LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - core - Atoms.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 335 362 92.5 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 48 53 90.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2011-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "Atoms.h"
      23             : #include "ActionAtomistic.h"
      24             : #include "MDAtoms.h"
      25             : #include "PlumedMain.h"
      26             : #include "tools/Pbc.h"
      27             : #include <algorithm>
      28             : #include <iostream>
      29             : #include <string>
      30             : #include <cmath>
      31             : 
      32             : using namespace std;
      33             : 
      34             : namespace PLMD {
      35             : 
      36             : /// We assume that charges and masses are constant along the simulation
      37             : /// Set this to false if you want to revert to the original (expensive) behavior
      38             : static const bool shareMassAndChargeOnlyAtFirstStep=true;
      39             : 
      40             : class PlumedMain;
      41             : 
      42        2233 : Atoms::Atoms(PlumedMain&plumed):
      43             :   natoms(0),
      44        2233 :   pbc(*new Pbc),
      45             :   md_energy(0.0),
      46             :   energy(0.0),
      47             :   dataCanBeSet(false),
      48             :   collectEnergy(false),
      49             :   energyHasBeenSet(false),
      50             :   positionsHaveBeenSet(0),
      51             :   massesHaveBeenSet(false),
      52             :   chargesHaveBeenSet(false),
      53             :   boxHasBeenSet(false),
      54             :   forcesHaveBeenSet(0),
      55             :   virialHasBeenSet(false),
      56             :   massAndChargeOK(false),
      57             :   shuffledAtoms(0),
      58             :   plumed(plumed),
      59             :   naturalUnits(false),
      60             :   MDnaturalUnits(false),
      61             :   timestep(0.0),
      62             :   forceOnEnergy(0.0),
      63             :   zeroallforces(false),
      64             :   kbT(0.0),
      65             :   asyncSent(false),
      66             :   atomsNeeded(false),
      67       11165 :   ddStep(0)
      68             : {
      69        2233 :   mdatoms=MDAtomsBase::create(sizeof(double));
      70        2233 : }
      71             : 
      72        8932 : Atoms::~Atoms() {
      73        2233 :   if(actions.size()>0) {
      74           0 :     std::cerr<<"WARNING: there is some inconsistency in action added to atoms, as some of them were not properly destroyed. This might indicate an internal bug!!\n";
      75             :   }
      76        2233 :   delete mdatoms;
      77        2233 :   delete &pbc;
      78        2233 : }
      79             : 
      80       31332 : void Atoms::startStep() {
      81       31332 :   collectEnergy=false; energyHasBeenSet=false; positionsHaveBeenSet=0;
      82       31332 :   massesHaveBeenSet=false; chargesHaveBeenSet=false; boxHasBeenSet=false;
      83       31332 :   forcesHaveBeenSet=0; virialHasBeenSet=false; dataCanBeSet=true;
      84       31332 : }
      85             : 
      86       26838 : void Atoms::setBox(void*p) {
      87       26838 :   mdatoms->setBox(p);
      88       26838 :   Tensor b; mdatoms->getBox(b); boxHasBeenSet=true;
      89       26838 : }
      90             : 
      91       30656 : void Atoms::setPositions(void*p) {
      92       30656 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setPositions must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
      93       30673 :   plumed_massert( p || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL position pointer with non-zero local atoms");
      94       30656 :   mdatoms->setp(p); positionsHaveBeenSet=3;
      95       30656 : }
      96             : 
      97       30659 : void Atoms::setMasses(void*p) {
      98       30668 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setMasses must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
      99       30673 :   plumed_massert( p || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL mass pointer with non-zero local atoms");
     100       30656 :   mdatoms->setm(p); massesHaveBeenSet=true;
     101             : 
     102       30656 : }
