LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - core - FlexibleBin.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 68 142 47.9 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 5 9 55.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "FlexibleBin.h"
      23             : #include "ActionWithArguments.h"
      24             : #include <cmath>
      25             : #include <iostream>
      26             : #include <vector>
      27             : #include "tools/Matrix.h"
      28             : 
      29             : using namespace std;
      30             : namespace PLMD {
      31             : 
      32             : 
      33          66 : FlexibleBin::FlexibleBin(int type, ActionWithArguments *paction,  double const &d, vector<double> &smin, vector<double> &smax):type(type),paction(paction),sigma(d),sigmamin(smin),sigmamax(smax) {
      34             :   // initialize the averages and the variance matrices
      35          22 :   if(type==diffusion) {
      36           3 :     unsigned ncv=paction->getNumberOfArguments();
      37           3 :     vector<double> average(ncv*(ncv+1)/2);
      38           3 :     vector<double> variance(ncv*(ncv+1)/2);
      39             :   }
      40          22 :   paction->log<<"  Limits for sigmas using adaptive hills:  \n";
      41         106 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<paction->getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {
      42          84 :     paction->log<<"   CV  "<<paction->getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()<<":\n";
      43          42 :     if(sigmamin[i]>0.) {
      44           0 :       limitmin.push_back(true);
      45           0 :       paction->log<<"       Min "<<sigmamin[i];
      46           0 :       sigmamin[i]*=sigmamin[i]; // this is because the matrix which is calculated is the sigmasquared
      47             :     } else {
      48          42 :       limitmin.push_back(false);
      49          42 :       paction->log<<"       Min No ";
      50             :     }
      51          42 :     if(sigmamax[i]>0.) {
      52           0 :       limitmax.push_back(true);
      53           0 :       paction->log<<"       Max "<<sigmamax[i];
      54           0 :       sigmamax[i]*=sigmamax[i];
      55             :     } else {
      56          42 :       limitmax.push_back(false);
      57          42 :       paction->log<<"       Max No ";
      58             :     }
      59          42 :     paction->log<<" \n";
      60             :   }
      61             : 
      62          22 : }
      63             : 
      64             : /// Constructure for 1D FB for PBMETAD
      65           0 : FlexibleBin::FlexibleBin(int type, ActionWithArguments *paction, unsigned iarg,
      66           0 :                          double const &d, vector<double> &smin, vector<double> &smax):
      67           0 :   type(type),paction(paction),sigma(d),sigmamin(smin),sigmamax(smax)
      68             : {
      69             :   // initialize the averages and the variance matrices
      70           0 :   if(type==diffusion) {
      71           0 :     vector<double> average(1);
      72           0 :     vector<double> variance(1);
      73             :   }
      74           0 :   paction->log<<"  Limits for sigmas using adaptive hills:  \n";
      75           0 :   paction->log<<"   CV  "<<paction->getPntrToArgument(iarg)->getName()<<":\n";
      76           0 :   if(sigmamin[0]>0.) {
      77           0 :     limitmin.push_back(true);
      78           0 :     paction->log<<"       Min "<<sigmamin[0];
      79           0 :     sigmamin[0]*=sigmamin[0];
      80             :   } else {
      81           0 :     limitmin.push_back(false);
      82           0 :     paction->log<<"       Min No ";
      83             :   }
      84           0 :   if(sigmamax[0]>0.) {
      85           0 :     limitmax.push_back(true);
      86           0 :     paction->log<<"       Max "<<sigmamax[0];
      87           0 :     sigmamax[0]*=sigmamax[0];
      88             :   } else {
      89           0 :     limitmax.push_back(false);
      90           0 :     paction->log<<"       Max No ";
      91             :   }
      92           0 :   paction->log<<" \n";
      93           0 : }
      94             : 
      95             : /// Update the flexible bin
      96             : /// in case of diffusion based: update at every step
      97             : /// in case of gradient based: update only when you add the hill
      98         778 : void FlexibleBin::update(bool nowAddAHill) {
      99         778 :   unsigned ncv=paction->getNumberOfArguments();
     100         778 :   unsigned dimension=ncv*(ncv+1)/2;
     101             :   vector<double> delta;
     102             :   vector<double> cv;
     103         778 :   double decay=1./sigma;
     104             :   // this is done all the times from scratch. It is not an accumulator
     105             :   // here update the flexible bin according to the needs
     106         778 :   switch (type) {
     107             :   // This should be called every time
     108         586 :   case diffusion:
     109             :     // if you use this below then the decay is in time units
     110             :     //double decay=paction->getTimeStep()/sigma;
     111             :     // to be consistent with the rest of the program: everything is better to be in timesteps
     112             :     // THE AVERAGE VALUE
     113             :     // beware: the pbc
     114         586 :     delta.resize(ncv);
     115        2344 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) cv.push_back(paction->getArgument(i));
     116         586 :     if(average.size()==0) { // initial time: just set the initial vector
     117           2 :       average.resize(ncv);
     118           6 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) average[i]=cv[i];
     119             :     } else { // accumulate
     120        1752 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     121        2336 :         delta[i]=paction->difference(i,average[i],cv[i]);
     122        1168 :         average[i]+=decay*delta[i];
     123        1168 :         average[i]=paction->bringBackInPbc(i,average[i]); // equation 8 of "Metadynamics with adaptive Gaussians"
     124             :       }
     125             :     }
     126             :     // THE VARIANCE
     127         586 :     if(variance.size()==0) {
     128           2 :       variance.resize(dimension,0.); // nonredundant members dimension=ncv*(ncv+1)/2;
     129             :     } else {
     130             :       unsigned k=0;
     131        1752 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     132        1752 :         for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) { // upper diagonal loop
     133        2336 :           variance[k]+=decay*(delta[i]*delta[j]-variance[k]);
     134         584 :           k++;
     135             :         }
     136             :       }
     137             :     }
     138             :     break;
     139         192 :   case geometry:
     140             :     //this calculates in variance the \nabla CV_i \dot \nabla CV_j
     141         192 :     variance.resize(dimension);
     142             :     // now the signal for retrieving the gradients should be already given by checkNeedsGradients.
