(keywords.exists("GRID_BINS")) {
     108         246 :     parseMultipleValues<unsigned int>("GRID_BINS",grid_bins_,getNumberOfArguments(),100);
     109             :   }
     110             : 
     111         246 :   if(keywords.exists("GRID_MIN") && keywords.exists("GRID_MAX")) {
     112           0 :     parseMultipleValues("GRID_MIN",grid_min_,getNumberOfArguments());
     113           0 :     parseMultipleValues("GRID_MAX",grid_max_,getNumberOfArguments());
     114             :   }
     115             : 
     116          82 :   std::vector<std::string> targetdist_labels;
     117         164 :   if(keywords.exists("TARGET_DISTRIBUTION")) {
     118         164 :     parseVector("TARGET_DISTRIBUTION",targetdist_labels);
     119          82 :     if(targetdist_labels.size()>1) {
     120           0 :       plumed_merror(getName()+" with label "+getLabel()+": multiple target distribution labels not allowed");
     121             :     }
     122             :   }
     123           0 :   else if(keywords.exists("TARGET_DISTRIBUTIONS")) {
     124           0 :     parseVector("TARGET_DISTRIBUTIONS",targetdist_labels);
     125             :   }
     126             : 
     127          82 :   std::string error_msg = "";
     128         246 :   targetdist_pntrs_ = VesTools::getPointersFromLabels<TargetDistribution*>(targetdist_labels,plumed.getActionSet(),error_msg);
     129          82 :   if(error_msg.size()>0) {plumed_merror("Problem with target distribution in "+getName()+": "+error_msg);}
     130             : 
     131         284 :   for(unsigned int i=0; i<targetdist_pntrs_.size(); i++) {
     132          40 :     targetdist_pntrs_[i]->linkVesBias(this);
     133             :   }
     134             : 
     135             : 
     136          82 :   if(getNumberOfArguments()>2) {
     137             :     disableStaticTargetDistFileOutput();
     138             :   }
     139             : 
     140             : 
     141         164 :   if(keywords.exists("BIAS_FILE")) {
     142         164 :     parse("BIAS_FILE",bias_filename_);
     143          82 :     if(bias_filename_.size()==0) {
     144         328 :       bias_filename_ = "bias." + getLabel() + ".data";
     145             :     }
     146             :   }
     147         164 :   if(keywords.exists("FES_FILE")) {
     148         164 :     parse("FES_FILE",fes_filename_);
     149          82 :     if(fes_filename_.size()==0) {
     150         328 :       fes_filename_ = "fes." + getLabel() + ".data";
     151             :     }
     152             :   }
     153         164 :   if(keywords.exists("TARGETDIST_FILE")) {
     154         164 :     parse("TARGETDIST_FILE",targetdist_filename_);
     155          82 :     if(targetdist_filename_.size()==0) {
     156         328 :       targetdist_filename_ = "targetdist." + getLabel() + ".data";
     157             :     }
     158             :   }
     159             :   //
     160         164 :   if(keywords.exists("BIAS_FILE_FMT")) {
     161           0 :     parse("BIAS_FILE_FMT",bias_file_fmt_);
     162             :   }
     163         164 :   if(keywords.exists("FES_FILE_FMT")) {
     164           0 :     parse("FES_FILE_FMT",fes_file_fmt_);
     165             :   }
     166         164 :   if(keywords.exists("TARGETDIST_FILE_FMT")) {
     167           0 :     parse("TARGETDIST_FILE_FMT",targetdist_file_fmt_);
     168             :   }
     169         164 :   if(keywords.exists("TARGETDIST_RESTART_FILE_FMT")) {
     170           0 :     parse("TARGETDIST_RESTART_FILE_FMT",targetdist_restart_file_fmt_);
     171             :   }
     172             : 
     173             :   //
     174         164 :   if(keywords.exists("BIAS_CUTOFF")) {
     175          82 :     double cutoff_value=0.0;
     176         164 :     parse("BIAS_CUTOFF",cutoff_value);
     177          82 :     if(cutoff_value<0.0) {
     178           0 :       plumed_merror("the value given in BIAS_CUTOFF doesn't make sense, it should be larger than 0.0");
     179             :     }
     180             :     //
     181          82 :     if(cutoff_value>0.0) {
     182           3 :       double fermi_lambda=10.0;
     183           6 :       parse("BIAS_CUTOFF_FERMI_LAMBDA",fermi_lambda);
     184           3 :       setupBiasCutoff(cutoff_value,fermi_lambda);
     185           3 :       log.printf("  Employing a bias cutoff of %f (the lambda value for the Fermi switching function is %f), see and cite ",cutoff_value,fermi_lambda);
     186           9 :       log << plumed.cite("McCarty, Valsson, Tiwary, and Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 070601 (2015)");
     187           3 :       log.printf("\n");
     188             :     }
     189             :   }
     190             : 
     191             : 
     192         164 :   if(keywords.exists("PROJ_ARG")) {
     193          82 :     std::vector<std::string> proj_arg;
     194          16 :     for(int i=1;; i++) {
     195         196 :       if(!parseNumberedVector("PROJ_ARG",i,proj_arg)) {break;}
