LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - molfile - dcdplugin.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage (other modules) Lines: 201 461 43.6 %
Date: 2024-10-18 14:00:27 Functions: 10 19 52.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             : University of Illinois Open Source License
       3             : Copyright 2003 Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, 
       4             : All rights reserved.
       5             : 
       6             : Developed by:           Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
       7             :                         University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
       8             :               
       9             : 
      10             : Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
      11             : this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal with 
      12             : the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to 
      13             : use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies 
      14             : of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to 
      15             : do so, subject to the following conditions:
      16             : 
      17             : Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
      18             : this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
      19             : 
      20             : Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
      21             : this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation 
      22             : and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
      23             : 
      24             : Neither the names of Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, 
      25             : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, nor the names of its contributors 
      26             : may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without 
      27             : specific prior written permission.
      28             : 
      35             : OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE.
      36             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      37             : #if defined(__PLUMED_HAS_MOLFILE_PLUGINS) && ! defined(__PLUMED_HAS_EXTERNAL_MOLFILE_PLUGINS)
      38             : /***************************************************************************
      39             :  *cr                                                                       
      40             :  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2016 The Board of Trustees of the           
      41             :  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
      42             :  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
      43             :  *cr                                                                   
      44             :  ***************************************************************************/
      45             : 
      46             : /***************************************************************************
      47             :  * RCS INFORMATION:
      48             :  *
      49             :  *      $RCSfile: dcdplugin.c,v $
      50             :  *      $Author: johns $       $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
      51             :  *      $Revision: 1.88 $       $Date: 2020/12/17 17:14:07 $
      52             :  *
      53             :  ***************************************************************************
      54             :  * DESCRIPTION:
      55             :  *   Code for reading and writing CHARMM, NAMD, and X-PLOR format 
      56             :  *   molecular dynamic trajectory files.
      57             :  *
      58             :  * TODO:
      59             :  *   Integrate improvements from the NAMD source tree
      60             :  *    - NAMD's writer code has better type-correctness for the sizes
      61             :  *      of "int".  NAMD uses "int32" explicitly, which is required on
      62             :  *      machines like the T3E.  VMD's version of the code doesn't do that
      63             :  *      presently.
      64             :  *
      65             :  *  Try various alternative I/O API options:
      66             :  *   - use mmap(), with read-once flags
      67             :  *   - use O_DIRECT open mode on new revs of Linux kernel 
      68             :  *   - use directio() call on a file descriptor to enable on Solaris
      69             :  *   - use aio_open()/read()/write()
      70             :  *   - use readv/writev() etc.
      71             :  *
      72             :  *  Standalone test binary compilation flags:
      73             :  *  cc -fast -xarch=v9a -I../../include -DTEST_DCDPLUGIN dcdplugin.c \
      74             :  *    -o ~/bin/readdcd -lm
      75             :  *
      76             :  *  Profiling flags:
      77             :  *  cc -xpg -fast -xarch=v9a -g -I../../include -DTEST_DCDPLUGIN dcdplugin.c \
      78             :  *    -o ~/bin/readdcd -lm
      79             :  *
      80             :  ***************************************************************************/
      81             : 
      82             : #include "largefiles.h"   /* platform dependent 64-bit file I/O defines */
      83             : #include "fastio.h"       /* must come before others, for O_DIRECT...   */
      84             : 
      85             : #include <stdio.h>
      86             : #include <sys/stat.h>
      87             : #include <sys/types.h>
      88             : #include <stdlib.h>
      89             : #include <stddef.h>
      90             : #include <string.h>
      91             : #include <math.h>
      92             : #include <time.h>
      93             : #include "endianswap.h"
      94             : #include "molfile_plugin.h"
      95             : 
      96             : namespace PLMD{
      97             : namespace molfile{
      98             : 
      99             : #ifndef M_PI_2
     100             : #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661922
     101             : #endif
     102             : 
     103             : #define RECSCALE32BIT 1
     104             : #define RECSCALE64BIT 2
     105             : #define RECSCALEMAX   2
     106             : 
     107             : typedef struct {
     108             :   fio_fd fd;
     109             :   int natoms;
     110             :   int nsets;
     111             :   int setsread;
     112             :   int istart;
     113             :   int nsavc;
     114             :   double delta;
     115             :   int nfixed;
     116             :   float *x, *y, *z;
     117             :   int *freeind;
     118             :   float *fixedcoords;
     119             :   int reverse;
     120             :   int charmm;  
     121             :   int first;
     122             :   int with_unitcell;
     123             : } dcdhandle;
     124             : 
     125             : /* Define error codes that may be returned by the DCD routines */
     126             : #define DCD_SUCCESS      0  /* No problems                     */
     127             : #define DCD_EOF         -1  /* Normal EOF                      */
     128             : #define DCD_DNE         -2  /* DCD file does not exist         */
     129             : #define DCD_OPENFAILED  -3  /* Open of DCD file failed         */
     130             : #define DCD_BADREAD     -4  /* read call on DCD file failed    */
     131             : #define DCD_BADEOF      -5  /* premature EOF found in DCD file */
     132             : #define DCD_BADFORMAT   -6  /* format of DCD file is wrong     */
     133             : #define DCD_FILEEXISTS  -7  /* output file already exists      */
     134             : #define DCD_BADMALLOC   -8  /* malloc failed                   */
     135             : #define DCD_BADWRITE    -9  /* write call on DCD file failed   */
     136             : 
     137             : /* Define feature flags for this DCD file */
     138             : #define DCD_IS_XPLOR        0x00
     139             : #define DCD_IS_CHARMM       0x01
     140             : #define DCD_HAS_4DIMS       0x02
     141             : #define DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK 0x04
     142             : #define DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC   0x08
     143             : 
     144             : /* defines used by write_dcdstep */
     145             : #define NFILE_POS 8L
     146             : #define NSTEP_POS 20L
     147             : 
     148             : /* READ Macro to make porting easier */
     149             : #define READ(fd, buf, size)  fio_fread(((void *) buf), (size), 1, (fd))
     150             : 
     151             : /* WRITE Macro to make porting easier */
     152             : #define WRITE(fd, buf, size) fio_fwrite(((void *) buf), (size), 1, (fd))
     153             : 
     154             : /* XXX This is broken - fread never returns -1 */
     155             : #define CHECK_FREAD(X, msg) if (X==-1) { return(DCD_BADREAD); }
     156             : #define CHECK_FEOF(X, msg)  if (X==0)  { return(DCD_BADEOF); }
     157             : 
     158             : 
     159             : /* print DCD error in a human readable way */
     160           0 : static void print_dcderror(const char *func, int errcode) {
     161             :   const char *errstr;
     162             : 
     163           0 :   switch (errcode) {
     164             :     case DCD_EOF:         errstr = "end of file"; break;
     165           0 :     case DCD_DNE:         errstr = "file not found"; break;
     166           0 :     case DCD_OPENFAILED:  errstr = "file open failed"; break;
     167           0 :     case DCD_BADREAD:     errstr = "error during read"; break;
     168           0 :     case DCD_BADEOF:      errstr = "premature end of file"; break;
     169           0 :     case DCD_BADFORMAT:   errstr = "corruption or unrecognized file structure"; break;
     170           0 :     case DCD_FILEEXISTS:  errstr = "output file already exists"; break;
     171           0 :     case DCD_BADMALLOC:   errstr = "memory allocation failed"; break;
     172           0 :     case DCD_BADWRITE:    errstr = "error during write"; break;
     173           0 :     case DCD_SUCCESS:     
     174             :     default:
     175             :       errstr = "no error";
     176           0 :       break;
     177             :   } 
     178             :   printf("dcdplugin) %s: %s\n", func, errstr); 
     179           0 : }
     180             : 
     181             : 
     182             : /*
     183             :  * Read the header information from a dcd file.
     184             :  * Input: fd - a file struct opened for binary reading.
