LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - crystallization - Gradient.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 52 72 72.2 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 9 10 90.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2014-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "Gradient.h"
      23             : #include "core/PlumedMain.h"
      24             : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
      25             : #include "tools/HistogramBead.h"
      26             : 
      27             : namespace PLMD {
      28             : namespace crystallization {
      29             : 
      30             : //+PLUMEDOC MCOLVARF GRADIENT
      31             : /*
      32             : Calculate the gradient of the average value of a multicolvar value
      33             : 
      34             : This command allows you to calculate the collective variable discussed in \cite fede-grad.
      35             : 
      36             : \par Examples
      37             : 
      38             : The input below calculates the gradient of the density of atoms in the manner
      39             : described in \cite fede-grad in order to detect whether or not atoms are distributed
      40             : uniformly along the x-axis of the simulation cell.
      41             : 
      42             : \plumedfile
      43             : d1: DENSITY SPECIES=1-50
      44             : s1: GRADIENT ORIGIN=1 DATA=d1 DIR=x NBINS=4 SIGMA=1.0
      45             : PRINT ARG=s1 FILE=colvar
      46             : \endplumedfile
      47             : 
      48             : The input below calculates the coordination numbers of the 50 atoms in the simulation cell.
      49             : The gradient of this quantity is then evaluated in the manner described using the equation above
      50             : to detect whether the average values of the coordination number are uniformly distributed along the
      51             : x-axis of the simulation cell.
      52             : 
      53             : \plumedfile
      54             : d2: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-50 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=2.0} MORE_THAN={EXP R_0=4.0}
      55             : s2: GRADIENT ORIGIN=1 DATA=d2 DIR=x NBINS=4 SIGMA=1.0
      56             : PRINT ARG=s2 FILE=colvar
      57             : \endplumedfile
      58             : 
      59             : */
      60             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
      61             : 
      62        6454 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(Gradient,"GRADIENT")
      63             : 
      64           3 : void Gradient::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
      65           3 :   VolumeGradientBase::registerKeywords( keys );
      66          12 :   keys.add("atoms","ORIGIN","we will use the position of this atom as the origin in our calculation");
      67          15 :   keys.add("compulsory","DIR","xyz","the directions in which we are calculating the graident.  Should be x, y, z, xy, xz, yz or xyz");
      68          12 :   keys.add("compulsory","NBINS","number of bins to use in each direction for the calculation of the gradient");
      69          15 :   keys.add("compulsory","SIGMA","1.0","the width of the function to be used for kernel density estimation");
      70          15 :   keys.add("compulsory","KERNEL","gaussian","the type of kernel function to be used");
      71           3 : }
      72             : 
      73           2 : Gradient::Gradient(const ActionOptions&ao):
      74             :   Action(ao),
      75             :   VolumeGradientBase(ao),
      76           2 :   nbins(3)
      77             : {
      78             :   std::vector<AtomNumber> atom;
      79           4 :   parseAtomList("ORIGIN",atom);
      80           2 :   if( atom.size()!=1 ) error("should only be one atom specified");
      81           4 :   log.printf("  origin is at position of atom : %d\n",atom[0].serial() );
      82             : 
      83           4 :   std::string direction; parse("DIR",direction);
      84           4 :   std::vector<unsigned> tbins; parseVector("NBINS",tbins);
      85          10 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<tbins.size(); ++i) {
      86           2 :     if( tbins[i]<2 ) error("Number of grid points should be greater than 1");
      87             :   }
      88             : 
      89           2 :   if( direction=="x" ) {
      90           2 :     if( tbins.size()!=1 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
      91           6 :     nbins[0]=tbins[0]; nbins[1]=0; nbins[2]=0;
      92           0 :   } else if( direction=="y" ) {
      93           0 :     if( tbins.size()!=1 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
      94           0 :     nbins[0]=0; nbins[1]=tbins[0]; nbins[2]=0;
      95           0 :   } else if( direction=="z" ) {
