LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ves - TD_Uniform.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 54 55 98.2 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 11 11 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The VES code team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE-VES file at the root of this folder for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of VES code module.
       8             : 
       9             :    The VES code module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    The VES code module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with the VES code module.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : 
      23             : #include "TargetDistribution.h"
      24             : 
      25             : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
      26             : 
      27             : 
      28             : namespace PLMD {
      29             : namespace ves {
      30             : 
      31             : //+PLUMEDOC VES_TARGETDIST TD_UNIFORM
      32             : /*
      33             : Uniform target distribution (static).
      34             : 
      35             : Using this keyword you can define a uniform target distribution which is a
      36             : product of one-dimensional distributions \f$p_{k}(s_{k})\f$ that are uniform
      37             : over a given interval \f$[a_{k},b_{k}]\f$
      38             : \f[
      39             : p_{k}(s_{k}) =
      40             : \begin{cases}
      41             : \frac{1}{(b_{k}-a_{k})}
      42             : & \mathrm{if} \ a_{k} \leq s_{k} \leq b_{k} \\
      43             : \\
      44             : \ 0
      45             : & \mathrm{otherwise}
      46             : \end{cases}
      47             : \f]
      48             : 
      49             : The overall distribution is then given as
      50             : \f[
      51             : p(\mathbf{s}) =
      52             : \prod^{d}_{k} p_{k}(s_{k}) =
      53             : \begin{cases}
      54             : \prod^{d}_{k} \frac{1}{(b_{k}-a_{k})}
      55             : & \mathrm{if} \ a_{k} \leq s_{k} \leq b_{k} \ \mathrm{for\ all}\ k \\
      56             : \\
      57             : 0 & \mathrm{otherwise}
      58             : \end{cases}
      59             : \f]
      60             : The distribution is thus uniform inside a rectangular for two arguments
      61             : and a cube for a three arguments.
      62             : 
      63             : The limits of the intervals \f$ a_{k}\f$ and \f$ b_{k}\f$ are given
      64             : with the MINIMA and MAXIMA keywords, respectively. If one or both of
      65             : these keywords are missing the code should automatically detect the limits.
      66             : 
      67             : 
      68             : It is also possible to use one-dimensional distributions
      69             : that go smoothly to zero at the boundaries.
      70             : This is done by employing a function with
      71             : Gaussian switching functions at the boundaries \f$a_{k}\f$ and \f$b_{k}\f$
      72             : \f[
      73             : f_{k}(s_{k}) =
      74             : \begin{cases}
      75             : \exp\left(-\frac{(s_{k}-a_{k})^2}{2 \sigma^2_{a,k}}\right)
      76             : & \mathrm{if}\, s_{k} < a_{k} \\
      77             : \\
      78             : 1 & \mathrm{if}\, a_{k} \leq s_{k} \leq b_{k} \\
      79             : \\
      80             : \exp\left(-\frac{(s_{k}-b_{k})^2}{2 \sigma^2_{b,k}}\right)
      81             : & \mathrm{if}\, s_{k} > b_{k}
      82             : \end{cases}
      83             : \f]
      84             : where the standard deviation parameters \f$\sigma_{a,k}\f$
      85             : and \f$\sigma_{b,k}\f$ determine how quickly the switching functions
      86             : goes to zero.
      87             : The overall distribution is then normalized
      88             : \f[
      89             : p(\mathbf{s}) =
      90             : \prod^{d}_{k} p_{k}(s_{k}) =
      91             : \prod^{d}_{k} \frac{f(s_{k})}{\int d s_{k} \, f(s_{k})}
      92             : \f]
      93             : To use this option you need to provide the standard deviation
      94             : parameters \f$\sigma_{a,k}\f$ and \f$\sigma_{b,k}\f$ by using the
      95             : SIGMA_MINIMA and SIGMA_MAXIMA keywords, respectively. Giving a value of
      96             : 0.0 means that the boundary is sharp, which is the default behavior.
      97             : 
      98             : 
      99             : 
     100             : 
     101             : 
     102             : 
     103             : \par Examples
     104             : 
     105             : If one or both of the MINIMA or MAXIMA keywords are missing
     106             : the code should automatically detect the limits not given.
     107             : Therefore, if we consider a target distribution that is
     108             : defined over an interval from 0.0 to 10.0 for the first
     109             : argument and from 0.2 to 1.0 for the second argument are
     110             : all of the following examples equivalent
     111             : \plumedfile
     112             : td: TD_UNIFORM
     113             : \endplumedfile
     114             : \plumedfile
     115             : TD_UNIFORM ...
