simplemd allows one to do molecular dynamics on systems of Lennard-Jones atoms.
The input to simplemd is spcified in an input file. Configurations are input and output in xyz format. The input file should contain one directive per line. The directives available are as follows:
nstep | The number of steps of dynamics you want to run |
temperature | ( default=NVE ) the temperature at which you wish to run the simulation in LJ units |
friction | ( default=off ) The friction (in LJ units) for the langevin thermostat that is used to keep the temperature constant |
tstep | ( default=0.005 ) the integration timestep in LJ units |
inputfile | An xyz file containing the initial configuration of the system |
forcecutoff | ( default=2.5 ) |
listcutoff | ( default=3.0 ) |
outputfile | An output xyz file containing the final configuration of the system |
nconfig | ( default=10 ) The frequency with which to write configurations to the trajectory file followed by the name of the trajectory file |
nstat | ( default=1 ) The frequency with which to write the statistics to the statistics file followed by the name of the statistics file |
maxneighbours | ( default=10000 ) The maximum number of neighbours an atom can have |
idum | ( default=0 ) The random number seed |
ndim | ( default=3 ) The dimensionality of the system (some interesting LJ clusters are two dimensional) |
wrapatoms | ( default=false ) If true, atomic coordinates are written wrapped in minimal cell |
You run an MD simulation using simplemd with the following command:
plumed simplemd < in
The following is an example of an input file for a simplemd calculation. This file instructs simplemd to do 50 steps of MD at a temperature of 0.722
nputfile outputfile temperature 0.722 tstep 0.005 friction 1 forcecutoff 2.5 listcutoff 3.0 nstep 50 nconfig 10 nstat 10 energies.dat
If you run the following a description of all the directives that can be used in the input file will be output.
plumed simplemd --help
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