     103             : 
     104       24595 : void Atoms::setCharges(void*p) {
     105       24595 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet, "setCharges must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
     106       24612 :   plumed_massert( p || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL charges pointer with non-zero local atoms");
     107       24595 :   mdatoms->setc(p); chargesHaveBeenSet=true;
     108       24595 : }
     109             : 
     110       24658 : void Atoms::setVirial(void*p) {
     111       24658 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setVirial must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
     112       24658 :   mdatoms->setVirial(p); virialHasBeenSet=true;
     113       24658 : }
     114             : 
     115        5988 : void Atoms::setEnergy(void*p) {
     116        5988 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setEnergy must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
     117        5988 :   MD2double(p,md_energy);
     118        5988 :   md_energy*=MDUnits.getEnergy()/units.getEnergy();
     119        5988 :   energyHasBeenSet=true;
     120        5988 : }
     121             : 
     122       30656 : void Atoms::setForces(void*p) {
     123       30656 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setForces must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
     124       30673 :   plumed_massert( p || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL force pointer with non-zero local atoms");
     125       30656 :   forcesHaveBeenSet=3;
     126       30656 :   mdatoms->setf(p);
     127       30656 : }
     128             : 
     129           0 : void Atoms::setPositions(void*p,int i) {
     130           0 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setPositions must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
     131           0 :   plumed_massert( p || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL positions pointer with non-zero local atoms");
     132           0 :   mdatoms->setp(p,i); positionsHaveBeenSet++;
     133           0 : }
     134             : 
     135           0 : void Atoms::setForces(void*p,int i) {
     136           0 :   plumed_massert( dataCanBeSet,"setForces must be called after setStep in MD code interface");
     137           0 :   plumed_massert( p || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL force pointer with non-zero local atoms");
     138           0 :   mdatoms->setf(p,i); forcesHaveBeenSet++;
     139           0 : }
     140             : 
     141       29178 : void Atoms::share() {
     142             : // At first step I scatter all the atoms so as to store their mass and charge
     143             : // Notice that this works with the assumption that charges and masses are
     144             : // not changing during the simulation!
     145       29178 :   if(!massAndChargeOK && shareMassAndChargeOnlyAtFirstStep) {
     146         559 :     shareAll();
     147         559 :     return;
     148             :   }
     149             : 
     150       28619 :   if(!(int(gatindex.size())==natoms && shuffledAtoms==0)) {
     151       54210 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<actions.size(); i++) {
     152       33652 :       if(actions[i]->isActive()) {
     153       10120 :         if(!actions[i]->getUnique().empty()) {
     154        9972 :           atomsNeeded=true;
     155             :           // unique are the local atoms
     156        9972 :           unique.insert(actions[i]->getUniqueLocal().begin(),actions[i]->getUniqueLocal().end());
     157             :         }
     158             :       }
     159             :     }
     160             :   } else {
     161      334018 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<actions.size(); i++) {
     162      187008 :       if(actions[i]->isActive()) {
     163       80179 :         if(!actions[i]->getUnique().empty()) {
     164       71973 :           atomsNeeded=true;
     165             :         }
     166             :       }
     167             :     }
     168             : 
     169             :   }
     170             : 
     171       28619 :   share(unique);
     172             : }
     173             : 
     174         643 : void Atoms::shareAll() {
     175         643 :   unique.clear();