     196             :       // checks
     197          16 :       if(proj_arg.size() > (getNumberOfArguments()-1) ) {
     198           0 :         plumed_merror("PROJ_ARG must be a subset of ARG");
     199             :       }
     200             :       //
     201          48 :       for(unsigned int k=0; k<proj_arg.size(); k++) {
     202             :         bool found = false;
     203          32 :         for(unsigned int l=0; l<getNumberOfArguments(); l++) {
     204          24 :           if(proj_arg[k]==getPntrToArgument(l)->getName()) {
     205             :             found = true;
     206             :             break;
     207             :           }
     208             :         }
     209          16 :         if(!found) {
     210           0 :           std::string s1; Tools::convert(i,s1);
     211           0 :           std::string error = "PROJ_ARG" + s1 + ": label " + proj_arg[k] + " is not among the arguments given in ARG";
     212           0 :           plumed_merror(error);
     213             :         }
     214             :       }
     215             :       //
     216          16 :       projection_args_.push_back(proj_arg);
     217          16 :     }
     218             :   }
     219             : 
     220         164 :   if(keywords.exists("CALC_REWEIGHT_FACTOR")) {
     221           0 :     parseFlag("CALC_REWEIGHT_FACTOR",calc_reweightfactor_);
     222           0 :     if(calc_reweightfactor_) {
     223           0 :       addComponent("rct"); componentIsNotPeriodic("rct");
     224           0 :       updateReweightFactor();
     225             :     }
     226             :   }
     227             : 
     228             : 
     229          82 : }
     230             : 
     231             : 
     232         328 : VesBias::~VesBias() {
     233         410 :   for(unsigned int i=0; i<coeffs_pntrs_.size(); i++) {
     234          82 :     delete coeffs_pntrs_[i];
     235             :   }
     236         410 :   for(unsigned int i=0; i<targetdist_averages_pntrs_.size(); i++) {
     237          82 :     delete targetdist_averages_pntrs_[i];
     238             :   }
     239         410 :   for(unsigned int i=0; i<gradient_pntrs_.size(); i++) {
     240          82 :     delete gradient_pntrs_[i];
     241             :   }
     242         410 :   for(unsigned int i=0; i<hessian_pntrs_.size(); i++) {
     243          82 :     delete hessian_pntrs_[i];
     244             :   }
     245          82 :   if(bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_!=NULL) {
     246           3 :     delete bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_;
     247             :   }
     248          82 : }
     249             : 
     250             : 
     251          83 : void VesBias::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
     252          83 :   Bias::registerKeywords(keys);
     253         332 :   keys.add("optional","TEMP","the system temperature - this is needed if the MD code does not pass the temperature to PLUMED.");
     254             :   //
     255         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","COEFFS","read in the coefficents from files.");
     256             :   //
     257         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","TARGET_DISTRIBUTION","the label of the target distribution to be used.");
     258         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","TARGET_DISTRIBUTIONS","the label of the target distribution to be used. Here you are allows to use multiple labels.");
     259             :   //
     260         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","GRID_BINS","the number of bins used for the grid. The default value is 100 bins per dimension.");
     261         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","GRID_MIN","the lower bounds used for the grid.");
     262         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","GRID_MAX","the upper bounds used for the grid.");
     263             :   //
     264         332 :   keys.add("optional","BIAS_FILE","filename of the file on which the bias should be written out. By default it is Note that suffixes indicating the iteration number (iter-#) are added to the filename when optimizing coefficients.");
     265         332 :   keys.add("optional","FES_FILE","filename of the file on which the FES should be written out. By default it is Note that suffixes indicating the iteration number (iter-#) are added to the filename when optimizing coefficients.");
     266         332 :   keys.add("optional","TARGETDIST_FILE","filename of the file on which the target distribution should be written out. By default it is Note that suffixes indicating the iteration number (iter-#) are added to the filename when optimizing coefficients and the target distribution is dynamic.");
     267             :   //
     268             :   // keys.add("optional","BIAS_FILE_FMT","the format of the bias files, by default it is %14.9f.");