     185             :  * Output: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
     186             :  * Side effects: *natoms set to number of atoms per frame
     187             :  *               *nsets set to number of frames in dcd file
     188             :  *               *istart set to starting timestep of dcd file
     189             :  *               *nsavc set to timesteps between dcd saves
     190             :  *               *delta set to value of trajectory timestep
     191             :  *               *nfixed set to number of fixed atoms 
     192             :  *               *freeind may be set to heap-allocated space
     193             :  *               *reverse set to one if reverse-endian, zero if not.
     194             :  *               *charmm set to internal code for handling charmm data.
     195             :  */
     196           1 : static int read_dcdheader(fio_fd fd, int *N, int *NSET, int *ISTART, 
     197             :                    int *NSAVC, double *DELTA, int *NAMNF, 
     198             :                    int **FREEINDEXES, float **fixedcoords, int *reverseEndian, 
     199             :                    int *charmm)
     200             : {
     201             :   unsigned int input_integer[2];  /* buffer space */
     202             :   int i, ret_val, rec_scale;
     203             :   char hdrbuf[84];    /* char buffer used to store header */
     204             :   int NTITLE;
     205             :   int dcdcordmagic;
     206             :   int hugefile = 0;
     207             :   char *corp = (char *) &dcdcordmagic;
     208             : 
     209             :   /* coordinate dcd file magic string 'CORD' */
     210             :   corp[0] = 'C';
     211             :   corp[1] = 'O';
     212             :   corp[2] = 'R';
     213             :   corp[3] = 'D';
     214             : 
     215             :   /* First thing in the file should be an 84.
     216             :    * some 64-bit compiles have a 64-bit record length indicator,
     217             :    * so we have to read two ints and check in a more complicated 
     218             :    * way. :-( */
     219           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, 2*sizeof(unsigned int));
     220           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading first int from dcd file");
     221           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading first int from dcd file");
     222             : 
     223             :   /* Check magic number in file header and determine byte order*/
     224           1 :   if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) == 84) {
     225           0 :     *reverseEndian=0;
     226             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE64BIT;
     227             :     printf("dcdplugin) detected CHARMM -i8 64-bit DCD file of native endianness\n");
     228           1 :   } else if (input_integer[0] == 84 && input_integer[1] == dcdcordmagic) {
     229           1 :     *reverseEndian=0;
     230             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE32BIT;
     231             :     printf("dcdplugin) detected standard 32-bit DCD file of native endianness\n");
     232             :   } else {
     233             :     /* now try reverse endian */
     234           0 :     swap4_aligned(input_integer, 2); /* will have to unswap magic if 32-bit */
     235           0 :     if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) == 84) {
     236           0 :       *reverseEndian=1;
     237             :       rec_scale=RECSCALE64BIT;
     238             :       printf("dcdplugin) detected CHARMM -i8 64-bit DCD file of opposite endianness\n");
     239             :     } else {
     240           0 :       swap4_aligned(&input_integer[1], 1); /* unswap magic (see above) */
     241           0 :       if (input_integer[0] == 84 && input_integer[1] == dcdcordmagic) {
     242           0 :         *reverseEndian=1;
     243             :         rec_scale=RECSCALE32BIT;
     244             :         printf("dcdplugin) detected standard 32-bit DCD file of opposite endianness\n");
     245             :       } else {
     246             :         /* not simply reversed endianism or -i8, something rather more evil */
     247             :         printf("dcdplugin) unrecognized DCD header:\n");
     248           0 :         printf("dcdplugin)   [0]: %10d  [1]: %10d\n", input_integer[0], input_integer[1]);
     249           0 :         printf("dcdplugin)   [0]: 0x%08x  [1]: 0x%08x\n", input_integer[0], input_integer[1]);
     250           0 :         return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     251             : 
     252             :       }
     253             :     }
     254             :   }
     255             : 
     256             :   /* check for magic string, in case of long record markers */
     257             :   if (rec_scale == RECSCALE64BIT) { 
     258           0 :     ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, sizeof(unsigned int));
     259           0 :     if (input_integer[0] != dcdcordmagic) {
     260             :       printf("dcdplugin) failed to find CORD magic in CHARMM -i8 64-bit DCD file\n");
     261           0 :       return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     262             :     }
     263             :   }
     264             : 
     265             :   /* Buffer the entire header for random access */
     266           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, hdrbuf, 80);
     267           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "buffering header");
     268           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "buffering header");
     269             : 
     270             :   /* CHARMm-genereate DCD files set the last integer in the     */
     271             :   /* header, which is unused by X-PLOR, to its version number.  */
     272             :   /* Checking if this is nonzero tells us this is a CHARMm file */
     273             :   /* and to look for other CHARMm flags.                        */
     274           1 :   if (*((int *) (hdrbuf + 76)) != 0) {
     275           1 :     (*charmm) = DCD_IS_CHARMM;
     276           1 :     if (*((int *) (hdrbuf + 40)) != 0)
     277           1 :       (*charmm) |= DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK;
     278             : 
     279           1 :     if (*((int *) (hdrbuf + 44)) == 1)
     280           0 :       (*charmm) |= DCD_HAS_4DIMS;
     281             : 
     282           1 :     if (rec_scale == RECSCALE64BIT)
     283           0 :       (*charmm) |= DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC;
     284             :   
     285             :   } else {
     286           0 :     (*charmm) = DCD_IS_XPLOR; /* must be an X-PLOR format DCD file */
     287             :   }
     288             : 
     289           1 :   if (*charmm & DCD_IS_CHARMM) {
     290             :     /* CHARMM and NAMD versions 2.1b1 and later */
     291             :     printf("dcdplugin) CHARMM format DCD file (also NAMD 2.1 and later)\n");
     292             :   } else {
     293             :     /* CHARMM and NAMD versions prior to 2.1b1  */
     294             :     printf("dcdplugin) X-PLOR format DCD file (also NAMD 2.0 and earlier)\n");
     295             :   }
     296             : 
     297             :   /* Store the number of sets of coordinates (NSET) */
     298           1 :   (*NSET) = *((int *) (hdrbuf));
     299           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_unaligned(NSET, 1);
     300             : 
     301             :   /* Store ISTART, the starting timestep */
     302           1 :   (*ISTART) = *((int *) (hdrbuf + 4));
     303           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_unaligned(ISTART, 1);
     304             : 
     305             :   /* Store NSAVC, the number of timesteps between dcd saves */
     306           1 :   (*NSAVC) = *((int *) (hdrbuf + 8));
     307           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_unaligned(NSAVC, 1);
     308             : 
     309             :   /* Store NAMNF, the number of fixed atoms */
     310           1 :   (*NAMNF) = *((int *) (hdrbuf + 32));
     311           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_unaligned(NAMNF, 1);
     312             : 
     313             :   /* Read in the timestep, DELTA */
     314             :   /* Note: DELTA is stored as a double with X-PLOR but as a float with CHARMm */
     315           1 :   if ((*charmm) & DCD_IS_CHARMM) {
     316             :     float ftmp;
     317           1 :     ftmp = *((float *)(hdrbuf+36)); /* is this safe on Alpha? */
     318           1 :     if (*reverseEndian)
     319           0 :       swap4_aligned(&ftmp, 1);
     320             : 
     321           1 :     *DELTA = (double)ftmp;
     322             :   } else {
     323           0 :     (*DELTA) = *((double *)(hdrbuf + 36));
     324           0 :     if (*reverseEndian) swap8_unaligned(DELTA, 1);
     325             :   }
     326             : 
     327             :   /* Get the end size of the first block */
     328           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     329           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading second 84 from dcd file");
     330           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading second 84 from dcd file");
     331           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     332             : 
     333           1 :   if (rec_scale == RECSCALE64BIT) {
     334           0 :     if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != 84) {
     335             :       return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     336             :     }
     337             :   } else {
     338           1 :     if (input_integer[0] != 84) {
     339             :       return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     340             :     }
     341             :   }
     342             :   
     343             :   /* Read in the size of the next block */
     344           1 :   input_integer[1] = 0;
     345           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     346           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading size of title block");
     347           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading size of title block");
     348           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     349             : 
     350           1 :   if ((((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1])-4) % 80) == 0) {
     351             :     /* Read NTITLE, the number of 80 character title strings there are */
     352           1 :     ret_val = READ(fd, &NTITLE, sizeof(int));
     353           1 :     CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading NTITLE");
     354           1 :     CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading NTITLE");
     355           1 :     if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(&NTITLE, 1);
     356             : 
     357           1 :     if (NTITLE < 0) {
     358             :       printf("dcdplugin) WARNING: Bogus NTITLE value: %d (hex: %08x)\n", 
     359             :              NTITLE, NTITLE);
     360           0 :       return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     361             :     }
     362             : 
     363           1 :     if (NTITLE > 1000) {
     364             :       printf("dcdplugin) WARNING: Bogus NTITLE value: %d (hex: %08x)\n", 
     365             :              NTITLE, NTITLE);
     366           0 :       if (NTITLE == 1095062083) {
     367             :         printf("dcdplugin) WARNING: Broken Vega ZZ 2.4.0 DCD file detected\n");
     368             :         printf("dcdplugin) Assuming 2 title lines, good luck...\n");
     369           0 :         NTITLE = 2;
     370             :       } else {
     371             :         printf("dcdplugin) Assuming zero title lines, good luck...\n");
     372           0 :         NTITLE = 0;
     373             :       }