     176             :   // keep in unique only those atoms that are local
     177         643 :   if(dd && shuffledAtoms>0) {
     178       31655 :     for(int i=0; i<natoms; i++) if(g2l[i]>=0) unique.insert(AtomNumber::index(i));
     179             :   } else {
     180      691501 :     for(int i=0; i<natoms; i++) unique.insert(AtomNumber::index(i));
     181             :   }
     182         643 :   atomsNeeded=true;
     183         643 :   share(unique);
     184         643 : }
     185             : 
     186       29262 : void Atoms::share(const std::set<AtomNumber>& unique) {
     187       29262 :   plumed_assert( positionsHaveBeenSet==3 && massesHaveBeenSet );
     188             : 
     189       29262 :;
     190       58428 :   if(zeroallforces || int(gatindex.size())==natoms) {
     191     4663864 :     for(int i=0; i<natoms; i++) forces[i].zero();
     192             :   } else {
     193       60732 :     for(const auto & p : unique) forces[p.index()].zero();
     194             :   }
     195       67544 :   for(unsigned i=getNatoms(); i<positions.size(); i++) forces[i].zero(); // virtual atoms
     196       29262 :   forceOnEnergy=0.0;
     197       29262 :   mdatoms->getBox(box);
     198             : 
     199       29262 :   if(!atomsNeeded) return;
     200       28605 :   atomsNeeded=false;
     201             : 
     202       28605 :   if(int(gatindex.size())==natoms && shuffledAtoms==0) {
     203             : // faster version, which retrieves all atoms
     204       26595 :     mdatoms->getPositions(0,natoms,positions);
     205             :   } else {
     206        2010 :     uniq_index.clear();
     207        2010 :     uniq_index.reserve(unique.size());
     208        2010 :     if(shuffledAtoms>0) {
     209       88398 :       for(const auto & p : unique) uniq_index.push_back(g2l[p.index()]);
     210             :     }
     211        2010 :     mdatoms->getPositions(unique,uniq_index,positions);
     212             :   }
     213             : 
     214             : 
     215             : // how many double per atom should be scattered:
     216             :   int ndata=3;
     217       28605 :   if(!massAndChargeOK) {
     218             :     ndata=5;
     219        1118 :     masses.assign(masses.size(),NAN);
     220        1118 :     charges.assign(charges.size(),NAN);
     221         559 :     mdatoms->getCharges(gatindex,charges);
     222         559 :     mdatoms->getMasses(gatindex,masses);
     223             :   }
     224             : 
     225       28605 :   if(dd && shuffledAtoms>0) {
     226        2008 :     if(dd.async) {
     227       25312 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<dd.mpi_request_positions.size(); i++) dd.mpi_request_positions[i].wait();
     228       25312 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<dd.mpi_request_index.size(); i++)     dd.mpi_request_index[i].wait();
     229             :     }
     230        2008 :     int count=0;
     231       23601 :     for(const auto & p : unique) {
     232       43186 :       dd.indexToBeSent[count]=p.index();
     233       64779 :       dd.positionsToBeSent[ndata*count+0]=positions[p.index()][0];
     234       64779 :       dd.positionsToBeSent[ndata*count+1]=positions[p.index()][1];
     235       64779 :       dd.positionsToBeSent[ndata*count+2]=positions[p.index()][2];
     236       21593 :       if(!massAndChargeOK) {
     237        5739 :         dd.positionsToBeSent[ndata*count+3]=masses[p.index()];
     238        5739 :         dd.positionsToBeSent[ndata*count+4]=charges[p.index()];
     239             :       }
     240       21593 :       count++;
     241             :     }
     242        2008 :     if(dd.async) {
     243        1988 :       asyncSent=true;
     244        1988 :       dd.mpi_request_positions.resize(dd.Get_size());
     245        1988 :       dd.mpi_request_index.resize(dd.Get_size());
     246       16548 :       for(int i=0; i<dd.Get_size(); i++) {
     247       21840 :         dd.mpi_request_index[i]=dd.Isend(&dd.indexToBeSent[0],count,i,666);
     248       14560 :         dd.mpi_request_positions[i]=dd.Isend(&dd.positionsToBeSent[0],ndata*count,i,667);
     249             :       }
     250             :     } else {
     251          20 :       const int n=(dd.Get_size());
     252          20 :       vector<int> counts(n);
     253          20 :       vector<int> displ(n);
