LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - isdb - RDC.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 195 207 94.2 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 15 17 88.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "MetainferenceBase.h"
      23             : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
      24             : #include "tools/Pbc.h"
      25             : 
      26             : #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_GSL
      27             : #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
      28             : #include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
      29             : #include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
      30             : #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
      31             : #endif
      32             : 
      33             : using namespace std;
      34             : 
      35             : namespace PLMD {
      36             : namespace isdb {
      37             : 
      38             : //+PLUMEDOC ISDB_COLVAR RDC
      39             : /*
      40             : Calculates the (Residual) Dipolar Coupling between two atoms.
      41             : 
      42             : The Dipolar Coupling between two nuclei depends on the \f$\theta\f$ angle between
      43             : the inter-nuclear vector and the external magnetic field.
      44             : 
      45             : \f[
      46             : D=D_{max}0.5(3\cos^2(\theta)-1)
      47             : \f]
      48             : 
      49             : where
      50             : 
      51             : \f[
      52             : D_{max}=-\mu_0\gamma_1\gamma_2h/(8\pi^3r^3)
      53             : \f]
      54             : 
      55             : that is the maximal value of the dipolar coupling for the two nuclear spins with gyromagnetic ratio \f$\gamma\f$.
      56             : \f$\mu\f$ is the magnetic constant and h is the Planck constant.
      57             : 
      58             : Common Gyromagnetic Ratios (C.G.S)
      59             : - H(1) 26.7513
      60             : - C(13) 6.7261
      61             : - N(15) -2.7116
      62             : and their products (this is what is given in input using the keyword GYROM)
      63             : - N-H -72.5388
      64             : - C-H 179.9319
      65             : - C-N -18.2385
      66             : - C-C 45.2404
      67             : 
      68             : In isotropic media DCs average to zero because of the rotational
      69             : averaging, but when the rotational symmetry is broken, either through the introduction of an alignment medium or for molecules
      70             : with highly anisotropic paramagnetic susceptibility, then the average of the DCs is not zero and it is possible to measure a Residual Dipolar Coupling (RDCs).
      71             : 
      72             : This collective variable calculates the Dipolar Coupling for a set of couple of atoms using
      73             : the above definition.
      74             : 
      75             : In a standard MD simulation the average over time of the DC should then be zero. If one wants to model the meaning of a set of measured RDCs it is possible to try to solve the following problem: "what is the distribution of structures and orientations that reproduce the measured RDCs".
      76             : 
      77             : This collective variable can then be use to break the rotational symmetry of a simulation by imposing that the average of the DCs over the conformational ensemble must be equal to the measured RDCs \cite Camilloni:2015ka . Since measured RDCs are also a function of the fraction of aligned molecules in the sample it is better to compare them modulo a constant or looking at the correlation.
      78             : 
      79             : Alternatively if the molecule is rigid it is possible to use the experimental data to calculate the alignment tensor and the use that to back calculate the RDCs, this is what is usually call the Single Value Decomposition approach. In this case the code rely on the
      80             : a set of function from the GNU Scientific Library (GSL). (With SVD forces are not currently implemented).
      81             : 
      82             : Replica-Averaged simulations can be perfomed using RDCs, \ref ENSEMBLE, \ref STATS and \ref RESTRAINT .
      83             : \ref METAINFERENCE can be activated using DOSCORE and the other relevant keywords.
      84             : 
      85             : Additional material and examples can be also found in the tutorial \ref belfast-9
      86             : 
      87             : \par Examples
      88             : In the following example five N-H RDCs are defined and averaged over multiple replicas,
      89             : their correlation is then calculated with respect to a set of experimental data and restrained.
      90             : In addition, and only for analysis purposes, the same RDCs each single conformation are calculated
      91             : using a Single Value Decomposition algorithm, then averaged and again compared with the experimenta data.
      92             : 
      93             : \plumedfile
      94             : RDC ...
