LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - tools - PDB.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 183 290 63.1 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 32 42 76.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2011-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "PDB.h"
      23             : #include "Tools.h"
      24             : #include "Log.h"
      25             : #include <cstdio>
      26             : #include <iostream>
      27             : 
      28             : using namespace std;
      29             : 
      30             : //+PLUMEDOC INTERNAL pdbreader
      31             : /*
      32             : PLUMED can use the PDB format in several places
      33             : 
      34             : - To read molecular structure (\ref MOLINFO).
      35             : - To read reference conformations (\ref RMSD, but also many other methods in \ref dists, \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE, etc).
      36             : 
      37             : The implemented PDB reader expects a file formatted correctly according to the
      38             : [PDB standard](
      39             : In particular, the following columns are read from ATOM records
      40             : \verbatim
      41             : columns | content
      42             : 1-6     | record name (ATOM or HETATM)
      43             : 7-11    | serial number of the atom (starting from 1)
      44             : 13-16   | atom name
      45             : 18-20   | residue name
      46             : 22      | chain id
      47             : 23-26   | residue number
      48             : 31-38   | x coordinate
      49             : 39-46   | y coordinate
      50             : 47-54   | z coordinate
      51             : 55-60   | occupancy
      52             : 61-66   | beta factor
      53             : \endverbatim
      54             : PLUMED parser is slightly more permissive than the official PDB format
      55             : in the fact that the format of real numbers is not fixed. In other words,
      56             : any parsable real number is ok and the dot can be placed anywhere. However,
      57             : __columns are interpret strictly__. A sample PDB should look like the following
      58             : \verbatim
      59             : ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1      12.932 -14.718  -6.016  1.00  1.00
      60             : ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      21.312  -9.928  -5.946  1.00  1.00
      61             : ATOM      9  CA  ALA     2      19.462 -11.088  -8.986  1.00  1.00
      62             : \endverbatim
      63             : 
      64             : Notice that serial numbers need not to be consecutive. In the three-line example above,
      65             : only the coordinates of three atoms are provided. This is perfectly legal and indicates PLUMED
      66             : that information about these atoms only is available. This could be both for structural
      67             : information in \ref MOLINFO, where the other atoms would have no name assigned, and for
      68             : reference structures used in \ref RMSD, where only the provided atoms would be used to compute RMSD.
      69             : 
      70             : \par Occupancy and beta factors
      71             : 
      72             : PLUMED reads also occupancy and beta factors that however are given a very special meaning.
      73             : In cases where the PDB structure is used as a reference for an alignment (that's the case
      74             : for instance in \ref RMSD and in \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE), the occupancy column is used
      75             : to provide the weight of each atom in the alignment. In cases where, perhaps after alignment,
      76             : the displacement between running coordinates and the provided PDB is computed, the beta factors
      77             : are used as weight for the displacement.
      78             : Since setting the weights to zero is the same as __not__ including an atom in the alignement or
      79             : displacement calculation, the two following reference files would be equivalent when used in an \ref RMSD
      80             : calculation. First file:
      81             : \verbatim
      82             : ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1      12.932 -14.718  -6.016  1.00  1.00
      83             : ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      21.312  -9.928  -5.946  1.00  1.00
      84             : ATOM      9  CA  ALA     2      19.462 -11.088  -8.986  0.00  0.00
      85             : \endverbatim
      86             : Second file:
      87             : \verbatim
      88             : ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1      12.932 -14.718  -6.016  1.00  1.00
      89             : ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      21.312  -9.928  -5.946  1.00  1.00
      90             : \endverbatim
      91             : However notice that many extra atoms with zero weight might slow down the calculation, so
      92             : removing lines is better than setting their weights to zero.
      93             : In addition, weights for alignment need not to be equivalent to weights for displacement.
      94             : 
      95             : \par Systems with more than 100k atoms
      96             : 
      97             : Notice that it very likely does not make any sense to compute the \ref RMSD or any other structural
      98             : deviation __using__ so many atoms. However, if the protein for which you want to compute \ref RMSD
      99             : has atoms with large serial numbers (e.g. because it is located __after__ solvent in the sorted list of atoms)
     100             : you might end up with troubles with the limitations of the PDB format. Indeed, since there are 5
     101             : columns available for atom serial number, this number cannot be larger than 99999.
     102             : In addition, providing \ref MOLINFO with names associated to atoms with a serial larger than 99999 would be impossible.