      96           0 :     if( tbins.size()!=1 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
      97           0 :     nbins[0]=0; nbins[1]=0; nbins[2]=tbins[0];
      98           0 :   } else if( direction=="xy" ) {
      99           0 :     if( tbins.size()!=2 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
     100           0 :     nbins[0]=tbins[0]; nbins[1]=tbins[1]; nbins[2]=0;
     101           0 :   } else if( direction=="xz" ) {
     102           0 :     if( tbins.size()!=2 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
     103           0 :     nbins[0]=tbins[0]; nbins[1]=0; nbins[2]=tbins[1];
     104           0 :   } else if( direction=="yz" ) {
     105           0 :     if( tbins.size()!=2 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
     106           0 :     nbins[0]=0; nbins[1]=tbins[0]; nbins[2]=tbins[1];
     107           0 :   } else if( direction=="xyz" ) {
     108           0 :     if( tbins.size()!=3 ) error("mismatch between number of bins and direction");
     109           0 :     nbins[0]=tbins[0]; nbins[1]=tbins[1]; nbins[2]=tbins[2];
     110             :   } else {
     111           0 :     error( direction + " is not valid gradient direction");
     112             :   }
     113             : 
     114             :   // Find number of quantities
     115           2 :   if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) vend=2;
     116           1 :   else if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfQuantities()==2 ) vend=2;
     117           0 :   else vend = getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfQuantities();
     118           4 :   nquantities = vend + nbins[0] + nbins[1] + nbins[2];
     119             : 
     120             :   // Output some nice information
     121           2 :   std::string functype=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getName();
     122           2 :   std::transform( functype.begin(), functype.end(), functype.begin(), tolower );
     123           4 :   log.printf("  calculating gradient of %s in %s direction \n",functype.c_str(), direction.c_str() );
     124           6 :   log<<"  Bibliography:"<<plumed.cite("Giberti, Tribello and Parrinello, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9, 2526 (2013)")<<"\n";
     125             : 
     126           6 :   parse("SIGMA",sigma); parse("KERNEL",kerneltype);
     127           2 :   checkRead(); requestAtoms(atom);
     128             : 
     129             :   // And setup the vessel
     130           4 :   std::string input; addVessel( "GRADIENT", input, -1 );
     131             :   // And resize everything
     132           2 :   readVesselKeywords();
     133           2 : }
     134             : 
     135         232 : void Gradient::setupRegions() {
     136             : //  if( !getPbc().isOrthorombic() ) error("cell must be orthorhombic when using gradient");
     137         232 : }
     138             : 
     139       11600 : void Gradient::calculateAllVolumes( const unsigned& curr, MultiValue& outvals ) const {
     140             :   // Setup the bead
     141       23200 :   HistogramBead bead; bead.isNotPeriodic(); bead.setKernelType( kerneltype );
     142             : 
     143       23200 :   Vector cpos = pbcDistance( getPosition(0), getPntrToMultiColvar()->getCentralAtomPos( curr ) );
     144             :   // Note we use the pbc from base multicolvar so that we get numerical derivatives correct
     145       23200 :   Vector oderiv, fpos = (getPntrToMultiColvar()->getPbc()).realToScaled( cpos );
     146             : 
     147       11600 :   Vector deriv; unsigned nbase=vend; std::vector<Vector> refder(1); Tensor vir;;
     148       81200 :   for(unsigned idir=0; idir<3; ++idir) {
     149       34800 :     deriv[0]=deriv[1]=deriv[2]=0.0;
     150       69600 :     double delx = 1.0 / static_cast<double>( nbins[idir] );
     151      127600 :     for(unsigned jbead=0; jbead<nbins[idir]; ++jbead) {
     152             :       // Calculate what box we are in
     153       46400 :       bead.set( -0.5+jbead*delx, -0.5+(jbead+1)*delx, sigma );
     154       46400 :       double weight=bead.calculate( fpos[0], deriv[idir] );
     155       46400 :       oderiv = (getPntrToMultiColvar()->getPbc()).realToScaled( deriv );
     156             :       // Set and derivatives
     157       46400 :       refder[0]=-oderiv; // vir = -Tensor(cpos,oderiv);
     158       46400 :       setNumberInVolume( nbase+jbead, curr, weight, oderiv, vir, refder, outvals );
     159             : //          addReferenceAtomDerivatives( nbase+jbead, 0, -oderiv );
     160             : //          addBoxDerivatives( nbase+jbead, -Tensor(cpos,oderiv) );
     161             :     }
     162       34800 :     nbase += nbins[idir];
     163             :   }
     164       11600 : }
     165             : 
     166             : }
     167        4839 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13