     374             :     }
     375             : 
     376           3 :     for (i=0; i<NTITLE; i++) {
     377           2 :       fio_fseek(fd, 80, FIO_SEEK_CUR);
     378             :       CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading TITLE");
     379             :     }
     380             : 
     381             :     /* Get the ending size for this block */
     382           1 :     ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     383           1 :     CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading size of title block");
     384           1 :     CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading size of title block");
     385             :   } else {
     386             :     return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     387             :   }
     388             : 
     389             :   /* Read in an integer '4' */
     390           1 :   input_integer[1] = 0;
     391           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     392             :   
     393           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading a '4'");
     394           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading a '4'");
     395           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     396             : 
     397           1 :   if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != 4) {
     398             :     return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     399             :   }
     400             : 
     401             :   /* Read in the number of atoms */
     402           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, N, sizeof(int));
     403           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading number of atoms");
     404           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading number of atoms");
     405           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(N, 1);
     406             : 
     407           1 :   if (*N > (1L<<30)) {
     408             :     hugefile=1;
     409             :     printf("dcdplugin) ***\n");
     410             :     printf("dcdplugin) *** Trajectory contains over 2^30 atoms.\n");
     411             :     printf("dcdplugin) *** Huge file integer wraparound handling enabled.\n");
     412             :     printf("dcdplugin) ***\n");
     413             :   }
     414             : 
     415             :   /* Read in an integer '4' */
     416           1 :   input_integer[1] = 0;
     417           1 :   ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     418           1 :   CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading a '4'");
     419           1 :   CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading a '4'");
     420           1 :   if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     421             : 
     422           1 :   if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != 4) {
     423             :     return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     424             :   }
     425             : 
     426           1 :   *FREEINDEXES = NULL;
     427           1 :   *fixedcoords = NULL;
     428           1 :   if (*NAMNF != 0) {
     429           0 :     (*FREEINDEXES) = (int *) calloc((((ptrdiff_t)(*N))-(*NAMNF)), sizeof(int));
     430           0 :     if (*FREEINDEXES == NULL)
     431             :       return DCD_BADMALLOC;
     432             : 
     433           0 :     *fixedcoords = (float *) calloc(((ptrdiff_t)(*N))*4L - (*NAMNF), sizeof(float));
     434           0 :     if (*fixedcoords == NULL)
     435             :       return DCD_BADMALLOC;
     436             : 
     437             :     /* Read in index array size */
     438           0 :     input_integer[1]=0;
     439           0 :     ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     440           0 :     CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading size of index array");
     441           0 :     CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading size of index array");
     442           0 :     if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     443             : 
     444             :     /* when we have more then 2^30 atoms, tests like this one */
     445             :     /* are no longer meaningful and have to be bypassed...    */
     446           0 :     if (!hugefile && ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != ((*N)-(*NAMNF))*4L)) {
     447             :       return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     448             :     }
     449             : 
     450           0 :     ret_val = READ(fd, (*FREEINDEXES), ((ptrdiff_t) ((*N)-(*NAMNF)))*sizeof(int));
     451           0 :     CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading size of index array");
     452           0 :     CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading size of index array");
     453             : 
     454           0 :     if (*reverseEndian)
     455           0 :       swap4_aligned((*FREEINDEXES), ((*N)-(*NAMNF)));
     456             : 
     457           0 :     input_integer[1]=0;
     458           0 :     ret_val = READ(fd, input_integer, rec_scale*sizeof(int));
     459           0 :     CHECK_FREAD(ret_val, "reading size of index array");
     460           0 :     CHECK_FEOF(ret_val, "reading size of index array");
     461           0 :     if (*reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     462             : 
     463             :     /* when we have more then 2^30 atoms, tests like this one */
     464             :     /* are no longer meaningful and have to be bypassed...    */
     465           0 :     if (!hugefile && ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != ((*N)-(*NAMNF))*4L)) {
     466           0 :       return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     467             :     }
     468             :   }
     469             : 
     470             :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     471             : }
     472             : 
     473             : 
     474          21 : static int read_charmm_extrablock(fio_fd fd, int charmm, int reverseEndian,
     475             :                                   float *unitcell) {
     476             :   int i, input_integer[2], rec_scale;
     477             : 
     478          21 :   if (charmm & DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC) {
     479             :     rec_scale = RECSCALE64BIT;
     480             :   } else {
     481             :     rec_scale = RECSCALE32BIT;
     482             :   }
     483             : 
     484          21 :   if ((charmm & DCD_IS_CHARMM) && (charmm & DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK)) {
     485             :     /* Leading integer must be 48 */
     486          21 :     input_integer[1] = 0;
     487          21 :     if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale)
     488             :       return DCD_BADREAD; 
     489          21 :     if (reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     490          21 :     if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) == 48) {
     491             :       double tmp[6];
     492          21 :       if (fio_fread(tmp, 48, 1, fd) != 1) return DCD_BADREAD;
     493          21 :       if (reverseEndian) 
     494           0 :         swap8_aligned(tmp, 6);
     495         147 :       for (i=0; i<6; i++) unitcell[i] = (float)tmp[i];
     496             :     } else {
     497             :       /* unrecognized block, just skip it */
     498           0 :       if (fio_fseek(fd, (input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]), FIO_SEEK_CUR)) return DCD_BADREAD;
     499             :     }
     500          21 :     if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale) return DCD_BADREAD; 
     501             :   } 
     502             : 
     503             :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     504             : }
     505             : 
     506             : 
     507           0 : static int read_fixed_atoms(fio_fd fd, int N, int num_free, const int *indexes,
     508             :                             int reverseEndian, const float *fixedcoords, 
     509             :                             float *freeatoms, float *pos, int charmm) {
     510             :   int i, input_integer[2], rec_scale;
     511             :   
     512           0 :   if(charmm & DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC) {
     513             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE64BIT;
     514             :   } else {
     515             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE32BIT;
     516             :   }
     517             :   
     518             :   /* Read leading integer */
     519           0 :   input_integer[1]=0;
     520           0 :   if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale) return DCD_BADREAD;
     521           0 :   if (reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     522           0 :   if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != 4L*num_free) return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     523             :   
     524             :   /* Read free atom coordinates */
     525           0 :   if (fio_fread(freeatoms, 4L*num_free, 1, fd) != 1) return DCD_BADREAD;
     526           0 :   if (reverseEndian)
     527           0 :     swap4_aligned(freeatoms, num_free);
     528             : 
     529             :   /* Copy fixed and free atom coordinates into position buffer */
     530           0 :   memcpy(pos, fixedcoords, 4L*N);
     531           0 :   for (i=0; i<num_free; i++)
     532           0 :     pos[indexes[i]-1] = freeatoms[i];
     533             : 
     534             :   /* Read trailing integer */ 
     535           0 :   input_integer[1]=0;
     536           0 :   if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale) return DCD_BADREAD;
     537           0 :   if (reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     538           0 :   if ((input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]) != 4L*num_free) return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     539             : 
     540             :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     541             : }
     542             :  
     543             :  
     544          21 : static int read_charmm_4dim(fio_fd fd, int charmm, int reverseEndian) {
     545             :   int input_integer[2], rec_scale;
     546             : 
     547          21 :   if (charmm & DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC) {
     548             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE64BIT;
     549             :   } else {
     550             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE32BIT;
     551             :   }
     552             :     
     553             :   /* If this is a CHARMm file and contains a 4th dimension block, */
     554             :   /* we must skip past it to avoid problems                       */
     555          21 :   if ((charmm & DCD_IS_CHARMM) && (charmm & DCD_HAS_4DIMS)) {
     556           0 :     input_integer[1]=0;
     557           0 :     if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale) return DCD_BADREAD;  
     558           0 :     if (reverseEndian) swap4_aligned(input_integer, rec_scale);
     559           0 :     if (fio_fseek(fd, (input_integer[0]+input_integer[1]), FIO_SEEK_CUR)) return DCD_BADREAD;
     560           0 :     if (fio_fread(input_integer, sizeof(int), rec_scale, fd) != rec_scale) return DCD_BADREAD;  
     561             :   }
     562             : 
     563             :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     564             : }
     565             : 
     566             : 
     567             : /* 
     568             :  * Read a dcd timestep from a dcd file
     569             :  * Input: fd - a file struct opened for binary reading, from which the 
     570             :  *             header information has already been read.