     103             : 
     104             : Since PLUMED 2.4 we allow [hybrid 36]( format to be used to specify atom numbers.
     105             : This format is not particularly widespread, but has the nice feature that it provides a one-to-one mapping
     106             : between numbers up to approximately 80 millions and strings with 5 characters, plus it is backward compatible
     107             : for numbers smaller than 100000. This is not true for notations like the hex notation exported by VMD.
     108             : Using the hybrid 36 format, the ATOM records for atom ranging from 99997 to 100002 would read like these:
     109             : \verbatim
     110             : ATOM  99997  Ar      X   1      45.349  38.631  15.116  1.00  1.00
     111             : ATOM  99998  Ar      X   1      46.189  38.631  15.956  1.00  1.00
     112             : ATOM  99999  Ar      X   1      46.189  39.471  15.116  1.00  1.00
     113             : ATOM  A0000  Ar      X   1      45.349  39.471  15.956  1.00  1.00
     114             : ATOM  A0000  Ar      X   1      45.349  38.631  16.796  1.00  1.00
     115             : ATOM  A0001  Ar      X   1      46.189  38.631  17.636  1.00  1.00
     116             : \endverbatim
     117             : There are tools that can be found to translate from integers to strings and back using hybrid 36 format
     118             : (a simple python script can be found [here](
     119             : 
     120             : */
     121             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
     122             : 
     123             : 
     124             : namespace PLMD {
     125             : 
     126             : /// Tiny namespace for hybrid36 format.
     127             : /// This namespace includes freely available tools for h36 format.
     128             : /// I place them here for usage within PDB class. In case we need them
     129             : /// in other places they might be better encapsulated in a c++ class
     130             : /// and placed in a separate file.
     131             : namespace h36 {
     132             : 
     133             : 
     134             : /*! C port of the hy36encode() and hy36decode() functions in the
     135             : Python prototype/reference implementation.
     136             :     See the Python script for more information.
     137             : 
     138             :     This file has no external dependencies, NOT even standard C headers.
     139             :     Optionally, use hybrid_36_c.h, or simply copy the declarations
     140             :     into your code.
     141             : 
     142             :     This file is unrestricted Open Source (
     143             :     Please send corrections and enhancements to .
     144             : 
     145             :     See also:
     146             : 
     147             :     Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve, Feb 2007.
     148             :  */
     149             : 
     150             : /* The following #include may be commented out.
     151             :    It is here only to enforce consistency of the declarations
     152             :    and the definitions.
     153             :  */
     154             : // #include <iotbx/pdb/hybrid_36_c.h>
     155             : 
     156             : /* All static functions below are implementation details
     157             :    (and not accessible from other translation units).
     158             :  */
     159             : 
     160             : static
     161             : const char*
     162        5796 : digits_upper() { return "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; }
     163             : 
     164             : static
     165             : const char*
     166        5796 : digits_lower() { return "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; }
     167             : 
     168             : static
     169             : const char*
     170           0 : value_out_of_range() { return "value out of range."; }
     171             : 
     172             : static
     173           0 : const char* invalid_number_literal() { return "invalid number literal."; }
     174             : 
     175             : static
     176           0 : const char* unsupported_width() { return "unsupported width."; }
     177             : 
     178             : static
     179             : void
     180           0 : fill_with_stars(unsigned width, char* result)
     181             : {
     182           0 :   while (width) {
     183           0 :     *result++ = '*';
     184           0 :     width--;
     185             :   }
     186           0 :   *result = '\0';
     187           0 : }
     188             : 
     189             : static
     190             : void
     191           0 : encode_pure(
     192             :   const char* digits,
     193             :   unsigned digits_size,
     194             :   unsigned width,
     195             :   int value,
     196             :   char* result)
     197             : {
     198             :   char buf[16];
     199             :   int rest;
     200             :   unsigned i, j;
     201             :   i = 0;
     202             :   j = 0;
     203           0 :   if (value < 0) {
     204             :     j = 1;