      95             : GYROM=-72.5388
      96             : SCALE=0.001
      97             : ATOMS1=20,21
      98             : ATOMS2=37,38
      99             : ATOMS3=56,57
     100             : ATOMS4=76,77
     101             : ATOMS5=92,93
     102             : LABEL=nh
     103             : ... RDC
     104             : 
     105             : erdc: ENSEMBLE ARG=nh.*
     106             : 
     107             : st: STATS ARG=erdc.* PARAMETERS=8.17,-8.271,-10.489,-9.871,-9.152
     108             : 
     109             : rdce: RESTRAINT ARG=st.corr KAPPA=0. SLOPE=-25000.0 AT=1.
     110             : 
     111             : RDC ...
     112             : GYROM=-72.5388
     113             : SVD
     114             : ATOMS1=20,21 COUPLING1=8.17
     115             : ATOMS2=37,38 COUPLING2=-8.271
     116             : ATOMS3=56,57 COUPLING3=-10.489
     117             : ATOMS4=76,77 COUPLING4=-9.871
     118             : ATOMS5=92,93 COUPLING5=-9.152
     119             : LABEL=svd
     120             : ... RDC
     121             : 
     122             : esvd: ENSEMBLE ARG=svd.*
     123             : 
     124             : st_svd: STATS ARG=esvd.* PARAMETERS=8.17,-8.271,-10.489,-9.871,-9.152
     125             : 
     126             : 
     127             : PRINT ARG=st.corr,st_svd.corr,rdce.bias FILE=colvar
     128             : \endplumedfile
     129             : 
     130             : */
     131             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
     132             : 
     133             : //+PLUMEDOC ISDB_COLVAR PCS
     134             : /*
     135             : Calculates the Pseudocontact shift of a nucleus determined by the presence of a metal ion susceptible to anisotropic magnetization.
     136             : 
     137             : The PCS of an atomic nucleus depends on the \f$\theta\f$ angle between the vector from the spin-label to the nucleus
     138             :  and the external magnetic field and the module of the vector itself \cite Camilloni:2015jf . While in principle the averaging
     139             : resulting from the tumbling should remove the pseudocontact shift, in presence of the NMR magnetic field the magnatically anisotropic molecule bound to system will break the rotational symmetry does resulting in measurable PCSs and RDCs.
     140             : 
     141             : PCSs can also be calculated using a Single Value Decomposition approach, in this case the code rely on the
     142             : a set of function from the GNU Scientific Library (GSL). (With SVD forces are not currently implemented).
     143             : 
     144             : Replica-Averaged simulations can be perfomed using PCSs, \ref ENSEMBLE, \ref STATS and \ref RESTRAINT .
     145             : Metainference simulations can be performed with this CV and \ref METAINFERENCE .
     146             : 
     147             : \par Examples
     148             : 
     149             : In the following example five PCSs are defined and their correlation with
     150             : respect to a set of experimental data is calculated and restrained. In addition,
     151             : and only for analysis purposes, the same PCSs are calculated using a Single Value
     152             : Decomposition algorithm.
     153             : 
     154             : \plumedfile
     155             : PCS ...
     156             : ATOMS1=20,21
     157             : ATOMS2=20,38
     158             : ATOMS3=20,57
     159             : ATOMS4=20,77
     160             : ATOMS5=20,93
     161             : LABEL=nh
     162             : ... PCS
     163             : 
     164             : enh: ENSEMBLE ARG=nh.*
     165             : 
     166             : st: STATS ARG=enh.* PARAMETERS=8.17,-8.271,-10.489,-9.871,-9.152
     167             : 
     168             : pcse: RESTRAINT ARG=st.corr KAPPA=0. SLOPE=-25000.0 AT=1.