     269             :   // keys.add("optional","FES_FILE_FMT","the format of the FES files, by default it is %14.9f.");
     270             :   // keys.add("optional","TARGETDIST_FILE_FMT","the format of the target distribution files, by default it is %14.9f.");
     271             :   // keys.add("hidden","TARGETDIST_RESTART_FILE_FMT","the format of the target distribution files that are used for restarting, by default it is %30.16e.");
     272             :   //
     273         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","BIAS_CUTOFF","cutoff the bias such that it only fills the free energy surface up to certain level F_cutoff, here you should give the value of the F_cutoff.");
     274         332 :   keys.reserve("optional","BIAS_CUTOFF_FERMI_LAMBDA","the lambda value used in the Fermi switching function for the bias cutoff (BIAS_CUTOFF), the default value is 10.0.");
     275             :   //
     276         332 :   keys.reserve("numbered","PROJ_ARG","arguments for doing projections of the FES or the target distribution.");
     277             :   //
     278         249 :   keys.reserveFlag("CALC_REWEIGHT_FACTOR",false,"enable the calculation of the reweight factor c(t). You should also give a stride for updating the reweight factor in the optimizer by using the REWEIGHT_FACTOR_STRIDE keyword if the coefficients are updated.");
     279             : 
     280          83 : }
     281             : 
     282             : 
     283          83 : void VesBias::useInitialCoeffsKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     284         166 :   keys.use("COEFFS");
     285          83 : }
     286             : 
     287             : 
     288          83 : void VesBias::useTargetDistributionKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     289         166 :   plumed_massert(!keys.exists("TARGET_DISTRIBUTIONS"),"you cannot use both useTargetDistributionKeywords and useMultipleTargetDistributionKeywords");
     290         166 :   keys.use("TARGET_DISTRIBUTION");
     291          83 : }
     292             : 
     293             : 
     294           0 : void VesBias::useMultipleTargetDistributionKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     295           0 :   plumed_massert(!keys.exists("TARGET_DISTRIBUTION"),"you cannot use both useTargetDistributionKeywords and useMultipleTargetDistributionKeywords");
     296           0 :   keys.use("TARGET_DISTRIBUTIONS");
     297           0 : }
     298             : 
     299             : 
     300          83 : void VesBias::useGridBinKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     301         166 :   keys.use("GRID_BINS");
     302          83 : }
     303             : 
     304             : 
     305           0 : void VesBias::useGridLimitsKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     306           0 :   keys.use("GRID_MIN");
     307           0 :   keys.use("GRID_MAX");
     308           0 : }
     309             : 
     310             : 
     311          83 : void VesBias::useBiasCutoffKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     312         166 :   keys.use("BIAS_CUTOFF");
     313         166 :   keys.use("BIAS_CUTOFF_FERMI_LAMBDA");
     314          83 : }
     315             : 
     316             : 
     317          83 : void VesBias::useProjectionArgKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     318         166 :   keys.use("PROJ_ARG");
     319          83 : }
     320             : 
     321             : 
     322           0 : void VesBias::useReweightFactorKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     323           0 :   keys.use("CALC_REWEIGHT_FACTOR");
     324           0 :   keys.addOutputComponent("rct","CALC_REWEIGHT_FACTOR","the reweight factor c(t).");
     325           0 : }
     326             : 
     327             : 
     328           0 : void VesBias::addCoeffsSet(const std::vector<std::string>& dimension_labels,const std::vector<unsigned int>& indices_shape) {
     329           0 :   CoeffsVector* coeffs_pntr_tmp = new CoeffsVector("coeffs",dimension_labels,indices_shape,comm,true);
     330           0 :   initializeCoeffs(coeffs_pntr_tmp);
     331           0 : }
     332             : 
     333             : 
     334          82 : void VesBias::addCoeffsSet(std::vector<Value*>& args,std::vector<BasisFunctions*>& basisf) {
     335         164 :   CoeffsVector* coeffs_pntr_tmp = new CoeffsVector("coeffs",args,basisf,comm,true);
     336          82 :   initializeCoeffs(coeffs_pntr_tmp);
     337          82 : }
     338             : 
     339             : 
     340           0 : void VesBias::addCoeffsSet(CoeffsVector* coeffs_pntr_in) {
     341           0 :   initializeCoeffs(coeffs_pntr_in);
     342           0 : }
     343             : 
     344             : 
     345          82 : void VesBias::initializeCoeffs(CoeffsVector* coeffs_pntr_in) {
     346             :   //
     347          82 :   coeffs_pntr_in->linkVesBias(this);
     348             :   //
     349             :   std::string label;