     205           0 :     value = -value;
     206             :   }
     207             :   while (1) {
     208           0 :     rest = value / digits_size;
     209           0 :     buf[i++] = digits[value - rest * digits_size];
     210           0 :     if (rest == 0) break;
     211             :     value = rest;
     212             :   }
     213           0 :   if (j) buf[i++] = '-';
     214           0 :   for(j=i; j<width; j++) *result++ = ' ';
     215           0 :   while (i != 0) *result++ = buf[--i];
     216           0 :   *result = '\0';
     217           0 : }
     218             : 
     219             : static
     220             : const char*
     221       96733 : decode_pure(
     222             :   const int* digits_values,
     223             :   unsigned digits_size,
     224             :   const char* s,
     225             :   unsigned s_size,
     226             :   int* result)
     227             : {
     228             :   int si, dv;
     229             :   int have_minus = 0;
     230             :   int have_non_blank = 0;
     231             :   int value = 0;
     232             :   unsigned i = 0;
     233     1064063 :   for(; i<s_size; i++) {
     234      483665 :     si = s[i];
     235      483665 :     if (si < 0 || si > 127) {
     236           0 :       *result = 0;
     237           0 :       return invalid_number_literal();
     238             :     }
     239      483665 :     if (si == ' ') {
     240      199160 :       if (!have_non_blank) continue;
     241           0 :       value *= digits_size;
     242             :     }
     243      284505 :     else if (si == '-') {
     244           0 :       if (have_non_blank) {
     245           0 :         *result = 0;
     246           0 :         return invalid_number_literal();
     247             :       }
     248             :       have_non_blank = 1;
     249             :       have_minus = 1;
     250           0 :       continue;
     251             :     }
     252             :     else {
     253             :       have_non_blank = 1;
     254      284505 :       dv = digits_values[si];
     255      284505 :       if (dv < 0 || dv >= digits_size) {
     256           0 :         *result = 0;
     257           0 :         return invalid_number_literal();
     258             :       }
     259      284505 :       value *= digits_size;
     260      284505 :       value += dv;
     261             :     }
     262             :   }
     263       96733 :   if (have_minus) value = -value;
     264       96733 :   *result = value;
     265       96733 :   return 0;
     266             : }
     267             : 
     268             : /*! hybrid-36 encoder: converts integer value to string result
     269             : 
     270             :       width: must be 4 (e.g. for residue sequence numbers)
     271             :                   or 5 (e.g. for atom serial numbers)
     272             : 
     273             :       value: integer value to be converted
     274             : 
     275             :       result: pointer to char array of size width+1 or greater
     276             :               on return result is null-terminated
     277             : 
     278             :       return value: pointer to error message, if any,
     279             :                     or 0 on success
     280             : 
     281             :     Example usage (from C++):
     282             :       char result[4+1];
     283             :       const char* errmsg = hy36encode(4, 12345, result);
     284             :       if (errmsg) throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
     285             :  */
     286             : const char*
     287           0 : hy36encode(unsigned width, int value, char* result)
     288             : {
     289             :   int i = value;
     290           0 :   if (width == 4U) {
     291           0 :     if (i >= -999) {
     292           0 :       if (i < 10000) {
     293           0 :         encode_pure(digits_upper(), 10U, 4U, i, result);
     294           0 :         return 0;
     295             :       }
     296           0 :       i -= 10000;
     297           0 :       if (i < 1213056 /* 26*36**3 */) {
     298           0 :         i += 466560 /* 10*36**3 */;
     299           0 :         encode_pure(digits_upper(), 36U, 0U, i, result);
     300           0 :         return 0;
     301             :       }
     302           0 :       i -= 1213056;
     303           0 :       if (i < 1213056) {
     304           0 :         i += 466560;
     305           0 :         encode_pure(digits_lower(), 36U, 0U, i, result);
     306           0 :         return 0;
     307             :       }
     308             :     }
     309             :   }
     310           0 :   else if (width == 5U) {
     311           0 :     if (i >= -9999) {
     312           0 :       if (i < 100000) {
     313           0 :         encode_pure(digits_upper(), 10U, 5U, i, result);
     314           0 :         return 0;
     315             :       }
     316           0 :       i -= 100000;
     317           0 :       if (i < 43670016 /* 26*36**4 */) {
     318           0 :         i += 16796160 /* 10*36**4 */;
     319           0 :         encode_pure(digits_upper(), 36U, 0U, i, result);