     254          20 :       vector<int> counts5(n);
     255          20 :       vector<int> displ5(n);
     256          20 :       dd.Allgather(count,counts);
     257          20 :       displ[0]=0;
     258         260 :       for(int i=1; i<n; ++i) displ[i]=displ[i-1]+counts[i-1];
     259         260 :       for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) counts5[i]=counts[i]*ndata;
     260         260 :       for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) displ5[i]=displ[i]*ndata;
     261          40 :       dd.Allgatherv(&dd.indexToBeSent[0],count,&dd.indexToBeReceived[0],&counts[0],&displ[0]);
     262          40 :       dd.Allgatherv(&dd.positionsToBeSent[0],ndata*count,&dd.positionsToBeReceived[0],&counts5[0],&displ5[0]);
     263          60 :       int tot=displ[n-1]+counts[n-1];
     264        3220 :       for(int i=0; i<tot; i++) {
     265        6400 :         positions[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]][0]=dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+0];
     266        4800 :         positions[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]][1]=dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+1];
     267        4800 :         positions[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]][2]=dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+2];
     268        1600 :         if(!massAndChargeOK) {
     269        1296 :           masses[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]]      =dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+3];
     270        1296 :           charges[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]]     =dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+4];
     271             :         }
     272             :       }
     273             :     }
     274             :   }
     275             : }
     276             : 
     277       29262 : void Atoms::wait() {
     278       29262 :   dataCanBeSet=false; // Everything should be set by this stage
     279             : // How many double per atom should be scattered
     280             :   int ndata=3;
     281       29262 :   if(!massAndChargeOK)ndata=5;
     282             : 
     283       29262 :   if(dd) {
     284       14833 :     dd.Bcast(box,0);
     285             :   }
     286       29262 :   pbc.setBox(box);
     287             : 
     288       29262 :   if(collectEnergy) energy=md_energy;
     289             : 
     290       29262 :   if(dd && shuffledAtoms>0) {
     291             : // receive toBeReceived
     292        2008 :     if(asyncSent) {
     293             :       Communicator::Status status;
     294             :       int count=0;
     295       16548 :       for(int i=0; i<dd.Get_size(); i++) {
     296       14560 :         dd.Recv(&dd.indexToBeReceived[count],dd.indexToBeReceived.size()-count,i,666,status);
     297             :         int c=status.Get_count<int>();
     298       14560 :         dd.Recv(&dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*count],dd.positionsToBeReceived.size()-ndata*count,i,667);
     299        7280 :         count+=c;
     300             :       }
     301      103848 :       for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
     302      203720 :         positions[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]][0]=dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+0];
     303      152790 :         positions[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]][1]=dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+1];
     304      152790 :         positions[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]][2]=dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+2];
     305       50930 :         if(!massAndChargeOK) {
     306       13806 :           masses[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]]      =dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+3];
     307       13806 :           charges[dd.indexToBeReceived[i]]     =dd.positionsToBeReceived[ndata*i+4];
     308             :         }
     309             :       }
     310        1988 :       asyncSent=false;
     311             :     }
     312        2008 :     if(collectEnergy) dd.Sum(energy);
     313             :   }
     314             : // I take note that masses and charges have been set once for all
     315             : // at the beginning of the simulation.
