LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - crystallization - SMAC.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 45 45 100.0 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 11 12 91.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "OrientationSphere.h"
      23             : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
      24             : #include "tools/Torsion.h"
      25             : #include "tools/KernelFunctions.h"
      26             : 
      27             : //+PLUMEDOC MCOLVARF SMAC
      28             : /*
      29             : Calculate a variant on the SMAC collective variable discussed in \cite smac-paper
      30             : 
      31             : The SMAC collective variable can be used to study the formation of molecular solids
      32             : from either the melt or from solution.  The idea behind this variable is that what
      33             : differentiates a molecular solid from a molecular liquid is an alignment of
      34             : internal vectors in neighboring molecules.  In other words, the relative orientation
      35             : of neighboring molecules is no longer random as it is in a liquid.  In a solid particular
      36             : torsional angles between molecules are preferred.  As such this CV calculates the following
      37             : average:
      38             : 
      39             : \f[
      40             : s_i = \frac{ \left\{ 1 - \psi\left[ \sum_{j \ne i} \sigma(r_{ij}) \right] \right\} \sum_{j \ne i} \sigma(r_{ij}) \sum_n K_n(\theta_{ij}) }{ \sum_{j \ne i} \sigma(r_{ij}) }
      41             : \f]
      42             : 
      43             : In this expression \f$r_{ij}\f$ is the distance between molecule \f$i\f$ and molecule \f$j\f$ and \f$\sigma(r_{ij})\f$ is a
      44             : \ref switchingfunction that acts on this distance.  By including this switching function in the second summation in the
      45             : numerator and in the denominator we are thus ensuring that we calculate an average over the molecules in the first coordination
      46             : sphere of molecule \f$i\f$.  All molecules in higher coordination sphere will essentially contribute zero to the sums in the
      47             : above expression because their \f$\sigma(r_{ij})\f$ will be very small.  \f$\psi\f$ is also a switching function.  The term
      48             : including \f$\psi\f$ in the numerator is there to ensure that only those molecules that are attached to a reasonably large
      49             : number of molecules.  It is important to include this "more than" switching function when you are simulating nucleation
      50             : from solution with this CV.  Lastly, the $K_n functions are \ref kernelfunctions that take the torsion angle, \f$\theta_{ij}\f$, between the
      51             : internal orientation vectors for molecules \f$i\f$ and \f$j\f$ as input.  These kernel functions should be set so that they are
      52             : equal to one when the relative orientation of the moleclues are as they are in the solid and equal to zero otherwise.
      53             : The final \f$s_i\f$ quantity thus measures whether (on average) the molecules in the first coordination sphere around molecule \f$i\f$
      54             : are oriented as they would be in the solid.  Furthermore, this Action is a multicolvar so you can calculate the \f$s_i\f$ values
      55             : for all the molecules in your system simultaneously and then determine the average, the number less than and so on.
      56             : 
      57             : \par Examples
      58             : 
      59             : In the example below the orientation of the molecules in the system is determined by calculating the
      60             : vector that connects a pair of atoms.  SMAC is then used to determine whether the molecules are sitting
      61             : in a solid or liquid like environment.  We can determine whether the environment is solid or liquid like because in the solid the torsional angle between
      62             : the bond vectors on adjacent molecules is close to 0 or \f$\pi\f$.  The final quantity that is output to the colvar
      63             : file measures the number of molecules that have a SMAC parameter that is greater than 0.7.  N.B. By using
      64             : the indices of three atoms for each of the MOL keywords below we are telling PLUMED to use the first two
      65             : numbers to determine the orientation of the molecule that will ultimately be used when calculating the \f$\theta_{ij}\f$
      66             : terms in the formula above.  The atom with the third index meanwhile is used when we calculate \f$r_{ij}\f$.
      67             : 
      68             : \plumedfile
      69             : MOLECULES ...
      70             : MOL1=9,10,9
      71             : MOL2=89,90,89
      72             : MOL3=473,474,473
      73             : MOL4=1161,1162,1161
      74             : MOL5=1521,1522,1521
      75             : MOL6=1593,1594,1593
      76             : MOL7=1601,1602,1601
      77             : MOL8=2201,2202,2201
      78             : LABEL=m3
      79             : ... MOLECULES
      80             : 
      81             : SMAC ...
      82             :    SPECIES=m3 LOWMEM
      83             :    KERNEL1={GAUSSIAN CENTER=0 SIGMA=0.480} KERNEL2={GAUSSIAN CENTER=pi SIGMA=0.480}
      84             :    SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.6} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.7} SWITCH_COORD={EXP R_0=4}
      85             :    LABEL=s2
      86             : ... SMAC
      87             : 
      88             : PRINT ARG=s2.* FILE=colvar
      89             : \endplumedfile
      90             : 
      91             : This second example works in a way that is very similar to the previous command.  Now, however,
      92             : the orientation of the molecules is determined by finding the plane that contains the positions
      93             : of three atoms.
      94             : 
      95             : \plumedfile
      96             : PLANES ...
      97             : MOL1=9,10,11
      98             : MOL2=89,90,91
      99             : MOL3=473,474,475
     100             : MOL4=1161,1162,1163
     101             : MOL5=1521,1522,1523
     102             : MOL6=1593,1594,1595
     103             : MOL7=1601,1602,1603
     104             : MOL8=2201,2202,2203
     105             : VMEAN
     106             : LABEL=m3
     107             : ... PLANES
     108             : 
     109             : SMAC ...