     320           0 :         return 0;
     321             :       }
     322           0 :       i -= 43670016;
     323           0 :       if (i < 43670016) {
     324           0 :         i += 16796160;
     325           0 :         encode_pure(digits_lower(), 36U, 0U, i, result);
     326           0 :         return 0;
     327             :       }
     328             :     }
     329             :   }
     330             :   else {
     331           0 :     fill_with_stars(width, result);
     332           0 :     return unsupported_width();
     333             :   }
     334           0 :   fill_with_stars(width, result);
     335           0 :   return value_out_of_range();
     336             : }
     337             : 
     338             : /*! hybrid-36 decoder: converts string s to integer result
     339             : 
     340             :       width: must be 4 (e.g. for residue sequence numbers)
     341             :                   or 5 (e.g. for atom serial numbers)
     342             : 
     343             :       s: string to be converted
     344             :          does not have to be null-terminated
     345             : 
     346             :       s_size: size of s
     347             :               must be equal to width, or an error message is
     348             :               returned otherwise
     349             : 
     350             :       result: integer holding the conversion result
     351             : 
     352             :       return value: pointer to error message, if any,
     353             :                     or 0 on success
     354             : 
     355             :     Example usage (from C++):
     356             :       int result;
     357             :       const char* errmsg = hy36decode(width, "A1T5", 4, &result);
     358             :       if (errmsg) throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
     359             :  */
     360             : const char*
     361       96733 : hy36decode(unsigned width, const char* s, unsigned s_size, int* result)
     362             : {
     363             :   static int first_call = 1;
     364             :   static int digits_values_upper[128U];
     365             :   static int digits_values_lower[128U];
     366             :   static const char*
     367             :   ie_range = "internal error hy36decode: integer value out of range.";
     368             :   unsigned i;
     369             :   int di;
     370             :   const char* errmsg;
     371       96733 :   if (first_call) {
     372         161 :     first_call = 0;
     373       20769 :     for(i=0; i<128U; i++) digits_values_upper[i] = -1;
     374       20769 :     for(i=0; i<128U; i++) digits_values_lower[i] = -1;
     375       11753 :     for(i=0; i<36U; i++) {
     376        5796 :       di = digits_upper()[i];
     377        5796 :       if (di < 0 || di > 127) {
     378           0 :         *result = 0;
     379           0 :         return ie_range;
     380             :       }
     381        5796 :       digits_values_upper[di] = i;
     382             :     }
     383       11753 :     for(i=0; i<36U; i++) {
     384        5796 :       di = digits_lower()[i];
     385        5796 :       if (di < 0 || di > 127) {
     386           0 :         *result = 0;
     387           0 :         return ie_range;
     388             :       }
     389        5796 :       digits_values_lower[di] = i;
     390             :     }
     391             :   }
     392       96733 :   if (s_size == width) {
     393       96733 :     di = s[0];
     394       96733 :     if (di >= 0 && di <= 127) {
     395       96733 :       if (digits_values_upper[di] >= 10) {
     396           2 :         errmsg = decode_pure(digits_values_upper, 36U, s, s_size, result);
     397           2 :         if (errmsg == 0) {
     398             :           /* result - 10*36**(width-1) + 10**width */
     399           2 :           if      (width == 4U) (*result) -= 456560;
     400           2 :           else if (width == 5U) (*result) -= 16696160;
     401             :           else {
     402           0 :             *result = 0;
     403           0 :             return unsupported_width();
     404             :           }
     405             :           return 0;
     406             :         }
     407             :       }
     408       96731 :       else if (digits_values_lower[di] >= 10) {
     409           0 :         errmsg = decode_pure(digits_values_lower, 36U, s, s_size, result);
     410           0 :         if (errmsg == 0) {
     411             :           /* result + 16*36**(width-1) + 10**width */
     412           0 :           if      (width == 4U) (*result) += 756496;
     413           0 :           else if (width == 5U) (*result) += 26973856;
     414             :           else {
     415           0 :             *result = 0;
     416           0 :             return unsupported_width();
     417             :           }
     418             :           return 0;
     419             :         }
     420             :       }
     421             :       else {
     422       96731 :         errmsg = decode_pure(digits_values_upper, 10U, s, s_size, result);
     423       96731 :         if (errmsg) return errmsg;
     424       96731 :         if (!(width == 4U || width == 5U)) {