     316       29262 :   if(shareMassAndChargeOnlyAtFirstStep) massAndChargeOK=true;
     317       29262 : }
     318             : 
     319       29178 : void Atoms::updateForces() {
     320       29178 :   plumed_assert( forcesHaveBeenSet==3 );
     321       29178 :   if(forceOnEnergy*forceOnEnergy>epsilon) {
     322          50 :     double alpha=1.0-forceOnEnergy;
     323          50 :     mdatoms->rescaleForces(gatindex,alpha);
     324          50 :     mdatoms->updateForces(gatindex,forces);
     325             :   } else {
     326       29128 :     if(int(gatindex.size())==natoms && shuffledAtoms==0) mdatoms->updateForces(gatindex,forces);
     327        1926 :     else mdatoms->updateForces(unique,uniq_index,forces);
     328             :   }
     329       29178 :   if( !plumed.novirial && dd.Get_rank()==0 ) {
     330       19076 :     plumed_assert( virialHasBeenSet );
     331       19076 :     mdatoms->updateVirial(virial);
     332             :   }
     333       29178 : }
     334             : 
     335         635 : void Atoms::setNatoms(int n) {
     336         635 :   natoms=n;
     337         635 :   positions.resize(n);
     338         635 :   forces.resize(n);
     339         635 :   masses.resize(n);
     340         635 :   charges.resize(n);
     341         635 :   gatindex.resize(n);
     342     1053331 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) gatindex[i]=i;
     343         635 : }
     344             : 
     345             : 
     346        2310 : void Atoms::add(ActionAtomistic*a) {
     347        2310 :   actions.push_back(a);
     348        2310 : }
     349             : 
     350        2310 : void Atoms::remove(ActionAtomistic*a) {
     351        2310 :   auto f=find(actions.begin(),actions.end(),a);
     352        2310 :   plumed_massert(f!=actions.end(),"cannot remove an action registered to atoms");
     353        2310 :   actions.erase(f);
     354        2310 : }
     355             : 
     356             : 
     357         245 : void Atoms::DomainDecomposition::enable(Communicator& c) {
     358         245 :   on=true;
     359         245 :   Set_comm(c.Get_comm());
     360         245 :   async=Get_size()<10;
     361         245 :   if(std::getenv("PLUMED_ASYNC_SHARE")) {
     362           4 :     std::string s(std::getenv("PLUMED_ASYNC_SHARE"));
     363           4 :     if(s=="yes") async=true;
     364           4 :     else if(s=="no") async=false;
     365           0 :     else plumed_merror("PLUMED_ASYNC_SHARE variable is set to " + s + "; should be yes or no");
     366             :   }
     367         245 : }
     368             : 
     369        1301 : void Atoms::setAtomsNlocal(int n) {
     370        1301 :   gatindex.resize(n);
     371        1301 :   g2l.resize(natoms,-1);
     372        1301 :   if(dd) {
     373             : // Since these vectors are sent with MPI by using e.g.
     374             : // &dd.positionsToBeSent[0]
     375             : // we make sure they are non-zero-sized so as to
     376             : // avoid errors when doing boundary check
     377        1291 :     if(n==0) n++;
     378        1291 :     dd.positionsToBeSent.resize(n*5,0.0);
     379        1291 :     dd.positionsToBeReceived.resize(natoms*5,0.0);
     380        1291 :     dd.indexToBeSent.resize(n,0);
     381        1291 :     dd.indexToBeReceived.resize(natoms,0);
     382             :   }
     383        1301 : }
     384             : 
     385         920 : void Atoms::setAtomsGatindex(int*g,bool fortran) {
     386         925 :   plumed_massert( g || gatindex.size()==0, "NULL gatindex pointer with non-zero local atoms");
     387        1840 :   ddStep=plumed.getStep();
     388         920 :   if(fortran) {
     389           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) gatindex[i]=g[i]-1;
     390             :   } else {
     391       54421 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) gatindex[i]=g[i];
     392             :   }
     393      147706 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<g2l.size(); i++) g2l[i]=-1;
     394         920 :   if( gatindex.size()==natoms ) {
     395           3 :     shuffledAtoms=0;
     396         603 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) {
     397         300 :       if( gatindex[i]!=i ) { shuffledAtoms=1; break; }
     398             :     }
     399             :   } else {
     400         917 :     shuffledAtoms=1;
     401             :   }
     402         920 :   if(dd) {
     403         910 :     dd.Sum(shuffledAtoms);
     404             :   }
     405       71948 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) g2l[gatindex[i]]=i;
     406             : 