     571             :  *        natoms, nfixed, first, *freeind, reverse, charmm - the corresponding 
     572             :  *             items as set by read_dcdheader
     573             :  *        first - true if this is the first frame we are reading.
     574             :  *        x, y, z: space for natoms each of floats.
     575             :  *        unitcell - space for six floats to hold the unit cell data.  
     576             :  *                   Not set if no unit cell data is present.
     577             :  * Output: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
     578             :  * Side effects: x, y, z contain the coordinates for the timestep read.
     579             :  *               unitcell holds unit cell data if present.
     580             :  */
     581          21 : static int read_dcdstep(fio_fd fd, int N, float *X, float *Y, float *Z, 
     582             :                         float *unitcell, int num_fixed,
     583             :                         int first, int *indexes, float *fixedcoords, 
     584             :                         int reverseEndian, int charmm) {
     585             :   int ret_val;    /* Return value from read */
     586             :   ptrdiff_t rec_scale;
     587          21 :   int hugefile = (N > (1L<<30)) ? 1 : 0;
     588             :   int check_reclen = 1; /* Enable Fortran record length value safety checks */
     589             : 
     590             :   /* Fortran record length checks disabled for huge files or user request */
     591          21 :   if (hugefile || (getenv("VMDDCDNOCHECKRECLEN") != NULL))
     592             :     check_reclen = 0;
     593             :  
     594          21 :   if (charmm & DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC) {
     595             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE64BIT;
     596             :   } else {
     597             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE32BIT;
     598             :   }
     599             :   
     600          21 :   if ((num_fixed==0) || first) {
     601             :     /* temp storage for reading formatting info */
     602             :     /* note: has to be max size we'll ever use  */
     603             :     int tmpbuf[6L*RECSCALEMAX]; 
     604             : 
     605             :     fio_iovec iov[7];   /* I/O vector for fio_readv() call          */
     606             :     int i;
     607             : 
     608             :     /* if there are no fixed atoms or this is the first timestep read */
     609             :     /* then we read all coordinates normally.                         */
     610             : 
     611             :     /* read the charmm periodic cell information */
     612             :     /* XXX this too should be read together with the other items in a */
     613             :     /*     single fio_readv() call in order to prevent lots of extra  */
     614             :     /*     kernel/user context switches.                              */
     615          21 :     ret_val = read_charmm_extrablock(fd, charmm, reverseEndian, unitcell);
     616          21 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     617             : 
     618             :     /* setup the I/O vector for the call to fio_readv() */
     619             :     iov[0].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) &tmpbuf[0]; /* read format integer    */
     620          21 :     iov[0].iov_len  = rec_scale*sizeof(int);
     621             : 
     622             :     iov[1].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) X;          /* read X coordinates     */
     623          21 :     iov[1].iov_len  = sizeof(float)*N;
     624             : 
     625          21 :     iov[2].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) &tmpbuf[1*rec_scale]; /* read 2 format integers */
     626          21 :     iov[2].iov_len  = rec_scale*sizeof(int) * 2L;
     627             : 
     628             :     iov[3].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) Y;          /* read Y coordinates     */
     629             :     iov[3].iov_len  = sizeof(float)*N;
     630             : 
     631          21 :     iov[4].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) &tmpbuf[3L*rec_scale]; /* read 2 format integers */
     632             :     iov[4].iov_len  = rec_scale*sizeof(int) * 2L;
     633             : 
     634             :     iov[5].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) Z;          /* read Y coordinates     */
     635             :     iov[5].iov_len  = sizeof(float)*N;
     636             : 
     637          21 :     iov[6].iov_base = (fio_caddr_t) &tmpbuf[5L*rec_scale]; /* read format integer    */
     638             :     iov[6].iov_len  = rec_scale*sizeof(int);
     639             : 
     640             : #if 1
     641             :     /* Use fall-back code instead of readv():                            */
     642             :     /*  Some platforms implement readv() as user level code in libc,     */
     643             :     /*  and due to POSIX atomicity requirements for readv()/writev(),    */
     644             :     /*  they may copy data to internal temp buffers, which can kill      */
     645             :     /*  performance, and in cases when doing single I/O ops on large,    */
     646             :     /*  buffers, e.g. > 2GB, can fail with shorts reads or writes...     */
     647             :     /*  On such platforms it is best to avoid using readv()/writev()...  */
     648             :     {
     649             :       int readcnt = 0;
     650          21 :       readcnt =  fio_fread(iov[0].iov_base, iov[0].iov_len, 1, fd);
     651          21 :       readcnt += fio_fread(iov[1].iov_base, iov[1].iov_len, 1, fd);
     652          21 :       readcnt += fio_fread(iov[2].iov_base, iov[2].iov_len, 1, fd);
     653          21 :       readcnt += fio_fread(iov[3].iov_base, iov[3].iov_len, 1, fd);
     654          21 :       readcnt += fio_fread(iov[4].iov_base, iov[4].iov_len, 1, fd);
     655          21 :       readcnt += fio_fread(iov[5].iov_base, iov[5].iov_len, 1, fd);
     656          21 :       readcnt += fio_fread(iov[6].iov_base, iov[6].iov_len, 1, fd);
     657             : 
     658             :       /* if all records read correctly, then the reads are okay */
     659          21 :       if (readcnt != 7)
     660             :         return DCD_BADREAD;
     661             :     }
     662             : #else
     663             :     /* check number of bytes actually read            */
     664             :     if (fio_readv(fd, &iov[0], 7) != ((fio_size_t) (rec_scale*6L*sizeof(int) + 3L*N*sizeof(float))))
     665             :       return DCD_BADREAD;
     666             : #endif
     667             : 
     668             :     /* convert endianism if necessary */
     669          21 :     if (reverseEndian) {
     670           0 :       swap4_aligned(&tmpbuf[0], rec_scale*6L);
     671           0 :       swap4_aligned(X, N);
     672           0 :       swap4_aligned(Y, N);
     673           0 :       swap4_aligned(Z, N);
     674             :     }
     675             : 
     676             :     /* when we have more then 2^30 atoms, tests like this one */
     677             :     /* are no longer meaningful and have to be bypassed...    */
     678          21 :     if (check_reclen) {
     679             :       /* double-check the fortran format size values for safety */
     680          21 :       if (rec_scale == 1) {
     681         147 :         for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
     682         126 :           if (tmpbuf[i] != sizeof(float)*N) return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     683             :         }
     684             :       } else {
     685           0 :         for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
     686           0 :           if ((tmpbuf[2L*i]+tmpbuf[2L*i+1L]) != sizeof(float)*N) return DCD_BADFORMAT;
     687             :         }
     688             :       }
     689             :     }
     690             : 
     691             :     /* copy fixed atom coordinates into fixedcoords array if this was the */
     692             :     /* first timestep, to be used from now on.  We just copy all atoms.   */