     169             : 
     170             : PRINT ARG=st.corr,pcse.bias FILE=colvar
     171             : \endplumedfile
     172             : 
     173             : */
     174             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
     175             : 
     176          87 : class RDC :
     177             :   public MetainferenceBase
     178             : {
     179             : private:
     180             :   double         Const;
     181             :   double         mu_s;
     182             :   double         scale;
     183             :   vector<double> coupl;
     184             :   bool           svd;
     185             :   bool           pbc;
     186             : 
     187             :   void do_svd();
     188             : public:
     189             :   explicit RDC(const ActionOptions&);
     190             :   static void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys );
     191             :   virtual void calculate();
     192             :   void update();
     193             : };
     194             : 
     195        6481 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(RDC,"RDC")
     196        6452 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(RDC,"PCS")
     197             : 
     198          31 : void RDC::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
     199          31 :   componentsAreNotOptional(keys);
     200          31 :   useCustomisableComponents(keys);
     201          31 :   MetainferenceBase::registerKeywords(keys);
     202          93 :   keys.addFlag("NOPBC",false,"ignore the periodic boundary conditions when calculating distances");
     203         124 :   keys.add("numbered","ATOMS","the couple of atoms involved in each of the bonds for which you wish to calculate the RDC. "
     204             :            "Keywords like ATOMS1, ATOMS2, ATOMS3,... should be listed and one dipolar coupling will be "
     205             :            "calculated for each ATOMS keyword you specify.");
     206          93 :   keys.reset_style("ATOMS","atoms");
     207         155 :   keys.add("compulsory","GYROM","1.","Add the product of the gyromagnetic constants for the bond. ");
     208         155 :   keys.add("compulsory","SCALE","1.","Add the scaling factor to take into account concentration and other effects. ");
     209          93 :   keys.addFlag("SVD",false,"Set to TRUE if you want to backcalculate using Single Value Decomposition (need GSL at compilation time).");
     210          93 :   keys.addFlag("ADDCOUPLINGS",false,"Set to TRUE if you want to have fixed components with the experimetnal values.");
     211         124 :   keys.add("numbered","COUPLING","Add an experimental value for each coupling (needed by SVD and usefull for \ref STATS).");
     212         124 :   keys.addOutputComponent("rdc","default","the calculated # RDC");
     213         124 :   keys.addOutputComponent("exp","SVD/ADDCOUPLINGS","the experimental # RDC");
     214          31 : }
     215             : 
     216          29 : RDC::RDC(const ActionOptions&ao):
     217             :   PLUMED_METAINF_INIT(ao),
     218             :   Const(1.),
     219             :   mu_s(1.),
     220             :   scale(1.),
     221          58 :   pbc(true)
     222             : {
     223          29 :   bool nopbc=!pbc;
     224          58 :   parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc);
     225          29 :   pbc=!nopbc;
     226             : 
     227             :   const double RDCConst = 0.3356806;
     228             :   const double PCSConst = 1.0;
     229             : 
     230          29 :   if( getName().find("RDC")!=std::string::npos) { Const *= RDCConst; }
     231           0 :   else if( getName().find("PCS")!=std::string::npos) { Const *= PCSConst; }
     232             : 
     233             :   // Read in the atoms
     234             :   vector<AtomNumber> t, atoms;
     235         117 :   for(int i=1;; ++i ) {
     236         292 :     parseAtomList("ATOMS", i, t );
     237         146 :     if( t.empty() ) break;
     238         117 :     if( t.size()!=2 ) {
     239           0 :       std::string ss; Tools::convert(i,ss);
     240           0 :       error("ATOMS" + ss + " keyword has the wrong number of atoms");
     241             :     }
     242         117 :     atoms.push_back(t[0]);
     243         117 :     atoms.push_back(t[1]);
     244         117 :     t.resize(0);
     245         117 :   }
     246             : 
     247          29 :   const unsigned ndata = atoms.size()/2;
     248             : 
