When performing biased dynamics or analysing a trajectory you may wish to analyse/bias the value of some function of a set of collective variables rather than the values of the collective variables directly. You can do this with PLUMED by using any one of the following list of functions:
COMBINE | Calculate a polynomial combination of a set of other variables. |
FUNCPATHMSD | This function calculates path collective variables. |
FUNCSUMHILLS | This function is intended to be called by the command line tool sum_hills and it is meant to integrate a HILLS file or an HILLS file interpreted as a histogram i a variety of ways. Therefore it is not expected that you use this during your dynamics (it will crash!) |
MATHEVAL | Calculate a combination of variables using a matheval expression. |
PIECEWISE | Compute a piecewise straight line through its arguments that passes through a set of ordered control points. |
SORT | This function can be used to sort colvars according to their magnitudes. |
TARGET | This function measures the pythagorean distance from a particular structure measured in the space defined by some set of collective variables. |