     407       29308 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<actions.size(); i++) {
     408             :     // keep in unique only those atoms that are local
     409        9156 :     actions[i]->updateUniqueLocal();
     410             :   }
     411             :   unique.clear();
     412         920 : }
     413             : 
     414         381 : void Atoms::setAtomsContiguous(int start) {
     415         762 :   ddStep=plumed.getStep();
     416      315087 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) gatindex[i]=start+i;
     417      348135 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<g2l.size(); i++) g2l[i]=-1;
     418      419862 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) g2l[gatindex[i]]=i;
     419         381 :   if(gatindex.size()<natoms) shuffledAtoms=1;
     420        1458 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<actions.size(); i++) {
     421             :     // keep in unique only those atoms that are local
     422         232 :     actions[i]->updateUniqueLocal();
     423             :   }
     424             :   unique.clear();
     425         381 : }
     426             : 
     427         556 : void Atoms::setRealPrecision(int p) {
     428         556 :   MDAtomsBase *x=MDAtomsBase::create(p);
     429         555 :   delete mdatoms;
     430         555 :   mdatoms=x;
     431         555 : }
     432             : 
     433         635 : int Atoms::getRealPrecision()const {
     434         635 :   return mdatoms->getRealPrecision();
     435             : }
     436             : 
     437        8160 : void Atoms::MD2double(const void*m,double&d)const {
     438        8160 :   plumed_assert(mdatoms); mdatoms->MD2double(m,d);
     439        8160 : }
     440         401 : void Atoms::double2MD(const double&d,void*m)const {
     441         401 :   plumed_assert(mdatoms); mdatoms->double2MD(d,m);
     442         401 : }
     443             : 
     444         648 : void Atoms::updateUnits() {
     445         648 :   mdatoms->setUnits(units,MDUnits);
     446         648 : }
     447             : 
     448         556 : void Atoms::setTimeStep(void*p) {
     449         556 :   MD2double(p,timestep);
     450         556 : }
     451             : 
     452      937597 : double Atoms::getTimeStep()const {
     453      937597 :   return timestep/units.getTime()*MDUnits.getTime();
     454             : }
     455             : 
     456          43 : void Atoms::setKbT(void*p) {
     457          43 :   MD2double(p,kbT);
     458          43 : }
     459             : 
     460         809 : double Atoms::getKbT()const {
     461         809 :   return kbT/units.getEnergy()*MDUnits.getEnergy();
     462             : }
     463             : 
     464             : 
     465          15 : void Atoms::createFullList(int*n) {
     466          15 :   if(!massAndChargeOK && shareMassAndChargeOnlyAtFirstStep) {
     467           1 :     *n=natoms;
     468           1 :     fullList.resize(natoms);
     469         201 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<natoms; i++) fullList[i]=i;
     470             :   } else {
     471             : // We update here the unique list defined at Atoms::unique.
     472             : // This is not very clear, and probably should be coded differently.
     473             : // Hopefully this fix the longstanding issue with NAMD.
     474             :     unique.clear();
     475         139 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<actions.size(); i++) {
     476          74 :       if(actions[i]->isActive()) {
     477          15 :         if(!actions[i]->getUnique().empty()) {
     478          15 :           atomsNeeded=true;
     479             :           // unique are the local atoms
     480          15 :           unique.insert(actions[i]->getUnique().begin(),actions[i]->getUnique().end());
     481             :         }
     482             :       }
     483             :     }
     484          14 :     fullList.resize(0);
     485          14 :     fullList.reserve(unique.size());
     486         656 :     for(const auto & p : unique) fullList.push_back(p.index());
     487          14 :     *n=fullList.size();
     488             :   }
     489          15 : }
     490             : 
     491          15 : void Atoms::getFullList(int**x) {
     492          15 :   if(!fullList.empty()) *x=&fullList[0];
     493           6 :   else *x=NULL;
     494          15 : }
     495             : 
     496          15 : void Atoms::clearFullList() {
     497          15 :   fullList.resize(0);
     498          15 : }
     499             : 
     500         635 : void Atoms::init() {
     501             : // Default: set domain decomposition to NO-decomposition, waiting for
