LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gridtools - InterpolateGrid.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: plumed test coverage Lines: 73 78 93.6 %
Date: 2024-10-18 13:59:31 Functions: 9 10 90.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2             :    Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The plumed team
       3             :    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       4             : 
       5             :    See for more information.
       6             : 
       7             :    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       8             : 
       9             :    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      10             :    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
      11             :    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      12             :    (at your option) any later version.
      13             : 
      14             :    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      15             :    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      17             :    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      18             : 
      19             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
      20             :    along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
      21             : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
      22             : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
      23             : #include "core/PlumedMain.h"
      24             : #include "EvaluateGridFunction.h"
      25             : #include "ActionWithGrid.h"
      26             : 
      28             : /*
      29             : Interpolate a smooth function stored on a grid onto a grid with a smaller grid spacing.
      30             : 
      31             : This action takes a function evaluated on a grid as input and can be used to interpolate the values of that
      32             : function on to a finer grained grid.  The interpolation within this algorithm is done using splines.
      33             : 
      34             : \par Examples
      35             : 
      36             : The input below can be used to post process a trajectory.  It calculates a \ref HISTOGRAM as a function the
      37             : distance between atoms 1 and 2 using kernel density estimation.  During the calculation the values of the kernels
      38             : are evaluated at 100 points on a uniform grid between 0.0 and 3.0.  Prior to outputting this function at the end of the
      39             : simulation this function is interpolated onto a finer grid of 200 points between 0.0 and 3.0.
      40             : 
      41             : \plumedfile
      42             : x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2
      43             : hA1: HISTOGRAM ARG=x GRID_MIN=0.0 GRID_MAX=3.0 GRID_BIN=100 BANDWIDTH=0.1
      44             : ii: INTERPOLATE_GRID GRID=hA1 GRID_BIN=200
      45             : DUMPGRID GRID=ii FILE=histo.dat
      46             : \endplumedfile
      47             : 
      48             : */
      49             : //+ENDPLUMEDOC
      50             : 
      51             : namespace PLMD {
      52             : namespace gridtools {
      53             : 
      54             : class InterpolateGrid : public ActionWithGrid {
      55             : private:
      56             :   bool midpoints;
      57             :   std::vector<unsigned> nbin;
      58             :   std::vector<double> gspacing;
      59             :   EvaluateGridFunction input_grid;
      60             :   GridCoordinatesObject output_grid;
      61             : public:
      62             :   static void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys );
      63             :   explicit InterpolateGrid(const ActionOptions&ao);
      64             :   void setupOnFirstStep( const bool incalc ) override ;
      65             :   unsigned getNumberOfDerivatives() override ;
      66             :   const GridCoordinatesObject& getGridCoordinatesObject() const override ;
      67             :   std::vector<std::string> getGridCoordinateNames() const override ;
      68             :   void performTask( const unsigned& current, MultiValue& myvals ) const override ;
      69             :   void gatherStoredValue( const unsigned& valindex, const unsigned& code, const MultiValue& myvals,
      70             :                           const unsigned& bufstart, std::vector<double>& buffer ) const ;
      71             :   void gatherForcesOnStoredValue( const Value* myval, const unsigned& itask, const MultiValue& myvals, std::vector<double>& forces ) const override ;
      72             : };
      73             : 
      74             : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(InterpolateGrid,"INTERPOLATE_GRID")
      75             : 
      76         161 : void InterpolateGrid::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
      77         161 :   ActionWithGrid::registerKeywords( keys );
      78         322 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_BIN","the number of bins for the grid");
      79         322 :   keys.addInputKeyword("compulsory","ARG","grid","the label for function on the grid that you would like to interpolate");
      80         322 :   keys.add("optional","GRID_SPACING","the approximate grid spacing (to be used as an alternative or together with GRID_BIN)");
      81         322 :   keys.addFlag("MIDPOINTS",false,"interpolate the values of the function at the midpoints of the grid coordinates of the input grid");
      82         161 :   EvaluateGridFunction ii; ii.registerKeywords( keys );
      83         322 :   keys.setValueDescription("grid","the function evaluated onto the interpolated grid");
      84         161 : }
      85             : 
      86          82 : InterpolateGrid::InterpolateGrid(const ActionOptions&ao):
      87             :   Action(ao),
      88          82 :   ActionWithGrid(ao)
      89             : {
      90          82 :   if( getNumberOfArguments()!=1 ) error("should only be one argument to this action");
      91          82 :   if( getPntrToArgument(0)->getRank()==0 || !getPntrToArgument(0)->hasDerivatives() ) error("input to this action should be a grid");
      92             : 
      93         328 :   parseFlag("MIDPOINTS",midpoints); parseVector("GRID_BIN",nbin); parseVector("GRID_SPACING",gspacing); unsigned dimension = getPntrToArgument(0)->getRank();
