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1 : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 : Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The plumed team 3 : (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names) 4 : 5 : See for more information. 6 : 7 : This file is part of plumed, version 2. 8 : 9 : plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 10 : it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 11 : the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 12 : (at your option) any later version. 13 : 14 : plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 15 : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 16 : MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 17 : GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 18 : 19 : You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 20 : along with plumed. If not, see <>. 21 : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 22 : #include "function/FunctionTemplateBase.h" 23 : #include "function/FunctionShortcut.h" 24 : #include "function/FunctionOfMatrix.h" 25 : #include "core/ActionRegister.h" 26 : 27 : #include <string> 28 : #include <cmath> 29 : 30 : namespace PLMD { 31 : namespace symfunc { 32 : 33 : //+PLUMEDOC MCOLVAR FCCUBIC_FUNC 34 : /* 35 : Measure how similar the environment around atoms is to that found in a FCC structure. 36 : 37 : \par Examples 38 : 39 : */ 40 : //+ENDPLUMEDOC 41 : 42 : //+PLUMEDOC MCOLVAR FCCUBIC_FUNC_MATRIX 43 : /* 44 : Measure how similar the environment around atoms is to that found in a FCC structure. 45 : 46 : \par Examples 47 : 48 : */ 49 : //+ENDPLUMEDOC 50 : 51 : //+PLUMEDOC MCOLVAR FCCUBIC 52 : /* 53 : Measure how similar the environment around atoms is to that found in a FCC structure. 54 : 55 : This CV was introduced in this article \cite fcc-michele-1 and again in this article \cite fcc-michele-2 56 : This CV essentially determines whether the environment around any given atom is similar to that found in 57 : the FCC structure or not. The function that is used to make this determination is as follows: 58 : 59 : \f[ 60 : s_i = \frac{ \sum_{i \ne j} \sigma(r_{ij}) \left\{ a\left[ \frac{(x_{ij}y_{ij})^4 + (x_{ij}z_{ij})^4 + (y_{ij}z_{ij})^4}{r_{ij}^8} - \frac{\alpha (x_{ij}y_{ij}z_{ij})^4}{r_{ij}^{12}} \right] + b \right\} }{ \sum_{i \ne j} \sigma(r_{ij}) } 61 : \f] 62 : 63 : In this expression \f$x_{ij}\f$, \f$y_{ij}\f$ and \f$z_{ij}\f$ are the \f$x\f$, \f$y\f$ and \f$z\f$ components of the vector connecting atom \f$i\f$ to 64 : atom \f$j\f$ and \f$r_{ij}\f$ is the magnitude of this vector. \f$\sigma(r_{ij})\f$ is a \ref switchingfunction that acts on the distance between 65 : atom \f$i\f$ and atom \f$j\f$ and its inclusion in the numerator and the denominator of the above expression as well as the fact that we are summing 66 : over all of the other atoms in the system ensures that we are calculating an average 67 : of the function of \f$x_{ij}\f$, \f$y_{ij}\f$ and \f$z_{ij}\f$ for the atoms in the first coordination sphere around atom \f$i\f$. Lastly, \f$\alpha\f$ 68 : is a parameter that can be set by the user, which by default is equal to three. The values of \f$a\f$ and \f$b\f$ are calculated from \f$\alpha\f$ using: 69 : 70 : \f[ 71 : a = \frac{ 80080}{ 2717 + 16 \alpha} \qquad \textrm{and} \qquad b = \frac{ 16(\alpha - 143) }{2717 + 16\alpha} 72 : \f] 73 : 74 : This quantity is once again a multicolvar so you can compute it for multiple atoms using a single PLUMED action and then compute 75 : the average value for the atoms in your system, the number of atoms that have an \f$s_i\f$ value that is more that some target and 76 : so on. Notice also that you can rotate the reference frame if you are using a non-standard unit cell. 77 : 78 : \par Examples 79 : 80 : The following input calculates the FCCUBIC parameter for the 64 atoms in the system 81 : and then calculates and prints the average value for this quantity. 82 : 83 : \plumedfile 84 : FCCUBIC SPECIES=1-64 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=3.0 R_0=1.5} MEAN LABEL=d 85 : PRINT ARG=d.* FILE=colv 86 : \endplumedfile 87 : 88 : */ 89 : //+ENDPLUMEDOC 90 : 91 : 92 40 : class Fccubic : public function::FunctionTemplateBase { 93 : private: 94 : double alpha, a1, b1; 95 : public: 96 : void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) override; 97 : void read( ActionWithArguments* action ) override; 98 : void calc( const ActionWithArguments* action, const std::vector<double>& args, std::vector<double>& vals, Matrix<double>& derivatives ) const override; 99 : }; 100 : 101 : typedef function::FunctionShortcut<Fccubic> FccubicShortcut; 102 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(FccubicShortcut,"FCCUBIC_FUNC") 103 : typedef function::FunctionOfMatrix<Fccubic> MatrixFccubic; 104 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(MatrixFccubic,"FCCUBIC_FUNC_MATRIX") 105 : 106 28 : void Fccubic::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) { 107 56 : keys.add("compulsory","ALPHA","3.0","The alpha parameter of the angular function"); 108 56 : keys.setValueDescription("matrix","a function that measures the similarity with an fcc environment"); 109 28 : } 110 : 111 6 : void Fccubic::read( ActionWithArguments* action ) { 112 : // Scaling factors such that '1' corresponds to fcc lattice 113 : // and '0' corresponds to isotropic (liquid) 114 6 : parse(action,"ALPHA",alpha); 115 6 : a1 = 80080. / (2717. + 16*alpha); b1 = 16.*(alpha-143)/(2717+16*alpha); 116 6 : action->log.printf(" setting alpha paramter equal to %f \n",alpha); 117 6 : } 118 : 119 2486314 : void Fccubic::calc( const ActionWithArguments* action, const std::vector<double>& args, std::vector<double>& vals, Matrix<double>& derivatives ) const { 120 2486314 : double x2 = args[0]*args[0]; 121 2486314 : double x4 = x2*x2; 122 : 123 2486314 : double y2 = args[1]*args[1]; 124 2486314 : double y4 = y2*y2; 125 : 126 2486314 : double z2 = args[2]*args[2]; 127 2486314 : double z4 = z2*z2; 128 : 129 2486314 : double d2 = x2 + y2 + z2; 130 2486314 : double r8 = pow( d2, 4 ); 131 2486314 : double r12 = pow( d2, 6 ); 132 : 133 2486314 : double tmp = ((x4*y4)+(x4*z4)+(y4*z4))/r8-alpha*x4*y4*z4/r12; 134 : 135 2486314 : double t0 = (x2*y4+x2*z4)/r8-alpha*x2*y4*z4/r12; 136 2486314 : double t1 = (y2*x4+y2*z4)/r8-alpha*y2*x4*z4/r12; 137 2486314 : double t2 = (z2*x4+z2*y4)/r8-alpha*z2*x4*y4/r12; 138 2486314 : double t3 = (2*tmp-alpha*x4*y4*z4/r12)/d2; 139 : 140 2486314 : derivatives(0,0)=4*a1*args[0]*(t0-t3); 141 2486314 : derivatives(0,1)=4*a1*args[1]*(t1-t3); 142 2486314 : derivatives(0,2)=4*a1*args[2]*(t2-t3); 143 : 144 : // Set the value and the derivatives 145 2486314 : vals[0] = (a1*tmp+b1); 146 2486314 : } 147 : 148 : } 149 : } 150 :