Line data Source code
1 : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 : Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The plumed team 3 : (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names) 4 : 5 : See for more information. 6 : 7 : This file is part of plumed, version 2. 8 : 9 : plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 10 : it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 11 : the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 12 : (at your option) any later version. 13 : 14 : plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 15 : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 16 : MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 17 : GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 18 : 19 : You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 20 : along with plumed. If not, see <>. 21 : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 22 : #include "EvaluateGridFunction.h" 23 : #include "ActionWithGrid.h" 24 : #include "core/PlumedMain.h" 25 : #include "core/ActionSet.h" 26 : 27 : namespace PLMD { 28 : namespace gridtools { 29 : 30 184 : void EvaluateGridFunction::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) { 31 368 : keys.add("compulsory","INTERPOLATION_TYPE","spline","the method to use for interpolation. Can be spline, linear, ceiling or floor."); 32 368 : keys.addFlag("ZERO_OUTSIDE_GRID_RANGE",false,"if we are asked to evaluate the function for a number that is outside the range of the grid set it to zero"); 33 368 : keys.setValueDescription("scalar","interpolation of the input grid to get the value of the function at the input arguments"); 34 184 : } 35 : 36 242 : std::vector<bool> EvaluateGridFunction::getPbc() const { 37 242 : std::vector<bool> ipbc( gridobject.getDimension() ); 38 484 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ipbc.size(); ++i) ipbc[i] = gridobject.isPeriodic(i); 39 242 : return ipbc; 40 : } 41 : 42 88 : void EvaluateGridFunction::read( ActionWithArguments* action ) { 43 88 : if( action->getPntrToArgument(0)->getRank()==0 || !action->getPntrToArgument(0)->hasDerivatives() ) action->error("should have one grid as input to this action"); 44 : // Get the input grid 45 88 : ActionWithGrid* ag = ActionWithGrid::getInputActionWithGrid( (action->getPntrToArgument(0))->getPntrToAction() ); 46 176 : if( ag->getGridCoordinatesObject().getGridType()!="flat" ) action->error("cannot interpolate on fibonacci sphere"); 47 88 : std::vector<bool> ipbc( ag->getGridCoordinatesObject().getDimension() ); 48 184 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ipbc.size(); ++i) ipbc[i] = ag->getGridCoordinatesObject().isPeriodic(i); 49 176 : gridobject.setup( "flat", ipbc, 0, 0.0 ); 50 : // Now use this information to create a gridobject 51 : std::vector<std::string> argn; 52 88 : parseFlag(action,"ZERO_OUTSIDE_GRID_RANGE",set_zero_outside_range); 53 88 : if( set_zero_outside_range ) action->log.printf(" function is zero outside grid range \n"); 54 : // Get the type of interpolation that we are doing 55 176 : std::string itype; parse(action,"INTERPOLATION_TYPE",itype); 56 88 : if( itype=="spline" ) { 57 8 : interpolation_type=spline; 58 8 : spline_interpolator=Tools::make_unique<Interpolator>( action->getPntrToArgument(0), gridobject ); 59 80 : } else if( itype=="linear" ) { 60 65 : interpolation_type=linear; 61 15 : } else if( itype=="floor" ) { 62 0 : interpolation_type=floor; 63 15 : } else if( itype=="ceiling" ) { 64 15 : interpolation_type=ceiling; 65 0 : } else action->error("type " + itype + " of interpolation is not defined"); 66 88 : action->log.printf(" generating off grid points using %s interpolation \n", itype.c_str() ); 67 176 : } 68 : 69 170 : void EvaluateGridFunction::setup( ActionWithValue* action ) { 70 170 : FunctionTemplateBase::setup( action ); 71 170 : ActionWithArguments* aarg = dynamic_cast<ActionWithArguments*>( action ); 72 170 : ActionWithGrid* ag = ActionWithGrid::getInputActionWithGrid( (aarg->getPntrToArgument(0))->getPntrToAction() ); 73 170 : const GridCoordinatesObject & ingrid = ag->getGridCoordinatesObject(); std::vector<double> sp( ingrid.getGridSpacing() ); 74 170 : gridobject.setBounds( ingrid.getMin(), ingrid.getMax(), ingrid.getNbin(false), sp ); 75 170 : } 76 : 77 39145 : void EvaluateGridFunction::calc( const ActionWithArguments* action, const std::vector<double>& args, std::vector<double>& vals, Matrix<double>& derivatives ) const { 78 39145 : if( set_zero_outside_range && !gridobject.inbounds( args ) ) { vals[0]=0.0; return; } 79 : unsigned dimension = gridobject.getDimension(); plumed_dbg_assert( args.size()==dimension && vals.size()==1 ); 80 39145 : if( interpolation_type==spline ) { 81 23729 : std::vector<double> der( dimension ); 82 23729 : vals[0] = spline_interpolator->splineInterpolation( args, der ); 83 74416 : for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension; ++j) derivatives(0,j) = der[j]; 84 15416 : } else if( interpolation_type==linear ) { 85 6600 : Value* values=action->getPntrToArgument(0); std::vector<double> xfloor(dimension); 86 6600 : std::vector<unsigned> indices(dimension), nindices(dimension), ind(dimension); 87 6600 : gridobject.getIndices( args, indices ); unsigned nn=gridobject.getIndex(args); 88 6600 : gridobject.getGridPointCoordinates( nn, nindices, xfloor ); 89 6600 : double y1 = values->get(nn); vals[0] = y1; 90 13200 : for(unsigned i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) { 91 6600 : int x0=1; if(nindices[i]==indices[i]) x0=0; 92 6600 : double ddx=gridobject.getGridSpacing()[i]; 93 6600 : double X = fabs((args[i]-xfloor[i])/ddx-(double)x0); 94 13200 : for(unsigned j=0; j<args.size(); ++j) ind[j] = indices[j]; 95 6600 : if( gridobject.isPeriodic(i) && (ind[i]+1)==gridobject.getNbin(false)[i] ) ind[i]=0; 96 6600 : else ind[i] = ind[i] + 1; 97 6600 : vals[0] += ( values->get( gridobject.getIndex(ind) ) - y1 )*X; 98 6600 : derivatives(0,i) = ( values->get( gridobject.getIndex(ind) ) - y1 ) / ddx; 99 : } 100 8816 : } else if( interpolation_type==floor ) { 101 0 : Value* values=action->getPntrToArgument(0); std::vector<unsigned> indices(dimension); 102 0 : gridobject.getIndices( args, indices ); unsigned nn = gridobject.getIndex(indices); 103 : plumed_dbg_assert( nn<values->getNumberOfValues() ); 104 0 : vals[0] = values->get( nn ); 105 0 : for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension; ++j) derivatives(0,j) = values->getGridDerivative( nn, j ); 106 8816 : } else if( interpolation_type==ceiling ) { 107 8816 : Value* values=action->getPntrToArgument(0); std::vector<unsigned> indices(dimension); 108 8816 : gridobject.getIndices( args, indices ); 109 17632 : for(unsigned i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i) { 110 17632 : if( gridobject.isPeriodic(i) && (indices[i]+1)==gridobject.getNbin(false)[i] ) indices[i]=0; 111 6612 : else indices[i] = indices[i] + 1; 112 : } 113 8816 : unsigned nn = gridobject.getIndex(indices); vals[0] = values->get( nn ); 114 17632 : for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension; ++j) derivatives(0,j) = values->getGridDerivative( nn, j ); 115 0 : } else plumed_error(); 116 : } 117 : 118 1956 : void EvaluateGridFunction::applyForce( const ActionWithArguments* action, const std::vector<double>& args, const double& force, std::vector<double>& forcesToApply ) const { 119 : unsigned dimension = gridobject.getDimension(); 120 1956 : if( interpolation_type==spline ) { 121 0 : action->error("can't apply forces on values interpolated using splines"); 122 1956 : } else if( interpolation_type==linear ) { 123 100 : Value* values=action->getPntrToArgument(0); std::vector<double> xfloor(dimension); 124 100 : std::vector<unsigned> indices(dimension), nindices(dimension), ind(dimension); 125 100 : gridobject.getIndices( args, indices ); unsigned nn=gridobject.getIndex(args); 126 100 : gridobject.getGridPointCoordinates( nn, nindices, xfloor ); 127 200 : for(unsigned i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) { 128 100 : int x0=1; if(nindices[i]==indices[i]) x0=0; 129 100 : double ddx=gridobject.getGridSpacing()[i]; 130 100 : double X = fabs((args[i]-xfloor[i])/ddx-(double)x0); 131 200 : for(unsigned j=0; j<args.size(); ++j) ind[j] = indices[j]; 132 100 : if( gridobject.isPeriodic(i) && (ind[i]+1)==gridobject.getNbin(false)[i] ) ind[i]=0; 133 100 : else ind[i] = ind[i] + 1; 134 100 : forcesToApply[nn] += force*(1-X); forcesToApply[gridobject.getIndex(ind)] += X*force; 135 : } 136 1856 : } else if( interpolation_type==floor ) { 137 0 : Value* values=action->getPntrToArgument(0); std::vector<unsigned> indices(dimension); 138 0 : gridobject.getIndices( args, indices ); unsigned nn = gridobject.getIndex(indices); 139 0 : forcesToApply[nn] += force; 140 1856 : } else if( interpolation_type==ceiling ) { 141 1856 : Value* values=action->getPntrToArgument(0); std::vector<unsigned> indices(dimension); 142 1856 : gridobject.getIndices( args, indices ); 143 3712 : for(unsigned i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i) { 144 3712 : if( gridobject.isPeriodic(i) && (indices[i]+1)==gridobject.getNbin(false)[i] ) indices[i]=0; 145 1392 : else indices[i] = indices[i] + 1; 146 : } 147 1856 : unsigned nn = gridobject.getIndex(indices); forcesToApply[nn] += force; 148 0 : } else plumed_error(); 149 1956 : } 150 : 151 : } 152 : }