     425           0 :           *result = 0;
     426           0 :           return unsupported_width();
     427             :         }
     428             :         return 0;
     429             :       }
     430             :     }
     431             :   }
     432           0 :   *result = 0;
     433           0 :   return invalid_number_literal();
     434             : }
     435             : 
     436             : }
     437             : 
     438         453 : unsigned PDB::getNumberOfAtomBlocks()const {
     439         453 :   return block_ends.size();
     440             : }
     441             : 
     442          18 : const std::vector<unsigned> & PDB::getAtomBlockEnds()const {
     443          18 :   return block_ends;
     444             : }
     445             : 
     446        8956 : const std::vector<Vector> & PDB::getPositions()const {
     447        8956 :   return positions;
     448             : }
     449             : 
     450           0 : void PDB::setPositions(const std::vector<Vector> &v ) {
     451           0 :   plumed_assert( v.size()==positions.size() );
     452           0 :   positions=v;
     453           0 : }
     454             : 
     455       14314 : const std::vector<double> & PDB::getOccupancy()const {
     456       14314 :   return occupancy;
     457             : }
     458             : 
     459       14314 : const std::vector<double> & PDB::getBeta()const {
     460       14314 :   return beta;
     461             : }
     462             : 
     463        1465 : const std::vector<std::string> & PDB::getRemark()const {
     464        1465 :   return remark;
     465             : }
     466             : 
     467         914 : void PDB::addRemark( const std::vector<std::string>& v1 ) {
     468        1828 :   remark.insert(remark.begin(),v1.begin(),v1.end());
     469         914 : }
     470             : 
     471       20674 : const std::vector<AtomNumber> & PDB::getAtomNumbers()const {
     472       20674 :   return numbers;
     473             : }
     474             : 
     475     1441030 : std::string PDB::getAtomName(AtomNumber a)const {
     476             :   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
     477     1441030 :   if(p==number2index.end()) return "";
     478     1441028 :   else return atomsymb[p->second];
     479             : }
     480             : 
     481       76420 : unsigned PDB::getResidueNumber(AtomNumber a)const {
     482             :   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
     483       76420 :   if(p==number2index.end()) return 0;
     484      152836 :   else return residue[p->second];
     485             : }
     486             : 
     487       79380 : std::string PDB::getResidueName(AtomNumber a) const {
     488             :   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
     489       79380 :   if(p==number2index.end()) return "";
     490       79378 :   else return residuenames[p->second];
     491             : }
     492             : 
     493    74494064 : unsigned PDB::size()const {
     494    74494064 :   return positions.size();
     495             : }
     496             : 
     497        1790 : bool PDB::readFromFilepointer(FILE *fp,bool naturalUnits,double scale) {
     498             :   //cerr<<file<<endl;
     499             :   bool file_is_alive=false;
     500        1790 :   if(naturalUnits) scale=1.0;
     501             :   string line;
     502             :   fpos_t pos; bool between_ters=true;
     503       99791 :   while(Tools::getline(fp,line)) {
     504             :     //cerr<<line<<"\n";
     505       99621 :     fgetpos (fp,&pos);
     506      772109 :     while(line.length()<80) line.push_back(' ');
     507       99621 :     string record=line.substr(0,6);
     508       99621 :     string serial=line.substr(6,5);
     509       99621 :     string atomname=line.substr(12,4);
     510       99621 :     string residuename=line.substr(17,3);
     511       99621 :     string chainID=line.substr(21,1);
     512       99621 :     string resnum=line.substr(22,4);
     513       99621 :     string x=line.substr(30,8);
     514       99621 :     string y=line.substr(38,8);
     515       99621 :     string z=line.substr(46,8);
     516       99621 :     string occ=line.substr(54,6);
     517       99621 :     string bet=line.substr(60,6);
     518       99621 :     Tools::trim(record);
     519       99851 :     if(record=="TER") { between_ters=false; block_ends.push_back( positions.size() ); }
     520       99621 :     if(record=="END") { file_is_alive=true;  break;}
     521       98075 :     if(record=="ENDMDL") { file_is_alive=true;  break;}
     522       98001 :     if(record=="REMARK") {
     523        3640 :       vector<string> v1;  v1=Tools::getWords(line.substr(6));
     524         910 :       addRemark( v1 );
     525             :     }
     526       99269 :     if(record=="ATOM" || record=="HETATM") {
     527             :       between_ters=true;
     528             :       AtomNumber a; unsigned resno;
     529             :       double o,b;
     530       96733 :       Vector p;
     531             :       {
     532             :         int result;
     533             :         auto trimmed=serial;
     534       96733 :         Tools::trim(trimmed);