     693          21 :     if (num_fixed && first) {
     694             :       memcpy(fixedcoords, X, N*sizeof(float));
     695           0 :       memcpy(fixedcoords+N, Y, N*sizeof(float));
     696           0 :       memcpy(fixedcoords+2L*N, Z, N*sizeof(float));
     697             :     }
     698             : 
     699             :     /* read in the optional charmm 4th array */
     700             :     /* XXX this too should be read together with the other items in a */
     701             :     /*     single fio_readv() call in order to prevent lots of extra  */
     702             :     /*     kernel/user context switches.                              */
     703          21 :     ret_val = read_charmm_4dim(fd, charmm, reverseEndian);
     704          21 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     705             :   } else {
     706             :     /* if there are fixed atoms, and this isn't the first frame, then we */
     707             :     /* only read in the non-fixed atoms for all subsequent timesteps.    */
     708           0 :     ret_val = read_charmm_extrablock(fd, charmm, reverseEndian, unitcell);
     709           0 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     710           0 :     ret_val = read_fixed_atoms(fd, N, N-num_fixed, indexes, reverseEndian,
     711           0 :                                fixedcoords, fixedcoords+3L*N, X, charmm);
     712           0 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     713           0 :     ret_val = read_fixed_atoms(fd, N, N-num_fixed, indexes, reverseEndian,
     714           0 :                                fixedcoords+N, fixedcoords+3L*N, Y, charmm);
     715           0 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     716           0 :     ret_val = read_fixed_atoms(fd, N, N-num_fixed, indexes, reverseEndian,
     717           0 :                                fixedcoords+2*N, fixedcoords+3L*N, Z, charmm);
     718           0 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     719           0 :     ret_val = read_charmm_4dim(fd, charmm, reverseEndian);
     720           0 :     if (ret_val) return ret_val;
     721             :   }
     722             : 
     723             :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     724             : }
     725             : 
     726             : 
     727             : /* 
     728             :  * Skip past a timestep.  If there are fixed atoms, this cannot be used with
     729             :  * the first timestep.  
     730             :  * Input: fd - a file struct from which the header has already been read
     731             :  *        natoms - number of atoms per timestep
     732             :  *        nfixed - number of fixed atoms
     733             :  *        charmm - charmm flags as returned by read_dcdheader
     734             :  * Output: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
     735             :  * Side effects: One timestep will be skipped; fd will be positioned at the
     736             :  *               next timestep.
     737             :  */
     738           0 : static int skip_dcdstep(fio_fd fd, int natoms, int nfixed, int charmm) {
     739             :   ptrdiff_t seekoffset = 0;
     740             :   ptrdiff_t rec_scale;
     741             : 
     742           0 :   if (charmm & DCD_HAS_64BIT_REC) {
     743             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE64BIT;
     744             :   } else {
     745             :     rec_scale=RECSCALE32BIT;
     746             :   }
     747             : 
     748             :   /* Skip charmm extra block */
     749           0 :   if ((charmm & DCD_IS_CHARMM) && (charmm & DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK)) {
     750           0 :     seekoffset += 4L*rec_scale + 48L + 4L*rec_scale;
     751             :   }
     752             : 
     753             :   /* For each atom set, seek past an int, the free atoms, and another int. */
     754           0 :   seekoffset += 3L * (2L*rec_scale + natoms - nfixed) * 4L;
     755             : 
     756             :   /* Assume that charmm 4th dim is the same size as the other three. */
     757           0 :   if ((charmm & DCD_IS_CHARMM) && (charmm & DCD_HAS_4DIMS)) {
     758           0 :     seekoffset += (2L*rec_scale + natoms - nfixed) * 4L;
     759             :   }
     760             :  
     761           0 :   if (fio_fseek(fd, seekoffset, FIO_SEEK_CUR)) return DCD_BADEOF;
     762             : 
     763             :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     764             : }
     765             : 
     766             : 
     767             : /* 
     768             :  * Write a timestep to a dcd file
     769             :  * Input: fd - a file struct for which a dcd header has already been written
     770             :  *       curframe: Count of frames written to this file, starting with 1.
     771             :  *        curstep: Count of timesteps elapsed = istart + curframe * nsavc.
     772             :  *         natoms: number of elements in x, y, z arrays
     773             :  *        x, y, z: pointers to atom coordinates
     774             :  * Output: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
     775             :  * Side effects: coordinates are written to the dcd file.
     776             :  */
     777           0 : static int write_dcdstep(fio_fd fd, int curframe, int curstep, int N, 
     778             :                   const float *X, const float *Y, const float *Z, 
     779             :                   const double *unitcell, int charmm) {
     780             :   int out_integer;
     781             : 
     782           0 :   if (charmm) {
     783             :     /* write out optional unit cell */
     784           0 :     if (unitcell != NULL) {
     785             :       out_integer = 48; /* 48 bytes (6 floats) */
     786           0 :       fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     787           0 :       WRITE(fd, unitcell, out_integer);
     788           0 :       fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     789             :     }
     790             :   }
     791             : 
     792             :   /* write out coordinates */
     793           0 :   out_integer = N*4; /* N*4 bytes per X/Y/Z array (N floats per array) */
     794           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     795           0 :   if (fio_fwrite((void *) X, out_integer, 1, fd) != 1) return DCD_BADWRITE;
     796           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     797           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     798           0 :   if (fio_fwrite((void *) Y, out_integer, 1, fd) != 1) return DCD_BADWRITE;
     799           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     800           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     801           0 :   if (fio_fwrite((void *) Z, out_integer, 1, fd) != 1) return DCD_BADWRITE;
     802           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, out_integer);
     803             : 
     804             :   /* update the DCD header information */
     805           0 :   fio_fseek(fd, NFILE_POS, FIO_SEEK_SET);
     806           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, curframe);
     807           0 :   fio_fseek(fd, NSTEP_POS, FIO_SEEK_SET);
     808           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, curstep);
     809           0 :   fio_fseek(fd, 0, FIO_SEEK_END);
     810             : 
     811           0 :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     812             : }
     813             : 
     814             : 
     815             : /*
     816             :  * Write a header for a new dcd file
     817             :  * Input: fd - file struct opened for binary writing
     818             :  *        remarks - string to be put in the remarks section of the header.  
     819             :  *                  The string will be truncated to 70 characters.
     820             :  *        natoms, istart, nsavc, delta - see comments in read_dcdheader
     821             :  * Output: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
     822             :  * Side effects: Header information is written to the dcd file.