     249             :   // Read in GYROMAGNETIC constants
     250          58 :   parse("GYROM", mu_s);
     251          29 :   if(mu_s==0.) error("GYROM cannot be 0");
     252             : 
     253             :   // Read in SCALING factors
     254          58 :   parse("SCALE", scale);
     255          29 :   if(scale==0.) error("SCALE cannot be 0");
     256             : 
     257          29 :   svd=false;
     258          58 :   parseFlag("SVD",svd);
     259             : #ifndef __PLUMED_HAS_GSL
     260             :   if(svd) error("You CANNOT use SVD without GSL. Recompile PLUMED with GSL!\n");
     261             : #endif
     262          30 :   if(svd&&getDoScore()) error("It is not possible to use SVD and METAINFERENCE together");
     263             : 
     264          29 :   bool addexp=false;
     265          58 :   parseFlag("ADDCOUPLINGS",addexp);
     266          29 :   if(getDoScore()||svd) addexp=true;
     267             : 
     268          29 :   if(addexp) {
     269          13 :     coupl.resize( ndata );
     270             :     unsigned ntarget=0;
     271          66 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ndata; ++i) {
     272         159 :       if( !parseNumbered( "COUPLING", i+1, coupl[i] ) ) break;
     273             :       ntarget++;
     274             :     }
     275          13 :     if( ntarget!=ndata ) error("found wrong number of COUPLING values");
     276             :   }
     277             : 
     278             :   // Ouput details of all contacts
     279          29 :   log.printf("  Gyromagnetic moment is %f. Scaling factor is %f.",mu_s,scale);
     280         146 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<ndata; ++i) {
     281         351 :     log.printf("  The %uth Bond Dipolar Coupling is calculated from atoms : %d %d.", i+1, atoms[2*i].serial(), atoms[2*i+1].serial());
     282         170 :     if(addexp) log.printf(" Experimental coupling is %f.", coupl[i]);
     283         117 :     log.printf("\n");
     284             :   }
     285             : 
     286          29 :   log<<"  Bibliography "
     287          87 :      <<plumed.cite("Camilloni C, Vendruscolo M, J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 653 (2015)")
     288         116 :      <<plumed.cite("Camilloni C, Vendruscolo M, Biochemistry 54, 7470 (2015)");
     289          87 :   log<< plumed.cite("Bonomi, Camilloni, Bioinformatics, 33, 3999 (2017)") << "\n";
     290             : 
     291             : 
     292          29 :   if(!getDoScore()&&!svd) {
     293         144 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ndata; i++) {
     294          64 :       std::string num; Tools::convert(i,num);
     295         128 :       addComponentWithDerivatives("rdc_"+num);
     296         128 :       componentIsNotPeriodic("rdc_"+num);
     297             :     }
     298          16 :     if(addexp) {
     299           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ndata; i++) {
     300           0 :         std::string num; Tools::convert(i,num);
     301           0 :         addComponent("exp_"+num);
     302           0 :         componentIsNotPeriodic("exp_"+num);
     303           0 :         Value* comp=getPntrToComponent("exp_"+num);
     304           0 :         comp->set(coupl[i]);
     305             :       }
     306             :     }
     307             :   } else {
     308         119 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ndata; i++) {
     309          53 :       std::string num; Tools::convert(i,num);
     310         106 :       addComponentWithDerivatives("rdc_"+num);
     311         106 :       componentIsNotPeriodic("rdc_"+num);
     312             :     }
     313         119 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ndata; i++) {
     314          53 :       std::string num; Tools::convert(i,num);
     315         106 :       addComponent("exp_"+num);
     316         106 :       componentIsNotPeriodic("exp_"+num);
     317         106 :       Value* comp=getPntrToComponent("exp_"+num);
     318         106 :       comp->set(coupl[i]);
     319             :     }
     320             :   }
     321             : 
     322          29 :   if(svd) {
     323           3 :     addComponent("Sxx"); componentIsNotPeriodic("Sxx");
     324           3 :     addComponent("Syy"); componentIsNotPeriodic("Syy");
     325           3 :     addComponent("Szz"); componentIsNotPeriodic("Szz");
     326           3 :     addComponent("Sxy"); componentIsNotPeriodic("Sxy");
     327           3 :     addComponent("Sxz"); componentIsNotPeriodic("Sxz");