     502             : // further instruction
     503         635 :   if(dd) {
     504         245 :     setAtomsNlocal(natoms);
     505         245 :     setAtomsContiguous(0);
     506             :   }
     507         635 : }
     508             : 
     509         245 : void Atoms::setDomainDecomposition(Communicator& comm) {
     510         245 :   dd.enable(comm);
     511         245 : }
     512             : 
     513         290 : void Atoms::resizeVectors(unsigned n) {
     514         290 :   positions.resize(n);
     515         290 :   forces.resize(n);
     516         290 :   masses.resize(n);
     517         290 :   charges.resize(n);
     518         290 : }
     519             : 
     520         145 : AtomNumber Atoms::addVirtualAtom(ActionWithVirtualAtom*a) {
     521         145 :   unsigned n=positions.size();
     522         145 :   resizeVectors(n+1);
     523         145 :   virtualAtomsActions.push_back(a);
     524         145 :   return AtomNumber::index(n);
     525             : }
     526             : 
     527         145 : void Atoms::removeVirtualAtom(ActionWithVirtualAtom*a) {
     528         145 :   unsigned n=positions.size();
     529         290 :   plumed_massert(a==virtualAtomsActions[virtualAtomsActions.size()-1],"virtual atoms should be destroyed in reverse creation order");
     530         145 :   resizeVectors(n-1);
     531             :   virtualAtomsActions.pop_back();
     532         145 : }
     533             : 
     534          87 : void Atoms::insertGroup(const std::string&name,const std::vector<AtomNumber>&a) {
     535           0 :   plumed_massert(groups.count(name)==0,"group named "+name+" already exists");
     536          87 :   groups[name]=a;
     537          87 : }
     538             : 
     539          87 : void Atoms::removeGroup(const std::string&name) {
     540           0 :   plumed_massert(groups.count(name)==1,"cannot remove group named "+name);
     541             :   groups.erase(name);
     542          87 : }
     543             : 
     544          84 : void Atoms::writeBinary(std::ostream&o)const {
     545         168 :   o.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&positions[0][0]),natoms*3*sizeof(double));
     546          84 :   o.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&box(0,0)),9*sizeof(double));
     547          84 :   o.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&energy),sizeof(double));
     548          84 : }
     549             : 
     550          84 : void Atoms::readBinary(std::istream&i) {
     551         168 :<char*>(&positions[0][0]),natoms*3*sizeof(double));
     552          84 :<char*>(&box(0,0)),9*sizeof(double));
     553          84 :<char*>(&energy),sizeof(double));
     554          84 :   pbc.setBox(box);
     555          84 : }
     556             : 
     557         315 : double Atoms::getKBoltzmann()const {
     558         315 :   if(naturalUnits || MDnaturalUnits) return 1.0;
     559         308 :   else return kBoltzmann/units.getEnergy();
     560             : }
     561             : 
     562           0 : double Atoms::getMDKBoltzmann()const {
     563           0 :   if(naturalUnits || MDnaturalUnits) return 1.0;
     564           0 :   else return kBoltzmann/MDUnits.getEnergy();
     565             : }
     566             : 
     567           0 : void Atoms::getLocalMasses(std::vector<double>& localMasses) {
     568           0 :   localMasses.resize(gatindex.size());
     569           0 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) localMasses[i] = masses[gatindex[i]];
     570           0 : }
     571             : 
     572         450 : void Atoms::getLocalPositions(std::vector<Vector>& localPositions) {
     573         450 :   localPositions.resize(gatindex.size());
     574         450 :   mdatoms->getLocalPositions(localPositions);
     575         450 : }
     576             : 
     577         450 : void Atoms::getLocalForces(std::vector<Vector>& localForces) {
     578         450 :   localForces.resize(gatindex.size());
     579       65700 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) localForces[i] = forces[gatindex[i]];
     580         450 : }
     581             : 
     582           0 : void Atoms::getLocalMDForces(std::vector<Vector>& localForces) {
     583           0 :   localForces.resize(gatindex.size());
     584           0 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<gatindex.size(); i++) {
     585           0 :     localForces[i] = mdatoms->getMDforces(i);
     586             :   }
     587           0 : }
     588             : 
     589        4839 : }

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