     116             :  MINIMA=0.0,0,2
     117             :  MAXIMA=10.0,1.0
     118             :  LABEL=td
     119             :  ... TD_UNIFORM
     120             : \endplumedfile
     121             : \plumedfile
     122             : td: TD_UNIFORM  MAXIMA=10.0,1.0
     123             : \endplumedfile
     124             : \plumedfile
     125             : td: TD_UNIFORM MINIMA=0.0,0,2
     126             : \endplumedfile
     127             : 
     128             : 
     129             : We can also define a target distribution that goes smoothly to zero
     130             : at the boundaries of the uniform distribution. In the following
     131             : we consider an interval of 0 to 10 for the target distribution.
     132             : The following input would result in a target distribution that
     133             : would be uniform from 2 to 7 and then smoothly go to zero from
     134             : 2 to 0 and from 7 to 10.
     135             : \plumedfile
     136             : TD_UNIFORM ...
     137             :  MINIMA=2.0
     138             :  MAXIMA=+7.0
     139             :  SIGMA_MINIMA=0.5
     140             :  SIGMA_MAXIMA=1.0
     141             :  LABEL=td
     142             : ... TD_UNIFORM
     143             : \endplumedfile
     144             : It is also possible to employ a smooth switching function for just one
     145             : of the boundaries as shown here where the target distribution
     146             : would be uniform from 0 to 7 and then smoothly go to zero from 7 to 10.
     147             : \plumedfile
     148             : TD_UNIFORM ...
     149             :  MAXIMA=+7.0
     150             :  SIGMA_MAXIMA=1.0
     151             :  LABEL=td
     152             : ... TD_UNIFORM
     153             : \endplumedfile
     154             : Furthermore, it is possible to employ a sharp boundary by
     155             : using
     156             : \plumedfile
     157             : TD_UNIFORM ...
     158             :  MAXIMA=+7.0
     159             :  SIGMA_MAXIMA=0.0
     160             :  LABEL=td
     161             : ... TD_UNIFORM
     162             : \endplumedfile
     163             : or
     164             : \plumedfile
     165             : td: TD_UNIFORM MAXIMA=+7.0
     166             : \endplumedfile
     167             : 
     168             : 
     169             : */
     170             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
     171             : 
     172         183 : class TD_Uniform : public TargetDistribution {
     173             :   std::vector<double> minima_;
     174             :   std::vector<double> maxima_;
     175             :   std::vector<double> sigma_min_;
     176             :   std::vector<double> sigma_max_;
     177             :   double GaussianSwitchingFunc(const double, const double, const double) const;
     178             :   void setupAdditionalGrids(const std::vector<Value*>&, const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::vector<unsigned int>&);
     179             : public:
     180             :   static void registerKeywords( Keywords&);
     181             :   explicit TD_Uniform(const ActionOptions& ao);
     182             :   double getValue(const std::vector<double>&) const;
     183             : };
     184             : 
     185             : 
     186        6513 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(TD_Uniform,"TD_UNIFORM")
     187             : 
     188             : 
     189          62 : void TD_Uniform::registerKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     190          62 :   TargetDistribution::registerKeywords(keys);
     191         248 :   keys.add("optional","MINIMA","The minima of the intervals where the target distribution is taken as uniform. You should give one value for each argument.");
     192         248 :   keys.add("optional","MAXIMA","The maxima of the intervals where the target distribution is taken as uniform. You should give one value for each argument.");
     193         248 :   keys.add("optional","SIGMA_MINIMA","The standard deviation parameters of the Gaussian switching functions for the minima of the intervals. You should give one value for each argument. Value of 0.0 means that switch is done without a smooth switching function, this is the default behavior.");
     194         248 :   keys.add("optional","SIGMA_MAXIMA","The standard deviation parameters of the Gaussian switching functions for the maxima of the intervals. You should give one value for each argument. Value of 0.0 means that switch is done without a smooth switching function, this is the default behavior.");
     195          62 : }
     196             : 
     197             : 
     198          61 : TD_Uniform::TD_Uniform(const ActionOptions& ao):
     199             :   PLUMED_VES_TARGETDISTRIBUTION_INIT(ao),
     200             :   minima_(0),
     201             :   maxima_(0),
     202             :   sigma_min_(0),
     203          61 :   sigma_max_(0)
     204             : {
     205         122 :   parseVector("MINIMA",minima_);
     206         122 :   parseVector("MAXIMA",maxima_);
     207             : 
     208         122 :   parseVector("SIGMA_MINIMA",sigma_min_);
     209         122 :   parseVector("SIGMA_MAXIMA",sigma_max_);
     210          75 :   if(minima_.size()==0 && sigma_min_.size()>0) {plumed_merror(getName()+": you cannot give SIGMA_MINIMA if MINIMA is not given");}
     211          75 :   if(maxima_.size()==0 && sigma_max_.size()>0) {plumed_merror(getName()+": you cannot give SIGMA_MAXIMA if MAXIMA is not given");}
     212             : 
     213         108 :   if(minima_.size()>0 && maxima_.size()>0) {
     214             :     // both MINIMA and MAXIMA given, do all checks
     215          46 :     if(minima_.size()!=maxima_.size()) {plumed_merror(getName()+": MINIMA and MAXIMA do not have the same number of values.");}
     216          46 :     setDimension(minima_.size());
     217         150 :     for(unsigned int k=0; k<getDimension(); k++) {
     218         156 :       if(minima_[k]>maxima_[k]) {
     219           0 :         plumed_merror(getName()+": error in MINIMA and MAXIMA keywords, one of the MINIMA values is larger than the corresponding MAXIMA values");
     220             :       }
     221             :     }
     222             :   }
     223          16 :   else if(minima_.size()>0 && maxima_.size()==0) {
     224             :     // only MINIMA given, MAXIMA assigned later on.