     535       96826 :         while(trimmed.length()<5) trimmed = std::string(" ") + trimmed;
     536      193466 :         const char* errmsg = h36::hy36decode(5, trimmed.c_str(),trimmed.length(), &result);
     537       96733 :         if(errmsg) {
     538           0 :           std::string msg(errmsg);
     539           0 :           plumed_merror(msg);
     540             :         }
     541       96733 :         a.setSerial(result);
     542             :       }
     543             : 
     544       96733 :       Tools::convert(resnum,resno);
     545       96733 :       Tools::convert(occ,o);
     546       96733 :       Tools::convert(bet,b);
     547       96733 :       Tools::convert(x,p[0]);
     548       96733 :       Tools::convert(y,p[1]);
     549       96733 :       Tools::convert(z,p[2]);
     550             :       // scale into nm
     551       96733 :       p*=scale;
     552       96733 :       numbers.push_back(a);
     553       96733 :       number2index[a]=positions.size();
     554             :       std::size_t startpos=atomname.find_first_not_of(" \t");
     555             :       std::size_t endpos=atomname.find_last_not_of(" \t");
     556      193466 :       atomsymb.push_back( atomname.substr(startpos, endpos-startpos+1) );
     557       96733 :       residue.push_back(resno);
     558       96733 :       chain.push_back(chainID);
     559       96733 :       occupancy.push_back(o);
     560       96733 :       beta.push_back(b);
     561       96733 :       positions.push_back(p);
     562       96733 :       residuenames.push_back(residuename);
     563             :     }
     564             :   }
     565        5182 :   if( between_ters ) block_ends.push_back( positions.size() );
     566        1790 :   return file_is_alive;
     567             : }
     568             : 
     569          80 : void PDB::setArgKeyword( const std::string& new_args ) {
     570             :   bool replaced=false;
     571         880 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<remark.size(); ++i) {
     572         240 :     if( remark[i].find("ARG=")!=std::string::npos) {
     573             :       remark[i]=new_args; replaced=true;
     574             :     }
     575             :   }
     576          80 :   plumed_assert( replaced );
     577          80 : }
     578             : 
     579         232 : bool PDB::read(const std::string&file,bool naturalUnits,double scale) {
     580         232 :   FILE* fp=fopen(file.c_str(),"r");
     581         232 :   if(!fp) return false;
     582         230 :   readFromFilepointer(fp,naturalUnits,scale);
     583         230 :   fclose(fp);
     584         230 :   return true;
     585             : }
     586             : 
     587         132 : void PDB::getChainNames( std::vector<std::string>& chains ) const {
     588         132 :   chains.resize(0);
     589         132 :   chains.push_back( chain[0] );
     590      428960 :   for(unsigned i=1; i<size(); ++i) {
     591      643242 :     if( chains[chains.size()-1]!=chain[i] ) chains.push_back( chain[i] );
     592             :   }
     593         132 : }
     594             : 
     595         463 : void PDB::getResidueRange( const std::string& chainname, unsigned& res_start, unsigned& res_end, std::string& errmsg ) const {
     596             :   bool inres=false, foundchain=false;
     597     2083995 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     598     2083532 :     if( chain[i]==chainname ) {
     599      104842 :       if(!inres) {
     600         463 :         if(foundchain) errmsg="found second start of chain named " + chainname;
     601         463 :         res_start=residue[i];
     602             :       }
     603             :       inres=true; foundchain=true;
     604      936924 :     } else if( inres && chain[i]!=chainname ) {
     605             :       inres=false;
     606         746 :       res_end=residue[i-1];
     607             :     }
     608             :   }
     609         553 :   if(inres) res_end=residue[size()-1];
     610         463 : }
     611             : 
     612         192 : void PDB::getAtomRange( const std::string& chainname, AtomNumber& a_start, AtomNumber& a_end, std::string& errmsg ) const {
     613             :   bool inres=false, foundchain=false;
     614      742516 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     615      742324 :     if( chain[i]==chainname ) {
     616      132222 :       if(!inres) {
     617         192 :         if(foundchain) errmsg="found second start of chain named " + chainname;
     618         192 :         a_start=numbers[i];
     619             :       }
     620             :       inres=true; foundchain=true;
     621      238940 :     } else if( inres && chain[i]!=chainname ) {
     622             :       inres=false;
     623         190 :       a_end=numbers[i-1];
     624             :     }
     625             :   }
     626         289 :   if(inres) a_end=numbers[size()-1];
     627         192 : }
     628             : 
     629        8422 : std::string PDB::getResidueName( const unsigned& resnum ) const {
     630    21075150 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     631    21083572 :     if( residue[i]==resnum ) return residuenames[i];
     632             :   }