     350          82 :   if(!use_multiple_coeffssets_ && ncoeffssets_==1) {
     351           0 :     plumed_merror("you are not allowed to use multiple coefficient sets");
     352             :   }
     353             :   //
     354         246 :   label = getCoeffsSetLabelString("coeffs",ncoeffssets_);
     355          82 :   coeffs_pntr_in->setLabels(label);
     356             : 
     357          82 :   coeffs_pntrs_.push_back(coeffs_pntr_in);
     358          82 :   CoeffsVector* aver_ps_tmp = new CoeffsVector(*coeffs_pntr_in);
     359         246 :   label = getCoeffsSetLabelString("targetdist_averages",ncoeffssets_);
     360          82 :   aver_ps_tmp->setLabels(label);
     361          82 :   aver_ps_tmp->setValues(0.0);
     362          82 :   targetdist_averages_pntrs_.push_back(aver_ps_tmp);
     363             :   //
     364          82 :   CoeffsVector* gradient_tmp = new CoeffsVector(*coeffs_pntr_in);
     365         246 :   label = getCoeffsSetLabelString("gradient",ncoeffssets_);
     366          82 :   gradient_tmp->setLabels(label);
     367          82 :   gradient_pntrs_.push_back(gradient_tmp);
     368             :   //
     369         246 :   label = getCoeffsSetLabelString("hessian",ncoeffssets_);
     370          82 :   CoeffsMatrix* hessian_tmp = new CoeffsMatrix(label,coeffs_pntr_in,comm,diagonal_hessian_);
     371          82 :   hessian_pntrs_.push_back(hessian_tmp);
     372             :   //
     373             :   std::vector<double> aver_sampled_tmp;
     374         164 :   aver_sampled_tmp.assign(coeffs_pntr_in->numberOfCoeffs(),0.0);
     375          82 :   sampled_averages.push_back(aver_sampled_tmp);
     376             :   //
     377             :   std::vector<double> cross_aver_sampled_tmp;
     378         164 :   cross_aver_sampled_tmp.assign(hessian_tmp->getSize(),0.0);
     379          82 :   sampled_cross_averages.push_back(cross_aver_sampled_tmp);
     380             :   //
     381         164 :   aver_counters.push_back(0);
     382             :   //
     383          82 :   ncoeffssets_++;
     384          82 : }
     385             : 
     386             : 
     387          82 : bool VesBias::readCoeffsFromFiles() {
     388          82 :   plumed_assert(ncoeffssets_>0);
     389         164 :   plumed_massert(keywords.exists("COEFFS"),"you are not allowed to use this function as the COEFFS keyword is not enabled");
     390             :   bool read_coeffs = false;
     391          82 :   if(coeffs_fnames.size()>0) {
     392           4 :     plumed_massert(coeffs_fnames.size()==ncoeffssets_,"COEFFS keyword is of the wrong size");
     393           4 :     if(ncoeffssets_==1) {
     394           4 :       log.printf("  Read in coefficents from file ");
     395             :     }
     396             :     else {
     397           0 :       log.printf("  Read in coefficents from files:\n");
     398             :     }
     399          12 :     for(unsigned int i=0; i<ncoeffssets_; i++) {
     400           8 :       IFile ifile;
     401           4 :*this);
     402           8 :[i]);
     403          12 :       if(!ifile.FieldExist(coeffs_pntrs_[i]->getDataLabel())) {
     404           0 :         std::string error_msg = "Problem with reading coefficents from file " + ifile.getPath() + ": no field with name " + coeffs_pntrs_[i]->getDataLabel() + "\n";
     405           0 :         plumed_merror(error_msg);
     406             :       }
     407           4 :       size_t ncoeffs_read = coeffs_pntrs_[i]->readFromFile(ifile,false,false);
     408           4 :       coeffs_pntrs_[i]->setIterationCounterAndTime(0,getTime());
     409           4 :       if(ncoeffssets_==1) {
     410          16 :         log.printf("%s (read %zu of %zu values)\n", ifile.getPath().c_str(),ncoeffs_read,coeffs_pntrs_[i]->numberOfCoeffs());
     411             :       }
     412             :       else {
     413           0 :         log.printf("   coefficent %u: %s (read %zu of %zu values)\n",i,ifile.getPath().c_str(),ncoeffs_read,coeffs_pntrs_[i]->numberOfCoeffs());
     414             :       }
     415           4 :       ifile.close();
     416             :     }
     417             :     read_coeffs = true;
     418             :   }
     419          82 :   return read_coeffs;
     420             : }
     421             : 
     422             : 
     423         770 : void VesBias::updateGradientAndHessian(const bool use_mwalkers_mpi) {
     424        2310 :   for(unsigned int k=0; k<ncoeffssets_; k++) {
     425             :     //
     426        1540 :     comm.Sum(sampled_averages[k]);
     427        1540 :     comm.Sum(sampled_cross_averages[k]);
     428         770 :     if(use_mwalkers_mpi) {
     429             :       double walker_weight=1.0;
     430         120 :       if(aver_counters[k]==0) {walker_weight=0.0;}
     431         120 :       multiSimSumAverages(k,walker_weight);
     432             :     }
     433             :     // NOTE: this assumes that all walkers have the same TargetDist, might change later on!!
