Line data Source code
1 : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 : Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The plumed team 3 : (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names) 4 : 5 : See for more information. 6 : 7 : This file is part of plumed, version 2. 8 : 9 : plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 10 : it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 11 : the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 12 : (at your option) any later version. 13 : 14 : plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 15 : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 16 : MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 17 : GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 18 : 19 : You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 20 : along with plumed. If not, see <>. 21 : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ 22 : #include "core/ActionAtomistic.h" 23 : #include "core/ActionPilot.h" 24 : #include "core/ActionRegister.h" 25 : #include "core/PlumedMain.h" 26 : #include "core/ActionSet.h" 27 : #include "tools/Vector.h" 28 : #include "tools/Matrix.h" 29 : #include "tools/AtomNumber.h" 30 : #include "tools/Tools.h" 31 : #include "core/PbcAction.h" 32 : #include "tools/Pbc.h" 33 : 34 : namespace PLMD { 35 : namespace generic { 36 : 37 : //+PLUMEDOC GENERIC RESET_CELL 38 : /* 39 : This action is used to rotate the full cell 40 : 41 : This can be used to modify the periodic box. Notice that 42 : this is done at fixed scaled coordinates, 43 : so that also atomic coordinates for the entire system are affected. 44 : To see what effect try 45 : the \ref DUMPATOMS directive to output the atomic positions. 46 : 47 : Also notice that PLUMED propagate forces correctly so that you can add a bias on a CV computed 48 : after rotation. See also \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE 49 : 50 : Currently, only TYPE=TRIANGULAR is implemented, which allows one to reset 51 : the cell to a lower triangular one. Namely, a proper rotation is found that allows 52 : rotating the box so that the first lattice vector is in the form (ax,0,0), 53 : the second lattice vector is in the form (bx,by,0), and the third lattice vector is 54 : arbitrary. 55 : 56 : \attention 57 : The implementation of this action is available but should be considered in testing phase. Please report any 58 : strange behavior. 59 : 60 : \attention 61 : This directive modifies the stored position at the precise moment 62 : it is executed. This means that only collective variables 63 : which are below it in the input script will see the corrected positions. 64 : Unless you 65 : know exactly what you are doing, leave the default stride (1), so that 66 : this action is performed at every MD step. 67 : 68 : \par Examples 69 : 70 : Reset cell to be triangular after a rototranslational fit 71 : \plumedfile 72 : DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 73 : FIT_TO_TEMPLATE STRIDE=1 REFERENCE=ref.pdb TYPE=OPTIMAL 74 : DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 75 : RESET_CELL TYPE=TRIANGULAR 76 : DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 77 : \endplumedfile 78 : 79 : The reference file for the FIT_TO_TEMPLATE is just a normal pdb file with the format shown below: 80 : 81 : \auxfile{ref.pdb} 82 : ATOM 8 HT3 ALA 2 -1.480 -1.560 1.212 1.00 1.00 DIA H 83 : ATOM 9 CAY ALA 2 -0.096 2.144 -0.669 1.00 1.00 DIA C 84 : ATOM 10 HY1 ALA 2 0.871 2.385 -0.588 1.00 1.00 DIA H 85 : ATOM 12 HY3 ALA 2 -0.520 2.679 -1.400 1.00 1.00 DIA H 86 : ATOM 14 OY ALA 2 -1.139 0.931 -0.973 1.00 1.00 DIA O 87 : END 88 : \endauxfile 89 : 90 : */ 91 : //+ENDPLUMEDOC 92 : 93 : 94 : class ResetCell: 95 : public ActionPilot, 96 : public ActionAtomistic 97 : { 98 : std::string type; 99 : Tensor rotation,newbox; 100 : Value* boxValue; 101 : PbcAction* pbc_action; 102 : public: 103 : explicit ResetCell(const ActionOptions&ao); 104 : static void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ); 105 : void calculate() override; 106 : void apply() override; 107 : }; 108 : 109 : PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION(ResetCell,"RESET_CELL") 