     143             :     // here just do the projections
     144             :     // note that the call  checkNeedsGradients() in BiasMetaD takes care of switching on the call to gradients
     145         192 :     if (nowAddAHill) { // geometry is sync with hill deposition
     146             :       unsigned k=0;
     147         415 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     148         664 :         for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
     149             :           // eq 12 of "Metadynamics with adaptive Gaussians"
     150         498 :           variance[k]=sigma*sigma*(paction->getProjection(i,j));
     151         249 :           k++;
     152             :         }
     153             :       }
     154             :     }
     155             :     break;
     156           0 :   default:
     157           0 :     plumed_merror("This flexible bin method is not recognized");
     158             :   }
     159         778 : }
     160             : 
     161           0 : vector<double> FlexibleBin::getMatrix() const {
     162           0 :   return variance;
     163             : }
     164             : 
     165             : /// Update the flexible bin for PBMetaD like FlexBin
     166             : /// in case of diffusion based: update at every step
     167             : /// in case of gradient based: update only when you add the hill
     168           0 : void FlexibleBin::update(bool nowAddAHill, unsigned iarg) {
     169             :   // this is done all the times from scratch. It is not an accumulator
     170             :   // here update the flexible bin according to the needs
     171             :   vector<double> cv;
     172             :   vector<double> delta;
     173             :   // if you use this below then the decay is in time units
     174             :   // to be consistent with the rest of the program: everything is better to be in timesteps
     175           0 :   double decay=1./sigma;
     176           0 :   switch (type) {
     177             :   // This should be called every time
     178           0 :   case diffusion:
     179             :     // THE AVERAGE VALUE
     180           0 :     delta.resize(1);
     181           0 :     cv.push_back(paction->getArgument(iarg));
     182           0 :     if(average.size()==0) { // initial time: just set the initial vector
     183           0 :       average.resize(1);
     184           0 :       average[0]=cv[0];
     185             :     } else { // accumulate
     186           0 :       delta[0]=paction->difference(iarg,average[0],cv[0]);
     187           0 :       average[0]+=decay*delta[0];
     188           0 :       average[0]=paction->bringBackInPbc(iarg,average[0]); // equation 8 of "Metadynamics with adaptive Gaussians"
     189             :     }
     190             :     // THE VARIANCE
     191           0 :     if(variance.size()==0) {
     192           0 :       variance.resize(1,0.); // nonredundant members dimension=ncv*(ncv+1)/2;
     193             :     } else {
     194           0 :       variance[0]+=decay*(delta[0]*delta[0]-variance[0]);
     195             :     }
     196             :     break;
     197           0 :   case geometry:
     198             :     //this calculates in variance the \nabla CV_i \dot \nabla CV_j
     199           0 :     variance.resize(1);
     200             :     // now the signal for retrieving the gradients should be already given by checkNeedsGradients.
