Line data Source code
1 : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 : Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The plumed team
3 : (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
4 :
5 : See for more information.
6 :
7 : This file is part of plumed, version 2.
8 :
9 : plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 : it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11 : the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 : (at your option) any later version.
13 :
14 : plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 : GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 :
19 : You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 : along with plumed. If not, see <>.
21 : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 : #include "Bias.h"
23 : #include "core/PlumedMain.h"
24 : #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
25 : #include "core/ActionWithValue.h"
26 : #include "tools/Communicator.h"
27 : #include "tools/File.h"
28 :
29 : // The original implementation of this method was contributed
30 : // by Andrea Cesari (
31 : // Copyright has been then transferred to PLUMED developers
32 : // (see
33 :
34 : namespace PLMD {
35 : namespace bias {
36 :
38 : /*
39 : Add a linear biasing potential on one or more variables that satisfies a maximum entropy principle.
40 :
41 : Add a linear biasing potential on one or more variables \f$f_{i}\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right)\f$ satisfying the maximum entropy principle as proposed in Ref. \cite cesari2016maxent .
42 :
43 : \warning
44 : Notice that syntax is still under revision and might change
45 :
46 : The resulting biasing potential is given by:
47 : \f[
48 : V_{BIAS}(\boldsymbol{x},t)=K_{B}T\sum_{i=1}^{\#arguments}f_{i}(\boldsymbol{x},t)\lambda_{i}(t)
49 : \f]
50 : Lagrangian multipliers \f$ \lambda_{i}\f$ are updated, every PACE steps, according to the following update rule:
51 : \f[
52 : \lambda_{i}=\lambda_{i}+\frac{k_{i}}{1+\frac{t}{\tau_{i}}}\left(f_{exp,i}+\xi_{i}\lambda_{i}-f_{i}(\boldsymbol{x})\right)
53 : \f]
54 : \f$k\f$ set the initial value of the learning rate and its units are \f$[observable]^{-2}ps^{-1}\f$. This can be set with the keyword KAPPA.
55 : The number of components for any KAPPA vector must be equal to the number of arguments of the action.
56 :
57 : Variable \f$ \xi_{i}(\lambda) \f$ is related to the chosen prior to model experimental errors. If a GAUSSIAN prior is used then:
58 : \f[
59 : \xi_{i}(\lambda)=-\lambda_{i}\sigma^{2}
60 : \f]
61 : where \f$ \sigma \f$ is the typical expected error on the observable \f$ f_i\f$.
62 : For a LAPLACE prior:
63 : \f[
64 : \xi_{i}(\lambda)=-\frac{\lambda_{i}\sigma^{2}}{1-\frac{\lambda^{2}\sigma^{2}}{2}}
65 :
66 : \f]
67 : The value of \f$ \xi(\lambda,t)\f$ is written in output as a component named: argument name followed by the string _error.
68 : Setting \f$ \sigma =0\f$ is equivalent to enforce a pure Maximum Entropy restraint without any noise modelling.
69 : This method can be also used to enforce inequality restraint as shown in following examples.
70 :
71 : Notice that a similar method is available as \ref EDS, although with different features and using a different optimization algorithm.
72 :
73 : \par Examples
74 :
75 : The following input tells plumed to restrain the distance between atoms 7 and 15
76 : and the distance between atoms 2 and 19, at different equilibrium
77 : values, and to print the energy of the restraint.
78 : Lagrangian multiplier will be printed on a file called restraint.LAGMULT with a stride set by the variable PACE to 200ps.
79 : Moreover plumed will compute the average of each Lagrangian multiplier in the window [TSTART,TEND] and use that to continue the simulations with fixed Lagrangian multipliers.
80 : \plumedfile
83 : MAXENT ...
84 : ARG=d1,d2
86 : AT=0.2,0.5
87 : KAPPA=35000.0,35000.0
88 : TAU=0.02,0.02
89 : PACE=200
90 : TSTART=100
91 : TEND=500
92 : LABEL=restraint
93 : ... MAXENT
94 : PRINT ARG=restraint.bias
95 : \endplumedfile
96 : Lagrangian multipliers will be printed on a file called restraint.bias
97 : The following input tells plumed to restrain the distance between atoms 7 and 15
98 : to be greater than 0.2 and to print the energy of the restraint
99 : \plumedfile
101 : MAXENT ARG=d TYPE=INEQUAL> AT=0.02 KAPPA=35000.0 TAU=3 LABEL=restraint
102 : PRINT ARG=restraint.bias
103 : \endplumedfile
104 :
105 : (See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT).