110 : 111 4 : void ResetCell::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) { 112 4 : Action::registerKeywords( keys ); 113 4 : ActionAtomistic::registerKeywords( keys ); 114 8 : keys.add("compulsory","STRIDE","1","the frequency with which molecules are reassembled. Unless you are completely certain about what you are doing leave this set equal to 1!"); 115 8 : keys.add("compulsory","TYPE","TRIANGULAR","the manner in which the cell is reset"); 116 4 : } 117 : 118 2 : ResetCell::ResetCell(const ActionOptions&ao): 119 : Action(ao), 120 : ActionPilot(ao), 121 2 : ActionAtomistic(ao) 122 : { 123 2 : type.assign("TRIANGULAR"); 124 2 : parse("TYPE",type); 125 : 126 2 : log<<" type: "<<type<<"\n"; 127 2 : if(type!="TRIANGULAR") error("undefined type "+type); 128 : 129 2 : pbc_action=plumed.getActionSet().selectWithLabel<PbcAction*>("Box"); 130 2 : if( !pbc_action ) error("cannot reset cell if box has not been set"); 131 2 : boxValue=pbc_action->copyOutput(0); 132 2 : } 133 : 134 : 135 17 : void ResetCell::calculate() { 136 17 : Pbc & pbc(pbc_action->getPbc()); 137 17 : Tensor box=pbc.getBox(); 138 : 139 : // moduli of lattice vectors 140 17 : double a=modulo(box.getRow(0)); 141 17 : double b=modulo(box.getRow(1)); 142 17 : double c=modulo(box.getRow(2)); 143 : // cos-angle between lattice vectors 144 17 : double ab=dotProduct(box.getRow(0),box.getRow(1))/(a*b); 145 17 : double ac=dotProduct(box.getRow(0),box.getRow(2))/(a*c); 146 17 : double bc=dotProduct(box.getRow(1),box.getRow(2))/(b*c); 147 : 148 : // generate a new set of lattice vectors as a lower triangular matrix 149 17 : newbox[0][0]=a; 150 17 : newbox[1][0]=b*ab; 151 17 : newbox[1][1]=std::sqrt(b*b-newbox[1][0]*newbox[1][0]); 152 17 : newbox[2][0]=c*ac; 153 17 : newbox[2][1]=c*(bc-ac*ab)/std::sqrt(1-ab*ab); 154 17 : newbox[2][2]=std::sqrt(c*c-newbox[2][0]*newbox[2][0]-newbox[2][1]*newbox[2][1]); 155 : 156 17 : if(determinant(newbox)*determinant(box)<0) newbox[2][2]=-newbox[2][2]; 157 : 158 : // rotation matrix from old to new coordinates 159 17 : rotation=transpose(matmul(inverse(box),newbox)); 160 : 161 : // rotate all coordinates 162 17 : unsigned nat = getTotAtoms(); 163 1623 : for(unsigned i=0; i<nat; i++) { 164 1606 : std::pair<std::size_t,std::size_t> a = getValueIndices( AtomNumber::index(i)); 165 1606 : Vector ato=matmul(rotation,getGlobalPosition(a)); 166 1606 : setGlobalPosition(a,ato); 167 : } 168 : // rotate box 169 17 : pbc.setBox(newbox); 170 17 : } 171 : 172 17 : void ResetCell::apply() { 173 : // rotate back forces 174 17 : unsigned nat = getTotAtoms(); 175 1623 : for(unsigned i=0; i<nat; i++) { 176 1606 : std::pair<std::size_t,std::size_t> a = getValueIndices( AtomNumber::index(i)); 177 1606 : Vector f=getForce(a); 178 1606 : Vector nf=matmul(transpose(rotation),f); 179 1606 : addForce(a, nf-f ); 180 : } 181 : 182 : // I have no mathematical derivation for this. 183 : // The reasoning is the following. 184 : // virial= h^T * dU/dh, where h is the box matrix and dU/dh its derivatives. 185 : // The final virial should be rotationally invariant, that is symmetric. 186 : // in the rotated frame, dU/dh elements [0][1], [0][2], and [1][2] should 187 : // be changed so as to enforce rotational invariance. Thus we here have to 188 : // make the virial matrix symmetric. 189 : // Since h^T is upper triangular, it can be shown that any change in these elements 190 : // will only affect the corresponding elements of the virial matrix. 191 : // Thus, the only possibility is to set the corresponding elements 192 : // of the virial matrix equal to their symmetric ones. 193 : // GB 194 17 : Tensor virial; 195 221 : for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) virial[i][j]=boxValue->getForce( 3*i+j ); 196 17 : virial[0][1]=virial[1][0]; 197 17 : virial[0][2]=virial[2][0]; 198 17 : virial[1][2]=virial[2][1]; 199 : // rotate back virial 200 17 : virial=matmul(transpose(rotation),matmul(virial,rotation)); boxValue->clearInputForce(); 201 221 : for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) boxValue->addForce( 3*i+j, virial(i,j) ); 202 : 203 : 204 17 : } 205 : 206 : } 207 : }