LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - bias - MetaD.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 798 900 88.7 %
Date: 2020-11-18 11:20:57 Functions: 33 37 89.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2011-2019 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "Bias.h"
      23             : #include "ActionRegister.h"
      24             : #include "core/ActionSet.h"
      25             : #include "tools/Grid.h"
      26             : #include "core/PlumedMain.h"
      27             : #include "core/Atoms.h"
      28             : #include "tools/Exception.h"
      29             : #include "core/FlexibleBin.h"
      30             : #include "tools/Matrix.h"
      31             : #include "tools/Random.h"
      32             : #include <string>
      33             : #include <cstring>
      34             : #include "tools/File.h"
      35             : #include <iostream>
      36             : #include <limits>
      37             : #include <ctime>
      38             : 
      39             : #define DP2CUTOFF 6.25
      40             : 
      41             : using namespace std;
      42             : 
      43             : 
      44             : namespace PLMD {
      45             : namespace bias {
      46             : 
      47             : //+PLUMEDOC BIAS METAD
      48             : /*
      49             : Used to performed MetaDynamics on one or more collective variables.
      50             : 
      51             : In a metadynamics simulations a history dependent bias composed of
      52             : intermittently added Gaussian functions is added to the potential \cite metad.
      53             : 
      54             : \f[
      55             : V(\vec{s},t) = \sum_{ k \tau < t} W(k \tau)
      56             : \exp\left(
      57             : -\sum_{i=1}^{d} \frac{(s_i-s_i^{(0)}(k \tau))^2}{2\sigma_i^2}
      58             : \right).
      59             : \f]
      60             : 
      61             : This potential forces the system away from the kinetic traps in the potential energy surface
      62             : and out into the unexplored parts of the energy landscape. Information on the Gaussian
      63             : functions from which this potential is composed is output to a file called HILLS, which
      64             : is used both the restart the calculation and to reconstruct the free energy as a function of the CVs.
      65             : The free energy can be reconstructed from a metadynamics calculation because the final bias is given
      66             : by:
      67             : 
      68             : \f[
      69             : V(\vec{s}) = -F(\vec(s))
      70             : \f]
      71             : 
      72             : During post processing the free energy can be calculated in this way using the \ref sum_hills
      73             : utility.
      74             : 
      75             : In the simplest possible implementation of a metadynamics calculation the expense of a metadynamics
      76             : calculation increases with the length of the simulation as one has to, at every step, evaluate
      77             : the values of a larger and larger number of Gaussians. To avoid this issue you can
      78             : store the bias on a grid.  This approach is similar to that proposed in \cite babi08jcp but has the
      79             : advantage that the grid spacing is independent on the Gaussian width.
      80             : Notice that you should
      81             : provide either the number of bins for every collective variable (GRID_BIN) or
      82             : the desired grid spacing (GRID_SPACING). In case you provide both PLUMED will use
      83             : the most conservative choice (highest number of bins) for each dimension.
      84             : In case you do not provide any information about bin size (neither GRID_BIN nor GRID_SPACING)
      85             : and if Gaussian width is fixed PLUMED will use 1/5 of the Gaussian width as grid spacing.
      86             : This default choice should be reasonable for most applications.
      87             : 
      88             : Metadynamics can be restarted either from a HILLS file as well as from a GRID, in this second
      89             : case one can first save a GRID using GRID_WFILE (and GRID_WSTRIDE) and at a later stage read
      90             : it using GRID_RFILE.
      91             : 
      92             : Another option that is available in plumed is well-tempered metadynamics \cite Barducci:2008. In this
      93             : varient of metadynamics the heights of the Gaussian hills are rescaled at each step so the bias is now
      94             : given by:
      95             : 
      96             : \f[
      97             : V({s},t)= \sum_{t'=0,\tau_G,2\tau_G,\dots}^{t'<t} W e^{-V({s}({q}(t'),t')/\Delta T} \exp\left(
      98             : -\sum_{i=1}^{d} \frac{(s_i({q})-s_i({q}(t'))^2}{2\sigma_i^2}
      99             : \right),
     100             : \f]
     101             : 
     102             : This method ensures that the bias converges more smoothly. It should be noted that, in the case of well-tempered metadynamics, in
     103             : the output printed the Gaussian height is re-scaled using the bias factor.
     104             : Also notice that with well-tempered metadynamics the HILLS file does not contain the bias,
     105             : but the negative of the free-energy estimate. This choice has the advantage that
     106             : one can restart a simulation using a different value for the \f$\Delta T\f$. The applied bias will be scaled accordingly.
     107             : 
     108             : Note that you can use here also the flexible gaussian approach  \cite Branduardi:2012dl
     109             : in which you can adapt the gaussian to the extent of Cartesian space covered by a variable or
     110             : to the space in collective variable covered in a given time. In this case the width of the deposited
     111             : gaussian potential is denoted by one value only that is a Cartesian space (ADAPTIVE=GEOM) or a time
     112             : (ADAPTIVE=DIFF). Note that a specific integration technique for the deposited gaussians
     113             : should be used in this case. Check the documentation for utility sum_hills.
     114             : 
     115             : With the keyword INTERVAL one changes the metadynamics algorithm setting the bias force equal to zero
     116             : outside boundary \cite baftizadeh2012protein. If, for example, metadynamics is performed on a CV s and one is interested only
     117             : to the free energy for s > sw, the history dependent potential is still updated according to the above
     118             : equations but the metadynamics force is set to zero for s < sw. Notice that Gaussians are added also
     119             : if s < sw, as the tails of these Gaussians influence VG in the relevant region s > sw. In this way, the
     120             : force on the system in the region s > sw comes from both metadynamics and the force field, in the region
     121             : s < sw only from the latter. This approach allows obtaining a history-dependent bias potential VG that
     122             : fluctuates around a stable estimator, equal to the negative of the free energy far enough from the
     123             : boundaries. Note that:
     124             : - It works only for one-dimensional biases;
     125             : - It works both with and without GRID;
     126             : - The interval limit sw in a region where the free energy derivative is not large;
     127             : - If in the region outside the limit sw the system has a free energy minimum, the INTERVAL keyword should
     128             :   be used together with a \ref UPPER_WALLS or \ref LOWER_WALLS at sw.
     129             : 
     130             : As a final note, since version 2.0.2 when the system is outside of the selected interval the force
     131             : is set to zero and the bias value to the value at the corresponding boundary. This allows acceptances
     132             : for replica exchange methods to be computed correctly.
     133             : 
     134             : Multiple walkers  \cite multiplewalkers can also be used. See below the examples.
     135             : 
     136             : 
     137             : The c(t) reweighting factor can also be calculated on the fly using the equations
     138             : presented in \cite Tiwary_jp504920s.
     139             : The expression used to calculate c(t) follows directly from using Eq. 12 in
     140             : Eq. 3 in \cite Tiwary_jp504920s and gives smoother results than equivalent Eqs. 13
     141             : and Eqs. 14 in that paper. The c(t) is given by the rct component while the bias
     142             : normalized by c(t) is given by the rbias component (rbias=bias-ct) which can be used
     143             : to obtain a reweighted histogram.
     144             : The calculation of c(t) is enabled by using the keyword REWEIGHTING_NGRID where the grid used for the
     145             : calculation is specified.   This grid should have a size that is equal or larger than the grid given in GRID_BIN./
     146             : By default c(t) is updated every 50 Gaussian hills but this
     147             : can be changed by using the REWEIGHTING_NHILLS keyword.
     148             : This option can only be employed together with Well-Tempered Metadynamics and requires that
     149             : a grid is used.
     150             : 
     151             : Additional material and examples can be also found in the tutorials:
     152             : 
     153             : - \ref belfast-6
     154             : - \ref belfast-7
     155             : - \ref belfast-8
     156             : 
     157             : Notice that at variance with PLUMED 1.3 it is now straightforward to apply concurrent metadynamics
     158             : as done e.g. in Ref. \cite gil2015enhanced . This indeed can be obtained by using the METAD
     159             : action multiple times in the same input file.
     160             : 
     161             : \par Examples
     162             : 
     163             : The following input is for a standard metadynamics calculation using as
     164             : collective variables the distance between atoms 3 and 5
     165             : and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The value of the CVs and
     166             : the metadynamics bias potential are written to the COLVAR file every 100 steps.
     167             : \plumedfile
     168             : DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1
     169             : DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2
     170             : METAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=0.2,0.2 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint
     171             : PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100  FILE=COLVAR
     172             : \endplumedfile
     173             : (See also \ref DISTANCE \ref PRINT).
     174             : 
     175             : \par
     176             : If you use adaptive Gaussians, with diffusion scheme where you use
     177             : a Gaussian that should cover the space of 20 timesteps in collective variables.
     178             : Note that in this case the histogram correction is needed when summing up hills.
     179             : \plumedfile
     180             : DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1
     181             : DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2
     182             : METAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=20 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint ADAPTIVE=DIFF
     183             : PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100  FILE=COLVAR
     184             : \endplumedfile
     185             : 
     186             : \par
     187             : If you use adaptive Gaussians, with geometrical scheme where you use
     188             : a Gaussian that should cover the space of 0.05 nm in Cartesian space.
     189             : Note that in this case the histogram correction is needed when summing up hills.
     190             : \plumedfile
     191             : DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1
     192             : DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2
     193             : METAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=0.05 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint ADAPTIVE=GEOM
     194             : PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100  FILE=COLVAR
     195             : \endplumedfile
     196             : 
     197             : \par
     198             : When using adaptive Gaussians you might want to limit how the hills width can change.
     199             : You can use SIGMA_MIN and SIGMA_MAX keywords.
     200             : The sigmas should specified in terms of CV so you should use the CV units.
     201             : Note that if you use a negative number, this means that the limit is not set.
     202             : Note also that in this case the histogram correction is needed when summing up hills.
     203             : \plumedfile
     204             : DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1
     205             : DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2
     206             : METAD ...
     207             :   ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=0.05 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint ADAPTIVE=GEOM
     208             :   SIGMA_MIN=0.2,0.1 SIGMA_MAX=0.5,1.0
     209             : ... METAD
     210             : PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100  FILE=COLVAR
     211             : \endplumedfile
     212             : 
     213             : \par
     214             : Multiple walkers can be also use as in  \cite multiplewalkers
     215             : These are enabled by setting the number of walker used, the id of the
     216             : current walker which interprets the input file, the directory where the
     217             : hills containing files resides, and the frequency to read the other walkers.
     218             : Here is an example
     219             : \plumedfile
     220             : DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1
     221             : METAD ...
     222             :    ARG=d1 SIGMA=0.05 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint
     223             :    WALKERS_N=10
     224             :    WALKERS_ID=3
     225             :    WALKERS_DIR=../
     226             :    WALKERS_RSTRIDE=100
     227             : ... METAD
     228             : \endplumedfile
     229             : where  WALKERS_N is the total number of walkers, WALKERS_ID is the
     230             : id of the present walker (starting from 0 ) and the WALKERS_DIR is the directory
     231             : where all the walkers are located. WALKERS_RSTRIDE is the number of step between
     232             : one update and the other. Since version 2.2.5, hills files are automatically
     233             : flushed every WALKERS_RSTRIDE steps.
     234             : 
     235             : \par
     236             : The c(t) reweighting factor can be calculated on the fly using the equations
     237             : presented in \cite Tiwary_jp504920s as described above.
     238             : This is enabled by using the keyword REWEIGHTING_NGRID where the grid used for
     239             : the calculation is set. The number of grid points given in REWEIGHTING_NGRID
     240             : should be equal or larger than the number of grid points given in GRID_BIN.
     241             : \plumedfile
     242             : METAD ...
     243             :  LABEL=metad
     244             :  ARG=phi,psi SIGMA=0.20,0.20 HEIGHT=1.20 BIASFACTOR=5 TEMP=300.0 PACE=500
     245             :  GRID_MIN=-pi,-pi GRID_MAX=pi,pi GRID_BIN=150,150
     246             :  REWEIGHTING_NGRID=150,150
     247             :  REWEIGHTING_NHILLS=20
     248             : ... METAD
     249             : \endplumedfile
     250             : Here we have asked that the calculation is performed every 20 hills by using
     251             : REWEIGHTING_NHILLS keyword. If this keyword is not given the calculation will
     252             : by default be performed every 50 hills. The c(t) reweighting factor will be given
     253             : in the rct component while the instantaneous value of the bias potential
     254             : normalized using the c(t) reweighting factor is given in the rbias component
     255             : [rbias=bias-c(t)] which can be used to obtain a reweighted histogram or
     256             : free energy surface using the \ref HISTOGRAM analysis.
     257             : 
     258             : \par
     259             : The kinetics of the transitions between basins can also be analysed on the fly as
     260             : in \cite PRL230602. The flag ACCELERATION turn on accumulation of the acceleration
     261             : factor that can then be used to determine the rate. This method can be used together
     262             : with \ref COMMITTOR analysis to stop the simulation when the system get to the target basin.
     263             : It must be used together with Well-Tempered Metadynamics.
     264             : 
     265             : \par
     266             : You can also provide a target distribution using the keyword TARGET
     267             : \cite white2015designing
     268             : \cite marinelli2015ensemble
     269             : \cite gil2016empirical
     270             : The TARGET should be a grid containing a free-energy (i.e. the -kbT*log of the desired target distribution).
     271             : Gaussians will then be scaled by a factor
     272             : \f[
     273             : e^{\beta(\tilde{F}(s)-\tilde{F}_{max})}
     274             : \f]
     275             : Here \f$\tilde{F}(s)\f$ is the free energy defined on the grid and \f$\tilde{F}_{max}\f$ its maximum value.
     276             : Notice that we here used the maximum value as in ref \cite gil2016empirical
     277             : This choice allows to avoid exceedingly large Gaussians to be added. However,
     278             : it could make the Gaussian too small. You should always choose carefully the HEIGHT parameter
     279             : in this case.