     110             :    SPECIES=m3 LOWMEM
     111             :    KERNEL1={GAUSSIAN CENTER=0 SIGMA=0.480} KERNEL2={GAUSSIAN CENTER=pi SIGMA=0.480}
     112             :    SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.6} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.7} SWITCH_COORD={EXP R_0=3.0}
     113             :    LABEL=s2
     114             : ... SMAC
     115             : 
     116             : PRINT ARG=s2.* FILE=colvar
     117             : \endplumedfile
     118             : 
     119             : */
     120             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
     121             : 
     122             : namespace PLMD {
     123             : namespace crystallization {
     124             : 
     125          10 : class SMAC : public OrientationSphere {
     126             : private:
     127             :   std::vector<KernelFunctions> kernels;
     128             :   SwitchingFunction coord_switch;
     129             : public:
     130             :   static void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys );
     131             :   explicit SMAC(const ActionOptions& ao);
     132             :   double computeVectorFunction( const Vector& conn, const std::vector<double>& vec1, const std::vector<double>& vec2,
     133             :                                 Vector& dconn, std::vector<double>& dvec1, std::vector<double>& dvec2 ) const ;
     134             :   double calculateCoordinationPrefactor( const double& coord, double& df ) const ;
     135             : };
     136             : 
     137        6457 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(SMAC,"SMAC")
     138             : 
     139           6 : void SMAC::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
     140           6 :   OrientationSphere::registerKeywords(keys);
     141          24 :   keys.add("numbered","KERNEL","The kernels used in the function of the angle");
     142          24 :   keys.add("compulsory","SWITCH_COORD","This keyword is used to define the coordination switching function.");
     143          18 :   keys.reset_style("KERNEL","compulsory");
     144           6 : }
     145             : 
     146           5 : SMAC::SMAC(const ActionOptions& ao):
     147             :   Action(ao),
     148          10 :   OrientationSphere(ao)
     149             : {
     150           5 :   if( mybasemulticolvars.size()==0 ) error("SMAC must take multicolvar as input");
     151          28 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<mybasemulticolvars.size(); ++i) {
     152           6 :     if( (mybasemulticolvars[i]->getNumberOfQuantities()-2)%3!=0 ) error("SMAC is only possible with three dimensional vectors");
     153             :   }
     154             : 
     155             :   std::string kernelinpt;
     156          10 :   for(int i=1;; i++) {
     157          30 :     if( !parseNumbered("KERNEL",i,kernelinpt) ) break;
     158          20 :     KernelFunctions mykernel( kernelinpt, false );
     159          10 :     kernels.push_back( mykernel );
     160          10 :   }
     161           5 :   if( kernels.size()==0 ) error("no kernels defined");
     162             : 
     163          10 :   std::string sw, errors; parse("SWITCH_COORD",sw);
     164           5 :   if(sw.length()==0) error("SWITCH_COORD keyword is missing");
     165           5 :   coord_switch.set(sw,errors);
     166           5 :   if(errors.length()>0) error("the following errors were found in input to SWITCH_COORD : " + errors );
     167             : 
     168           5 : }
     169             : 
     170     1025856 : double SMAC::computeVectorFunction( const Vector& conn, const std::vector<double>& vec1, const std::vector<double>& vec2,
     171             :                                     Vector& dconn, std::vector<double>& dvec1, std::vector<double>& dvec2 ) const {
     172             : 
     173     1025856 :   unsigned nvectors = ( vec1.size() - 2 ) / 3; plumed_assert( (vec1.size()-2)%3==0 );
     174     1025856 :   std::vector<Vector> dv1(nvectors), dv2(nvectors), tdconn(nvectors); Torsion t; std::vector<Vector> v1(nvectors), v2(nvectors);
     175     6155136 :   std::vector<Value*> pos; for(unsigned i=0; i<nvectors; ++i) { pos.push_back( new Value() ); pos[i]->setDomain( "-pi", "pi" ); }
     176             : 
     177     3077568 :   for(unsigned j=0; j<nvectors; ++j) {
     178     7180992 :     for(unsigned k=0; k<3; ++k) {
     179    12310272 :       v1[j][k]=vec1[2+3*j+k]; v2[j][k]=vec2[2+3*j+k];
     180             :     }
     181     2051712 :     double angle = t.compute( v1[j], conn, v2[j], dv1[j], tdconn[j], dv2[j] );
     182     1025856 :     pos[j]->set( angle );
     183             :   }
     184             : 
     185     1025856 :   double ans=0; std::vector<double> deriv( nvectors ), df( nvectors, 0 );
     186     8206848 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<kernels.size(); ++i) {
     187     2051712 :     ans += kernels[i].evaluate( pos, deriv );
     188     8206848 :     for(unsigned j=0; j<nvectors; ++j) df[j] += deriv[j];
     189             :   }
     190     2051712 :; for(unsigned j=0; j<nvectors; ++j) dconn += df[j]*tdconn[j];
     191     3077568 :   for(unsigned j=0; j<nvectors; ++j) {
     192    22568832 :     for(unsigned k=0; k<3; ++k) { dvec1[2+3*j+k]=df[j]*dv1[j][k]; dvec2[2+3*j+k]=df[j]*dv2[j][k]; }
     193     2051712 :     delete pos[j];
     194             :   }
     195     1025856 :   return ans;
     196             : }
     197             : 
     198        4464 : double SMAC::calculateCoordinationPrefactor( const double& coord, double& df ) const {
     199        4464 :   double f=1-coord_switch.calculate( coord, df ); df*=-coord; return f;
     200             : }
     201             : 
     202             : }
     203        4839 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13