     434         770 :     Gradient(k).setValues( TargetDistAverages(k) - sampled_averages[k] );
     435        2310 :     Hessian(k) = computeCovarianceFromAverages(k);
     436        1540 :     Hessian(k) *= getBeta();
     437             :     //
     438             :     Gradient(k).activate();
     439             :     Hessian(k).activate();
     440             :     //
     441             :     // Check the total number of samples (from all walkers) and deactivate the Gradient and Hessian if it
     442             :     // is zero
     443         770 :     unsigned int total_samples = aver_counters[k];
     444         770 :     if(use_mwalkers_mpi) {
     445         120 :       if(comm.Get_rank()==0) {multi_sim_comm.Sum(total_samples);}
     446         120 :       comm.Bcast(total_samples,0);
     447             :     }
     448         770 :     if(total_samples==0) {
     449             :       Gradient(k).deactivate();
     450          90 :       Gradient(k).clear();
     451             :       Hessian(k).deactivate();
     452          90 :       Hessian(k).clear();
     453             :     }
     454             :     //
     455        1540 :     std::fill(sampled_averages[k].begin(), sampled_averages[k].end(), 0.0);
     456        1540 :     std::fill(sampled_cross_averages[k].begin(), sampled_cross_averages[k].end(), 0.0);
     457         770 :     aver_counters[k]=0;
     458             :   }
     459         770 : }
     460             : 
     461             : 
     462         120 : void VesBias::multiSimSumAverages(const unsigned int c_id, const double walker_weight) {
     463         120 :   plumed_massert(walker_weight>=0.0,"the weight of the walker cannot be negative!");
     464         120 :   if(walker_weight!=1.0) {
     465       23520 :     for(size_t i=0; i<sampled_averages[c_id].size(); i++) {
     466        7800 :       sampled_averages[c_id][i] *= walker_weight;
     467             :     }
     468       15660 :     for(size_t i=0; i<sampled_cross_averages[c_id].size(); i++) {
     469        7800 :       sampled_cross_averages[c_id][i] *= walker_weight;
     470             :     }
     471             :   }
     472             :   //
     473         120 :   if(comm.Get_rank()==0) {
     474         240 :     multi_sim_comm.Sum(sampled_averages[c_id]);
     475         240 :     multi_sim_comm.Sum(sampled_cross_averages[c_id]);
     476         120 :     double norm_weights = walker_weight;
     477         120 :     multi_sim_comm.Sum(norm_weights);
     478         120 :     if(norm_weights>0.0) {norm_weights=1.0/norm_weights;}
     479       17040 :     for(size_t i=0; i<sampled_averages[c_id].size(); i++) {
     480        8460 :       sampled_averages[c_id][i] *= norm_weights;
     481             :     }
     482       17040 :     for(size_t i=0; i<sampled_cross_averages[c_id].size(); i++) {
     483        8460 :       sampled_cross_averages[c_id][i] *= norm_weights;
     484             :     }
     485             :   }
     486         240 :   comm.Bcast(sampled_averages[c_id],0);
     487         240 :   comm.Bcast(sampled_cross_averages[c_id],0);
     488         120 : }
     489             : 
     490             : 
     491        1473 : void VesBias::addToSampledAverages(const std::vector<double>& values, const unsigned int c_id) {
     492             :   /*
     493             :   use the following online equation to calculate the average and covariance
     494             :   (see
     495             :       xm[n+1] = xm[n] + (x[n+1]-xm[n])/(n+1)
     496             :   */
     497        2946 :   double counter_dbl = static_cast<double>(aver_counters[c_id]);
     498             :   size_t ncoeffs = numberOfCoeffs(c_id);
     499        1473 :   std::vector<double> deltas(ncoeffs,0.0);
     500        1473 :   size_t stride = comm.Get_size();
     501        1473 :   size_t rank = comm.Get_rank();
     502             :   // update average and diagonal part of Hessian
     503       70721 :   for(size_t i=rank; i<ncoeffs; i+=stride) {
     504             :     size_t midx = getHessianIndex(i,i,c_id);
     505      103872 :     deltas[i] = (values[i]-sampled_averages[c_id][i])/(counter_dbl+1); // (x[n+1]-xm[n])/(n+1)
     506       69248 :     sampled_averages[c_id][i] += deltas[i];
     507       69248 :     sampled_cross_averages[c_id][midx] += (values[i]*values[i]-sampled_cross_averages[c_id][midx])/(counter_dbl+1);
     508             :   }
     509        1473 :   comm.Sum(deltas);
     510             :   // update off-diagonal part of the Hessian
     511        1473 :   if(!diagonal_hessian_) {
     512           0 :     for(size_t i=rank; i<ncoeffs; i+=stride) {
     513           0 :       for(size_t j=(i+1); j<ncoeffs; j++) {
     514             :         size_t midx = getHessianIndex(i,j,c_id);