     280             : The grid file should be similar to other PLUMED grid files in that it should contain
     281             : both the target free-energy and its derivatives.
     282             : 
     283             : Notice that if you wish your simulation to converge to the target free energy you should use
     284             : the DAMPFACTOR command to provide a global tempering \cite dama2014well
     285             : Alternatively, if you use a BIASFACTOR yout simulation will converge to a free
     286             : energy that is a linear combination of the target free energy and of the intrinsic free energy
     287             : determined by the original force field.
     288             : 
     289             : \plumedfile
     290             : DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1
     291             : METAD ...
     292             :  LABEL=t1
     293             :  ARG=d1 SIGMA=0.05 TAU=200 DAMPFACTOR=100 PACE=250
     294             :  GRID_MIN=0 GRID_MAX=2 GRID_BIN=200
     295             :  TARGET=dist.dat
     296             : ... METAD
     297             : 
     298             : PRINT ARG=d1,t1.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR
     299             : \endplumedfile
     300             : 
     301             : The header in the file dist.dat for this calculation would read:
     302             : 
     303             : \verbatim
     304             : #! FIELDS d1 der_d1
     305             : #! SET min_d1 0
     306             : #! SET max_d1 2
     307             : #! SET nbins_d1  200
     308             : #! SET periodic_d1 false
     309             : \endverbatim
     310             : 
     311             : Notice that BIASFACTOR can also be chosen as equal to 1. In this case one will perform
     312             : unbiased sampling. Instead of using HEIGHT, one should provide the TAU parameter.
     313             : \plumedfile
     314             : d: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5
     315             : METAD ARG=d SIGMA=0.1 TAU=4.0 TEMP=300 PACE=100 BIASFACTOR=1.0
     316             : \endplumedfile
     317             : The HILLS file obtained will still work with `plumed sum_hills` so as to plot a free-energy.
     318             : The case where this makes sense is probably that of RECT simulations.
     319             : 
     320             : Regarding RECT simulations, you can also use the RECT keyword so as to avoid using multiple input files.
     321             : For instance, a single input file will be
     322             : \plumedfile
     323             : d: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5
     324             : METAD ARG=d SIGMA=0.1 TAU=4.0 TEMP=300 PACE=100 RECT=1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0
     325             : \endplumedfile
     326             : The number of elements in the RECT array should be equal to the number of replicas.
     327             : 
     328             : 
     329             : 
     330             : 
     331             : 
     332             : */
     333             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
     334             : 
     335             : class MetaD : public Bias {
     336             : 
     337             : private:
     338       63767 :   struct Gaussian {
     339             :     vector<double> center;
     340             :     vector<double> sigma;
     341             :     double height;
     342             :     bool   multivariate; // this is required to discriminate the one dimensional case
     343             :     vector<double> invsigma;
     344        5590 :     Gaussian(const vector<double> & center,const vector<double> & sigma,double height, bool multivariate ):
     345        5590 :       center(center),sigma(sigma),height(height),multivariate(multivariate),invsigma(sigma) {
     346             :       // to avoid troubles from zero element in flexible hills
     347       54504 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<invsigma.size(); ++i) abs(invsigma[i])>1.e-20?invsigma[i]=1.0/invsigma[i]:0.;
     348        5590 :     }
     349             :   };
     350         272 :   struct TemperingSpecs {
     351             :     bool is_active;
     352             :     std::string name_stem;
     353             :     std::string name;
     354             :     double biasf;
     355             :     double threshold;
     356             :     double alpha;
     357         136 :     inline TemperingSpecs(bool is_active, const std::string &name_stem, const std::string &name, double biasf, double threshold, double alpha) :
     358         408 :       is_active(is_active), name_stem(name_stem), name(name), biasf(biasf), threshold(threshold), alpha(alpha)
     359         136 :     {}
     360             :   };
     361             :   vector<double> sigma0_;
     362             :   vector<double> sigma0min_;
     363             :   vector<double> sigma0max_;
     364             :   vector<Gaussian> hills_;
     365             :   OFile hillsOfile_;
     366             :   OFile gridfile_;
     367             :   Grid* BiasGrid_;
     368             :   bool storeOldGrids_;
     369             :   int wgridstride_;
     370             :   bool grid_;
     371             :   double height0_;
     372             :   double biasf_;
     373             :   static const size_t n_tempering_options_ = 1;
     374             :   static const string tempering_names_[1][2];
     375             :   double dampfactor_;
     376             :   struct TemperingSpecs tt_specs_;
     377             :   std::string targetfilename_;
     378             :   Grid* TargetGrid_;
     379             :   double kbt_;
     380             :   int stride_;
     381             :   bool welltemp_;
     382             :   double* dp_;
     383             :   int adaptive_;
     384             :   FlexibleBin *flexbin;
     385             :   int mw_n_;
     386             :   string mw_dir_;
     387             :   int mw_id_;
     388             :   int mw_rstride_;
     389             :   bool walkers_mpi;
     390             :   unsigned mpi_nw_;
     391             :   unsigned mpi_mw_;
     392             :   bool acceleration;
     393             :   double acc;
     394             :   double acc_restart_mean_;
     395             :   bool calc_max_bias_;
     396             :   double max_bias_;
     397             :   bool calc_transition_bias_;
     398             :   double transition_bias_;
     399             :   vector<vector<double> > transitionwells_;
     400             :   vector<IFile*> ifiles;
     401             :   vector<string> ifilesnames;
     402             :   double uppI_;
     403             :   double lowI_;
     404             :   bool doInt_;
     405             :   bool isFirstStep;
     406             :   double reweight_factor;
     407             :   vector<unsigned> rewf_grid_;
     408             :   unsigned rewf_ustride_;
     409             :   double work_;
     410             :   long int last_step_warn_grid;
     411             : 
     412             :   static void   registerTemperingKeywords(const std::string &name_stem, const std::string &name, Keywords &keys);
     413             :   void   readTemperingSpecs(TemperingSpecs &t_specs);
     414             :   void   logTemperingSpecs(const TemperingSpecs &t_specs);
     415             :   void   readGaussians(IFile*);
     416             :   bool   readChunkOfGaussians(IFile *ifile, unsigned n);
     417             :   void   writeGaussian(const Gaussian&,OFile&);
     418             :   void   addGaussian(const Gaussian&);
     419             :   double getHeight(const vector<double>&);
     420             :   void   temperHeight(double &height, const TemperingSpecs &t_specs, const double tempering_bias);
     421             :   double getBiasAndDerivatives(const vector<double>&,double* der=NULL);
     422             :   double evaluateGaussian(const vector<double>&, const Gaussian&,double* der=NULL);
     423             :   double getGaussianNormalization( const Gaussian& );
     424             :   vector<unsigned> getGaussianSupport(const Gaussian&);
     425             :   bool   scanOneHill(IFile *ifile,  vector<Value> &v, vector<double> &center, vector<double>  &sigma, double &height, bool &multivariate);
     426             :   void   computeReweightingFactor();
     427             :   double getTransitionBarrierBias();
     428             :   string fmt;
     429             : 
     430             : public:
     431             :   explicit MetaD(const ActionOptions&);
     432             :   ~MetaD();
     433             :   void calculate();
     434             :   void update();
     435             :   static void registerKeywords(Keywords& keys);
     436             :   bool checkNeedsGradients()const;
     437             : };
     438             : 
     439        6589 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(MetaD,"METAD")
     440             : 
     441         138 : void MetaD::registerKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     442         138 :   Bias::registerKeywords(keys);
     443         552 :   keys.addOutputComponent("rbias","REWEIGHTING_NGRID","the instantaneous value of the bias normalized using the \\f$c(t)\\f$ reweighting factor [rbias=bias-c(t)]."
     444             :                           "This component can be used to obtain a reweighted histogram.");
     445         552 :   keys.addOutputComponent("rct","REWEIGHTING_NGRID","the reweighting factor \\f$c(t)\\f$.");
     446         552 :   keys.addOutputComponent("work","default","accumulator for work");
     447         552 :   keys.addOutputComponent("acc","ACCELERATION","the metadynamics acceleration factor");
     448         552 :   keys.addOutputComponent("maxbias", "CALC_MAX_BIAS", "the maximum of the metadynamics V(s, t)");
     449         552 :   keys.addOutputComponent("transbias", "CALC_TRANSITION_BIAS", "the metadynamics transition bias V*(t)");
     450         276 :   keys.use("ARG");
     451         552 :   keys.add("compulsory","SIGMA","the widths of the Gaussian hills");
     452         552 :   keys.add("compulsory","PACE","the frequency for hill addition");
     453         690 :   keys.add("compulsory","FILE","HILLS","a file in which the list of added hills is stored");
     454         552 :   keys.add("optional","HEIGHT","the heights of the Gaussian hills. Compulsory unless TAU and either BIASFACTOR or DAMPFACTOR are given");
     455         552 :   keys.add("optional","FMT","specify format for HILLS files (useful for decrease the number of digits in regtests)");
     456         552 :   keys.add("optional","BIASFACTOR","use well tempered metadynamics and use this biasfactor.  Please note you must also specify temp");
     457         552 :   keys.add("optional","RECT","list of bias factors for all the replicas");
     458         552 :   keys.add("optional","DAMPFACTOR","damp hills with exp(-max(V)/(kbT*DAMPFACTOR)");
     459         414 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < n_tempering_options_; i++) {
     460         138 :     registerTemperingKeywords(tempering_names_[i][0], tempering_names_[i][1], keys);
     461             :   }
     462         552 :   keys.add("optional","TARGET","target to a predefined distribution");
     463         552 :   keys.add("optional","TEMP","the system temperature - this is only needed if you are doing well-tempered metadynamics");
     464         552 :   keys.add("optional","TAU","in well tempered metadynamics, sets height to (kb*DeltaT*pace*timestep)/tau");
     465         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_MIN","the lower bounds for the grid");
     466         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_MAX","the upper bounds for the grid");
     467         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_BIN","the number of bins for the grid");
     468         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_SPACING","the approximate grid spacing (to be used as an alternative or together with GRID_BIN)");
     469         552 :   keys.add("optional","REWEIGHTING_NGRID","calculate the c(t) reweighting factor and use that to obtain the normalized bias [rbias=bias-c(t)]."
     470             :            "Here you should specify the number of grid points required in each dimension."
     471             :            "The number of grid points should be equal or larger to the number of grid points given in GRID_BIN."
     472             :            "This method is not compatible with metadynamics not on a grid.");
     473         552 :   keys.add("optional","REWEIGHTING_NHILLS","how many Gaussian hills should be deposited between calculating the c(t) reweighting factor."