     823             :  */
     824           0 : static int write_dcdheader(fio_fd fd, const char *remarks, int N, 
     825             :                     int ISTART, int NSAVC, double DELTA, int with_unitcell,
     826             :                     int charmm) {
     827             :   int out_integer;
     828             :   float out_float;
     829             :   char title_string[200];
     830             :   time_t cur_time;
     831             :   struct tm *tmbuf;
     832             :   char time_str[81];
     833             : 
     834           0 :   out_integer = 84;
     835           0 :   WRITE(fd, (char *) & out_integer, sizeof(int));
     836             :   strcpy(title_string, "CORD");
     837           0 :   WRITE(fd, title_string, 4);
     838           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);      /* Number of frames in file, none written yet   */
     839           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, ISTART); /* Starting timestep                            */
     840           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, NSAVC);  /* Timesteps between frames written to the file */
     841           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);      /* Number of timesteps in simulation            */
     842           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);      /* NAMD writes NSTEP or ISTART - NSAVC here?    */
     843           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     844           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     845           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     846           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     847           0 :   if (charmm) {
     848           0 :     out_float = DELTA;
     849           0 :     WRITE(fd, (char *) &out_float, sizeof(float));
     850           0 :     if (with_unitcell) {
     851           0 :       fio_write_int32(fd, 1);
     852             :     } else {
     853           0 :       fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     854             :     }
     855             :   } else {
     856           0 :     WRITE(fd, (char *) &DELTA, sizeof(double));
     857             :   }
     858           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     859           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     860           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     861           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     862           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     863           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     864           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     865           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     866           0 :   if (charmm) {
     867           0 :     fio_write_int32(fd, 24); /* Pretend to be CHARMM version 24 */
     868             :   } else {
     869           0 :     fio_write_int32(fd, 0);
     870             :   }
     871           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 84);
     872           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 164);
     873           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 2);
     874             : 
     875             :   strncpy(title_string, remarks, 80);
     876           0 :   title_string[79] = '\0';
     877           0 :   WRITE(fd, title_string, 80);
     878             : 
     879           0 :   cur_time=time(NULL);
     880           0 :   tmbuf=localtime(&cur_time);
     881           0 :   strftime(time_str, 80, "REMARKS Created %d %B, %Y at %R", tmbuf);
     882           0 :   WRITE(fd, time_str, 80);
     883             : 
     884           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 164);
     885           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 4);
     886           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, N);
     887           0 :   fio_write_int32(fd, 4);
     888             : 
     889           0 :   return DCD_SUCCESS;
     890             : }
     891             : 
     892             : 
     893             : /*
     894             :  * clean up dcd data
     895             :  * Input: nfixed, freeind - elements as returned by read_dcdheader
     896             :  * Output: None
     897             :  * Side effects: Space pointed to by freeind is freed if necessary.
     898             :  */
     899           1 : static void close_dcd_read(int *indexes, float *fixedcoords) {
     900           1 :   free(indexes);
     901           1 :   free(fixedcoords);
     902           1 : }
     903             : 
     904             : 
     905           1 : static void *open_dcd_read(const char *path, const char *filetype, 
     906             :     int *natoms) {
     907             :   dcdhandle *dcd;
     908             :   fio_fd fd;
     909             :   int rc;
     910             :   struct stat stbuf;
     911             : 
     912           1 :   if (!path) return NULL;
     913             : 
     914             : #if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(FASTIO_NATIVEWIN32))
     915             :   /* See if the file exists, and get its size */
     916             :   memset(&stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
     917           1 :   if (stat(path, &stbuf)) {
     918             :     printf("dcdplugin) Could not access file '%s'.\n", path);
     919           0 :     return NULL;
     920             :   }
     921             : #endif
     922             : 
     923           1 :   if (fio_open(path, FIO_READ, &fd) < 0) {
     924             :     printf("dcdplugin) Could not open file '%s' for reading.\n", path);
     925           0 :     return NULL;
     926             :   }
     927             : 
     928           1 :   dcd = (dcdhandle *)malloc(sizeof(dcdhandle));
     929             :   memset(dcd, 0, sizeof(dcdhandle));
     930           1 :   dcd->fd = fd;
     931             : 
     932           1 :   if ((rc = read_dcdheader(dcd->fd, &dcd->natoms, &dcd->nsets, &dcd->istart, 
     933             :          &dcd->nsavc, &dcd->delta, &dcd->nfixed, &dcd->freeind, 
     934             :          &dcd->fixedcoords, &dcd->reverse, &dcd->charmm))) {
     935           0 :     print_dcderror("read_dcdheader", rc);
     936           0 :     fio_fclose(dcd->fd);
     937           0 :     free(dcd);
     938           0 :     return NULL;
     939             :   }
     940             : 
     941             :   /*
     942             :    * Check that the file is big enough to really hold the number of sets
     943             :    * it claims to have.  Then we'll use nsets to keep track of where EOF
     944             :    * should be.
     945             :    */
     946             :   {
     947             :     fio_size_t ndims, firstframesize, framesize, extrablocksize;
     948             :     fio_size_t trjsize, filesize, curpos;
     949             :     int newnsets;
     950             : 
     951           1 :     extrablocksize = dcd->charmm & DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK ? 48 + 8 : 0;
     952           1 :     ndims = dcd->charmm & DCD_HAS_4DIMS ? 4 : 3;
     953           1 :     firstframesize = (dcd->natoms+2) * ndims * sizeof(float) + extrablocksize;
     954           1 :     framesize = (dcd->natoms-dcd->nfixed+2) * ndims * sizeof(float) 
     955           1 :       + extrablocksize;
     956             : 
     957             :     /* 
     958             :      * It's safe to use ftell, even though ftell returns a long, because the 
     959             :      * header size is < 4GB.
     960             :      */
     961             : 
     962           1 :     curpos = fio_ftell(dcd->fd); /* save current offset (end of header) */
     963             : 
     964             : #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(FASTIO_NATIVEWIN32)
     965             :     /* the stat() call is not 64-bit savvy on Windows             */
     966             :     /* so we have to use the fastio fseek/ftell routines for this */
     967             :     /* until we add a portable filesize routine for this purpose  */
     968             :     fio_fseek(dcd->fd, 0, FIO_SEEK_END);       /* seek to end of file */
     969             :     filesize = fio_ftell(dcd->fd);
     970             :     fio_fseek(dcd->fd, curpos, FIO_SEEK_SET);  /* return to end of header */
     971             : #else
     972           1 :     filesize = stbuf.st_size; /* this works ok on Unix machines */
     973             : #endif
     974           1 :     trjsize = filesize - curpos - firstframesize;
     975           1 :     if (trjsize < 0) {
     976             :       printf("dcdplugin) file '%s' appears to contain no timesteps.\n", path);
     977           0 :       fio_fclose(dcd->fd);
     978           0 :       free(dcd);
     979           0 :       return NULL;
     980             :     }
     981             : 
     982           1 :     newnsets = trjsize / framesize + 1;
     983             : 
     984           1 :     if (dcd->nsets > 0 && newnsets != dcd->nsets) {
     985             :       printf("dcdplugin) Warning: DCD header claims %d frames, but \n"
     986             :              "dcdplugin) file size (%ld) indicates there are actually \n"
     987             :              "%d frames of size (%ld)\n", 
     988             :              dcd->nsets, trjsize, newnsets, framesize);
     989             :     }
     990             : 
     991           1 :     dcd->nsets = newnsets; 
     992           1 :     dcd->setsread = 0;
     993             :   }
     994             : 
     995           1 :   dcd->first = 1;
     996           1 :   dcd->x = (float *)malloc(dcd->natoms * sizeof(float));
     997           1 :   dcd->y = (float *)malloc(dcd->natoms * sizeof(float));
     998           1 :   dcd->z = (float *)malloc(dcd->natoms * sizeof(float));
     999           1 :   if (!dcd->x || !dcd->y || !dcd->z) {
    1000             :     printf("dcdplugin) Unable to allocate space for %d atoms.\n", dcd->natoms);
    1001           0 :     if (dcd->x)
    1002           0 :       free(dcd->x);
    1003           0 :     if (dcd->y)
    1004           0 :       free(dcd->y);
    1005           0 :     if (dcd->z)
    1006           0 :       free(dcd->z);
    1007           0 :     fio_fclose(dcd->fd);
    1008           0 :     free(dcd);
    1009           0 :     return NULL;
    1010             :   }
    1011           1 :   *natoms = dcd->natoms;
    1012           1 :   return dcd;
    1013             : }
    1014             : 
    1015             : 
    1016          22 : static int read_next_timestep(void *v, int natoms, molfile_timestep_t *ts) {
    1017             :   dcdhandle *dcd;
    1018             :   int i, j, rc;
    1019             :   float unitcell[6];
    1020          22 :   unitcell[0] = unitcell[2] = unitcell[5] = 0.0f;
    1021          22 :   unitcell[1] = unitcell[3] = unitcell[4] = 90.0f;
    1022             :   dcd = (dcdhandle *)v;
    1023             : 
    1024             :   /* Check for EOF here; that way all EOF's encountered later must be errors */
    1025          22 :   if (dcd->setsread == dcd->nsets) return MOLFILE_EOF;
    1026          21 :   dcd->setsread++;
    1027          21 :   if (!ts) {
    1028           0 :     if (dcd->first && dcd->nfixed) {
    1029             :       /* We can't just skip it because we need the fixed atom coordinates */
    1030           0 :       rc = read_dcdstep(dcd->fd, dcd->natoms, dcd->x, dcd->y, dcd->z, 
    1031             :           unitcell, dcd->nfixed, dcd->first, dcd->freeind, dcd->fixedcoords, 
    1032             :              dcd->reverse, dcd->charmm);
    1033           0 :       dcd->first = 0;
    1034           0 :       return rc; /* XXX this needs to be updated */
    1035             :     }
    1036           0 :     dcd->first = 0;
    1037             :     /* XXX this needs to be changed */
    1038           0 :     return skip_dcdstep(dcd->fd, dcd->natoms, dcd->nfixed, dcd->charmm);
    1039             :   }
    1040          21 :   rc = read_dcdstep(dcd->fd, dcd->natoms, dcd->x, dcd->y, dcd->z, unitcell,
    1041             :              dcd->nfixed, dcd->first, dcd->freeind, dcd->fixedcoords, 
    1042             :              dcd->reverse, dcd->charmm);
    1043          21 :   dcd->first = 0;
    1044          21 :   if (rc < 0) {  
    1045           0 :     print_dcderror("read_dcdstep", rc);
    1046           0 :     return MOLFILE_ERROR;
    1047             :   }
    1048             : 
    1049             :   /* copy timestep data from plugin-local buffers to VMD's buffer */
    1050             :   /* XXX 
    1051             :    *   This code is still the root of all evil.  Just doing this extra copy
    1052             :    *   cuts the I/O rate of the DCD reader from 728 MB/sec down to
    1053             :    *   394 MB/sec when reading from a ram filesystem.  