106 :
107 : */
109 :
110 : class MaxEnt : public Bias {
111 : std::vector<double> at;
112 : std::vector<double> kappa;
113 : std::vector<double> lambda;
114 : std::vector<double> avgx;
115 : std::vector<double> work;
116 : std::vector<double> oldlambda;
117 : std::vector<double> tau;
118 : std::vector<double> avglambda;
119 : std::vector<double> avglambda_restart;
120 : std::vector<double> expected_eps;
121 : std::vector<double> apply_weights;
122 : double sigma;
123 : double tstart;
124 : double tend;
125 : double avgstep; //current number of samples over which to compute the average. Check if could be replaced bu getStep()
126 : long long int pace_;
127 : long long int stride_;
128 : double totalWork;
129 : double BetaReweightBias;
130 : double simtemp;
131 : std::vector<ActionWithValue*> biases;
132 : std::string type;
133 : std::string error_type;
134 : double alpha;
135 : double avg_counter;
136 : int learn_replica;
137 : Value* valueForce2;
138 : Value* valueWork;
139 : OFile lagmultOfile_;
140 : IFile ifile;
141 : std::string lagmultfname;
142 : std::string ifilesnames;
143 : std::string fmt;
144 : bool isFirstStep;
145 : bool reweight;
146 : bool no_broadcast;
147 : bool printFirstStep;
148 : std::vector<bool> done_average;
149 : int myrep,nrep;
150 : public:
151 : explicit MaxEnt(const ActionOptions&);
152 : void calculate() override;
153 : void update() override;
154 : void update_lambda();
155 : static void registerKeywords(Keywords& keys);
156 : void ReadLagrangians(IFile &ifile);
157 : void WriteLagrangians(std::vector<double> &lagmult,OFile &file);
158 : double compute_error(const std::string &err_type,double l);
159 : double convert_lambda(const std::string &type,double lold);
160 : void check_lambda_boundaries(const std::string &err_type,double &l);
161 : };
163 :
164 54 : void MaxEnt::registerKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
165 54 : Bias::registerKeywords(keys);
166 108 : keys.add("compulsory","KAPPA","0.0","specifies the initial value for the learning rate");
167 108 : keys.add("compulsory","TAU","Specify the dumping time for the learning rate.");
168 108 : keys.add("compulsory","TYPE","specify the restraint type. "
169 : "EQUAL to restrain the variable at a given equilibrium value "
170 : "INEQUAL< to restrain the variable to be smaller than a given value "
171 : "INEQUAL> to restrain the variable to be greater than a given value");
172 108 : keys.add("optional","ERROR_TYPE","specify the prior on the error to use."
173 : "GAUSSIAN: use a Gaussian prior "
174 : "LAPLACE: use a Laplace prior");
175 108 : keys.add("optional","TSTART","time from where to start averaging the Lagrangian multiplier. By default no average is computed, hence lambda is updated every PACE steps");
176 108 : keys.add("optional","TEND","time in ps where to stop to compute the average of Lagrangian multiplier. From this time until the end of the simulation Lagrangian multipliers are kept fix to the average computed between TSTART and TEND;");
177 108 : keys.add("optional","ALPHA","default=1.0; To be used with LAPLACE KEYWORD, allows to choose a prior function proportional to a Gaussian times an exponential function. ALPHA=1 correspond to the LAPLACE prior.");
178 108 : keys.add("compulsory","AT","the position of the restraint");
179 108 : keys.add("optional","SIGMA","The typical errors expected on observable");
180 108 : keys.add("optional","FILE","Lagrangian multipliers output file. The default name is: label name followed by the string .LAGMULT ");
181 108 : keys.add("optional","LEARN_REPLICA","In a multiple replica environment specify which is the reference replica. By default replica 0 will be used.");
182 108 : keys.add("optional","APPLY_WEIGHTS","Vector of weights containing 1 in correspondence of each replica that will receive the Lagrangian multiplier from the current one.");
183 108 : keys.add("optional","PACE","the frequency for Lagrangian multipliers update");
184 108 : keys.add("optional","PRINT_STRIDE","stride of Lagrangian multipliers output file. If no STRIDE is passed they are written every time they are updated (PACE).");