     474             :            "The default is to do this every 50 hills.");
     475         414 :   keys.addFlag("GRID_SPARSE",false,"use a sparse grid to store hills");
     476         414 :   keys.addFlag("GRID_NOSPLINE",false,"don't use spline interpolation with grids");
     477         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_WSTRIDE","write the grid to a file every N steps");
     478         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_WFILE","the file on which to write the grid");
     479         552 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_RFILE","a grid file from which the bias should be read at the initial step of the simulation");
     480         414 :   keys.addFlag("STORE_GRIDS",false,"store all the grid files the calculation generates. They will be deleted if this keyword is not present");
     481         552 :   keys.add("optional","ADAPTIVE","use a geometric (=GEOM) or diffusion (=DIFF) based hills width scheme. Sigma is one number that has distance units or timestep dimensions");
     482         552 :   keys.add("optional","WALKERS_ID", "walker id");
     483         552 :   keys.add("optional","WALKERS_N", "number of walkers");
     484         552 :   keys.add("optional","WALKERS_DIR", "shared directory with the hills files from all the walkers");
     485         552 :   keys.add("optional","WALKERS_RSTRIDE","stride for reading hills files");
     486         552 :   keys.add("optional","INTERVAL","monodimensional lower and upper limits, outside the limits the system will not feel the biasing force.");
     487         552 :   keys.add("optional","SIGMA_MAX","the upper bounds for the sigmas (in CV units) when using adaptive hills. Negative number means no bounds ");
     488         552 :   keys.add("optional","SIGMA_MIN","the lower bounds for the sigmas (in CV units) when using adaptive hills. Negative number means no bounds ");
     489         414 :   keys.addFlag("WALKERS_MPI",false,"Switch on MPI version of multiple walkers - not compatible with WALKERS_* options other than WALKERS_DIR");
     490         414 :   keys.addFlag("ACCELERATION",false,"Set to TRUE if you want to compute the metadynamics acceleration factor.");
     491         552 :   keys.add("optional","ACCELERATION_RFILE","a data file from which the acceleration should be read at the initial step of the simulation");
     492         414 :   keys.addFlag("CALC_MAX_BIAS", false, "Set to TRUE if you want to compute the maximum of the metadynamics V(s, t)");
     493         414 :   keys.addFlag("CALC_TRANSITION_BIAS", false, "Set to TRUE if you want to compute a metadynamics transition bias V*(t)");
     494         552 :   keys.add("numbered", "TRANSITIONWELL", "This keyword appears multiple times as TRANSITIONWELLx with x=0,1,2,...,n. Each specifies the coordinates for one well as in transition-tempered metadynamics. At least one must be provided.");
     495         276 :   keys.use("RESTART");
     496         276 :   keys.use("UPDATE_FROM");
     497         276 :   keys.use("UPDATE_UNTIL");
     498         138 : }
     499             : 
     500        4839 : const std::string MetaD::tempering_names_[1][2] = {{"TT", "transition tempered"}};
     501             : 
     502         138 : void MetaD::registerTemperingKeywords(const std::string &name_stem, const std::string &name, Keywords &keys) {
     503         690 :   keys.add("optional", name_stem + "BIASFACTOR", "use " + name + " metadynamics with this biasfactor.  Please note you must also specify temp");
     504         966 :   keys.add("optional", name_stem + "BIASTHRESHOLD", "use " + name + " metadynamics with this bias threshold.  Please note you must also specify " + name_stem + "BIASFACTOR");
     505         966 :   keys.add("optional", name_stem + "ALPHA", "use " + name + " metadynamics with this hill size decay exponent parameter.  Please note you must also specify " + name_stem + "BIASFACTOR");
     506         138 : }
     507             : 
     508         780 : MetaD::~MetaD() {
     509         130 :   if(flexbin) delete flexbin;
     510         130 :   if(BiasGrid_) delete BiasGrid_;
     511         130 :   if(TargetGrid_) delete TargetGrid_;
     512         130 :   hillsOfile_.close();
     513         130 :   if(wgridstride_>0) gridfile_.close();
     514         130 :   delete [] dp_;
     515             :   // close files
     516         414 :   for(int i=0; i<mw_n_; ++i) {
     517         296 :     if(ifiles[i]->isOpen()) ifiles[i]->close();
     518         142 :     delete ifiles[i];
     519             :   }
     520         260 : }
     521             : 
     522         137 : MetaD::MetaD(const ActionOptions& ao):
     523             :   PLUMED_BIAS_INIT(ao),
     524             : // Grid stuff initialization
     525             :   BiasGrid_(NULL), wgridstride_(0), grid_(false),
     526             : // Metadynamics basic parameters
     527             :   height0_(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()), biasf_(-1.0), dampfactor_(0.0),
     528             :   tt_specs_(false, "TT", "Transition Tempered", -1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
     529             :   TargetGrid_(NULL),
     530             :   kbt_(0.0),
     531             :   stride_(0), welltemp_(false),
     532             : // Other stuff
     533             :   dp_(NULL), adaptive_(FlexibleBin::none),
     534             :   flexbin(NULL),
     535             : // Multiple walkers initialization
     536             :   mw_n_(1), mw_dir_(""), mw_id_(0), mw_rstride_(1),
     537             :   walkers_mpi(false), mpi_nw_(0), mpi_mw_(0),
     538             :   acceleration(false), acc(0.0), acc_restart_mean_(0.0),
     539             :   calc_max_bias_(false), max_bias_(0.0),
     540             :   calc_transition_bias_(false), transition_bias_(0.0),
     541             : // Interval initialization
     542             :   uppI_(-1), lowI_(-1), doInt_(false),
     543             :   isFirstStep(true),
     544             :   reweight_factor(0.0),
     545             :   rewf_ustride_(1),
     546             :   work_(0),
     547        1663 :   last_step_warn_grid(0)
     548             : {
     549             :   // parse the flexible hills
     550             :   string adaptiveoption;
     551             :   adaptiveoption="NONE";
     552         272 :   parse("ADAPTIVE",adaptiveoption);
     553         136 :   if(adaptiveoption=="GEOM") {
     554          22 :     log.printf("  Uses Geometry-based hills width: sigma must be in distance units and only one sigma is needed\n");
     555          22 :     adaptive_=FlexibleBin::geometry;
     556         114 :   } else if(adaptiveoption=="DIFF") {
     557           3 :     log.printf("  Uses Diffusion-based hills width: sigma must be in timesteps and only one sigma is needed\n");
     558           3 :     adaptive_=FlexibleBin::diffusion;
     559         111 :   } else if(adaptiveoption=="NONE") {
     560         110 :     adaptive_=FlexibleBin::none;
     561             :   } else {
     562           2 :     error("I do not know this type of adaptive scheme");
     563             :   }
     564             : 
     565         270 :   parse("FMT",fmt);
     566             : 
     567             :   // parse the sigma
     568         270 :   parseVector("SIGMA",sigma0_);
     569         135 :   if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::none) {
     570             :     // if you use normal sigma you need one sigma per argument
     571         110 :     if( sigma0_.size()!=getNumberOfArguments() ) error("number of arguments does not match number of SIGMA parameters");
     572             :   } else {
     573             :     // if you use flexible hills you need one sigma
     574          25 :     if(sigma0_.size()!=1) {
     575           2 :       error("If you choose ADAPTIVE you need only one sigma according to your choice of type (GEOM/DIFF)");
     576             :     }
     577             :     // if adaptive then the number must be an integer
     578          24 :     if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::diffusion) {
     579           3 :       if(int(sigma0_[0])-sigma0_[0]>1.e-9 || int(sigma0_[0])-sigma0_[0] <-1.e-9 || int(sigma0_[0])<1 ) {
     580           0 :         error("In case of adaptive hills with diffusion, the sigma must be an integer which is the number of timesteps\n");
     581             :       }
     582             :     }
     583             :     // here evtl parse the sigma min and max values
     584          48 :     parseVector("SIGMA_MIN",sigma0min_);
     585          25 :     if(sigma0min_.size()>0 && sigma0min_.size()!=getNumberOfArguments()) {
     586           2 :       error("the number of SIGMA_MIN values be the same of the number of the arguments");
     587          23 :     } else if(sigma0min_.size()==0) {
     588          23 :       sigma0min_.resize(getNumberOfArguments());
     589         111 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {sigma0min_[i]=-1.;}
     590             :     }
     591             : 
     592          46 :     parseVector("SIGMA_MAX",sigma0max_);
     593          24 :     if(sigma0max_.size()>0 && sigma0max_.size()!=getNumberOfArguments()) {
     594           2 :       error("the number of SIGMA_MAX values be the same of the number of the arguments");
     595          22 :     } else if(sigma0max_.size()==0) {
     596          22 :       sigma0max_.resize(getNumberOfArguments());
     597         106 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {sigma0max_[i]=-1.;}
     598             :     }
     599             : 
     600          22 :     flexbin=new FlexibleBin(adaptive_,this,sigma0_[0],sigma0min_,sigma0max_);
     601             :   }
     602             :   // note: HEIGHT is not compulsory, since one could use the TAU keyword, see below
     603         264 :   parse("HEIGHT",height0_);
     604         264 :   parse("PACE",stride_);
     605         131 :   if(stride_<=0 ) error("frequency for hill addition is nonsensical");
     606         137 :   string hillsfname="HILLS";
     607         262 :   parse("FILE",hillsfname);
     608             : 
     609             :   // Manually set to calculate special bias quantities
     610             :   // throughout the course of simulation. (These are chosen due to
     611             :   // relevance for tempering and event-driven logic as well.)
     612         262 :   parseFlag("CALC_MAX_BIAS", calc_max_bias_);
     613         262 :   parseFlag("CALC_TRANSITION_BIAS", calc_transition_bias_);
     614             : 
     615             :   std::vector<double> rect_biasf_;
     616         262 :   parseVector("RECT",rect_biasf_);
     617         131 :   if(rect_biasf_.size()>0) {
     618          18 :     int r=0;
     619          18 :     if(comm.Get_rank()==0) r=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();
     620          18 :     comm.Bcast(r,0);
     621          36 :     biasf_=rect_biasf_[r];
     622          18 :     log<<"  You are using RECT\n";
     623             :   } else {
     624         226 :     parse("BIASFACTOR",biasf_);
     625             :   }
     626         131 :   if( biasf_<1.0  && biasf_!=-1.0) error("well tempered bias factor is nonsensical");
     627         262 :   parse("DAMPFACTOR",dampfactor_);
     628         131 :   double temp=0.0;
     629         262 :   parse("TEMP",temp);
     630         178 :   if(temp>0.0) kbt_=plumed.getAtoms().getKBoltzmann()*temp;
     631         168 :   else kbt_=plumed.getAtoms().getKbT();
     632         131 :   if(biasf_>=1.0) {
     633          30 :     if(kbt_==0.0) error("Unless the MD engine passes the temperature to plumed, with well-tempered metad you must specify it using TEMP");
     634          30 :     welltemp_=true;
     635             :   }
     636         131 :   if(dampfactor_>0.0) {
     637           2 :     if(kbt_==0.0) error("Unless the MD engine passes the temperature to plumed, with damped metad you must specify it using TEMP");
     638             :   }
     639             : 
     640             :   // Set transition tempering parameters.
     641             :   // Transition wells are read later via calc_transition_bias_.
     642         131 :   readTemperingSpecs(tt_specs_);
     643         131 :   if (tt_specs_.is_active) calc_transition_bias_ = true;
     644             : 
     645             :   // If any previous option specified to calculate a transition bias,
     646             :   // now read the transition wells for that quantity.
     647         131 :   if (calc_transition_bias_) {
     648          14 :     vector<double> tempcoords(getNumberOfArguments());
     649          26 :     for (unsigned i = 0; ; i++) {
     650         104 :       if (!parseNumberedVector("TRANSITIONWELL", i, tempcoords) ) break;
     651          26 :       if (tempcoords.size() != getNumberOfArguments()) {
     652           0 :         error("incorrect number of coordinates for transition tempering well");
     653             :       }
     654          26 :       transitionwells_.push_back(tempcoords);
     655             :     }
     656             :   }
     657             : 
     658         262 :   parse("TARGET",targetfilename_);
     659         131 :   if(targetfilename_.length()>0 && kbt_==0.0)  error("with TARGET temperature must be specified");
     660         131 :   double tau=0.0;
     661         262 :   parse("TAU",tau);
     662         131 :   if(tau==0.0) {
     663         109 :     if(height0_==std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) error("At least one between HEIGHT and TAU should be specified");
     664             :     // if tau is not set, we compute it here from the other input parameters
     665         109 :     if(welltemp_) tau=(kbt_*(biasf_-1.0))/height0_*getTimeStep()*stride_;
     666          98 :     else if(dampfactor_>0.0) tau=(kbt_*dampfactor_)/height0_*getTimeStep()*stride_;
     667             :   } else {
     668          22 :     if(height0_!=std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) error("At most one between HEIGHT and TAU should be specified");
     669          22 :     if(welltemp_) {
     670          19 :       if(biasf_!=1.0) height0_=(kbt_*(biasf_-1.0))/tau*getTimeStep()*stride_;
     671           4 :       else           height0_=kbt_/tau*getTimeStep()*stride_; // special case for gamma=1
     672             :     }
     673           3 :     else if(dampfactor_>0.0) height0_=(kbt_*dampfactor_)/tau*getTimeStep()*stride_;
     674           2 :     else error("TAU only makes sense in well-tempered or damped metadynamics");
     675             :   }
     676             : 
     677             :   // Grid Stuff
     678         260 :   vector<std::string> gmin(getNumberOfArguments());
     679         260 :   parseVector("GRID_MIN",gmin);
     680         130 :   if(gmin.size()!=getNumberOfArguments() && gmin.size()!=0) error("not enough values for GRID_MIN");
     681         260 :   vector<std::string> gmax(getNumberOfArguments());
     682         260 :   parseVector("GRID_MAX",gmax);
     683         130 :   if(gmax.size()!=getNumberOfArguments() && gmax.size()!=0) error("not enough values for GRID_MAX");
     684         130 :   vector<unsigned> gbin(getNumberOfArguments());
     685             :   vector<double>   gspacing;
     686         260 :   parseVector("GRID_BIN",gbin);
     687         130 :   if(gbin.size()!=getNumberOfArguments() && gbin.size()!=0) error("not enough values for GRID_BIN");
     688         260 :   parseVector("GRID_SPACING",gspacing);
     689         130 :   if(gspacing.size()!=getNumberOfArguments() && gspacing.size()!=0) error("not enough values for GRID_SPACING");
     690         130 :   if(gmin.size()!=gmax.size()) error("GRID_MAX and GRID_MIN should be either present or absent");
     691         132 :   if(gspacing.size()!=0 && gmin.size()==0) error("If GRID_SPACING is present also GRID_MIN should be present");
     692         178 :   if(gbin.size()!=0     && gmin.size()==0) error("If GRID_SPACING is present also GRID_MIN should be present");
     693         130 :   if(gmin.size()!=0) {
     694          52 :     if(gbin.size()==0 && gspacing.size()==0) {
     695           1 :       if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::none) {
     696           1 :         log<<"  Binsize not specified, 1/5 of sigma will be be used\n";
     697           1 :         plumed_assert(sigma0_.size()==getNumberOfArguments());
     698           1 :         gspacing.resize(getNumberOfArguments());
     699          10 :         for(unsigned i=0; i<gspacing.size(); i++) gspacing[i]=0.2*sigma0_[i];
     700             :       } else {
     701             :         // with adaptive hills and grid a sigma min must be specified
     702           0 :         for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma0min_.size(); i++) if(sigma0min_[i]<=0) error("When using Adaptive Gaussians on a grid SIGMA_MIN must be specified");
     703           0 :         log<<"  Binsize not specified, 1/5 of sigma_min will be be used\n";
     704           0 :         gspacing.resize(getNumberOfArguments());
     705           0 :         for(unsigned i=0; i<gspacing.size(); i++) gspacing[i]=0.2*sigma0min_[i];
     706             :       }
     707          51 :     } else if(gspacing.size()!=0 && gbin.size()==0) {
     708           1 :       log<<"  The number of bins will be estimated from GRID_SPACING\n";
     709          49 :     } else if(gspacing.size()!=0 && gbin.size()!=0) {
     710           1 :       log<<"  You specified both GRID_BIN and GRID_SPACING\n";
     711           1 :       log<<"  The more conservative (highest) number of bins will be used for each variable\n";
     712             :     }
     713          54 :     if(gbin.size()==0) gbin.assign(getNumberOfArguments(),1);
     714          65 :     if(gspacing.size()!=0) for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {
     715             :         double a,b;
     716          12 :         Tools::convert(gmin[i],a);
     717           6 :         Tools::convert(gmax[i],b);
     718          12 :         unsigned n=((b-a)/gspacing[i])+1;
     719           6 :         if(gbin[i]<n) gbin[i]=n;
     720             :       }
     721             :   }
     722         130 :   bool sparsegrid=false;
     723         260 :   parseFlag("GRID_SPARSE",sparsegrid);
     724         130 :   bool nospline=false;
     725         260 :   parseFlag("GRID_NOSPLINE",nospline);
     726         130 :   bool spline=!nospline;
     727         130 :   if(gbin.size()>0) {grid_=true;}
     728         260 :   parse("GRID_WSTRIDE",wgridstride_);
     729             :   string gridfilename_;
     730         260 :   parse("GRID_WFILE",gridfilename_);
     731         260 :   parseFlag("STORE_GRIDS",storeOldGrids_);
     732         180 :   if(grid_ && gridfilename_.length()>0) {
     733          16 :     if(wgridstride_==0 ) error("frequency with which to output grid not specified use GRID_WSTRIDE");
     734             :   }
     735             : 
     736         130 :   if(grid_ && wgridstride_>0) {
     737          16 :     if(gridfilename_.length()==0) error("grid filename not specified use GRID_WFILE");
     738             :   }
     739             :   string gridreadfilename_;
     740         260 :   parse("GRID_RFILE",gridreadfilename_);
     741             : 
     742         210 :   if(!grid_&&gridfilename_.length()> 0) error("To write a grid you need first to define it!");
     743         210 :   if(!grid_&&gridreadfilename_.length()>0) error("To read a grid you need first to define it!");
     744             : 
     745         130 :   if(grid_) {
     746         100 :     parseVector("REWEIGHTING_NGRID",rewf_grid_);
     747          55 :     if(rewf_grid_.size()>0 && rewf_grid_.size()!=getNumberOfArguments()) {
     748           0 :       error("size mismatch for REWEIGHTING_NGRID keyword");
     749          50 :     } else if(rewf_grid_.size()==getNumberOfArguments()) {
     750          25 :       for(unsigned j=0; j<getNumberOfArguments(); ++j) {
     751          10 :         if( !getPntrToArgument(j)->isPeriodic() ) rewf_grid_[j] += 1;
     752             :       }
     753             :     }
     754          50 :     if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::diffusion || adaptive_==FlexibleBin::geometry) warning("reweighting has not been proven to work with adaptive Gaussians");
     755         100 :     rewf_ustride_=50; parse("REWEIGHTING_NHILLS",rewf_ustride_);
     756             :   }
     757         130 :   if(dampfactor_>0.0) {
     758           2 :     if(!grid_) error("With DAMPFACTOR you should use grids");
     759             :   }
     760             : 
     761             :   // Multiple walkers
     762         260 :   parse("WALKERS_N",mw_n_);
     763         260 :   parse("WALKERS_ID",mw_id_);
     764         130 :   if(mw_n_<=mw_id_) error("walker ID should be a numerical value less than the total number of walkers");
     765         260 :   parse("WALKERS_DIR",mw_dir_);
     766         260 :   parse("WALKERS_RSTRIDE",mw_rstride_);
     767             : 
     768             :   // MPI version
     769         260 :   parseFlag("WALKERS_MPI",walkers_mpi);
     770             : 
     771             :   // Inteval keyword
     772         130 :   vector<double> tmpI(2);
     773         260 :   parseVector("INTERVAL",tmpI);
     774         130 :   if(tmpI.size()!=2&&tmpI.size()!=0) error("both a lower and an upper limits must be provided with INTERVAL");
     775         130 :   else if(tmpI.size()==2) {
     776           2 :;
     777           2 :;
     778           2 :     if(getNumberOfArguments()!=1) error("INTERVAL limits correction works only for monodimensional metadynamics!");
     779           2 :     if(uppI_<lowI_) error("The Upper limit must be greater than the Lower limit!");
     780           2 :     if(getPntrToArgument(0)->isPeriodic()) error("INTERVAL cannot be used with periodic variables!");
     781           2 :     doInt_=true;
     782             :   }
     783             : 
     784         130 :   acceleration=false;
     785         260 :   parseFlag("ACCELERATION",acceleration);
     786             :   // Check for a restart acceleration if acceleration is active.
