LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - funnel - FPS.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 95 99 96.0 %
Date: 2024-10-18 14:00:25 Functions: 3 4 75.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2019-2020
       3             : 
       4             :    This file is part of funnel code module.
       5             : 
       6             :    The FM code respects the CC BY-NC license.
       7             :    Users are free to download, adapt and use the code as long as it is not for commercial purposes.
       8             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
       9             : #include "colvar/Colvar.h"
      10             : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
      11             : #include <string>
      12             : #include <cmath>
      13             : #include <cassert>
      14             : #include <vector>
      15             : #include "tools/Tools.h"
      16             : #include "tools/PDB.h"
      17             : #include <iostream>
      18             : #include "tools/RMSD.h"
      19             : 
      20             : using namespace std;
      21             : 
      22             : namespace PLMD {
      23             : namespace funnel {
      24             : 
      26             : /*
      27             : FUNNEL_PS implements the Funnel-Metadynamics (FM) technique in PLUMED 2.
      28             : 
      29             : Please read the FM \cite limongelli2013funnel \cite raniolo2020ligand papers to better understand the notions hereby reported.
      30             : 
      31             : This colvar evaluates the position of a ligand of interest with respect to a given line, built from the two points
      32             : A and B, and should be used together with the \ref FUNNEL bias.
      33             : The constructed line represents the axis of the funnel-shape restraint potential, which should be placed so
      34             : as to include the portion of a macromolecule (i.e., protein, DNA, etc.) that should be explored.
      35             : Since it is important that the position of the line is updated based on the motion of the macromolecule during
      36             : the simulation, this colvar incorporates an alignment method. The latter uses the TYPE=OPTIMAL option to remove
      37             : motions due to rotation and translation of the macromolecule with respect to a reference structure, which is
      38             : provided by the user. In order to accomplish the task, an optimal alignment matrix is calculated using the
      39             : Kearsley \cite kearsley algorithm.
      40             : The reference structure should be given as a pdb file, containing only the atoms of the macromolecule or a
      41             : selection of them (e.g., the protein CA atoms of secondary structures). In contrast to the methods reported in
      42             : the \ref dists, the values reported in the occupancy and beta-factor columns of the pdb file are not important
      43             : since they will be overwritten and replaced by the value 1.00 during the procedure. It is important to understand
      44             : that all atoms in the file will be used for the alignment, even if they display 0.00 in the occupancy column.
      45             : 
      46             : The ligand can be represented by one single atom or the center of mass (COM) of a group of atoms that should be
      47             : provided by the user.
      48             : 
      49             : By default FUNNEL_PS is computed taking into account periodic boundary conditions. Since PLUMED 2.5, molecules are
      50             : rebuilt using a procedure that is equivalent to that done in \ref WHOLEMOLECULES. We note that this action is local
      51             : to this colvar, thus it does not modify the coordinates stored in PLUMED. Moreover, FUNNEL_PS requires an ANCHOR atom
      52             : to be specified in order to facilitate the reconstruction of periodic boundary conditions. This atom should be the
      53             : closest macromolecule's atom to the ligand and it should reduce the risk of ligand "warping" in the simulation box.
      54             : Nevertheless, we highly recommend to add to the PLUMED input file a custom line of \ref WHOLEMOLECULES, in order to
      55             : be sure of reconstructing the ligand together with the macromolecule (please look the examples). In this case, the user
      56             : can use the NOPBC flag to turn off the internal periodic boundary condition reconstruction.
      57             : 
      58             : FUNNEL_PS is divided in two components (fps.lp and fps.ld) which evaluate the projection of the ligand along the funnel line
      59             : and the distance from it, respectively. The values attributed to these two components are then used together with the
      60             : potential file created by the \ref FUNNEL bias to define if the ligand is within or not in the funnel-shape restraint
      61             : potential. In the latter case, the potential will force the ligand to enter within the funnel boundaries.
      62             : 
      63             : \par Examples
      64             : 
      65             : The following input tells plumed to print the FUNNEL_PS components for the COM of a ligand. The inputs are a reference structure,
      66             : which is the structure used for the alignment, the COM of the molecule we want to track, and 2 points in the Cartesian space
      67             : (i.e., x, y, and z) to draw the line representing the funnel axis.