    1054             :    *   For a physical disk filesystem, the I/O rate goes from 
    1055             :    *   187 MB/sec down to 122 MB/sec.  Clearly this extra copy has to go.
    1056             :    */
    1057             :   {
    1058          21 :     int natoms = dcd->natoms;
    1059          21 :     float *nts = ts->coords;
    1060          21 :     const float *bufx = dcd->x;
    1061          21 :     const float *bufy = dcd->y;
    1062          21 :     const float *bufz = dcd->z;
    1063             : 
    1064         483 :     for (i=0, j=0; i<natoms; i++, j+=3) {
    1065         462 :       nts[j    ] = bufx[i];
    1066         462 :       nts[j + 1] = bufy[i];
    1067         462 :       nts[j + 2] = bufz[i];
    1068             :     }
    1069             :   }
    1070             : 
    1071          21 :   ts->A = unitcell[0];
    1072          21 :   ts->B = unitcell[2];
    1073          21 :   ts->C = unitcell[5];
    1074             : 
    1075          21 :   if (unitcell[1] >= -1.0 && unitcell[1] <= 1.0 &&
    1076          21 :       unitcell[3] >= -1.0 && unitcell[3] <= 1.0 &&
    1077          21 :       unitcell[4] >= -1.0 && unitcell[4] <= 1.0) {
    1078             :     /* This file was generated by CHARMM, or by NAMD > 2.5, with the angle */
    1079             :     /* cosines of the periodic cell angles written to the DCD file.        */ 
    1080             :     /* This formulation improves rounding behavior for orthogonal cells    */
    1081             :     /* so that the angles end up at precisely 90 degrees, unlike acos().   */
    1082          21 :     ts->alpha = 90.0 - asin(unitcell[4]) * 90.0 / M_PI_2; /* cosBC */
    1083          21 :     ts->beta  = 90.0 - asin(unitcell[3]) * 90.0 / M_PI_2; /* cosAC */
    1084          21 :     ts->gamma = 90.0 - asin(unitcell[1]) * 90.0 / M_PI_2; /* cosAB */
    1085             :   } else {
    1086             :     /* This file was likely generated by NAMD 2.5 and the periodic cell    */
    1087             :     /* angles are specified in degrees rather than angle cosines.          */
    1088           0 :     ts->alpha = unitcell[4]; /* angle between B and C */
    1089           0 :     ts->beta  = unitcell[3]; /* angle between A and C */
    1090           0 :     ts->gamma = unitcell[1]; /* angle between A and B */
    1091             :   }
    1092             :  
    1093             :   return MOLFILE_SUCCESS;
    1094             : }
    1095             :  
    1096             : 
    1097           1 : static void close_file_read(void *v) {
    1098             :   dcdhandle *dcd = (dcdhandle *)v;
    1099           1 :   close_dcd_read(dcd->freeind, dcd->fixedcoords);
    1100           1 :   fio_fclose(dcd->fd);
    1101           1 :   free(dcd->x);
    1102           1 :   free(dcd->y);
    1103           1 :   free(dcd->z);
    1104           1 :   free(dcd); 
    1105           1 : }
    1106             : 
    1107             : 
    1108           0 : static void *open_dcd_write(const char *path, const char *filetype, 
    1109             :     int natoms) {
    1110             :   dcdhandle *dcd;
    1111             :   fio_fd fd;
    1112             :   int rc;
    1113             :   int istart, nsavc;
    1114             :   double delta;
    1115             :   int with_unitcell;
    1116             :   int charmm;
    1117             : 
    1118           0 :   if (fio_open(path, FIO_WRITE, &fd) < 0) {
    1119             :     printf("dcdplugin) Could not open file '%s' for writing\n", path);
    1120           0 :     return NULL;
    1121             :   }
    1122             : 
    1123           0 :   dcd = (dcdhandle *)malloc(sizeof(dcdhandle));
    1124             :   memset(dcd, 0, sizeof(dcdhandle));
    1125           0 :   dcd->fd = fd;
    1126             : 
    1127             :   istart = 0;             /* starting timestep of DCD file                  */
    1128             :   nsavc = 1;              /* number of timesteps between written DCD frames */
    1129             :   delta = 1.0;            /* length of a timestep                           */
    1130             : 
    1131           0 :   if (getenv("VMDDCDWRITEXPLORFORMAT") != NULL) {
    1132             :     with_unitcell = 0;      /* no unit cell info */
    1133             :     charmm = DCD_IS_XPLOR;  /* X-PLOR format */
    1134             :     printf("dcdplugin) WARNING: Writing DCD file in X-PLOR format, \n");
    1135             :     printf("dcdplugin) WARNING: unit cell information will be lost!\n");
    1136             :   } else {
    1137             :     with_unitcell = 1;      /* contains unit cell infor (Charmm format) */
    1138             :     charmm = DCD_IS_CHARMM; /* charmm-formatted DCD file                */ 
    1139             :     if (with_unitcell) 
    1140             :       charmm |= DCD_HAS_EXTRA_BLOCK;
    1141             :   }
    1142             :  
    1143           0 :   rc = write_dcdheader(dcd->fd, "Created by DCD plugin", natoms, 
    1144             :                        istart, nsavc, delta, with_unitcell, charmm);
    1145             : 
    1146           0 :   if (rc < 0) {
    1147           0 :     print_dcderror("write_dcdheader", rc);
    1148           0 :     fio_fclose(dcd->fd);
    1149           0 :     free(dcd);
    1150           0 :     return NULL;
    1151             :   }
    1152             : 
    1153           0 :   dcd->natoms = natoms;
    1154           0 :   dcd->nsets = 0;
    1155           0 :   dcd->istart = istart;
    1156           0 :   dcd->nsavc = nsavc;
    1157           0 :   dcd->with_unitcell = with_unitcell;
    1158           0 :   dcd->charmm = charmm;
    1159           0 :   dcd->x = (float *)malloc(natoms * sizeof(float));
    1160           0 :   dcd->y = (float *)malloc(natoms * sizeof(float));
    1161           0 :   dcd->z = (float *)malloc(natoms * sizeof(float));
    1162           0 :   return dcd;
    1163             : }
    1164             : 
    1165             : 
    1166           0 : static int write_timestep(void *v, const molfile_timestep_t *ts) { 
    1167             :   dcdhandle *dcd = (dcdhandle *)v;
    1168             :   int i, rc, curstep;
    1169           0 :   float *pos = ts->coords;
    1170             :   double unitcell[6];
    1171           0 :   unitcell[0] = unitcell[2] = unitcell[5] = 0.0f;
    1172           0 :   unitcell[1] = unitcell[3] = unitcell[4] = 90.0f;
    1173             : 
    1174             :   /* copy atom coords into separate X/Y/Z arrays for writing */
    1175           0 :   for (i=0; i<dcd->natoms; i++) {
    1176           0 :     dcd->x[i] = *(pos++); 
    1177           0 :     dcd->y[i] = *(pos++); 
    1178           0 :     dcd->z[i] = *(pos++); 
    1179             :   }
    1180           0 :   dcd->nsets++;