     787             :   string acc_rfilename;
     788         130 :   if (acceleration) {
     789           4 :     parse("ACCELERATION_RFILE", acc_rfilename);
     790             :   }
     791             : 
     792         130 :   checkRead();
     793             : 
     794         130 :   log.printf("  Gaussian width ");
     795         130 :   if (adaptive_==FlexibleBin::diffusion)log.printf(" (Note: The units of sigma are in timesteps) ");
     796         130 :   if (adaptive_==FlexibleBin::geometry)log.printf(" (Note: The units of sigma are in dist units) ");
     797         917 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma0_.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %f",sigma0_[i]);
     798         130 :   log.printf("  Gaussian height %f\n",height0_);
     799         130 :   log.printf("  Gaussian deposition pace %d\n",stride_);
     800         260 :   log.printf("  Gaussian file %s\n",hillsfname.c_str());
     801         130 :   if(welltemp_) {
     802          30 :     log.printf("  Well-Tempered Bias Factor %f\n",biasf_);
     803          30 :     log.printf("  Hills relaxation time (tau) %f\n",tau);
     804          30 :     log.printf("  KbT %f\n",kbt_);
     805             :   }
     806             :   // Transition tempered metadynamics options
     807         130 :   if (tt_specs_.is_active) {
     808           3 :     logTemperingSpecs(tt_specs_);
     809             :     // Check that the appropriate transition bias quantity is calculated.
     810             :     // (Should never trip, given that the flag is automatically set.)
     811           3 :     if (!calc_transition_bias_) {
     812           0 :       error(" transition tempering requires calculation of a transition bias");
     813             :     }
     814             :   }
     815             : 
     816             :   // Overall tempering sanity check (this gets tricky when multiple are active).
     817             :   // When multiple temperings are active, it's fine to have one tempering attempt
     818             :   // to increase hill size with increasing bias, so long as the others can shrink
     819             :   // the hills faster than it increases their size in the long-time limit.
     820             :   // This set of checks ensures that the hill sizes eventually decay to zero as c(t)
     821             :   // diverges to infinity.
     822             :   // The alpha parameter allows hills to decay as 1/t^alpha instead of 1/t,
     823             :   // a slower decay, so as t -> infinity, only the temperings with the largest
     824             :   // alphas govern the final asymptotic decay. (Alpha helps prevent false convergence.)
     825         130 :   if (welltemp_ || dampfactor_ > 0.0 || tt_specs_.is_active) {
     826             :     // Determine the number of active temperings.
     827             :     int n_active = 0;
     828          35 :     if (welltemp_) n_active++;
     829          35 :     if (dampfactor_ > 0.0) n_active++;
     830          35 :     if (tt_specs_.is_active) n_active++;
     831             :     // Find the greatest alpha.
     832          35 :     double greatest_alpha = 0.0;
     833          35 :     if (welltemp_) greatest_alpha = max(greatest_alpha, 1.0);
     834          37 :     if (dampfactor_ > 0.0) greatest_alpha = max(greatest_alpha, 1.0);
     835          38 :     if (tt_specs_.is_active) greatest_alpha = max(greatest_alpha, tt_specs_.alpha);
     836             :     // Find the least alpha.
     837          35 :     double least_alpha = 1.0;
     838             :     if (welltemp_) least_alpha = min(least_alpha, 1.0);
     839          37 :     if (dampfactor_ > 0.0) least_alpha = min(least_alpha, 1.0);
     840          38 :     if (tt_specs_.is_active) least_alpha = min(least_alpha, tt_specs_.alpha);
     841             :     // Find the inverse harmonic average of the delta T parameters for all
     842             :     // of the temperings with the greatest alpha values.
     843             :     double total_governing_deltaT_inv = 0.0;
     844          35 :     if (welltemp_ && 1.0 == greatest_alpha && biasf_ != 1.0) total_governing_deltaT_inv += 1.0 / (biasf_ - 1.0);
     845          35 :     if (dampfactor_ > 0.0 && 1.0 == greatest_alpha) total_governing_deltaT_inv += 1.0 / (dampfactor_);
     846          35 :     if (tt_specs_.is_active && tt_specs_.alpha == greatest_alpha) total_governing_deltaT_inv += 1.0 / (tt_specs_.biasf - 1.0);
     847             :     // Give a newbie-friendly error message for people using one tempering if
     848             :     // only one is active.
     849          35 :     if (n_active == 1 && total_governing_deltaT_inv < 0.0) {
     850           0 :       error("for stable tempering, the bias factor must be greater than one");
     851             :       // Give a slightly more complex error message to users stacking multiple
     852             :       // tempering options at a time, but all with uniform alpha values.
     853          35 :     } else if (total_governing_deltaT_inv < 0.0 && greatest_alpha == least_alpha) {
     854           0 :       error("for stable tempering, the sum of the inverse Delta T parameters must be greater than zero!");
     855             :       // Give the most technical error message to users stacking multiple tempering
     856             :       // options with different alpha parameters.
     857          35 :     } else if (total_governing_deltaT_inv < 0.0 && greatest_alpha != least_alpha) {
     858           0 :       error("for stable tempering, the sum of the inverse Delta T parameters for the greatest asymptotic hill decay exponents must be greater than zero!");
     859             :     }
     860             :   }
     861             : 
     862         130 :   if(doInt_) log.printf("  Upper and Lower limits boundaries for the bias are activated at %f - %f\n", lowI_, uppI_);
     863         130 :   if(grid_) {
     864          50 :     log.printf("  Grid min");
     865         361 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<gmin.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %s",gmin[i].c_str() );
     866          50 :     log.printf("\n");
     867          50 :     log.printf("  Grid max");
     868         361 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<gmax.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %s",gmax[i].c_str() );
     869          50 :     log.printf("\n");
     870          50 :     log.printf("  Grid bin");
     871         361 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<gbin.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %u",gbin[i]);
     872          50 :     log.printf("\n");
     873          50 :     if(spline) {log.printf("  Grid uses spline interpolation\n");}
     874          50 :     if(sparsegrid) {log.printf("  Grid uses sparse grid\n");}
     875          66 :     if(wgridstride_>0) {log.printf("  Grid is written on file %s with stride %d\n",gridfilename_.c_str(),wgridstride_);}
     876             :   }
     877             : 
     878         130 :   if(mw_n_>1) {
     879           6 :     if(walkers_mpi) error("MPI version of multiple walkers is not compatible with filesystem version of multiple walkers");
     880           6 :     log.printf("  %d multiple walkers active\n",mw_n_);
     881           6 :     log.printf("  walker id %d\n",mw_id_);
     882           6 :     log.printf("  reading stride %d\n",mw_rstride_);
     883           9 :     if(mw_dir_!="")log.printf("  directory with hills files %s\n",mw_dir_.c_str());
     884             :   } else {
     885         124 :     if(walkers_mpi) {
     886          30 :       log.printf("  Multiple walkers active using MPI communnication\n");
     887          30 :       if(mw_dir_!="")log.printf("  directory with hills files %s\n",mw_dir_.c_str());
     888          30 :       if(comm.Get_rank()==0) {
     889             :         // Only root of group can communicate with other walkers
     890          18 :         mpi_nw_=multi_sim_comm.Get_size();
     891          18 :         mpi_mw_=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();
     892             :       }
     893             :       // Communicate to the other members of the same group
     894             :       // info abount number of walkers and walker index
     895          30 :       comm.Bcast(mpi_nw_,0);
     896          30 :       comm.Bcast(mpi_mw_,0);
     897             :     }
     898             :   }
     899             : 
     900         130 :   if( rewf_grid_.size()>0 ) {
     901          15 :     addComponent("rbias"); componentIsNotPeriodic("rbias");
     902          15 :     addComponent("rct"); componentIsNotPeriodic("rct");
     903           5 :     log.printf("  the c(t) reweighting factor will be calculated every %u hills\n",rewf_ustride_);
     904          10 :     getPntrToComponent("rct")->set(reweight_factor);
     905             :   }
     906         390 :   addComponent("work"); componentIsNotPeriodic("work");
     907             : 
     908         130 :   if(acceleration) {
     909           2 :     if (kbt_ == 0.0) {
     910           0 :       error("The calculation of the acceleration works only if simulation temperature has been defined");
     911             :     }
     912           2 :     log.printf("  calculation on the fly of the acceleration factor");
     913           6 :     addComponent("acc"); componentIsNotPeriodic("acc");
     914             :     // Set the initial value of the the acceleration.
     915             :     // If this is not a restart, set to 1.0.
     916           2 :     if (acc_rfilename.length() == 0) {
     917           2 :       getPntrToComponent("acc")->set(1.0);
     918             :       // Otherwise, read and set the restart value.
     919             :     } else {
     920             :       // Restart of acceleration does not make sense if the restart timestep is zero.
     921             :       //if (getStep() == 0) {
     922             :       //  error("Restarting calculation of acceleration factors works only if simulation timestep is restarted correctly");
     923             :       //}
     924             :       // Open the ACCELERATION_RFILE.
     925           2 :       IFile acc_rfile;
     926           1 :*this);
     927           1 :       if(acc_rfile.FileExist(acc_rfilename)) {
     928           1 :;
     929             :       } else {
     930           0 :         error("The ACCELERATION_RFILE file you want to read: " + acc_rfilename + ", cannot be found!");
     931             :       }
     932             :       // Read the file to find the restart acceleration.
     933             :       double acc_rmean;
     934             :       double acc_rtime;
     935           1 :       std::string acclabel = getLabel() + ".acc";
     936           1 :       acc_rfile.allowIgnoredFields();
     937          44 :       while(acc_rfile.scanField("time", acc_rtime)) {
     938          21 :         acc_rfile.scanField(acclabel, acc_rmean);
     939          21 :         acc_rfile.scanField();
     940             :       }
     941           1 :       acc_rfile.close();
     942           1 :       acc_restart_mean_ = acc_rmean;
     943             :       // Set component based on the read values.