      68             : \plumedfile
      69             : lig: COM ATOMS=2446,2447,2448,2449,2451
      70             : fps: FUNNEL_PS REFERENCE=protein.pdb LIGAND=lig POINTS=5.3478,-0.7278,2.4746,7.3785,6.7364,-9.3624
      71             : PRINT ARG=fps.lp,fps.ld
      72             : \endplumedfile
      73             : 
      74             : It is recommended to add a line to force the reconstruction of the periodic boundary conditions. In the following example,
      75             : \ref WHOLEMOLECULES was added to make sure that the ligand was reconstructed together with the protein. The list contains
      76             : all the atoms reported in the start.pdb file followed by the ANCHOR atom and the ligand. All atoms should be contained in the
      77             : same entity and the correct order.
      78             : \plumedfile
      79             : WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=54,75,212,228,239,258,311,328,348,372,383,402,421,463,487,503,519,657,674,690,714,897,914,934,953,964,
      80             : 974,985,1007,1018,1037,1247,1264,1283,1302,1324,1689,1708,1727,1738,1962,1984,1994,2312,2329,2349,2467,2490,2500,2517,2524,2536,
      81             : 2547,2554,2569,2575,2591,2607,2635,2657,2676,2693,2700,2719,2735,2746,2770,2777,2788,2795,2805,2815,2832,2854,2868,2898,2904,
      82             : 2911,2927,2948,2962,2472,3221,3224,3225,3228,3229,3231,3233,3235,3237
      83             : lig: COM ATOMS=3221,3224,3225,3228,3229,3231,3233,3235,3237
      84             : fps: FUNNEL_PS LIGAND=lig REFERENCE=start.pdb ANCHOR=2472 POINTS=4.724,5.369,4.069,4.597,5.721,4.343
      85             : PRINT ARG=fps.lp,fps.ld
      86             : \endplumedfile
      87             : 
      88             : */
      89             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
      90             : 
      91             : 
      92             : class FUNNEL_PS : public Colvar {
      93             : 
      94             :   // Those are arrays that I created for the colvar
      95             :   std::vector<AtomNumber> ligand_com;
      96             :   std::vector<AtomNumber> anchor;
      97             :   std::vector<AtomNumber> numbers;
      98             :   bool pbc;
      99             :   PLMD::RMSD alignment;
     100             :   PLMD::PDB pdb;
     101             :   bool squared;
     102             : private:
     103             :   vector<double> points;
     104             : public:
     105             :   explicit FUNNEL_PS(const ActionOptions&);
     106             : // active methods:
     107             :   virtual void calculate();
     108             :   static void registerKeywords(Keywords& keys);
     109             : // I need a method in RMSDCoreCalc and these were requested
     110             :   std::vector<double> align;
     111             :   std::vector<double> displace;
     112             : };
     113             : 
     114             : using namespace std;
     115             : 
     117             : 
     118           7 : void FUNNEL_PS::registerKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
     119           7 :   Colvar::registerKeywords( keys );
     120          14 :   keys.add("compulsory","REFERENCE","a file in pdb format containing the structure you would like to align.");
     121          14 :   keys.add("atoms","LIGAND","This MUST be a single atom, normally the COM of the ligand");
     122          14 :   keys.add("atoms","ANCHOR","Closest protein atom to the ligand, picked to avoid pbc problems during the simulation");
     123          14 :   keys.add("compulsory","POINTS","6 values defining x, y, and z of the 2 points used to construct the line. The order should be A_x,A_y,A_z,B_x,B_y,B_z.");
     124          14 :   keys.addFlag("SQUARED-ROOT",false,"Used to initialize the creation of the alignment variable");
     125          14 :   keys.addOutputComponent("lp","default","the position along the funnel line");
     126          14 :   keys.addOutputComponent("ld","default","the distance from the funnel line");
     127           7 : }
     128             : 
     129           5 : FUNNEL_PS::FUNNEL_PS(const ActionOptions&ao):
     130             :   PLUMED_COLVAR_INIT(ao),
     131           5 :   pbc(true),squared(true)
     132             : {
     133             :   string reference;
     134          10 :   parse("REFERENCE",reference);
     135             :   string type;
     136           5 :   type.assign("OPTIMAL");
     137          10 :   parseAtomList("LIGAND",ligand_com);
     138           5 :   if(ligand_com.size()!=1)
     139           0 :     error("Number of specified atoms should be one, normally the COM of the ligand");
     140           5 :   parseVector("POINTS",points);
     141           5 :   bool nopbc=!pbc;
     142           5 :   parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc);
     143           5 :   pbc=!nopbc;
     144             :   bool sq;
     145           5 :   parseFlag("SQUARED-ROOT",sq);
     146           5 :   if (sq) {