     225           1 :     setDimension(minima_.size());
     226             :   }
     227          15 :   else if(maxima_.size()>0 && minima_.size()==0) {
     228             :     // only MAXIMA given, MINIMA assigned later on.
     229           1 :     setDimension(maxima_.size());
     230             :   }
     231          26 :   else if(maxima_.size()==0 && minima_.size()==0) {
     232             :     // neither MAXIMA nor MINIMA givenm, both assigned later on.
     233          13 :     setDimension(0);
     234             :   }
     235             : 
     236         167 :   if(sigma_min_.size()==0) {sigma_min_.assign(getDimension(),0.0);}
     237         167 :   if(sigma_max_.size()==0) {sigma_max_.assign(getDimension(),0.0);}
     238          61 :   if(sigma_min_.size()!=getDimension()) {plumed_merror(getName()+": SIGMA_MINIMA has the wrong number of values");}
     239          61 :   if(sigma_max_.size()!=getDimension()) {plumed_merror(getName()+": SIGMA_MAXIMA has the wrong number of values");}
     240             :   //
     241             :   setForcedNormalization();
     242          61 :   checkRead();
     243          61 : }
     244             : 
     245             : 
     246          61 : void TD_Uniform::setupAdditionalGrids(const std::vector<Value*>& arguments, const std::vector<std::string>& min, const std::vector<std::string>& max, const std::vector<unsigned int>& nbins) {
     247             : 
     248          61 :   if(minima_.size()==0) {
     249          42 :     minima_.assign(getDimension(),0.0);
     250          52 :     for(unsigned int k=0; k<getDimension(); k++) {Tools::convert(min[k],minima_[k]);}
     251             :   }
     252             : 
     253          61 :   if(maxima_.size()==0) {
     254          42 :     maxima_.assign(getDimension(),0.0);
     255          52 :     for(unsigned int k=0; k<getDimension(); k++) {Tools::convert(max[k],maxima_[k]);}
     256             :   }
     257             : 
     258          61 : }
     259             : 
     260             : 
     261      115046 : double TD_Uniform::getValue(const std::vector<double>& argument) const {
     262             :   //
     263             :   double value = 1.0;
     264      547960 :   for(unsigned int k=0; k<getDimension(); k++) {
     265             :     double tmp;
     266      649371 :     if(argument[k] < minima_[k]) {
     267       15379 :       tmp = GaussianSwitchingFunc(argument[k],minima_[k],sigma_min_[k]);
     268             :     }
     269      201078 :     else if(argument[k] > maxima_[k]) {
     270       15410 :       tmp = GaussianSwitchingFunc(argument[k],maxima_[k],sigma_max_[k]);
     271             :     }
     272             :     else {
     273             :       tmp = 1.0;
     274             :     }
     275      216457 :     value *= tmp;
     276             :   }
     277      115046 :   return value;
     278             : }
     279             : 
     280             : inline
     281             : double TD_Uniform::GaussianSwitchingFunc(const double argument, const double center, const double sigma) const {
     282       30789 :   if(sigma>0.0) {
     283       23278 :     double arg=(argument-center)/sigma;
     284       23278 :     return exp(-0.5*arg*arg);
     285             :   }
     286             :   else {
     287             :     return 0.0;
     288             :   }
     289             : }
     290             : 
     291             : 
     292             : 
     293             : 
     294             : 
     295             : 
     296             : }
     297        4839 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13