     515           0 :         sampled_cross_averages[c_id][midx] += (values[i]*values[j]-sampled_cross_averages[c_id][midx])/(counter_dbl+1);
     516             :       }
     517             :     }
     518             :   }
     519             :   // NOTE: the MPI sum for sampled_averages and sampled_cross_averages is done later
     520        1473 :   aver_counters[c_id] += 1;
     521        1473 : }
     522             : 
     523             : 
     524           0 : void VesBias::setTargetDistAverages(const std::vector<double>& coeffderivs_aver_ps, const unsigned int coeffs_id) {
     525           0 :   TargetDistAverages(coeffs_id) = coeffderivs_aver_ps;
     526           0 :   TargetDistAverages(coeffs_id).setIterationCounterAndTime(this->getIterationCounter(),this->getTime());
     527           0 : }
     528             : 
     529             : 
     530         421 : void VesBias::setTargetDistAverages(const CoeffsVector& coeffderivs_aver_ps, const unsigned int coeffs_id) {
     531         421 :   TargetDistAverages(coeffs_id).setValues( coeffderivs_aver_ps );
     532         421 :   TargetDistAverages(coeffs_id).setIterationCounterAndTime(this->getIterationCounter(),this->getTime());
     533         421 : }
     534             : 
     535             : 
     536           0 : void VesBias::setTargetDistAveragesToZero(const unsigned int coeffs_id) {
     537           0 :   TargetDistAverages(coeffs_id).setAllValuesToZero();
     538           0 :   TargetDistAverages(coeffs_id).setIterationCounterAndTime(this->getIterationCounter(),this->getTime());
     539           0 : }
     540             : 
     541             : 
     542         159 : void VesBias::checkThatTemperatureIsGiven() {
     543         159 :   if(kbt_==0.0) {
     544           0 :     std::string err_msg = "VES bias " + getLabel() + " of type " + getName() + ": the temperature is needed so you need to give it using the TEMP keyword as the MD engine does not pass it to PLUMED.";
     545           0 :     plumed_merror(err_msg);
     546             :   }
     547         159 : }
     548             : 
     549             : 
     550         937 : unsigned int VesBias::getIterationCounter() const {
     551             :   unsigned int iteration = 0;
     552         937 :   if(optimizeCoeffs()) {
     553             :     iteration = getOptimizerPntr()->getIterationCounter();
     554             :   }
     555             :   else {
     556         210 :     iteration = getCoeffsPntrs()[0]->getIterationCounter();
     557             :   }
     558         937 :   return iteration;
     559             : }
     560             : 
     561             : 
     562          77 : void VesBias::linkOptimizer(Optimizer* optimizer_pntr_in) {
     563             :   //
     564          77 :   if(optimizer_pntr_==NULL) {
     565          77 :     optimizer_pntr_ = optimizer_pntr_in;
     566             :   }
     567             :   else {
     568           0 :     std::string err_msg = "VES bias " + getLabel() + " of type " + getName() + " has already been linked with optimizer " + optimizer_pntr_->getLabel() + " of type " + optimizer_pntr_->getName() + ". You cannot link two optimizer to the same VES bias.";
     569           0 :     plumed_merror(err_msg);
     570             :   }
     571          77 :   checkThatTemperatureIsGiven();
     572          77 :   optimize_coeffs_ = true;
     573          77 :   filenames_have_iteration_number_ = true;
     574          77 : }
     575             : 
     576             : 
     577          77 : void VesBias::enableHessian(const bool diagonal_hessian) {
     578          77 :   compute_hessian_=true;
     579          77 :   diagonal_hessian_=diagonal_hessian;
     580          77 :   sampled_cross_averages.clear();
     581         231 :   for (unsigned int i=0; i<ncoeffssets_; i++) {
     582         154 :     delete hessian_pntrs_[i];
     583         154 :     std::string label = getCoeffsSetLabelString("hessian",i);
     584         154 :     hessian_pntrs_[i] = new CoeffsMatrix(label,coeffs_pntrs_[i],comm,diagonal_hessian_);
     585             :     //
     586             :     std::vector<double> cross_aver_sampled_tmp;
     587         231 :     cross_aver_sampled_tmp.assign(hessian_pntrs_[i]->getSize(),0.0);
     588          77 :     sampled_cross_averages.push_back(cross_aver_sampled_tmp);
     589             :   }
     590          77 : }
     591             : 
     592             : 
     593           0 : void VesBias::disableHessian() {
     594           0 :   compute_hessian_=false;
     595           0 :   diagonal_hessian_=true;
     596           0 :   sampled_cross_averages.clear();
     597           0 :   for (unsigned int i=0; i<ncoeffssets_; i++) {
     598           0 :     delete hessian_pntrs_[i];