     944           2 :       getPntrToComponent("acc")->set(acc_rmean);
     945             :     }
     946             :   }
     947         130 :   if (calc_max_bias_) {
     948           0 :     if (!grid_) error("Calculating the maximum bias on the fly works only with a grid");
     949           0 :     log.printf("  calculation on the fly of the maximum bias max(V(s,t)) \n");
     950           0 :     addComponent("maxbias");
     951           0 :     componentIsNotPeriodic("maxbias");
     952             :   }
     953         130 :   if (calc_transition_bias_) {
     954          13 :     if (!grid_) error("Calculating the transition bias on the fly works only with a grid");
     955          13 :     log.printf("  calculation on the fly of the transition bias V*(t)\n");
     956          26 :     addComponent("transbias");
     957          26 :     componentIsNotPeriodic("transbias");
     958          26 :     log.printf("  Number of transition wells %d\n", transitionwells_.size());
     959          13 :     if (transitionwells_.size() == 0) error("Calculating the transition bias on the fly requires definition of at least one transition well");
     960             :     // Check that a grid is in use.
     961          13 :     if (!grid_) error(" transition barrier finding requires a grid for the bias");
     962             :     // Log the wells and check that they are in the grid.
     963         104 :     for (unsigned i = 0; i < transitionwells_.size(); i++) {
     964             :       // Log the coordinate.
     965          26 :       log.printf("  Transition well %d at coordinate ", i);
     966         102 :       for (unsigned j = 0; j < getNumberOfArguments(); j++) log.printf("%f ", transitionwells_[i][j]);
     967          26 :       log.printf("\n");
     968             :       // Check that the coordinate is in the grid.
     969         102 :       for (unsigned j = 0; j < getNumberOfArguments(); j++) {
     970             :         double max, min;
     971          76 :         Tools::convert(gmin[j], min);
     972          38 :         Tools::convert(gmax[j], max);
     973          38 :         if (transitionwells_[i][j] < min || transitionwells_[i][j] > max) error(" transition well is not in grid");
     974             :       }
     975             :     }
     976             :   }
     977             : 
     978             :   // for performance
     979         130 :   dp_ = new double[getNumberOfArguments()];
     980             : 
     981             :   // initializing and checking grid
     982         130 :   if(grid_) {
     983             :     // check for mesh and sigma size
     984         224 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {
     985             :       double a,b;
     986         174 :       Tools::convert(gmin[i],a);
     987          87 :       Tools::convert(gmax[i],b);
     988         174 :       double mesh=(b-a)/((double)gbin[i]);
     989          87 :       if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::none) {
     990          87 :         if(mesh>0.5*sigma0_[i]) log<<"  WARNING: Using a METAD with a Grid Spacing larger than half of the Gaussians width can produce artifacts\n";
     991             :       } else {
     992           0 :         if(mesh>0.5*sigma0min_[i]||sigma0min_[i]<0.) log<<"  WARNING: to use a METAD with a GRID and ADAPTIVE you need to set a Grid Spacing larger than half of the Gaussians \n";
     993             :       }
     994             :     }
     995          50 :     std::string funcl=getLabel() + ".bias";
     996          94 :     if(!sparsegrid) {BiasGrid_=new Grid(funcl,getArguments(),gmin,gmax,gbin,spline,true);}
     997          12 :     else {BiasGrid_=new SparseGrid(funcl,getArguments(),gmin,gmax,gbin,spline,true);}
     998         100 :     std::vector<std::string> actualmin=BiasGrid_->getMin();
     999         100 :     std::vector<std::string> actualmax=BiasGrid_->getMax();
    1000         224 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {
    1001             :       std::string is;
    1002          87 :       Tools::convert(i,is);
    1003         174 :       if(gmin[i]!=actualmin[i]) error("GRID_MIN["+is+"] must be adjusted to "+actualmin[i]+" to fit periodicity");
    1004          87 :       if(gmax[i]!=actualmax[i]) error("GRID_MAX["+is+"] must be adjusted to "+actualmax[i]+" to fit periodicity");
    1005             :     }
    1006             :   }
    1007             : 
    1008             :   // restart from external grid
    1009             :   bool restartedFromGrid=false;
    1010         130 :   if(gridreadfilename_.length()>0) {
    1011             :     // read the grid in input, find the keys
    1012          36 :     IFile gridfile;
    1013          18 :*this);
    1014          18 :     if(gridfile.FileExist(gridreadfilename_)) {
    1015          18 :;
    1016             :     } else {
    1017           0 :       error("The GRID file you want to read: " + gridreadfilename_ + ", cannot be found!");
    1018             :     }
    1019          18 :     std::string funcl=getLabel() + ".bias";
    1020          36 :     BiasGrid_=Grid::create(funcl, getArguments(), gridfile, gmin, gmax, gbin, sparsegrid, spline, true);
    1021          18 :     gridfile.close();
    1022          36 :     if(BiasGrid_->getDimension()!=getNumberOfArguments()) error("mismatch between dimensionality of input grid and number of arguments");
    1023          72 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {
    1024          54 :       if( getPntrToArgument(i)->isPeriodic()!=BiasGrid_->getIsPeriodic()[i] ) error("periodicity mismatch between arguments and input bias");
    1025             :       double a, b;
    1026          27 :       Tools::convert(gmin[i],a);
    1027          27 :       Tools::convert(gmax[i],b);
    1028          54 :       double mesh=(b-a)/((double)gbin[i]);
    1029          27 :       if(mesh>0.5*sigma0_[i]) log<<"  WARNING: Using a METAD with a Grid Spacing larger than half of the Gaussians width can produce artifacts\n";
    1030             :     }
    1031          36 :     log.printf("  Restarting from %s:",gridreadfilename_.c_str());
    1032          18 :     if(getRestart()) restartedFromGrid=true;
    1033             :   }
    1034             : 
    1035             :   // initializing and checking grid
    1036         180 :   if(grid_&&!(gridreadfilename_.length()>0)) {
    1037             :     // check for adaptive and sigma_min
    1038          32 :     if(sigma0min_.size()==0&&adaptive_!=FlexibleBin::none) error("When using Adaptive Gaussians on a grid SIGMA_MIN must be specified");
    1039             :     // check for mesh and sigma size
    1040         152 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {
    1041             :       double a,b;
    1042         120 :       Tools::convert(gmin[i],a);
    1043          60 :       Tools::convert(gmax[i],b);
    1044         120 :       double mesh=(b-a)/((double)gbin[i]);
    1045          60 :       if(mesh>0.5*sigma0_[i]) log<<"  WARNING: Using a METAD with a Grid Spacing larger than half of the Gaussians width can produce artifacts\n";
    1046             :     }
    1047          32 :     std::string funcl=getLabel() + ".bias";
    1048          58 :     if(!sparsegrid) {BiasGrid_=new Grid(funcl,getArguments(),gmin,gmax,gbin,spline,true);}
    1049          12 :     else {BiasGrid_=new SparseGrid(funcl,getArguments(),gmin,gmax,gbin,spline,true);}
    1050          64 :     std::vector<std::string> actualmin=BiasGrid_->getMin();
    1051          64 :     std::vector<std::string> actualmax=BiasGrid_->getMax();
    1052         184 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); i++) {
    1053         120 :       if(gmin[i]!=actualmin[i]) log<<"  WARNING: GRID_MIN["<<i<<"] has been adjusted to "<<actualmin[i]<<" to fit periodicity\n";
    1054         120 :       if(gmax[i]!=actualmax[i]) log<<"  WARNING: GRID_MAX["<<i<<"] has been adjusted to "<<actualmax[i]<<" to fit periodicity\n";
    1055             :     }
    1056             :   }
    1057             : 
    1058             :   // creating vector of ifile* for hills reading
    1059             :   // open all files at the beginning and read Gaussians if restarting
    1060         414 :   for(int i=0; i<mw_n_; ++i) {
    1061             :     string fname;
    1062         142 :     if(mw_dir_!="") {
    1063           9 :       if(mw_n_>1) {
    1064          18 :         stringstream out; out << i;
    1065          54 :         fname = mw_dir_+"/"+hillsfname+"."+out.str();
    1066           0 :       } else if(walkers_mpi) {
    1067           0 :         fname = mw_dir_+"/"+hillsfname;
    1068             :       } else {
    1069             :         fname = hillsfname;
    1070             :       }
    1071             :     } else {
    1072         133 :       if(mw_n_>1) {
    1073          18 :         stringstream out; out << i;
    1074          36 :         fname = hillsfname+"."+out.str();
    1075             :       } else {
    1076             :         fname = hillsfname;
    1077             :       }
    1078             :     }
    1079         142 :     IFile *ifile = new IFile();
    1080         142 :     ifile->link(*this);
    1081         142 :     ifiles.push_back(ifile);
    1082         142 :     ifilesnames.push_back(fname);
    1083         142 :     if(ifile->FileExist(fname)) {
    1084          34 :       ifile->open(fname);
    1085          34 :       if(getRestart()&&!restartedFromGrid) {
    1086          34 :         log.printf("  Restarting from %s:",ifilesnames[i].c_str());
    1087          17 :         readGaussians(ifiles[i]);
    1088             :       }
    1089          68 :       ifiles[i]->reset(false);
    1090             :       // close only the walker own hills file for later writing
    1091          62 :       if(i==mw_id_) ifiles[i]->close();
    1092             :     } else {
    1093             :       // in case a file does not exist and we are restarting, complain that the file was not found
    1094         108 :       if(getRestart()) log<<"  WARNING: restart file "<<fname<<" not found\n";
    1095             :     }
    1096             :   }
    1097             : 
    1098         130 :   comm.Barrier();
    1099             :   // this barrier is needed when using walkers_mpi
    1100             :   // to be sure that all files have been read before
    1101             :   // backing them up
    1102             :   // it should not be used when walkers_mpi is false otherwise
    1103             :   // it would introduce troubles when using replicas without METAD
    1104             :   // (e.g. in bias exchange with a neutral replica)
    1105             :   // see issue #168 on github
    1106         130 :   if(comm.Get_rank()==0 && walkers_mpi) multi_sim_comm.Barrier();
    1107         130 :   if(targetfilename_.length()>0) {
    1108           4 :     IFile gridfile;;
    1109           2 :     std::string funcl=getLabel() + ".target";
    1110           2 :     TargetGrid_=Grid::create(funcl,getArguments(),gridfile,false,false,true);
    1111           2 :     gridfile.close();
    1112           4 :     if(TargetGrid_->getDimension()!=getNumberOfArguments()) error("mismatch between dimensionality of input grid and number of arguments");
    1113           6 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {
    1114           4 :       if( getPntrToArgument(i)->isPeriodic()!=TargetGrid_->getIsPeriodic()[i] ) error("periodicity mismatch between arguments and input bias");
    1115             :     }
    1116             :   }
    1117             : 
    1118             :   // Calculate the Tiwary-Parrinello reweighting factor if we are restarting from previous hills
    1119         181 :   if(getRestart() && rewf_grid_.size()>0 ) computeReweightingFactor();
    1120             :   // Calculate all special bias quantities desired if restarting with nonzero bias.
    1121         130 :   if(getRestart() && calc_max_bias_) {
    1122           0 :     max_bias_ = BiasGrid_->getMaxValue();
    1123           0 :     getPntrToComponent("maxbias")->set(max_bias_);
    1124             :   }
    1125         130 :   if(getRestart() && calc_transition_bias_) {
    1126          13 :     transition_bias_ = getTransitionBarrierBias();
    1127          26 :     getPntrToComponent("transbias")->set(transition_bias_);
    1128             :   }
    1129             : 
    1130             :   // open grid file for writing
    1131         130 :   if(wgridstride_>0) {
    1132          16 :*this);
    1133          16 :     if(walkers_mpi) {
    1134           0 :       int r=0;
    1135           0 :       if(comm.Get_rank()==0) r=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();
    1136           0 :       comm.Bcast(r,0);
    1137           0 :       if(r>0) gridfilename_="/dev/null";
    1138           0 :       gridfile_.enforceSuffix("");
    1139             :     }
    1140          16 :     if(mw_n_>1) gridfile_.enforceSuffix("");
    1141          16 :;
    1142             :   }
    1143             : 
    1144             :   // open hills file for writing
    1145         130 :*this);
    1146         130 :   if(walkers_mpi) {
    1147          30 :     int r=0;
    1148          30 :     if(comm.Get_rank()==0) r=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();
    1149          30 :     comm.Bcast(r,0);
    1150          30 :     if(r>0) ifilesnames[mw_id_]="/dev/null";
    1151          60 :     hillsOfile_.enforceSuffix("");
    1152             :   }
    1153         136 :   if(mw_n_>1) hillsOfile_.enforceSuffix("");
    1154         260 :[mw_id_]);
    1155         130 :   if(fmt.length()>0) hillsOfile_.fmtField(fmt);
    1156         260 :   hillsOfile_.addConstantField("multivariate");
    1157         130 :   if(doInt_) {
    1158           6 :     hillsOfile_.addConstantField("lower_int").printField("lower_int",lowI_);
    1159           6 :     hillsOfile_.addConstantField("upper_int").printField("upper_int",uppI_);
    1160             :   }
    1161             :   hillsOfile_.setHeavyFlush();
    1162             :   // output periodicities of variables
    1163         606 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) hillsOfile_.setupPrintValue( getPntrToArgument(i) );
    1164             : 
    1165             :   bool concurrent=false;
    1166         130 :   const ActionSet&actionSet(plumed.getActionSet());
    1167         482 :   for(const auto & p : actionSet) if(dynamic_cast<MetaD*>(p)) { concurrent=true; break; }
    1168         130 :   if(concurrent) log<<"  You are using concurrent metadynamics\n";
    1169         130 :   if(rect_biasf_.size()>0) {
    1170          18 :     if(walkers_mpi) {
    1171          12 :       log<<"  You are using RECT in its 'altruistic' implementation\n";
    1172             :     }{
    1173          18 :       log<<"  You are using RECT\n";
    1174             :     }
    1175             :   }
    1176             : 
    1177         390 :   log<<"  Bibliography "<<plumed.cite("Laio and Parrinello, PNAS 99, 12562 (2002)");
    1178         220 :   if(welltemp_) log<<plumed.cite(
    1179          30 :                        "Barducci, Bussi, and Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 020603 (2008)");
    1180         130 :   if(tt_specs_.is_active) {
    1181           9 :     log << plumed.cite("Dama, Rotskoff, Parrinello, and Voth, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 10, 3626 (2014)");
    1182           9 :     log << plumed.cite("Dama, Parrinello, and Voth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 240602 (2014)");
    1183             :   }
    1184         238 :   if(mw_n_>1||walkers_mpi) log<<plumed.cite(
    1185          36 :                                   "Raiteri, Laio, Gervasio, Micheletti, and Parrinello, J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 3533 (2006)");
    1186         193 :   if(adaptive_!=FlexibleBin::none) log<<plumed.cite(
    1187          21 :                                           "Branduardi, Bussi, and Parrinello, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 8, 2247 (2012)");
    1188         136 :   if(doInt_) log<<plumed.cite(
    1189           2 :                     "Baftizadeh, Cossio, Pietrucci, and Laio, Curr. Phys. Chem. 2, 79 (2012)");
    1190         136 :   if(acceleration) log<<plumed.cite(
    1191           2 :                           "Pratyush and Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230602 (2013)");
    1192         145 :   if(rewf_grid_.size()>0) log<<plumed.cite(
    1193           5 :                                  "Pratyush and Parrinello, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119, 736 (2015)");
    1194         422 :   if(concurrent || rect_biasf_.size()>0) log<<plumed.cite(
    1195          78 :           "Gil-Ley and Bussi, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 1077 (2015)");
    1196         166 :   if(rect_biasf_.size()>0 && walkers_mpi) log<<plumed.cite(
    1197          12 :           "Hosek, Toulcova, Bortolato, and Spiwok, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 2209 (2016)");
    1198         130 :   if(targetfilename_.length()>0) {
    1199           6 :     log<<plumed.cite("White, Dama, and Voth, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 2451 (2015)");
    1200           6 :     log<<plumed.cite("Marinelli and Faraldo-Gómez,  Biophys. J. 108, 2779 (2015)");
    1201           6 :     log<<plumed.cite("Gil-Ley, Bottaro, and Bussi, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 12, 2790 (2016)");
    1202             :   }
    1203         130 :   log<<"\n";
    1204         130 : }
    1205             : 
    1206         131 : void MetaD::readTemperingSpecs(TemperingSpecs &t_specs) {
    1207             :   // Set global tempering parameters.