     147           0 :     squared=false;
     148             :   }
     149           5 :   parseAtomList("ANCHOR",anchor);
     150           5 :   checkRead();
     151             : 
     152             :   // read everything in ang and transform to nm if we are not in natural units
     153           5 :   if( !,usingNaturalUnits(),0.1/getUnits().getLength()) )
     154           0 :     error("missing input file " + reference );
     155             : 
     156             :   bool remove_com=true;
     157             :   bool normalize_weights=true;
     158             :   // here displace is a simple vector of ones
     159           5 :   align=pdb.getOccupancy();
     160       16195 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<align.size(); i++) {
     161       16190 :     align[i]=1.;
     162             :   } ;
     163           5 :   displace=pdb.getBeta();
     164       16195 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<displace.size(); i++) {
     165       16190 :     displace[i]=1.;
     166             :   } ;
     167             :   // reset again to reimpose uniform weights (safe to disable this)
     168           5 :   alignment.set(align,displace,pdb.getPositions(),type,remove_com,normalize_weights);
     169             : 
     170             : 
     171             : 
     172             :   // Array with inside both the structure to align and the atom to be aligned
     173           5 :   numbers=pdb.getAtomNumbers();
     174           5 :   numbers.push_back(anchor[0]);
     175           5 :   numbers.push_back(ligand_com[0]);
     176             : 
     177           5 :   log.printf("  average from file %s\n",reference.c_str());
     178           5 :   log.printf("  method for alignment : %s \n",type.c_str() );
     179             : 
     180           5 :   if(pbc) log.printf("  using periodic boundary conditions\n");
     181           0 :   else    log.printf("  without periodic boundary conditions\n");
     182             : 
     183          10 :   addComponentWithDerivatives("lp");
     184          10 :   componentIsNotPeriodic("lp");
     185          10 :   addComponentWithDerivatives("ld");
     186           5 :   componentIsNotPeriodic("ld");
     187             : 
     188           5 :   requestAtoms( numbers );
     189             : 
     190           5 : }
     191             : 
     192             : // calculator
     193         150 : void FUNNEL_PS::calculate() {
     194             : 
     195         150 :   if(pbc) makeWhole();
     196             : 
     197         150 :   Tensor Rotation;
     198             :   Matrix<std::vector<Vector> > drotdpos(3,3);
     199             :   std::vector<Vector> alignedpos;
     200             :   std::vector<Vector> centeredpos;
     201             :   std::vector<Vector> centeredref;
     202             :   std::vector<Vector> ddistdpos;
     203             : 
     204             :   std::vector<Vector> buffer;
     205             : 
     206         150 :   Vector centerreference;
     207         150 :   Vector centerpositions;
     208             : 
     209             :   // Created only to give the correct object to calc_FitElements
     210             :   std::vector<Vector> sourceAllPositions;
     211             :   std::vector<Vector> sourcePositions;
     212             : 
     213             :   // SourcePositions contains only the coordinates of the COM of the ligand, we need only this point
     214         150 :   sourceAllPositions=getPositions();
     215         150 :   sourcePositions=sourceAllPositions;
     216         150 :   sourcePositions.resize(sourcePositions.size()-2);// just the protein
     217             : 
     218             :   // The two points that define the axis : this can be moved in the initialization
     219         150 :   Vector p1 = VectorGeneric<3>(points[0],points[1],points[2]);
     220         150 :   Vector p2 = VectorGeneric<3>(points[3],points[4],points[5]);
     221         150 :   Vector s = p2 - p1;
     222             : 
     223             :   // I call the method calc_FitElements that initializes all feature that I need
     224             :   // except for centerreference that I need to calculate from scratch
     225             :   // Buffer has no meaning but I had to fulfill the requirements of calc_FitElements
     226         150 :   double rmsd = alignment.calc_FitElements( sourcePositions, Rotation, drotdpos, buffer, centerpositions, squared);
     227             : 
     228             :   // To Plumed developers: it would be interesting to make the functions to calculate centers of mass public or protected
     229         150 :;
     230      485850 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<pdb.size(); i++) {
     231      485700 :     centerreference+=pdb.getPositions()[i]*align[i]/align.size();
     232             :   }
     233             : 
     234             :   /*
     235             :   // I cancelled the additional lines in the library of RMSD.h, thus I am missing the center of the reference