     599           0 :     std::string label = getCoeffsSetLabelString("hessian",i);
     600           0 :     hessian_pntrs_[i] = new CoeffsMatrix(label,coeffs_pntrs_[i],comm,diagonal_hessian_);
     601             :     //
     602             :     std::vector<double> cross_aver_sampled_tmp;
     603           0 :     cross_aver_sampled_tmp.assign(hessian_pntrs_[i]->getSize(),0.0);
     604           0 :     sampled_cross_averages.push_back(cross_aver_sampled_tmp);
     605             :   }
     606           0 : }
     607             : 
     608             : 
     609        1662 : void VesBias::apply() {
     610        1662 :   Bias::apply();
     611        1662 : }
     612             : 
     613             : 
     614         405 : std::string VesBias::getCoeffsSetLabelString(const std::string& type, const unsigned int coeffs_id) const {
     615         810 :   std::string label_prefix = getLabel() + ".";
     616         405 :   std::string label_postfix = "";
     617         405 :   if(use_multiple_coeffssets_) {
     618           0 :     Tools::convert(coeffs_id,label_postfix);
     619           0 :     label_postfix = "-" + label_postfix;
     620             :   }
     621        1215 :   return label_prefix+type+label_postfix;
     622             : }
     623             : 
     624             : 
     625         531 : OFile* VesBias::getOFile(const std::string& filepath, const bool multi_sim_single_file, const bool enforce_backup) {
     626         531 :   OFile* ofile_pntr = new OFile();
     627             :   std::string fp = filepath;
     628         531 :   ofile_pntr->link(*static_cast<Action*>(this));
     629         531 :   if(enforce_backup) {ofile_pntr->enforceBackup();}
     630         531 :   if(multi_sim_single_file) {
     631          56 :     unsigned int r=0;
     632          56 :     if(comm.Get_rank()==0) {r=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();}
     633          56 :     comm.Bcast(r,0);
     634          56 :     if(r>0) {fp="/dev/null";}
     635         112 :     ofile_pntr->enforceSuffix("");
     636             :   }
     637         531 :   ofile_pntr->open(fp);
     638         531 :   return ofile_pntr;
     639             : }
     640             : 
     641             : 
     642           0 : void VesBias::setGridBins(const std::vector<unsigned int>& grid_bins_in) {
     643           0 :   plumed_massert(grid_bins_in.size()==getNumberOfArguments(),"the number of grid bins given doesn't match the number of arguments");
     644           0 :   grid_bins_=grid_bins_in;
     645           0 : }
     646             : 
     647             : 
     648           0 : void VesBias::setGridBins(const unsigned int nbins) {
     649           0 :   std::vector<unsigned int> grid_bins_in(getNumberOfArguments(),nbins);
     650           0 :   grid_bins_=grid_bins_in;
     651           0 : }
     652             : 
     653             : 
     654           0 : void VesBias::setGridMin(const std::vector<double>& grid_min_in) {
     655           0 :   plumed_massert(grid_min_in.size()==getNumberOfArguments(),"the number of lower bounds given for the grid doesn't match the number of arguments");
     656           0 :   grid_min_=grid_min_in;
     657           0 : }
     658             : 
     659             : 
     660           0 : void VesBias::setGridMax(const std::vector<double>& grid_max_in) {
     661           0 :   plumed_massert(grid_max_in.size()==getNumberOfArguments(),"the number of upper bounds given for the grid doesn't match the number of arguments");
     662           0 :   grid_max_=grid_max_in;
     663           0 : }
     664             : 
     665             : 
     666         367 : std::string VesBias::getCurrentOutputFilename(const std::string& base_filename, const std::string& suffix) const {
     667             :   std::string filename = base_filename;
     668         367 :   if(suffix.size()>0) {
     669         123 :     filename = FileBase::appendSuffix(filename,"."+suffix);
     670             :   }
     671         367 :   if(filenamesIncludeIterationNumber()) {
     672        1448 :     filename = FileBase::appendSuffix(filename,"."+getIterationFilenameSuffix());
     673             :   }
     674         367 :   return filename;
     675             : }
     676             : 
     677             : 
     678         172 : std::string VesBias::getCurrentTargetDistOutputFilename(const std::string& suffix) const {
     679             :   std::string filename = targetdist_filename_;
     680         172 :   if(suffix.size()>0) {
     681         276 :     filename = FileBase::appendSuffix(filename,"."+suffix);
     682             :   }
     683         338 :   if(filenamesIncludeIterationNumber() && dynamicTargetDistribution()) {
