LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - core - ActionWithVector.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 8 9 88.9 %
Date: 2024-10-18 14:00:25 Functions: 6 7 85.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2011-2023 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #ifndef __PLUMED_core_ActionWithVector_h
      23             : #define __PLUMED_core_ActionWithVector_h
      24             : 
      25             : #include "ActionWithValue.h"
      26             : #include "ActionAtomistic.h"
      27             : #include "ActionWithArguments.h"
      28             : #include "tools/MultiValue.h"
      29             : #include <vector>
      30             : 
      31             : namespace PLMD {
      32             : 
      33             : class ActionWithVector:
      34             :   public ActionAtomistic,
      35             :   public ActionWithValue,
      36             :   public ActionWithArguments
      37             : {
      38             :   friend class Value;
      39             : private:
      40             : /// Is the calculation to be done in serial
      41             :   bool serial;
      42             : /// The buffer that we use (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing)
      43             :   std::vector<double> buffer;
      44             : /// The list of active tasks
      45             :   std::vector<unsigned> active_tasks;
      46             :   /// Action that must be done before this one
      47             :   ActionWithVector* action_to_do_before;
      48             : /// Actions that must be done after this one
      49             :   ActionWithVector* action_to_do_after;
      50             : /// This is the list of actions that control the tasks that we do here
      51             :   std::vector<ActionWithVector*> task_control_list;
      52             : /// Work backwards through the chain to find an action that has either stored arguments or derivatives
      53             :   ActionWithVector* getActionWithDerivatives( ActionWithVector* depaction );
      54             : /// Check if there are any grids in the stream
      55             :   bool checkForGrids(unsigned& nder) const ;
      56             : ///  Run the task
      57             :   void runTask( const unsigned& taskno, MultiValue& myvals ) const ;
      58             : /// Gather the values that we intend to store in the buffer
      59             :   void gatherAccumulators( const unsigned& taskCode, const MultiValue& myvals, std::vector<double>& buffer ) const ;
      60             : /// Gather the forces on non-scalar quantities
      61             :   void gatherForces( const unsigned& i, const MultiValue& myvals, std::vector<double>& forces ) const ;
      62             : /// Get the size of the buffer array that holds the data we are gathering over the MPI loop
      63             :   void getSizeOfBuffer( const unsigned& nactive_tasks, unsigned& bufsize );
      64             : /// Get the number of quantities in the stream
      65             :   void getNumberOfStreamedQuantities( const std::string& headstr, unsigned& nquants, unsigned& nmat, unsigned& maxcol, unsigned& nbookeeping );
      66             : /// Get the number of stored values in the stream
      67             :   bool getNumberOfStoredValues( Value* startat, unsigned& nvals, const unsigned& astart, const std::vector<Value*>& stopat );
      68             : /// Add this action to the recursive chain
      69             :   bool addActionToChain( const std::vector<std::string>& alabels, ActionWithVector* act );
      70             : /// Check the chain for non scalar forces
      71             :   bool checkChainForNonScalarForces() const ;
      72             : /// Check if a force has been added on one of the components of this action
      73             :   bool checkComponentsForForce() const ;
      74             : /// Get the tasks that we need for forces
      75             :   void getForceTasks( std::vector<unsigned>& force_tasks ) const ;
      76             : /// Add the gathered forces to the inputs across the whole chain
      77             :   void addForcesToInput( const std::vector<double>& forcesToApply, unsigned& ind );
      78             : /// Check if this ation can reduce the number of tasks we perform
      79             :   void canReduceTasks( std::vector<ActionWithVector*>& task_reducing_actions );
      80             : /// Send information to arguments that tasks are reduced in depedent actions
      81             :   void broadcastThatTasksAreReduced( ActionWithVector* aselect );
      82             : /// Turn on task reduction flag in dependent actions
      83             :   void updateTaskReductionFlag( bool& head_reduce_tasks );
      84             : /// Check if a particular task is active at this time
      85             :   void taskIsActive( const unsigned& current, int& flag ) const ;
      86             : /// This is turned on if there is some action that needs all the tasks
      87             :   bool never_reduce_tasks;
      88             : /// Are we allowed to reduce the number of tasks being performed
      89             :   bool reduce_tasks;
      90             : /// Were the atoms retrieved in some earlier action
      91             :   bool atomsWereRetrieved;
      92             : /// This is used to build the argument store when we cannot use the chain
      93             :   unsigned reallyBuildArgumentStore( const unsigned& argstart );
      94             : protected:
      95             : /// A vector that contains the start point for the argument derivatives
      96             :   std::vector<unsigned> arg_deriv_starts;
      97             : /// Assert if this action is part of a chain
      98             :   bool done_in_chain;
      99             : /// This updates whether or not we are using all the task reduction stuff
     100             :   void updateTaskListReductionStatus();
     101             : /// Run all calculations in serial
     102             :   bool runInSerial() const ;
     103             : /// Get the list of tasks that are active
     104             :   std::vector<unsigned>& getListOfActiveTasks( ActionWithVector* action );
     105             : /// Check if the arguments of this action depend on thearg
     106             :   bool argumentDependsOn( const std::string& headstr, ActionWithVector* faction, Value* thearg );
     107             : /// This sets up the arguments at the start of the calculation