     236             :   // Creating variable kito to extract only the center of the reference, since no method is calling
     237             :   // function getReferenceCenter()
     238             :   PLMD::RMSDCoreData* kito; kito = new RMSDCoreData(align,displace,sourcePositions,pdb->getPositions());
     239             :   centerreference = kito->getReferenceCenter();
     240             :   delete kito;
     241             :   */
     242             : 
     243             :   // DEBUG
     244             :   /*    log.printf(" RMSD: %13.6lf\n",rmsd );
     245             :       log.printf(" cpos: %13.6lf %13.6lf %13.6lf\n",centerpositions[0],centerpositions[1],centerpositions[2] );
     246             :       log.printf(" Rotation: %13.6lf %13.6lf %13.6lf\n",Rotation[0][0],Rotation[0][1],Rotation[0][2] );
     247             :       log.printf("           %13.6lf %13.6lf %13.6lf\n",Rotation[1][0],Rotation[1][1],Rotation[1][2] );
     248             :       log.printf("           %13.6lf %13.6lf %13.6lf\n",Rotation[2][0],Rotation[2][1],Rotation[2][2] );
     249             :   */
     250             : 
     251             :   // the position is   Rot(ligand-com_prot_md)+ com_prot_ref
     252         150 :   Vector ligand_centered =getPositions().back()-centerpositions;
     253         150 :   Vector ligand_aligned =matmul(Rotation,ligand_centered);
     254         150 :   Vector v = ligand_aligned +centerreference -p1;
     255             : 
     256             :   // DEBUG
     257             : //    log.printf(" ligando: %13.6lf %13.6lf %13.6lf\n",getPositions().back()[0],getPositions().back()[1],getPositions().back()[2] );
     258             : 
     259             :   //Projection vector v onto s
     260             : 
     261         150 :   Vector prj = (dotProduct(s,v)/dotProduct(s,s))*s;
     262         150 :   const double prj_length = prj.modulo() ;
     263             :   const double inv_prj_length = 1.0/prj_length;
     264             : 
     265         150 :   Vector height = v - prj;
     266         150 :   const double prj_height = height.modulo() ;
     267         150 :   const double inv_prj_height = 1.0/prj_height;
     268             : 
     269             :   // derivative of the prj: only on the com of the ligand
     270         150 :   Vector der_prj;
     271         150 :   der_prj=s/s.modulo();
     272             : 
     273             :   // derivative of the height: only on the com of the ligand
     274         150 :   Vector der_height(inv_prj_height*(height[0]-(s[0]/s.modulo2())*dotProduct(height,s)),
     275         150 :                     inv_prj_height*(height[1]-(s[1]/s.modulo2())*dotProduct(height,s)),
     276         150 :                     inv_prj_height*(height[2]-(s[2]/s.modulo2())*dotProduct(height,s)));
     277             : 
     278         150 :   Value* valuelp=getPntrToComponent("lp");
     279         150 :   Value* valueld=getPntrToComponent("ld");
     280         150 :   valuelp->set(dotProduct(s,v)/s.modulo()); // this includes the sign
     281             :   valueld->set(prj_height);
     282             : 
     283             :   // DEBUG
     284             : //    log.printf(" Dopo: %13.6lf  %13.6lf\n",dotProduct(s,v)/s.modulo(),prj_height );
     285             : 
     286         150 :   setAtomsDerivatives(valuelp,getNumberOfAtoms()-1,matmul(transpose(Rotation),der_prj));
     287         150 :   setAtomsDerivatives(valueld,getNumberOfAtoms()-1,matmul(transpose(Rotation),der_height));
     288             : 
     289         150 :   Vector der_h;
     290         150 :   Vector der_l;
     291         150 :   double weight=1./float(getNumberOfAtoms()-2.);
     292             : 
     293      485850 :   for(unsigned iat=0; iat<getNumberOfAtoms()-2; iat++) {
     294      485700 :;
     295      485700 :;
     296     1942800 :     for(unsigned a=0; a<3; a++) {
     297     5828400 :       for(unsigned b=0; b<3; b++) {
     298    17485200 :         for(unsigned g=0; g<3; g++) {
     299    13113900 :           der_h[a]+=der_height[b]*drotdpos[b][g][iat][a]*ligand_centered[g];
     300    13113900 :           der_l[a]+=der_prj[b]*drotdpos[b][g][iat][a]*ligand_centered[g];
     301             :         }
     302     4371300 :         der_h[a]-=der_height[b]*Rotation[b][a]*weight;
     303     4371300 :         der_l[a]-=der_prj[b]*Rotation[b][a]*weight;
     304             :       }
     305             :     }
     306      485700 :     setAtomsDerivatives(valuelp,iat,der_l);
     307      485700 :     setAtomsDerivatives(valueld,iat,der_h);
     308             :   }
     309             : 
     310         150 :   setBoxDerivativesNoPbc(valuelp);
     311         150 :   setBoxDerivativesNoPbc(valueld);
     312             : 
     313         150 : }
     314             : 
     315             : }
     316             : }
     317             : 
     318             : 
     319             : 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16