| This is part of the multicolvar module |
Calculate the angle between an arbitrary vector and the positive y direction
- Examples
- Glossary of keywords and components
- Description of components
Quantity | Keyword | Description |
lessthan | LESS_THAN | the number of colvars that have a value less than a threshold |
morethan | MORE_THAN | the number of colvars that have a value more than a threshold |
altmin | ALT_MIN | the minimum value of the cv |
min | MIN | the minimum colvar |
max | MAX | the maximum colvar |
between | BETWEEN | the number of colvars that have a value that lies in a particular interval |
highest | HIGHEST | the largest of the colvars |
lowest | LOWEST | the smallest of the colvars |
sum | SUM | the sum of the colvars |
mean | MEAN | the mean of the colvars |
- The atoms involved can be specified using
ATOMS | the pairs of atoms that you would like to calculate the angles for. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. ATOMS1, ATOMS2, ATOMS3... |
- Options
HIGHEST | ( default=off ) this flag allows you to recover the highest of these variables. |
LOWEST | ( default=off ) this flag allows you to recover the lowest of these variables. |
SUM | ( default=off ) calculate the sum of all the quantities. |
MEAN | ( default=off ) calculate the mean of all the quantities.
LESS_THAN | calculate the number of variables that are less than a certain target value. This quantity is calculated using \(\sum_i \sigma(s_i)\), where \(\sigma(s)\) is a switchingfunction.. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. LESS_THAN1, LESS_THAN2, LESS_THAN3... |
MORE_THAN | calculate the number of variables that are more than a certain target value. This quantity is calculated using \(\sum_i 1 - \sigma(s_i)\), where \(\sigma(s)\) is a switchingfunction.. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. MORE_THAN1, MORE_THAN2, MORE_THAN3... |
ALT_MIN | calculate the minimum value. To make this quantity continuous the minimum is calculated using \( \textrm{min} = -\frac{1}{\beta} \log \sum_i \exp\left( -\beta s_i \right) \) The value of \(\beta\) in this function is specified using (BETA= \(\beta\)). |
MIN | calculate the minimum value. To make this quantity continuous the minimum is calculated using \( \textrm{min} = \frac{\beta}{ \log \sum_i \exp\left( \frac{\beta}{s_i} \right) } \) The value of \(\beta\) in this function is specified using (BETA= \(\beta\)) |
MAX | calculate the maximum value. To make this quantity continuous the maximum is calculated using \( \textrm{max} = \beta \log \sum_i \exp\left( \frac{s_i}{\beta}\right) \) The value of \(\beta\) in this function is specified using (BETA= \(\beta\)) |
BETWEEN | calculate the number of values that are within a certain range. These quantities are calculated using kernel density estimation as described on histogrambead.. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. BETWEEN1, BETWEEN2, BETWEEN3... |
HISTOGRAM | calculate a discretized histogram of the distribution of values. This shortcut allows you to calculates NBIN quantites like BETWEEN. |