     684         616 :     filename = FileBase::appendSuffix(filename,"."+getIterationFilenameSuffix());
     685             :   }
     686         172 :   return filename;
     687             : }
     688             : 
     689             : 
     690         516 : std::string VesBias::getIterationFilenameSuffix() const {
     691             :   std::string iter_str;
     692         516 :   Tools::convert(getIterationCounter(),iter_str);
     693        1032 :   iter_str = "iter-" + iter_str;
     694         516 :   return iter_str;
     695             : }
     696             : 
     697             : 
     698           0 : std::string VesBias::getCoeffsSetFilenameSuffix(const unsigned int coeffs_id) const {
     699           0 :   std::string suffix = "";
     700           0 :   if(use_multiple_coeffssets_) {
     701           0 :     Tools::convert(coeffs_id,suffix);
     702           0 :     suffix = coeffs_id_prefix_ + suffix;
     703             :   }
     704           0 :   return suffix;
     705             : }
     706             : 
     707             : 
     708           3 : void VesBias::setupBiasCutoff(const double bias_cutoff_value, const double fermi_lambda) {
     709             :   //
     710             :   double fermi_exp_max = 100.0;
     711             :   //
     712             :   std::string str_bias_cutoff_value; VesTools::convertDbl2Str(bias_cutoff_value,str_bias_cutoff_value);
     713             :   std::string str_fermi_lambda; VesTools::convertDbl2Str(fermi_lambda,str_fermi_lambda);
     714             :   std::string str_fermi_exp_max; VesTools::convertDbl2Str(fermi_exp_max,str_fermi_exp_max);
     715          15 :   std::string swfunc_keywords = "FERMI R_0=" + str_bias_cutoff_value + " FERMI_LAMBDA=" + str_fermi_lambda + " FERMI_EXP_MAX=" + str_fermi_exp_max;
     716             :   //
     717           3 :   if(bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_!=NULL) {delete bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_;}
     718           3 :   std::string swfunc_errors="";
     719           3 :   bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_ = new FermiSwitchingFunction();
     720           3 :   bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_->set(swfunc_keywords,swfunc_errors);
     721           3 :   if(swfunc_errors.size()>0) {
     722           0 :     plumed_merror("problem with setting up Fermi switching function: " + swfunc_errors);
     723             :   }
     724             :   //
     725           3 :   bias_cutoff_value_=bias_cutoff_value;
     726           3 :   bias_cutoff_active_=true;
     727             :   enableDynamicTargetDistribution();
     728           3 : }
     729             : 
     730             : 
     731        3263 : double VesBias::getBiasCutoffSwitchingFunction(const double bias, double& deriv_factor) const {
     732        3263 :   plumed_massert(bias_cutoff_active_,"The bias cutoff is not active so you cannot call this function");
     733        3263 :   double arg = -(bias-bias_current_max_value);
     734        3263 :   double deriv=0.0;
     735        3263 :   double value = bias_cutoff_swfunc_pntr_->calculate(arg,deriv);
     736             :   // as FermiSwitchingFunction class has different behavior from normal SwitchingFunction class
     737             :   // I was having problems with NaN as it was dividing with zero
     738             :   // deriv *= arg;
     739        3263 :   deriv_factor = value-bias*deriv;
     740        3263 :   return value;
     741             : }
     742             : 
     743             : 
     744         531 : bool VesBias::useMultipleWalkers() const {
     745             :   bool use_mwalkers_mpi=false;
     746        1029 :   if(optimizeCoeffs() && getOptimizerPntr()->useMultipleWalkers()) {
     747             :     use_mwalkers_mpi=true;
     748             :   }
     749         531 :   return use_mwalkers_mpi;
     750             : }
     751             : 
     752             : 
     753           0 : void VesBias::updateReweightFactor() {
     754           0 :   if(calc_reweightfactor_) {
     755           0 :     double value = calculateReweightFactor();
     756           0 :     getPntrToComponent("rct")->set(value);
     757             :   }
     758           0 : }
     759             : 
     760             : 
     761           0 : double VesBias::calculateReweightFactor() const {
     762           0 :   plumed_merror(getName()+" with label "+getLabel()+": calculation of the reweight factor c(t) has not been implemented for this type of VES bias");
     763             :   return 0.0;
     764             : }
     765             : 
     766             : 
     767             : }
     768        4839 : }

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