    1208         262 :   parse(t_specs.name_stem + "BIASFACTOR", t_specs.biasf);
    1209         131 :   if (t_specs.biasf != -1.0) {
    1210           3 :     if (kbt_ == 0.0) {
    1211           0 :       error("Unless the MD engine passes the temperature to plumed, with tempered metad you must specify it using TEMP");
    1212             :     }
    1213           3 :     if (t_specs.biasf == 1.0) {
    1214           0 :       error("A bias factor of 1 corresponds to zero delta T and zero hill size, so it is not allowed.");
    1215             :     }
    1216           3 :     t_specs.is_active = true;
    1217           6 :     parse(t_specs.name_stem + "BIASTHRESHOLD", t_specs.threshold);
    1218           3 :     if (t_specs.threshold < 0.0) {
    1219           0 :       error( + " bias threshold is nonsensical");
    1220             :     }
    1221           6 :     parse(t_specs.name_stem + "ALPHA", t_specs.alpha);
    1222           3 :     if (t_specs.alpha <= 0.0 || t_specs.alpha > 1.0) {
    1223           0 :       error( + " decay shape parameter alpha is nonsensical");
    1224             :     }
    1225             :   }
    1226         131 : }
    1227             : 
    1228           3 : void MetaD::logTemperingSpecs(const TemperingSpecs &t_specs) {
    1229           6 :   log.printf("  %s bias factor %f\n",, t_specs.biasf);
    1230           3 :   log.printf("  KbT %f\n", kbt_);
    1231           5 :   if (t_specs.threshold != 0.0) log.printf("  %s bias threshold %f\n",, t_specs.threshold);
    1232           4 :   if (t_specs.alpha != 1.0) log.printf("  %s decay shape parameter alpha %f\n",, t_specs.alpha);
    1233           3 : }
    1234             : 
    1235        6035 : void MetaD::readGaussians(IFile *ifile)
    1236             : {
    1237        6035 :   unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1238        6035 :   vector<double> center(ncv);
    1239        6035 :   vector<double> sigma(ncv);
    1240             :   double height;
    1241             :   int nhills=0;
    1242        6035 :   bool multivariate=false;
    1243             : 
    1244        6035 :   std::vector<Value> tmpvalues;
    1245       42287 :   for(unsigned j=0; j<getNumberOfArguments(); ++j) tmpvalues.push_back( Value( this, getPntrToArgument(j)->getName(), false ) );
    1246             : 
    1247       11549 :   while(scanOneHill(ifile,tmpvalues,center,sigma,height,multivariate)) {
    1248             :     ;
    1249        2757 :     nhills++;
    1250             : // note that for gamma=1 we store directly -F
    1251        2757 :     if(welltemp_ && biasf_>1.0) {height*=(biasf_-1.0)/biasf_;}
    1252        2757 :     addGaussian(Gaussian(center,sigma,height,multivariate));
    1253             :   }
    1254        6035 :   log.printf("      %d Gaussians read\n",nhills);
    1255        6035 : }
    1256             : 
    1257           0 : bool MetaD::readChunkOfGaussians(IFile *ifile, unsigned n)
    1258             : {
    1259           0 :   unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1260           0 :   vector<double> center(ncv);
    1261           0 :   vector<double> sigma(ncv);
    1262             :   double height;
    1263             :   unsigned nhills=0;
    1264           0 :   bool multivariate=false;
    1265           0 :   std::vector<Value> tmpvalues;
    1266           0 :   for(unsigned j=0; j<getNumberOfArguments(); ++j) tmpvalues.push_back( Value( this, getPntrToArgument(j)->getName(), false ) );
    1267             : 
    1268           0 :   while(scanOneHill(ifile,tmpvalues,center,sigma,height,multivariate)) {
    1269             :     ;
    1270             : // note that for gamma=1 we store directly -F
    1271           0 :     if(welltemp_ && biasf_>1.0) height*=(biasf_-1.0)/biasf_;
    1272           0 :     addGaussian(Gaussian(center,sigma,height,multivariate));
    1273           0 :     if(nhills==n) {
    1274           0 :       log.printf("      %u Gaussians read\n",nhills);
    1275             :       return true;
    1276             :     }
    1277           0 :     nhills++;
    1278             :   }
    1279           0 :   log.printf("      %u Gaussians read\n",nhills);
    1280             :   return false;
    1281             : }
    1282             : 
    1283        2833 : void MetaD::writeGaussian(const Gaussian& hill, OFile&file)
    1284             : {
    1285        2833 :   unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1286        5666 :   file.printField("time",getTimeStep()*getStep());
    1287       13167 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
    1288       10334 :     file.printField(getPntrToArgument(i),[i]);
    1289             :   }
    1290        2833 :   if(hill.multivariate) {
    1291        1338 :     hillsOfile_.printField("multivariate","true");
    1292             :     Matrix<double> mymatrix(ncv,ncv);
    1293             :     unsigned k=0;
    1294        1648 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1295        2113 :       for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
    1296             :         // recompose the full inverse matrix
    1297        2268 :         mymatrix(i,j)=mymatrix(j,i)=hill.sigma[k];
    1298         756 :         k++;
    1299             :       }
    1300             :     }
    1301             :     // invert it
    1302             :     Matrix<double> invmatrix(ncv,ncv);
    1303         446 :     Invert(mymatrix,invmatrix);
    1304             :     // enforce symmetry
    1305        1648 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1306        2113 :       for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
    1307         756 :         invmatrix(i,j)=invmatrix(j,i);
    1308             :       }
    1309             :     }
    1310             : 
    1311             :     // do cholesky so to have a "sigma like" number
    1312             :     Matrix<double> lower(ncv,ncv);
    1313         446 :     cholesky(invmatrix,lower);
    1314             :     // loop in band form
    1315        1648 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1316        2113 :       for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv-i; j++) {
    1317        4536 :         file.printField("sigma_"+getPntrToArgument(j+i)->getName()+"_"+getPntrToArgument(j)->getName(),lower(j+i,j));
    1318             :       }
    1319             :     }
    1320             :   } else {
    1321        7161 :     hillsOfile_.printField("multivariate","false");
    1322       11519 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i)
    1323       18264 :       file.printField("sigma_"+getPntrToArgument(i)->getName(),hill.sigma[i]);
    1324             :   }
    1325        2833 :   double height=hill.height;
    1326             : // note that for gamma=1 we store directly -F
    1327        2833 :   if(welltemp_ && biasf_>1.0) height*=biasf_/(biasf_-1.0);
    1328        8499 :   file.printField("height",height).printField("biasf",biasf_);
    1329        4342 :   if(mw_n_>1) file.printField("clock",int(std::time(0)));
    1330        2833 :   file.printField();
    1331        2833 : }
    1332             : 
    1333        5590 : void MetaD::addGaussian(const Gaussian& hill)
    1334             : {
    1335        5590 :   if(!grid_) hills_.push_back(hill);
    1336             :   else {
    1337         516 :     unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1338         516 :     vector<unsigned> nneighb=getGaussianSupport(hill);
    1339         516 :     vector<Grid::index_t> neighbors=BiasGrid_->getNeighbors(,nneighb);
    1340         516 :     vector<double> der(ncv);
    1341         516 :     vector<double> xx(ncv);
    1342         516 :     if(comm.Get_size()==1) {
    1343      154084 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<neighbors.size(); ++i) {
    1344       51076 :         Grid::index_t ineigh=neighbors[i];
    1345      251364 :         for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv; ++j) der[j]=0.0;
    1346       51076 :         BiasGrid_->getPoint(ineigh,xx);
    1347       51076 :         double bias=evaluateGaussian(xx,hill,&der[0]);
    1348       51076 :         BiasGrid_->addValueAndDerivatives(ineigh,bias,der);
    1349             :       }
    1350             :     } else {
    1351          88 :       unsigned stride=comm.Get_size();
    1352          88 :       unsigned rank=comm.Get_rank();
    1353         176 :       vector<double> allder(ncv*neighbors.size(),0.0);
    1354         176 :       vector<double> allbias(neighbors.size(),0.0);
    1355       81224 :       for(unsigned i=rank; i<neighbors.size(); i+=stride) {
    1356       27016 :         Grid::index_t ineigh=neighbors[i];
    1357       27016 :         BiasGrid_->getPoint(ineigh,xx);
    1358       54032 :         allbias[i]=evaluateGaussian(xx,hill,&allder[ncv*i]);
    1359             :       }
    1360          88 :       comm.Sum(allbias);
    1361          88 :       comm.Sum(allder);
    1362      309272 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<neighbors.size(); ++i) {
    1363      103032 :         Grid::index_t ineigh=neighbors[i];
    1364      721224 :         for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv; ++j) {der[j]=allder[ncv*i+j];}
    1365      206064 :         BiasGrid_->addValueAndDerivatives(ineigh,allbias[i],der);
    1366             :       }
    1367             :     }
    1368             :   }
    1369        5590 : }
    1370             : 
    1371         516 : vector<unsigned> MetaD::getGaussianSupport(const Gaussian& hill)
    1372             : {
    1373             :   vector<unsigned> nneigh;
    1374             :   vector<double> cutoff;
    1375         516 :   unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1376             : 
    1377             :   // traditional or flexible hill?
    1378         516 :   if(hill.multivariate) {
    1379             :     unsigned k=0;
    1380             :     Matrix<double> mymatrix(ncv,ncv);
    1381           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1382           0 :       for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
    1383             :         // recompose the full inverse matrix
    1384           0 :         mymatrix(i,j)=mymatrix(j,i)=hill.sigma[k];
    1385           0 :         k++;
    1386             :       }
    1387             :     }
    1388             :     // Reinvert so to have the ellipses
    1389             :     Matrix<double> myinv(ncv,ncv);
    1390           0 :     Invert(mymatrix,myinv);
    1391             :     Matrix<double> myautovec(ncv,ncv);
    1392           0 :     vector<double> myautoval(ncv); //should I take this or their square root?