      94          82 :   if( !midpoints && nbin.size()!=dimension && gspacing.size()!=dimension ) error("MIDPOINTS, GRID_BIN or GRID_SPACING must be set");
      95          82 :   if( midpoints ) {
      96          80 :     log.printf("  evaluating function at midpoints of cells in input grid\n");
      97           2 :   } else if( nbin.size()==dimension ) {
      98           2 :     log.printf("  number of bins in grid %d", nbin[0]);
      99           2 :     for(unsigned i=1; i<nbin.size(); ++i) log.printf(", %d", nbin[i]);
     100           2 :     log.printf("\n");
     101           0 :   } else if( gspacing.size()==dimension ) {
     102           0 :     log.printf("  spacing for bins in grid %f", gspacing[0]);
     103           0 :     for(unsigned i=1; i<gspacing.size(); ++i) log.printf(", %d", gspacing[i]);
     104           0 :     log.printf("\n");
     105             :   }
     106             :   // Create the input grid
     107          82 : this );
     108             :   // Need this for creation of tasks
     109         164 :   output_grid.setup( "flat", input_grid.getPbc(), 0, 0.0 );
     110             : 
     111             :   // Now add a value
     112          82 :   std::vector<unsigned> shape( dimension, 0 );
     113          82 :   addValueWithDerivatives( shape );
     114             : 
     115          82 :   if( getPntrToArgument(0)->isPeriodic() ) {
     116           0 :     std::string min, max; getPntrToArgument(0)->getDomain( min, max ); setPeriodic( min, max );
     117          82 :   } else setNotPeriodic();
     118          82 :   setupOnFirstStep( false );
     119          82 : }
     120             : 
     121         164 : void InterpolateGrid::setupOnFirstStep( const bool incalc ) {
     122         164 :   input_grid.setup( this );
     123         164 :   ActionWithGrid* ag=ActionWithGrid::getInputActionWithGrid( getPntrToArgument(0)->getPntrToAction() );
     124         164 :   plumed_assert( ag ); const GridCoordinatesObject& mygrid = ag->getGridCoordinatesObject();
     125         164 :   if( midpoints ) {
     126         160 :     double min, max; nbin.resize( getPntrToComponent(0)->getRank() );
     127             :     std::vector<std::string> str_min( input_grid.getMin() ), str_max(input_grid.getMax() );
     128         320 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<nbin.size(); ++i) {
     129         160 :       if( incalc ) {
     130          80 :         Tools::convert( str_min[i], min ); Tools::convert( str_max[i], max );
     131          80 :         min += 0.5*input_grid.getGridSpacing()[i];
     132             :       }
     133         320 :       if( input_grid.getPbc()[i] ) {
     134          30 :         nbin[i] = input_grid.getNbin()[i];
     135          45 :         if( incalc ) max += 0.5*input_grid.getGridSpacing()[i];
     136             :       } else {
     137         130 :         nbin[i] = input_grid.getNbin()[i] - 1;
     138         195 :         if( incalc ) max -= 0.5*input_grid.getGridSpacing()[i];
     139             :       }
     140         160 :       if( incalc ) {
     141          80 :         Tools::convert( min, str_min[i] ); Tools::convert( max, str_max[i] );
     142             :       }
     143             :     }
     144         160 :     output_grid.setBounds( str_min, str_max, nbin,  gspacing );
     145         164 :   } else output_grid.setBounds( mygrid.getMin(), mygrid.getMax(), nbin, gspacing );
     146         164 :   getPntrToComponent(0)->setShape( output_grid.getNbin(true) );
     147         164 :   if( !incalc ) gspacing.resize(0);
     148         164 : }
     149             : 
     150         256 : unsigned InterpolateGrid::getNumberOfDerivatives() {
     151         256 :   return getPntrToArgument(0)->getRank();
     152             : }
     153             : 
     154         392 : const GridCoordinatesObject& InterpolateGrid::getGridCoordinatesObject() const {
     155         392 :   return output_grid;
     156             : }
     157             : 
     158           2 : std::vector<std::string> InterpolateGrid::getGridCoordinateNames() const {
     159           2 :   ActionWithGrid* ag = ActionWithGrid::getInputActionWithGrid( getPntrToArgument(0)->getPntrToAction() );
     160           2 :   plumed_assert( ag ); return ag->getGridCoordinateNames();
     161             : }
     162             : 
     163       15616 : void InterpolateGrid::performTask( const unsigned& current, MultiValue& myvals ) const {
     164       15616 :   std::vector<double> pos( output_grid.getDimension() ); output_grid.getGridPointCoordinates( current, pos );
     165       15616 :   std::vector<double> val(1); Matrix<double> der( 1, output_grid.getDimension() ); input_grid.calc( this, pos, val, der );
     166       15616 :   unsigned ostrn = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getPositionInStream(); myvals.setValue( ostrn, val[0] );
     167       31232 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<output_grid.getDimension(); ++i) { myvals.addDerivative( ostrn, i, der(0,i) ); myvals.updateIndex( ostrn, i ); }
     168       15616 : }
     169             : 
     170       13660 : void InterpolateGrid::gatherStoredValue( const unsigned& valindex, const unsigned& code, const MultiValue& myvals,
     171             :     const unsigned& bufstart, std::vector<double>& buffer ) const {
     172       13660 :   plumed_dbg_assert( valindex==0 ); unsigned ostrn = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getPositionInStream();
     173       13660 :   unsigned istart = bufstart + (1+output_grid.getDimension())*code; buffer[istart] += myvals.get( ostrn );
     174       27320 :   for(unsigned i=0; i<output_grid.getDimension(); ++i) buffer[istart+1+i] += myvals.getDerivative( ostrn, i );
     175       13660 : }
     176             : 
     177        1956 : void InterpolateGrid::gatherForcesOnStoredValue( const Value* myval, const unsigned& itask, const MultiValue& myvals, std::vector<double>& forces ) const {
     178        1956 :   std::vector<double> pos(output_grid.getDimension()); double ff = myval->getForce(itask);
     179        1956 :   output_grid.getGridPointCoordinates( itask, pos ); input_grid.applyForce( this, pos, ff, forces );
     180        1956 : }
     181             : 
     182             : 
     183             : }
     184             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16