Line data Source code
1 : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 : Copyright (c) 2011-2023 The plumed team 3 : (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names) 4 : 5 : See for more information. 6 : 7 : This file is part of plumed, version 2. 8 : 9 : plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 10 : it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 11 : the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 12 : (at your option) any later version. 13 : 14 : plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 15 : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 16 : MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 17 : GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 18 : 19 : You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 20 : along with plumed. If not, see <>. 21 : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 22 : #ifndef __PLUMED_tools_MergeVectorTools_h 23 : #define __PLUMED_tools_MergeVectorTools_h 24 : 25 : #include "small_vector/small_vector.h" 26 : #include <vector> 27 : #include <algorithm> 28 : #include <type_traits> 29 : 30 : namespace PLMD { 31 : 32 : namespace mergeVectorTools { 33 : 34 : /// Merge sorted vectors. 35 : /// Takes a vector of pointers to containers and merge them. 36 : /// Containers should be already sorted. 37 : /// The content is appended to the result vector. 38 : /// Optionally, uses a priority_queue implementation. 39 : template<class C> 40 50163 : static void mergeSortedVectors(const C* const* vecs, std::size_t size, std::vector<typename C::value_type> & result) { 41 : 42 : /// local class storing the range of remaining objects to be pushed 43 : class Entry 44 : { 45 : typename C::const_iterator fwdIt,endIt; 46 : 47 : public: 48 137267 : explicit Entry(C const& v) : fwdIt(v.begin()), endIt(v.end()) {} 49 : /// check if this vector still contains something to be pushed 50 : bool empty() const { return fwdIt == endIt; } 51 : /// to allow using a priority_queu, which selects the highest element. 52 : /// we here (counterintuitively) define < as > 53 : bool operator< (Entry const& rhs) const { return top() >; } 54 : // TODO: revert "typename C::value_type" to "auto": nvc++ and icpc seems to do not deduce automatically the return type 55 : const typename C::value_type & top() const { return *fwdIt; } 56 : void next() { ++fwdIt;}; 57 : }; 58 : 59 : // preprocessing 60 : { 61 50163 : std::size_t maxsize=0; 62 192213 : for(unsigned i=0; i<size; i++) { 63 : // find the largest 64 193271 : maxsize=std::max(maxsize,vecs[i]->size()); 65 : } 66 : // this is just to decrease the number of reallocations on push_back 67 50163 : result.reserve(maxsize); 68 : // if vectors are empty we are done 69 50163 : if(maxsize==0) return; 70 : } 71 : 72 : // start 73 : // heap containing the ranges to be pushed 74 : // avoid allocations when it's small 75 : gch::small_vector<Entry,32> heap; 76 : 77 : { 78 187422 : for(unsigned i=0; i<size; i++) { 79 140341 : if(!vecs[i]->empty()) { 80 : // add entry at the end of the array 81 137267 : heap.emplace_back(Entry(*vecs[i])); 82 : } 83 : } 84 : // make a sorted heap 85 47081 : std::make_heap(std::begin(heap),std::end(heap)); 86 : } 87 : 88 : // first iteration, to avoid an extra "if" in main iteration 89 : // explanations are below 90 : { 91 47081 : std::pop_heap(std::begin(heap), std::end(heap)); 92 : auto & tmp=heap.back(); 93 47081 : const auto; 94 : // here, we append inconditionally 95 47081 : result.push_back(val); 96 :; 97 47081 : if(tmp.empty()) heap.pop_back(); 98 44536 : else std::push_heap(std::begin(heap), std::end(heap)); 99 : } 100 : 101 2523923 : while(!heap.empty()) { 102 : // move entry with the smallest element to the back of the array 103 2476842 : std::pop_heap(std::begin(heap), std::end(heap)); 104 : // entry 105 : auto & tmp=heap.back(); 106 : // element 107 2476842 : const auto; 108 : // if the element is larger than the current largest element, 109 : // push it to result 110 2476842 : if(val > result.back()) result.push_back(val); 111 : // move forward the used entry 112 :; 113 : // if this entry is exhausted, remove it from the array 114 2476842 : if(tmp.empty()) heap.pop_back(); 115 : // otherwise, sort again the array 116 2342120 : else std::push_heap(std::begin(heap), std::end(heap)); 117 : } 118 : } 119 : 120 : template<typename T, typename = void> 121 : struct has_size_and_data : std::false_type {}; 122 : 123 : template<typename T> 124 : struct has_size_and_data<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().size()), decltype(std::declval<T>().data())>> : std::true_type {}; 125 : 126 : template<class C, class D> 127 50163 : auto mergeSortedVectors(C& vecs, std::vector<D> & result) -> typename std::enable_if<has_size_and_data<C>::value, void>::type { 128 50163 : mergeSortedVectors(,vecs.size(),result); 129 50163 : } 130 : 131 : } 132 : } 133 : 134 : #endif 135 :