    1181           0 :   curstep = dcd->istart + dcd->nsets * dcd->nsavc;
    1182             : 
    1183           0 :   unitcell[0] = ts->A;
    1184           0 :   unitcell[2] = ts->B;
    1185           0 :   unitcell[5] = ts->C;
    1186           0 :   unitcell[1] = sin((M_PI_2 / 90.0) * (90.0 - ts->gamma)); /* cosAB */
    1187           0 :   unitcell[3] = sin((M_PI_2 / 90.0) * (90.0 - ts->beta));  /* cosAC */
    1188           0 :   unitcell[4] = sin((M_PI_2 / 90.0) * (90.0 - ts->alpha)); /* cosBC */
    1189             : 
    1190           0 :   rc = write_dcdstep(dcd->fd, dcd->nsets, curstep, dcd->natoms, 
    1191           0 :                      dcd->x, dcd->y, dcd->z,
    1192           0 :                      dcd->with_unitcell ? unitcell : NULL,
    1193             :                      dcd->charmm);
    1194           0 :   if (rc < 0) {
    1195           0 :     print_dcderror("write_dcdstep", rc);
    1196           0 :     return MOLFILE_ERROR;
    1197             :   }
    1198             : 
    1199             :   return MOLFILE_SUCCESS;
    1200             : }
    1201             : 
    1202           0 : static void close_file_write(void *v) {
    1203             :   dcdhandle *dcd = (dcdhandle *)v;
    1204           0 :   fio_fclose(dcd->fd);
    1205           0 :   free(dcd->x);
    1206           0 :   free(dcd->y);
    1207           0 :   free(dcd->z);
    1208           0 :   free(dcd);
    1209           0 : }
    1210             : 
    1211             : 
    1212             : /*
    1213             :  * Initialization stuff here
    1214             :  */
    1215             : static molfile_plugin_t plugin;
    1216             : 
    1217       10632 : VMDPLUGIN_API int VMDPLUGIN_init() {
    1218             :   memset(&plugin, 0, sizeof(molfile_plugin_t));
    1219       10632 :   plugin.abiversion = vmdplugin_ABIVERSION;
    1220       10632 :   plugin.type = MOLFILE_PLUGIN_TYPE;
    1221       10632 : = "dcd";
    1222       10632 :   plugin.prettyname = "CHARMM,NAMD,XPLOR DCD Trajectory";
    1223       10632 : = "Axel Kohlmeyer, Justin Gullingsrud, John Stone";
    1224       10632 :   plugin.majorv = 1;
    1225       10632 :   plugin.minorv = 18;
    1226       10632 :   plugin.is_reentrant = VMDPLUGIN_THREADSAFE;
    1227       10632 :   plugin.filename_extension = "dcd";
    1228       10632 :   plugin.open_file_read = open_dcd_read;
    1229       10632 :   plugin.read_next_timestep = read_next_timestep;
    1230       10632 :   plugin.close_file_read = close_file_read;
    1231       10632 :   plugin.open_file_write = open_dcd_write;
    1232       10632 :   plugin.write_timestep = write_timestep;
    1233       10632 :   plugin.close_file_write = close_file_write;
    1234       10632 :   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
    1235             : }
    1236             : 
    1237       10632 : VMDPLUGIN_API int VMDPLUGIN_register(void *v, vmdplugin_register_cb cb) {
    1238       10632 :   (*cb)(v, (vmdplugin_t *)&plugin);
    1239       10632 :   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
    1240             : }
    1241             : 
    1242           0 : VMDPLUGIN_API int VMDPLUGIN_fini() {
    1243           0 :   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
    1244             : }
    1245             : 
    1246             : }
    1247             : }
    1248             : 
    1249             :   
    1250             : #ifdef TEST_DCDPLUGIN
    1251             : 
    1252             : #include <sys/time.h>
    1253             : 
    1254             : /* get the time of day from the system clock, and store it (in seconds) */
    1255             : double time_of_day(void) {
    1256             : #if defined(_MSC_VER)
    1257             :   double t;
    1258             : 
    1259             :   t = GetTickCount();
    1260             :   t = t / 1000.0;
    1261             : 
    1262             :   return t;
    1263             : #else
    1264             :   struct timeval tm;
    1265             :   struct timezone tz;
    1266             : 
    1267             :   gettimeofday(&tm, &tz);
    1268             :   return((double)(tm.tv_sec) + (double)(tm.tv_usec)/1000000.0);
    1269             : #endif
    1270             : }
    1271             : 
    1272             : int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    1273             :   molfile_timestep_t timestep;
    1274             :   void *v;
    1275             :   dcdhandle *dcd;
    1276             :   int i, natoms;
    1277             :   float sizeMB =0.0, totalMB = 0.0;
    1278             :   double starttime, endtime, totaltime = 0.0;
    1279             : 
    1280             :   while (--argc) {
    1281             :     ++argv; 
    1282             :     natoms = 0;
    1283             :     v = open_dcd_read(*argv, "dcd", &natoms);
    1284             :     if (!v) {
    1285             :       fprintf(stderr, "main) open_dcd_read failed for file %s\n", *argv);
    1286             :       return 1;
    1287             :     }
    1288             :     dcd = (dcdhandle *)v;
    1289             :     sizeMB = ((natoms * 3.0) * dcd->nsets * 4.0) / (1024.0 * 1024.0);
    1290             :     totalMB += sizeMB; 
    1291             :     printf("main) file: %s\n", *argv);
    1292             :     printf("  %d atoms, %d frames, size: %6.1fMB\n", natoms, dcd->nsets, sizeMB);
    1293             : 
    1294             :     starttime = time_of_day();
    1295             :     timestep.coords = (float *)malloc(3*sizeof(float)*natoms);
    1296             :     for (i=0; i<dcd->nsets; i++) {
    1297             :       int rc = read_next_timestep(v, natoms, &timestep);
    1298             :       if (rc) {
    1299             :         fprintf(stderr, "error in read_next_timestep on frame %d\n", i);
    1300             :         return 1;
    1301             :       }
    1302             :     }
    1303             :     endtime = time_of_day();
    1304             :     close_file_read(v);
    1305             :     totaltime += endtime - starttime;
    1306             :     printf("  Time: %5.1f seconds\n", endtime - starttime);
    1307             :     printf("  Speed: %5.1f MB/sec, %5.1f timesteps/sec\n", sizeMB / (endtime - starttime), (dcd->nsets / (endtime - starttime)));
    1308             :   }
    1309             :   printf("Overall Size: %6.1f MB\n", totalMB);
    1310             :   printf("Overall Time: %6.1f seconds\n", totaltime);
    1311             :   printf("Overall Speed: %5.1f MB/sec\n", totalMB / totaltime);
    1312             :   return 0;
    1313             : }
    1314             :       
    1315             : #endif
    1316             : 
    1317             : #endif

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16