     633           0 :   return "";
     634             : }
     635             : 
     636       10302 : std::string PDB::getResidueName(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chainid ) const {
     637    26230466 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     638    26261244 :     if( residue[i]==resnum && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) return residuenames[i];
     639             :   }
     640           0 :   return "";
     641             : }
     642             : 
     643             : 
     644       13260 : AtomNumber PDB::getNamedAtomFromResidue( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum ) const {
     645    32681100 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     646    32812980 :     if( residue[i]==resnum && atomsymb[i]==aname ) return numbers[i];
     647             :   }
     648           0 :   std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
     649           0 :   plumed_merror("residue " + num + " does not contain an atom named " + aname );
     650             :   return numbers[0]; // This is to stop compiler errors
     651             : }
     652             : 
     653        1891 : AtomNumber PDB::getNamedAtomFromResidueAndChain( const std::string& aname, const unsigned& resnum, const std::string& chainid ) const {
     654     2068917 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     655     2104726 :     if( residue[i]==resnum && atomsymb[i]==aname && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) return numbers[i];
     656             :   }
     657           0 :   std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
     658           0 :   plumed_merror("residue " + num + " from chain " + chainid + " does not contain an atom named " + aname );
     659             :   return numbers[0]; // This is to stop compiler errors
     660             : }
     661             : 
     662        9954 : std::vector<AtomNumber> PDB::getAtomsInResidue(const unsigned& resnum,const std::string& chainid)const {
     663             :   std::vector<AtomNumber> tmp;
     664    52009650 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     665    52447710 :     if( residue[i]==resnum && ( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid) ) tmp.push_back(numbers[i]);
     666             :   }
     667        9954 :   if(tmp.size()==0) {
     668           0 :     std::string num; Tools::convert( resnum, num );
     669           0 :     plumed_merror("Cannot find residue " + num + " from chain " + chainid  );
     670             :   }
     671        9954 :   return tmp;
     672             : }
     673             : 
     674          28 : std::vector<AtomNumber> PDB::getAtomsInChain(const std::string& chainid)const {
     675             :   std::vector<AtomNumber> tmp;
     676      146300 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     677      182840 :     if( chainid=="*" || chain[i]==chainid ) tmp.push_back(numbers[i]);
     678             :   }
     679          28 :   if(tmp.size()==0) {
     680           0 :     plumed_merror("Cannot find atoms from chain " + chainid  );
     681             :   }
     682          28 :   return tmp;
     683             : }
     684             : 
     685        4638 : std::string PDB::getChainID(const unsigned& resnumber) const {
     686    11373706 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     687    11382982 :     if(resnumber==residue[i]) return chain[i];
     688             :   }
     689           0 :   plumed_merror("Not enough residues in pdb input file");
     690             : }
     691             : 
     692           0 : bool PDB::checkForResidue( const std::string& name ) const {
     693           0 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     694           0 :     if( residuenames[i]==name ) return true;
     695             :   }
     696             :   return false;
     697             : }
     698             : 
     699           0 : bool PDB::checkForAtom( const std::string& name ) const {
     700           0 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<size(); ++i) {
     701           0 :     if( atomsymb[i]==name ) return true;
     702             :   }
     703             :   return false;
     704             : }
     705             : 
     706           0 : Log& operator<<(Log& ostr, const PDB&  pdb) {
     707             :   char buffer[1000];
     708           0 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<pdb.positions.size(); i++) {
     709           0 :     sprintf(buffer,"ATOM %3d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",pdb.numbers[i].serial(),pdb.positions[i][0],pdb.positions[i][1],pdb.positions[i][2]);
     710           0 :     ostr<<buffer;
     711             :   }
     712           0 :   return ostr;
     713             : }
     714             : 
     715         852 : Vector PDB::getPosition(AtomNumber a)const {
     716             :   const auto p=number2index.find(a);
     717         852 :   if(p==number2index.end()) plumed_merror("atom not available");
     718        1704 :   else return positions[p->second];
     719             : }
     720             : 
     721             : 
     722             : 
     723        4839 : }
     724             : 

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