     201             :     // here just do the projections
     202             :     // note that the call  checkNeedsGradients() in BiasMetaD takes care of switching on the call to gradients
     203           0 :     if (nowAddAHill) { // geometry is sync with hill deposition
     204             :       // eq 12 of "Metadynamics with adaptive Gaussians"
     205           0 :       variance[0]=sigma*sigma*(paction->getProjection(iarg,iarg));
     206             :     }
     207             :     break;
     208           0 :   default:
     209           0 :     plumed_merror("This flexible bin is not recognized");
     210             :   }
     211           0 : }
     212             : 
     213             : ///
     214             : /// Calculate the matrix of  (dcv_i/dx)*(dcv_j/dx)^-1
     215             : /// that is needed for the metrics in metadynamics
     216             : ///
     217             : ///
     218         374 : vector<double> FlexibleBin::getInverseMatrix() const {
     219         374 :   unsigned ncv=paction->getNumberOfArguments();
     220             :   Matrix<double> matrix(ncv,ncv);
     221             :   unsigned i,j,k;
     222             :   k=0;
     223             :   //paction->log<<"------------ GET INVERSE MATRIX ---------------\n";
     224             :   // place the matrix in a complete matrix for compatibility
     225        1288 :   for (i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     226        1537 :     for (j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
     227        1620 :       matrix(j,i)=matrix(i,j)=variance[k];
     228         540 :       k++;
     229             :     }
     230             :   }
     231             : #define NEWFLEX
     232             : #ifdef NEWFLEX
     233             :   // diagonalize to impose boundaries (only if boundaries are set)
     234             :   Matrix<double> eigenvecs(ncv,ncv);
     235         374 :   vector<double> eigenvals(ncv);
     236             : 
     237             :   //eigenvecs: first is eigenvec number, second is eigenvec component
     238         374 :   if(diagMat( matrix, eigenvals, eigenvecs )!=0) {plumed_merror("diagonalization in FlexibleBin failed! This matrix is weird\n");};
     239             : 
     240        1288 :   for (i=0; i<ncv; i++) { //loop on the dimension
     241         914 :     if( limitmax[i] ) {
     242             :       //limit every  component that is larger
     243           0 :       for (j=0; j<ncv; j++) { //loop on components
     244           0 :         if(pow(eigenvals[j]*eigenvecs[j][i],2)>pow(sigmamax[i],2) ) {
     245           0 :           eigenvals[j]=sqrt(pow(sigmamax[i]/(eigenvecs[j][i]),2))*copysign(1.,eigenvals[j]);
     246             :         }
     247             :       }
     248             :     }
     249             :   }
     250        1288 :   for (i=0; i<ncv; i++) { //loop on the dimension
     251             :     // find the largest one:  if it is smaller than min  then rescale
     252         914 :     if( limitmin[i] ) {
     253             :       unsigned imax=0;
     254             :       double fmax=-1.e10;
     255           0 :       for (j=0; j<ncv; j++) { //loop on components
     256           0 :         double fact=pow(eigenvals[j]*eigenvecs[j][i],2);
     257           0 :         if(fact>fmax) {
     258             :           fmax=fact; imax=j;
     259             :         }
     260             :       }
     261           0 :       if(fmax<pow(sigmamin[i],2) ) {
     262           0 :         eigenvals[imax]=sqrt(pow(sigmamin[i]/(eigenvecs[imax][i]),2))*copysign(1.,eigenvals[imax]);
     263             :       }
     264             :     }
     265             :   }
     266             : 
     267             :   // normalize eigenvecs
     268             :   Matrix<double> newinvmatrix(ncv,ncv);
     269        1288 :   for (i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     270        1703 :     for (j=0; j<ncv; j++) {
     271        1246 :       newinvmatrix[j][i]=eigenvecs[j][i]/eigenvals[j];
     272             :     }
     273             :   }
     274             : 
     275         374 :   vector<double> uppervec(ncv*(ncv+1)/2);
     276             :   k=0;
     277        1288 :   for (i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     278        1537 :     for (j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
     279             :       double scal=0;
     280        2118 :       for(unsigned l=0; l<ncv; ++l) {
     281         789 :         scal+=eigenvecs[l][i]*newinvmatrix[l][j];
     282             :       }
     283        1080 :       uppervec[k]=scal; k++;
     284             :     }
     285             :   }
     286             : #else
     287             :   // get the inverted matrix
     288             :   Matrix<double> invmatrix(ncv,ncv);
     289             :   Invert(matrix,invmatrix);
     290             :   vector<double> uppervec(ncv*(ncv+1)/2);
     291             :   // upper diagonal of the inverted matrix (that is symmetric)
     292             :   k=0;
     293             :   for (i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
     294             :     for (j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
     295             :       uppervec[k]=invmatrix(i,j);
     296             :       //paction->log<<"VV "<<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<uppervec[k]<<"\n";
     297             :       k++;
     298             :     }
     299             :   }
     300             : #endif
     301         374 :   return uppervec;
     302             : }
     303             : 
     304             : ///
     305             : /// Calculate the matrix of  (dcv_i/dx)*(dcv_j/dx)^-1
     306             : /// that is needed for the metrics in metadynamics
     307             : /// for PBMetaD like FlexBin
     308             : ///
     309           0 : vector<double> FlexibleBin::getInverseMatrix(unsigned iarg) const {
     310             :   // diagonalize to impose boundaries (only if boundaries are set)
     311           0 :   vector<double> eigenvals(1, variance[0]);
     312           0 :   if( limitmax[0] ) {
     313           0 :     if(eigenvals[0]>sigmamax[0]) {
     314           0 :       eigenvals[0]=sigmamax[0];
     315             :     }
     316             :   }
     317             :   // find the largest one:  if it is smaller than min  then rescale
     318           0 :   if( limitmin[0] ) {
     319             :     double fmax=-1.e10;
     320           0 :     double fact=eigenvals[0];
     321           0 :     if(fact>fmax) {
     322             :       fmax=fact;
     323             :     }
     324           0 :     if(fmax<sigmamin[0]) {
     325           0 :       eigenvals[0]=sigmamin[0];
     326             :     }
     327             :   }
     328           0 :   vector<double> uppervec(1,1./eigenvals[0]);
     329             : 
     330           0 :   return uppervec;
     331             : }
     332             : 
     333        4839 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13