     328           3 :     addComponent("Syz"); componentIsNotPeriodic("Syz");
     329             :   }
     330             : 
     331          29 :   requestAtoms(atoms);
     332          29 :   if(getDoScore()) {
     333          12 :     setParameters(coupl);
     334          12 :     Initialise(coupl.size());
     335             :   }
     336          29 :   setDerivatives();
     337          29 :   checkRead();
     338          29 : }
     339             : 
     340           5 : void RDC::do_svd()
     341             : {
     342             : #ifdef __PLUMED_HAS_GSL
     343             :   gsl_vector *rdc_vec, *S, *Stmp, *work, *bc;
     344             :   gsl_matrix *coef_mat, *A, *V;
     345           5 :   rdc_vec = gsl_vector_alloc(coupl.size());
     346           5 :   bc = gsl_vector_alloc(coupl.size());
     347           5 :   Stmp = gsl_vector_alloc(5);
     348           5 :   S = gsl_vector_alloc(5);
     349           5 :   work = gsl_vector_alloc(5);
     350           5 :   coef_mat = gsl_matrix_alloc(coupl.size(),5);
     351           5 :   A = gsl_matrix_alloc(coupl.size(),5);
     352           5 :   V = gsl_matrix_alloc(5,5);
     353           5 :   gsl_matrix_set_zero(coef_mat);
     354           5 :   gsl_vector_set_zero(bc);
     355             :   unsigned index=0;
     356           5 :   vector<double> dmax(coupl.size());
     357          55 :   for(unsigned r=0; r<getNumberOfAtoms(); r+=2) {
     358          25 :     Vector  distance;
     359          75 :     if(pbc) distance = pbcDistance(getPosition(r),getPosition(r+1));
     360           0 :     else    distance = delta(getPosition(r),getPosition(r+1));
     361          25 :     double d    = distance.modulo();
     362          25 :     double d2   = d*d;
     363          25 :     double d3   = d2*d;
     364          25 :     double id3  = 1./d3;
     365          25 :     double max  = -Const*mu_s*scale;
     366          50 :     dmax[index] = id3*max;
     367          25 :     double mu_x = distance[0]/d;
     368          25 :     double mu_y = distance[1]/d;
     369          25 :     double mu_z = distance[2]/d;
     370          50 :     gsl_vector_set(rdc_vec,index,coupl[index]/dmax[index]);
     371          25 :     gsl_matrix_set(coef_mat,index,0,gsl_matrix_get(coef_mat,index,0)+(mu_x*mu_x-mu_z*mu_z));
     372          25 :     gsl_matrix_set(coef_mat,index,1,gsl_matrix_get(coef_mat,index,1)+(mu_y*mu_y-mu_z*mu_z));
     373          25 :     gsl_matrix_set(coef_mat,index,2,gsl_matrix_get(coef_mat,index,2)+(2.0*mu_x*mu_y));
     374          25 :     gsl_matrix_set(coef_mat,index,3,gsl_matrix_get(coef_mat,index,3)+(2.0*mu_x*mu_z));
     375          25 :     gsl_matrix_set(coef_mat,index,4,gsl_matrix_get(coef_mat,index,4)+(2.0*mu_y*mu_z));
     376          25 :     index++;
     377             :   }
     378           5 :   gsl_matrix_memcpy(A,coef_mat);
     379           5 :   gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(A, V, Stmp, work);
     380           5 :   gsl_linalg_SV_solve(A, V, Stmp, rdc_vec, S);
     381             :   /* tensor */
     382             :   Value* tensor;
     383          10 :   tensor=getPntrToComponent("Sxx");
     384           5 :   double Sxx = gsl_vector_get(S,0);
     385             :   tensor->set(Sxx);
     386          10 :   tensor=getPntrToComponent("Syy");
     387           5 :   double Syy = gsl_vector_get(S,1);
     388             :   tensor->set(Syy);
     389          10 :   tensor=getPntrToComponent("Szz");
     390           5 :   double Szz = -Sxx-Syy;
     391             :   tensor->set(Szz);
     392          10 :   tensor=getPntrToComponent("Sxy");
     393           5 :   double Sxy = gsl_vector_get(S,2);
     394             :   tensor->set(Sxy);
     395          10 :   tensor=getPntrToComponent("Sxz");
     396           5 :   double Sxz = gsl_vector_get(S,3);
     397             :   tensor->set(Sxz);
     398          10 :   tensor=getPntrToComponent("Syz");
     399           5 :   double Syz = gsl_vector_get(S,4);
     400             :   tensor->set(Syz);
     401             : 
     402           5 :   gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, coef_mat, S, 0., bc);
     403          85 :   for(index=0; index<coupl.size(); index++) {
     404          50 :     double rdc = gsl_vector_get(bc,index)*dmax[index];
     405          25 :     Value* val=getPntrToComponent(index);
     406             :     val->set(rdc);
     407             :   }
     408           5 :   gsl_matrix_free(coef_mat);
     409           5 :   gsl_matrix_free(A);