     108             :   unsigned buildArgumentStore( const unsigned& argstart );
     109             : /// Run all the tasks in the list
     110             :   void runAllTasks();
     111             : /// Accumulate the forces from the Values
     112             :   bool checkForForces();
     113             : public:
     114             :   static void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys );
     115             :   explicit ActionWithVector(const ActionOptions&);
     116             :   virtual ~ActionWithVector();
     117             :   void lockRequests() override;
     118             :   void unlockRequests() override;
     119             :   virtual void prepare() override;
     120             :   void retrieveAtoms( const bool& force=false ) override;
     121             :   void calculateNumericalDerivatives(ActionWithValue* av) override;
     122             : /// Are we running this command in a chain
     123             :   bool actionInChain() const ;
     124             : /// This is overwritten within ActionWithMatrix and is used to build the chain of just matrix actions
     125             :   virtual void finishChainBuild( ActionWithVector* act );
     126             : /// Check if there are any stored values in arguments
     127             :   bool hasStoredArguments() const ;
     128             : /// Return a pointer to the first action in the chain
     129             :   const ActionWithVector* getFirstActionInChain() const ;
     130             :   ActionWithVector* getFirstActionInChain();
     131             : /// This is overridden in ActionWithMatrix
     132          22 :   virtual void getAllActionLabelsInMatrixChain( std::vector<std::string>& matchain ) const {}
     133             : /// Get the number of derivatives in the stream
     134             :   void getNumberOfStreamedDerivatives( unsigned& nderivatives, Value* stopat );
     135             : /// Get every the label of every value that is calculated in this chain
     136             :   void getAllActionLabelsInChain( std::vector<std::string>& mylabels ) const ;
     137             : /// We override clearInputForces here to ensure that forces are deleted from all values
     138             :   void clearInputForces( const bool& force=false ) override;
     139             : /// We override clearDerivatives here to prevent data in streams from being deleted
     140             :   void clearDerivatives( const bool& force=false ) override;
     141             : /// Check if we can be after another ActionWithVector
     142      158462 :   virtual bool canBeAfterInChain( ActionWithVector* av ) { return true; }
     143             : /// Do we always need to do all the tasks for this action
     144        7699 :   virtual void areAllTasksRequired( std::vector<ActionWithVector*>& task_reducing_actions ) {}
     145             : /// Find out how many tasks we need to perform in this loop
     146             :   virtual void getNumberOfTasks( unsigned& ntasks );
     147             : /// Check the status of the ith task
     148     4220851 :   virtual int checkTaskStatus( const unsigned& taskno, int& flag ) const { return flag; }
     149             : /// Check if we are in a subchain
     150        3222 :   virtual bool isInSubChain( unsigned& nder ) { return false; }
     151             : /// Get the additional tasks that are required here
     152             :   virtual void getAdditionalTasksRequired( ActionWithVector* action, std::vector<unsigned>& atasks );
     153             : /// setup the streamed quantities
     154             :   virtual void setupStreamedComponents( const std::string& headstr, unsigned& nquants, unsigned& nmat, unsigned& maxcol, unsigned& nbookeeping );
     155             : /// This we override to perform each individual task
     156             :   virtual void performTask( const unsigned& current, MultiValue& myvals ) const = 0;
     157             : /// This is used to ensure that all indices are updated when you do local average
     158       13807 :   virtual void updateAdditionalIndices( const unsigned& ostrn, MultiValue& myvals ) const {}
     159             : /// Gather the data from all the OpenMP threads
     160             :   virtual void gatherThreads( const unsigned& nt, const unsigned& bufsize, const std::vector<double>& omp_buffer, std::vector<double>& buffer, MultiValue& myvals );
     161             : /// Can be used to reduce the number of tasks that are performed when you use an ation from elsewhere
     162           0 :   virtual void switchTaskReduction( const bool& task_reduction, ActionWithVector* aselect ) {}
     163             : /// Gather all the data from the MPI processes
     164             :   virtual void gatherProcesses( std::vector<double>& buffer );
     165             : /// Gather the values that we intend to store in the buffer
     166             :   virtual void gatherStoredValue( const unsigned& valindex, const unsigned& code, const MultiValue& myvals, const unsigned& bufstart, std::vector<double>& buffer ) const ;
     167             : /// Get the force tasks that are active for this action
     168             :   virtual void updateForceTasksFromValue( const Value* myval, std::vector<unsigned>& force_tasks ) const ;
     169             : /// Check if there is a force that needs to be accumulated on the ith task
     170             :   virtual bool checkForTaskForce( const unsigned& itask, const Value* myval ) const ;
     171             : /// Gather the forces on a particular value
     172             :   virtual void gatherForcesOnStoredValue( const Value* myval, const unsigned& itask, const MultiValue& myvals, std::vector<double>& forces ) const ;
     173             : /// This is to transfer data from the buffer to the final value
     174             :   void finishComputations( const std::vector<double>& buf );
     175             : /// Apply the forces on this data
     176             :   virtual void apply();
     177             : };
     178             : 
     179             : inline
     180             : bool ActionWithVector::actionInChain() const {
     181   257479546 :   return (action_to_do_before!=NULL);
     182             : }
     183             : 
     184             : inline
     185             : bool ActionWithVector::runInSerial() const {
     186       27747 :   return serial;
     187             : }
     188             : 
     189             : }
     190             : 
     191             : #endif

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16