    1393           0 :     diagMat(myinv,myautoval,myautovec);
    1394             :     double maxautoval=0.;
    1395             :     unsigned ind_maxautoval; ind_maxautoval=ncv;
    1396           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1397           0 :       if(myautoval[i]>maxautoval) {maxautoval=myautoval[i]; ind_maxautoval=i;}
    1398             :     }
    1399           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1400           0 :       cutoff.push_back(sqrt(2.0*DP2CUTOFF)*abs(sqrt(maxautoval)*myautovec(i,ind_maxautoval)));
    1401             :     }
    1402             :   } else {
    1403        2196 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
    1404        2520 :       cutoff.push_back(sqrt(2.0*DP2CUTOFF)*hill.sigma[i]);
    1405             :     }
    1406             :   }
    1407             : 
    1408         516 :   if(doInt_) {
    1409           4 :     if([0]+cutoff[0] > uppI_ ||[0]-cutoff[0] < lowI_) {
    1410             :       // in this case, we updated the entire grid to avoid problems
    1411           2 :       return BiasGrid_->getNbin();
    1412             :     } else {
    1413           0 :       nneigh.push_back( static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(cutoff[0]/BiasGrid_->getDx()[0])) );
    1414             :       return nneigh;
    1415             :     }
    1416             :   } else {
    1417        2190 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1418        4190 :       nneigh.push_back( static_cast<unsigned>(ceil(cutoff[i]/BiasGrid_->getDx()[i])) );
    1419             :     }
    1420             :   }
    1421             : 
    1422             :   return nneigh;
    1423             : }
    1424             : 
    1425      917880 : double MetaD::getBiasAndDerivatives(const vector<double>& cv, double* der)
    1426             : {
    1427      917880 :   double bias=0.0;
    1428      917880 :   if(!grid_) {
    1429       14587 :     if(hills_.size()>10000 && (getStep()-last_step_warn_grid)>10000) {
    1430             :       std::string msg;
    1431           0 :       Tools::convert(hills_.size(),msg);
    1432           0 :       msg="You have accumulated "+msg+" hills, you should enable GRIDs to avoid serious performance hits";
    1433           0 :       warning(msg);
    1434           0 :       last_step_warn_grid=getStep();
    1435             :     }
    1436       14587 :     unsigned stride=comm.Get_size();
    1437       14587 :     unsigned rank=comm.Get_rank();
    1438    20909270 :     for(unsigned i=rank; i<hills_.size(); i+=stride) {
    1439     6960032 :       bias+=evaluateGaussian(cv,hills_[i],der);
    1440             :     }
    1441       14587 :     comm.Sum(bias);
    1442       14587 :     if(der) comm.Sum(der,getNumberOfArguments());
    1443             :   } else {
    1444      903293 :     if(der) {
    1445      901055 :       vector<double> vder(getNumberOfArguments());
    1446      901055 :       bias=BiasGrid_->getValueAndDerivatives(cv,vder);
    1447     4504077 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {der[i]=vder[i];}
    1448             :     } else {
    1449        2238 :       bias = BiasGrid_->getValue(cv);
    1450             :     }
    1451             :   }
    1452             : 
    1453      917880 :   return bias;
    1454             : }
    1455             : 
    1456           0 : double MetaD::getGaussianNormalization( const Gaussian& hill )
    1457             : {
    1458             :   double norm=1;
    1459           0 :   unsigned;
    1460             : 
    1461           0 :   if(hill.multivariate) {
    1462             :     // recompose the full sigma from the upper diag cholesky
    1463             :     unsigned k=0;
    1464             :     Matrix<double> mymatrix(ncv,ncv);
    1465           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1466           0 :       for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
    1467           0 :         mymatrix(i,j)=mymatrix(j,i)=hill.sigma[k]; // recompose the full inverse matrix
    1468           0 :         k++;
    1469             :       }
    1470           0 :       double ldet; logdet( mymatrix, ldet );
    1471           0 :       norm = exp( ldet );  // Not sure here if mymatrix is sigma or inverse
    1472             :     }
    1473             :   } else {
    1474           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<hill.sigma.size(); ++i) norm*=hill.sigma[i];
    1475             :   }
    1476             : 
    1477           0 :   return norm*pow(2*pi,static_cast<double>(ncv)/2.0);
    1478             : }
    1479             : 
    1480     7038124 : double MetaD::evaluateGaussian(const vector<double>& cv, const Gaussian& hill, double* der)
    1481             : {
    1482             :   double dp2=0.0;
    1483             :   double bias=0.0;
    1484             :   // I use a pointer here because cv is const (and should be const)
    1485             :   // but when using doInt it is easier to locally replace cv[0] with
    1486             :   // the upper/lower limit in case it is out of range
    1487             :   const double *pcv=NULL; // pointer to cv
    1488             :   double tmpcv[1]; // tmp array with cv (to be used with doInt_)
    1489     7038124 :   if(cv.size()>0) pcv=&cv[0];
    1490     7038124 :   if(doInt_) {
    1491        1402 :     plumed_assert(cv.size()==1);
    1492        1402 :     tmpcv[0]=cv[0];
    1493        1402 :     if(cv[0]<lowI_) tmpcv[0]=lowI_;
    1494        1402 :     if(cv[0]>uppI_) tmpcv[0]=uppI_;
    1495             :     pcv=&(tmpcv[0]);
    1496             :   }
    1497     7038124 :   if(hill.multivariate) {
    1498             :     unsigned k=0;
    1499      230564 :     unsigned ncv=cv.size();
    1500             :     // recompose the full sigma from the upper diag cholesky
    1501             :     Matrix<double> mymatrix(ncv,ncv);
    1502      694540 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1503      698812 :       for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
    1504      700236 :         mymatrix(i,j)=mymatrix(j,i)=hill.sigma[k]; // recompose the full inverse matrix
    1505      233412 :         k++;
    1506             :       }
    1507             :     }
    1508     1157092 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<cv.size(); ++i) {
    1509      463976 :       double dp_i=difference(i,[i],pcv[i]);
    1510      231988 :       dp_[i]=dp_i;
    1511     1164212 :       for(unsigned j=i; j<cv.size(); ++j) {
    1512      233412 :         if(i==j) {
    1513      463976 :           dp2+=dp_i*dp_i*mymatrix(i,j)*0.5;
    1514             :         } else {
    1515        2848 :           double dp_j=difference(j,[j],pcv[j]);
    1516        2848 :           dp2+=dp_i*dp_j*mymatrix(i,j);
    1517             :         }
    1518             :       }
    1519             :     }
    1520      230564 :     if(dp2<DP2CUTOFF) {
    1521      221813 :       bias=hill.height*exp(-dp2);
    1522      221813 :       if(der) {
    1523      389336 :         for(unsigned i=0; i<cv.size(); ++i) {
    1524             :           double tmp=0.0;
    1525      235198 :           for(unsigned j=0; j<cv.size(); ++j) {
    1526      157208 :             tmp += dp_[j]*mymatrix(i,j)*bias;
    1527             :           }
    1528       77990 :           der[i]-=tmp;
    1529             :         }
    1530             :       }
    1531             :     }
    1532             :   } else {
    1533    54446806 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<cv.size(); ++i) {
    1534    40831686 :       double dp=difference(i,[i],pcv[i])*hill.invsigma[i];
    1535    13610562 :       dp2+=dp*dp;
    1536    13610562 :       dp_[i]=dp;
    1537             :     }
    1538     6807560 :     dp2*=0.5;
    1539     6807560 :     if(dp2<DP2CUTOFF) {
    1540     3941656 :       bias=hill.height*exp(-dp2);
    1541     3941656 :       if(der) {
    1542    10785567 :         for(unsigned i=0; i<cv.size(); ++i) {der[i]+=-bias*dp_[i]*hill.invsigma[i];}
    1543             :       }
    1544             :     }
    1545             :   }
    1546             : 
    1547     7038124 :   if(doInt_ && der) {
    1548        1558 :     if(cv[0]<lowI_ || cv[0]>uppI_) for(unsigned i=0; i<cv.size(); ++i) der[i]=0;
    1549             :   }
    1550             : 
    1551     7038124 :   return bias;
    1552             : }
    1553             : 
    1554        2593 : double MetaD::getHeight(const vector<double>& cv)
    1555             : {
    1556        2593 :   double height=height0_;
    1557        2593 :   if(welltemp_) {
    1558         200 :     double vbias = getBiasAndDerivatives(cv);
    1559         200 :     if(biasf_>1.0) {
    1560         184 :       height = height0_*exp(-vbias/(kbt_*(biasf_-1.0)));
    1561             :     } else {
    1562             :       // notice that if gamma=1 we store directly -F
    1563          16 :       height = height0_*exp(-vbias/kbt_);
    1564             :     }
    1565             :   }
    1566        2593 :   if(dampfactor_>0.0) {
    1567          18 :     plumed_assert(BiasGrid_);
    1568          18 :     double m=BiasGrid_->getMaxValue();
    1569          18 :     height*=exp(-m/(kbt_*(dampfactor_)));
    1570             :   }
    1571        2593 :   if (tt_specs_.is_active) {
    1572          60 :     double vbarrier = transition_bias_;
    1573          60 :     temperHeight(height, tt_specs_, vbarrier);
    1574             :   }
    1575        2593 :   if(TargetGrid_) {
    1576          18 :     double f=TargetGrid_->getValue(cv)-TargetGrid_->getMaxValue();
    1577          18 :     height*=exp(f/kbt_);
    1578             :   }
    1579        2593 :   return height;
    1580             : }
    1581             : 
    1582          60 : void MetaD::temperHeight(double &height, const TemperingSpecs &t_specs, const double tempering_bias) {
    1583          60 :   if (t_specs.alpha == 1.0) {
    1584          80 :     height *= exp(-max(0.0, tempering_bias - t_specs.threshold) / (kbt_ * (t_specs.biasf - 1.0)));
    1585             :   } else {
    1586          40 :     height *= pow(1 + (1 - t_specs.alpha) / t_specs.alpha * max(0.0, tempering_bias - t_specs.threshold) / (kbt_ * (t_specs.biasf - 1.0)), - t_specs.alpha / (1 - t_specs.alpha));
    1587             :   }
    1588          60 : }
    1589             : 
    1590        6244 : void MetaD::calculate()
    1591             : {
    1592             :   // this is because presently there is no way to properly pass information
    1593             :   // on adaptive hills (diff) after exchanges:
    1594        6244 :   if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::diffusion && getExchangeStep()) error("ADAPTIVE=DIFF is not compatible with replica exchange");
    1595             : 
    1596        6244 :   const unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1597        6244 :   vector<double> cv(ncv);
    1598        6244 :   double* der = new double[ncv];
    1599       26966 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
    1600       20722 :     cv[i]=getArgument(i);
    1601       10361 :     der[i]=0.;
    1602             :   }
    1603        6244 :   double ene = getBiasAndDerivatives(cv,der);
    1604             : // special case for gamma=1.0
    1605        6244 :   if(biasf_==1.0) {
    1606             :     ene=0.0;
    1607         120 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {der[i]=0.0;}
    1608             :   }
    1609             : 
    1610             :   setBias(ene);
    1611        6349 :   if( rewf_grid_.size()>0 ) getPntrToComponent("rbias")->set(ene - reweight_factor);
    1612             :   // calculate the acceleration factor
    1613        6244 :   if(acceleration&&!isFirstStep) {
    1614          30 :     acc += static_cast<double>(getStride()) * exp(ene/(kbt_));
    1615          30 :     const double mean_acc = acc/((double) getStep());
    1616          60 :     getPntrToComponent("acc")->set(mean_acc);
    1617        6214 :   } else if (acceleration && isFirstStep && acc_restart_mean_ > 0.0) {
    1618           1 :     acc = acc_restart_mean_ * static_cast<double>(getStep());
    1619             :   }
    1620             : 
    1621       12488 :   getPntrToComponent("work")->set(work_);
    1622             :   // set Forces
    1623       26966 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
    1624       10361 :     setOutputForce(i,-der[i]);
    1625             :   }
    1626        6244 :   delete [] der;
    1627        6244 : }
    1628             : 
    1629        5718 : void MetaD::update() {
    1630        5718 :   vector<double> cv(getNumberOfArguments());
    1631             :   vector<double> thissigma;
    1632             :   bool multivariate;
    1633             : 
    1634             :   // adding hills criteria (could be more complex though)
    1635             :   bool nowAddAHill;
    1636        5718 :   if(getStep()%stride_==0 && !isFirstStep )nowAddAHill=true;
    1637             :   else {
    1638             :     nowAddAHill=false;
    1639        3125 :     isFirstStep=false;
    1640             :   }
    1641             : 
    1642       40941 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<cv.size(); ++i) cv[i] = getArgument(i);
    1643             : 
    1644        5718 :   double vbias=getBiasAndDerivatives(cv);
    1645             : 
    1646             :   // if you use adaptive, call the FlexibleBin
    1647        5718 :   if(adaptive_!=FlexibleBin::none) {
    1648         778 :     flexbin->update(nowAddAHill);
    1649             :     multivariate=true;
    1650             :   } else {
    1651             :     multivariate=false;
    1652             :   }
    1653             : 
    1654        5718 :   if(nowAddAHill) {
    1655             :     // add a Gaussian
    1656        2593 :     double height=getHeight(cv);
    1657             :     // returns upper diagonal inverse
    1658        2967 :     if(adaptive_!=FlexibleBin::none) thissigma=flexbin->getInverseMatrix();
    1659             :     // returns normal sigma
    1660        2219 :     else thissigma=sigma0_;
    1661             : 
    1662             :     // In case we use walkers_mpi, it is now necessary to communicate with other replicas.