     410           5 :   gsl_matrix_free(V);
     411           5 :   gsl_vector_free(rdc_vec);
     412           5 :   gsl_vector_free(bc);
     413           5 :   gsl_vector_free(Stmp);
     414           5 :   gsl_vector_free(S);
     415           5 :   gsl_vector_free(work);
     416             : #endif
     417           5 : }
     418             : 
     419        2172 : void RDC::calculate()
     420             : {
     421        2172 :   if(svd) {
     422           5 :     do_svd();
     423           5 :     return;
     424             :   }
     425             : 
     426        2167 :   const double max  = -Const*scale*mu_s;
     427             :   const unsigned N=getNumberOfAtoms();
     428        2167 :   vector<Vector> dRDC(N/2, Vector{0.,0.,0.});
     429             : 
     430             :   /* RDC Calculations and forces */
     431        6501 :   #pragma omp parallel num_threads(OpenMP::getNumThreads())
     432             :   {
     433             :     #pragma omp for
     434             :     for(unsigned r=0; r<N; r+=2)
     435             :     {
     436        8668 :       const unsigned index=r/2;
     437        8668 :       Vector  distance;
     438       34672 :       if(pbc) distance   = pbcDistance(getPosition(r),getPosition(r+1));
     439           0 :       else    distance   = delta(getPosition(r),getPosition(r+1));
     440        8668 :       const double d2    = distance.modulo2();
     441        8668 :       const double ind   = 1./sqrt(d2);
     442        8668 :       const double ind2  = 1./d2;
     443        8668 :       const double ind3  = ind2*ind;
     444        8668 :       const double x2    = distance[0]*distance[0]*ind2;
     445        8668 :       const double y2    = distance[1]*distance[1]*ind2;
     446        8668 :       const double z2    = distance[2]*distance[2]*ind2;
     447        8668 :       const double dmax  = ind3*max;
     448        8668 :       const double ddmax = dmax*ind2;
     449             : 
     450        8668 :       const double rdc   = 0.5*dmax*(3.*z2-1.);
     451        8668 :       const double prod_xy = (x2+y2-4.*z2);
     452        8668 :       const double prod_z =  (3.*x2 + 3.*y2 - 2.*z2);
     453             : 
     454       17336 :       dRDC[index] = -1.5*ddmax*distance;
     455       17336 :       dRDC[index][0] *= prod_xy;
     456        8668 :       dRDC[index][1] *= prod_xy;
     457        8668 :       dRDC[index][2] *= prod_z;
     458             : 
     459        8668 :       string num; Tools::convert(index,num);
     460       17336 :       Value* val=getPntrToComponent("rdc_"+num);
     461             :       val->set(rdc);
     462        8668 :       if(!getDoScore()) {
     463        2744 :         setBoxDerivatives(val, Tensor(distance,dRDC[index]));
     464        2744 :         setAtomsDerivatives(val, r,  dRDC[index]);
     465        2744 :         setAtomsDerivatives(val, r+1, -dRDC[index]);
     466             :       } else setCalcData(index, rdc);
     467             :     }
     468             :   }
     469             : 
     470        2167 :   if(getDoScore()) {
     471             :     /* Metainference */
     472        1824 :     Tensor dervir;
     473        1824 :     double score = getScore();
     474             :     setScore(score);
     475             : 
     476             :     /* calculate final derivatives */
     477        3648 :     Value* val=getPntrToComponent("score");
     478       16416 :     for(unsigned r=0; r<N; r+=2)
     479             :     {
     480        7296 :       const unsigned index=r/2;
     481        7296 :       Vector  distance;
     482       21888 :       if(pbc) distance   = pbcDistance(getPosition(r),getPosition(r+1));
     483           0 :       else    distance   = delta(getPosition(r),getPosition(r+1));
     484        7296 :       const Vector der = dRDC[index]*getMetaDer(index);
     485        7296 :       dervir += Tensor(distance, der);
     486        7296 :       setAtomsDerivatives(val, r,  der);
     487        7296 :       setAtomsDerivatives(val, r+1, -der);
     488             :     }
     489        1824 :     setBoxDerivatives(val, dervir);
     490             :   }
     491             : }
     492             : 
     493         327 : void RDC::update() {
     494             :   // write status file
     495         654 :   if(getWstride()>0&& (getStep()%getWstride()==0 || getCPT()) ) writeStatus();
     496         327 : }
     497             : 
     498             : }
     499        4839 : }

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