    1663        2593 :     if(walkers_mpi) {
    1664             :       // Allocate arrays to store all walkers hills
    1665         240 :       std::vector<double> all_cv(mpi_nw_*cv.size(),0.0);
    1666         240 :       std::vector<double> all_sigma(mpi_nw_*thissigma.size(),0.0);
    1667         120 :       std::vector<double> all_height(mpi_nw_,0.0);
    1668         120 :       std::vector<int>    all_multivariate(mpi_nw_,0);
    1669         120 :       if(comm.Get_rank()==0) {
    1670             :         // Communicate (only root)
    1671          72 :         multi_sim_comm.Allgather(cv,all_cv);
    1672          72 :         multi_sim_comm.Allgather(thissigma,all_sigma);
    1673             : // notice that if gamma=1 we store directly -F so this scaling is not necessary:
    1674          72 :         multi_sim_comm.Allgather(height*(biasf_>1.0?biasf_/(biasf_-1.0):1.0),all_height);
    1675          72 :         multi_sim_comm.Allgather(int(multivariate),all_multivariate);
    1676             :       }
    1677             :       // Share info with group members
    1678         120 :       comm.Bcast(all_cv,0);
    1679         120 :       comm.Bcast(all_sigma,0);
    1680         120 :       comm.Bcast(all_height,0);
    1681         120 :       comm.Bcast(all_multivariate,0);
    1682         840 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<mpi_nw_; i++) {
    1683             :         // actually add hills one by one
    1684         360 :         std::vector<double> cv_now(cv.size());
    1685         360 :         std::vector<double> sigma_now(thissigma.size());
    1686        2880 :         for(unsigned j=0; j<cv.size(); j++) cv_now[j]=all_cv[i*cv.size()+j];
    1687        3204 :         for(unsigned j=0; j<thissigma.size(); j++) sigma_now[j]=all_sigma[i*thissigma.size()+j];
    1688             : // notice that if gamma=1 we store directly -F so this scaling is not necessary:
    1689        1440 :         Gaussian newhill=Gaussian(cv_now,sigma_now,all_height[i]*(biasf_>1.0?(biasf_-1.0)/biasf_:1.0),all_multivariate[i]);
    1690         360 :         addGaussian(newhill);
    1691         360 :         writeGaussian(newhill,hillsOfile_);
    1692             :       }
    1693             :     } else {
    1694        4946 :       Gaussian newhill=Gaussian(cv,thissigma,height,multivariate);
    1695        2473 :       addGaussian(newhill);
    1696             :       // print on HILLS file
    1697        2473 :       writeGaussian(newhill,hillsOfile_);
    1698             :     }
    1699             :   }
    1700             : 
    1701             : // this should be outside of the if block in case
    1702             : // mw_rstride_ is not a multiple of stride_
    1703        5718 :   if(mw_n_>1 && getStep()%mw_rstride_==0) {
    1704        3012 :     hillsOfile_.flush();
    1705             :   }
    1706             : 
    1707        5718 :   double vbias1=getBiasAndDerivatives(cv);
    1708        5718 :   work_+=vbias1-vbias;
    1709             : 
    1710             :   // dump grid on file
    1711        5718 :   if(wgridstride_>0&&(getStep()%wgridstride_==0||getCPT())) {
    1712             :     // in case old grids are stored, a sequence of grids should appear
    1713             :     // this call results in a repetition of the header:
    1714          80 :     if(storeOldGrids_) gridfile_.clearFields();
    1715             :     // in case only latest grid is stored, file should be rewound
    1716             :     // this will overwrite previously written grids
    1717             :     else {
    1718          40 :       int r = 0;
    1719          40 :       if(walkers_mpi) {
    1720           0 :         if(comm.Get_rank()==0) r=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();
    1721           0 :         comm.Bcast(r,0);
    1722             :       }
    1723          40 :       if(r==0) gridfile_.rewind();
    1724             :     }
    1725          80 :     BiasGrid_->writeToFile(gridfile_);
    1726             :     // if a single grid is stored, it is necessary to flush it, otherwise
    1727             :     // the file might stay empty forever (when a single grid is not large enough to
    1728             :     // trigger flushing from the operating system).
    1729             :     // on the other hand, if grids are stored one after the other this is
    1730             :     // no necessary, and we leave the flushing control to the user as usual
    1731             :     // (with FLUSH keyword)
    1732          80 :     if(!storeOldGrids_) gridfile_.flush();
    1733             :   }
    1734             : 
    1735             :   // if multiple walkers and time to read Gaussians
    1736        5718 :   if(mw_n_>1 && getStep()%mw_rstride_==0) {
    1737       21084 :     for(int i=0; i<mw_n_; ++i) {
    1738             :       // don't read your own Gaussians
    1739        9036 :       if(i==mw_id_) continue;
    1740             :       // if the file is not open yet
    1741       12048 :       if(!(ifiles[i]->isOpen())) {
    1742             :         // check if it exists now and open it!
    1743          12 :         if(ifiles[i]->FileExist(ifilesnames[i])) {
    1744          12 :           ifiles[i]->open(ifilesnames[i]);
    1745           6 :           ifiles[i]->reset(false);
    1746             :         }
    1747             :         // otherwise read the new Gaussians
    1748             :       } else {
    1749       12036 :         log.printf("  Reading hills from %s:",ifilesnames[i].c_str());
    1750        6018 :         readGaussians(ifiles[i]);
    1751        6018 :         ifiles[i]->reset(false);
    1752             :       }
    1753             :     }
    1754             :   }
    1755             :   // Recalculate special bias quantities whenever the bias has been changed by the update.
    1756        5718 :   bool bias_has_changed = (nowAddAHill || (mw_n_ > 1 && getStep() % mw_rstride_ == 0));
    1757        7899 :   if(getStep()%(stride_*rewf_ustride_)==0 && nowAddAHill && rewf_grid_.size()>0 ) computeReweightingFactor();
    1758        5718 :   if (calc_max_bias_ && bias_has_changed) {
    1759           0 :     max_bias_ = BiasGrid_->getMaxValue();
    1760           0 :     getPntrToComponent("maxbias")->set(max_bias_);
    1761             :   }
    1762        5718 :   if (calc_transition_bias_ && (nowAddAHill || (mw_n_ > 1 && getStep() % mw_rstride_ == 0))) {
    1763         260 :     transition_bias_ = getTransitionBarrierBias();
    1764         520 :     getPntrToComponent("transbias")->set(transition_bias_);
    1765             :   }
    1766        5718 : }
    1767             : 
    1768             : /// takes a pointer to the file and a template string with values v and gives back the next center, sigma and height
    1769        8792 : bool MetaD::scanOneHill(IFile *ifile,  vector<Value> &tmpvalues, vector<double> &center, vector<double>  &sigma, double &height, bool &multivariate)
    1770             : {
    1771             :   double dummy;
    1772        8792 :   multivariate=false;
    1773       17584 :   if(ifile->scanField("time",dummy)) {
    1774        2757 :     unsigned ncv; ncv=tmpvalues.size();
    1775       13775 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
    1776       11018 :       ifile->scanField( &tmpvalues[i] );
    1777        5509 :       if( tmpvalues[i].isPeriodic() && ! getPntrToArgument(i)->isPeriodic() ) {
    1778           0 :         error("in hills file periodicity for variable " + tmpvalues[i].getName() + " does not match periodicity in input");
    1779        5509 :       } else if( tmpvalues[i].isPeriodic() ) {
    1780           0 :         std::string imin, imax; tmpvalues[i].getDomain( imin, imax );
    1781           0 :         std::string rmin, rmax; getPntrToArgument(i)->getDomain( rmin, rmax );
    1782           0 :         if( imin!=rmin || imax!=rmax ) {
    1783           0 :           error("in hills file periodicity for variable " + tmpvalues[i].getName() + " does not match periodicity in input");
    1784             :         }
    1785             :       }
    1786        5509 :       center[i]=tmpvalues[i].get();
    1787             :     }
    1788             :     // scan for multivariate label: record the actual file position so to eventually rewind
    1789             :     std::string sss;
    1790        5514 :     ifile->scanField("multivariate",sss);
    1791        2757 :     if(sss=="true") multivariate=true;
    1792        2757 :     else if(sss=="false") multivariate=false;
    1793           0 :     else plumed_merror("cannot parse multivariate = "+ sss);
    1794        2757 :     if(multivariate) {
    1795           0 :       sigma.resize(ncv*(ncv+1)/2);
    1796             :       Matrix<double> upper(ncv,ncv);
    1797             :       Matrix<double> lower(ncv,ncv);
    1798           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1799           0 :         for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv-i; j++) {
    1800           0 :           ifile->scanField("sigma_"+getPntrToArgument(j+i)->getName()+"_"+getPntrToArgument(j)->getName(),lower(j+i,j));
    1801           0 :           upper(j,j+i)=lower(j+i,j);
    1802             :         }
    1803             :       }
    1804             :       Matrix<double> mymult(ncv,ncv);
    1805             :       Matrix<double> invmatrix(ncv,ncv);
    1806           0 :       mult(lower,upper,mymult);
    1807             :       // now invert and get the sigmas
    1808           0 :       Invert(mymult,invmatrix);
    1809             :       // put the sigmas in the usual order: upper diagonal (this time in normal form and not in band form)
    1810             :       unsigned k=0;
    1811           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
    1812           0 :         for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) {
    1813           0 :           sigma[k]=invmatrix(i,j);
    1814           0 :           k++;
    1815             :         }
    1816             :       }
    1817             :     } else {
    1818       13775 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
    1819       16527 :         ifile->scanField("sigma_"+getPntrToArgument(i)->getName(),sigma[i]);
    1820             :       }
    1821             :     }
    1822             : 
    1823        5514 :     ifile->scanField("height",height);
    1824        5514 :     ifile->scanField("biasf",dummy);
    1825        8138 :     if(ifile->FieldExist("clock")) ifile->scanField("clock",dummy);
    1826        5514 :     if(ifile->FieldExist("lower_int")) ifile->scanField("lower_int",dummy);
    1827        5514 :     if(ifile->FieldExist("upper_int")) ifile->scanField("upper_int",dummy);
    1828        2757 :     ifile->scanField();
    1829             :     return true;
    1830             :   } else {
    1831             :     return false;
    1832             :   }
    1833             : }
    1834             : 
    1835         100 : void MetaD::computeReweightingFactor()
    1836             : {
    1837         100 :   if( !welltemp_ ) error("cannot compute the c(t) reweighting factors for non well-tempered metadynamics");
    1838             : 
    1839         100 :   if(biasf_==1.0) {
    1840             : // in this case we have no bias, so reweight factor is 1.0
    1841           0 :     getPntrToComponent("rct")->set(1.0);
    1842           0 :     return;
    1843             :   }
    1844             : 
    1845             :   // Recover the minimum values for the grid
    1846         100 :   unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
    1847             :   unsigned ntotgrid=1;
    1848         100 :   std::vector<double> dmin( ncv ),dmax( ncv ), grid_spacing( ncv ), vals( ncv );
    1849         500 :   for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv; ++j) {
    1850         600 :     Tools::convert( BiasGrid_->getMin()[j], dmin[j] );
    1851         400 :     Tools::convert( BiasGrid_->getMax()[j], dmax[j] );
    1852         800 :     grid_spacing[j] = ( dmax[j] - dmin[j] ) / static_cast<double>( rewf_grid_[j] );
    1853         200 :     if( !getPntrToArgument(j)->isPeriodic() ) dmax[j] += grid_spacing[j];
    1854         200 :     ntotgrid *= rewf_grid_[j];
    1855             :   }
    1856             : 
    1857             :   // Now sum over whole grid
    1858         100 :   reweight_factor=0.0; double* der=new double[ncv]; std::vector<unsigned> t_index( ncv );
    1859         100 :   double sum1=0.0; double sum2=0.0;
    1860         100 :   double afactor = biasf_ / (kbt_*(biasf_-1.0)); double afactor2 = 1.0 / (kbt_*(biasf_-1.0));
    1861         100 :   unsigned rank=comm.Get_rank(), stride=comm.Get_size();
    1862     1800100 :   for(unsigned i=rank; i<ntotgrid; i+=stride) {
    1863     1800000 :     t_index[0]=(i%rewf_grid_[0]);
    1864             :     unsigned kk=i;
    1865      900000 :     for(unsigned j=1; j<ncv-1; ++j) { kk=(kk-t_index[j-1])/rewf_grid_[j-1]; t_index[j]=(kk%rewf_grid_[j]); }
    1866     3600000 :     if( ncv>=2 ) t_index[ncv-1]=((kk-t_index[ncv-2])/rewf_grid_[ncv-2]);
    1867             : 
    1868     9900000 :     for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv; ++j) vals[j]=dmin[j] + t_index[j]*grid_spacing[j];
    1869             : 
    1870      900000 :     double currentb=getBiasAndDerivatives(vals,der);
    1871      900000 :     sum1 += exp( afactor*currentb );
    1872      900000 :     sum2 += exp( afactor2*currentb );
    1873             :   }
    1874         100 :   delete [] der;
    1875         100 :   comm.Sum( sum1 ); comm.Sum( sum2 );
    1876         100 :   reweight_factor = kbt_ * std::log( sum1/sum2 );
    1877         200 :   getPntrToComponent("rct")->set(reweight_factor);
    1878             : }
    1879             : 
    1880         273 : double MetaD::getTransitionBarrierBias() {
    1881             : 
    1882             :   // If there is only one well of interest, return the bias at that well point.
    1883         273 :   if (transitionwells_.size() == 1) {
    1884           0 :     double tb_bias = getBiasAndDerivatives(transitionwells_[0], NULL);
    1885           0 :     return tb_bias;
    1886             : 
    1887             :     // Otherwise, check for the least barrier bias between all pairs of wells.
    1888             :     // Note that because the paths can be considered edges between the wells' nodes
    1889             :     // to make a graph and the path barriers satisfy certain cycle inequalities, it
    1890             :     // is sufficient to look at paths corresponding to a minimal spanning tree of the
    1891             :     // overall graph rather than examining every edge in the graph.
    1892             :     // For simplicity, I chose the star graph with center well 0 as the spanning tree.
    1893             :     // It is most efficient to start the path searches from the wells that are
    1894             :     // expected to be sampled last, so transitionwell_[0] should correspond to the
    1895             :     // starting well. With this choice the searches will terminate in one step until
    1896             :     // transitionwell_[1] is sampled.
    1897             :   } else {
    1898             :     double least_transition_bias;
    1899         273 :     vector<double> sink = transitionwells_[0];
    1900         273 :     vector<double> source = transitionwells_[1];
    1901         273 :     least_transition_bias = BiasGrid_->findMaximalPathMinimum(source, sink);
    1902         546 :     for (unsigned i = 2; i < transitionwells_.size(); i++) {
    1903           0 :       if (least_transition_bias == 0.0) {
    1904             :         break;
    1905             :       }
    1906           0 :       source = transitionwells_[i];
    1907           0 :       double curr_transition_bias = BiasGrid_->findMaximalPathMinimum(source, sink);
    1908           0 :       least_transition_bias = fmin(curr_transition_bias, least_transition_bias);
    1909             :     }
    1910             :     return least_transition_bias;
    1911             :   }
    1912             : }
    1913             : 
    1914        6244 : bool MetaD::checkNeedsGradients()const
    1915             : {
    1916        6244 :   if(adaptive_==FlexibleBin::geometry) {
    1917         192 :     if(getStep()%stride_==0 && !isFirstStep) return true;
    1918             :     else return false;
    1919             :   } else return false;
    1920             : }
    1921             : 
    1922             : }
    1923        4839 : }

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