185 108 : keys.add("optional","FMT","specify format for Lagrangian multipliers files (useful to decrease the number of digits in regtests)");
186 108 : keys.addFlag("REWEIGHT",false,"to be used with plumed driver in order to reweight a trajectory a posteriori");
187 108 : keys.addFlag("NO_BROADCAST",false,"If active will avoid Lagrangian multipliers to be communicated to other replicas.");
188 108 : keys.add("optional","TEMP","the system temperature. This is required if you are reweighting.");
189 108 : keys.addOutputComponent("force2","default","scalar","the instantaneous value of the squared force due to this bias potential");
190 108 : keys.addOutputComponent("work","default","scalar","the instantaneous value of the work done by the biasing force");
191 108 : keys.addOutputComponent("_work","default","scalar","the instantaneous value of the work done by the biasing force for each argument. "
192 : "These quantities will named with the arguments of the bias followed by "
193 : "the character string _work.");
194 108 : keys.addOutputComponent("_error","default","scalar","Instantaneous values of the discrepancy between the observable and the restraint center");
195 108 : keys.addOutputComponent("_coupling","default","scalar","Instantaneous values of Lagrangian multipliers. They are also written by default in a separate output file.");
196 54 : keys.use("RESTART");
197 54 : }
198 52 : MaxEnt::MaxEnt(const ActionOptions&ao):
200 104 : at(getNumberOfArguments()),
201 52 : kappa(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
202 52 : lambda(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
203 52 : avgx(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
204 52 : oldlambda(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
205 52 : tau(getNumberOfArguments(),getTimeStep()),
206 52 : avglambda(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
207 52 : avglambda_restart(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
208 52 : expected_eps(getNumberOfArguments(),0.0),
209 52 : sigma(0.0),
210 52 : pace_(100),
211 52 : stride_(100),
212 52 : alpha(1.0),
213 52 : avg_counter(0.0),
214 52 : isFirstStep(true),
215 52 : reweight(false),
216 52 : no_broadcast(false),
217 52 : printFirstStep(true),
218 156 : done_average(getNumberOfArguments(),false)
219 : {
220 52 : if(comm.Get_rank()==0) nrep=multi_sim_comm.Get_size();
221 52 : if(comm.Get_rank()==0) myrep=multi_sim_comm.Get_rank();
222 52 : comm.Bcast(nrep,0);
223 52 : comm.Bcast(myrep,0);
224 52 : parseFlag("NO_BROADCAST",no_broadcast);
225 : //if(no_broadcast){
226 : //for(int irep=0;irep<nrep;irep++){
227 : // if(irep!=myrep)
228 : // apply_weights[irep]=0.0;}
229 : //}
230 52 : avgstep=1.0;
231 52 : tstart=-1.0;
232 52 : tend=-1.0;
233 52 : totalWork=0.0;
234 52 : learn_replica=0;
235 :
236 52 : parse("LEARN_REPLICA",learn_replica);
237 104 : parseVector("APPLY_WEIGHTS",apply_weights);
238 52 : if(apply_weights.size()==0) apply_weights.resize(nrep,1.0);
239 52 : parseVector("KAPPA",kappa);
240 52 : parseVector("AT",at);
241 52 : parseVector("TAU",tau);
242 104 : parse("TYPE",type);
243 : error_type="GAUSSIAN";
244 52 : parse("ERROR_TYPE",error_type);
245 52 : parse("ALPHA",alpha);
246 52 : parse("SIGMA",sigma);
247 52 : parse("TSTART",tstart);
248 52 : if(tstart <0 && tstart != -1.0) error("TSTART should be a positive number");
249 52 : parse("TEND",tend);
250 52 : if(tend<0 && tend != -1.0) error("TSTART should be a positive number");
251 52 : if(tend<tstart) error("TEND should be >= TSTART");
252 52 : lagmultfname=getLabel()+".LAGMULT";
253 52 : parse("FILE",lagmultfname);
254 52 : parse("FMT",fmt);
255 52 : parse("PACE",pace_);
256 52 : if(pace_<=0 ) error("frequency for Lagrangian multipliers update (PACE) is nonsensical");
257 52 : stride_=pace_; //if no STRIDE is passed, then Lagrangian multipliers willbe printed at each update
258 52 : parse("PRINT_STRIDE",stride_);
259 52 : if(stride_<=0 ) error("frequency for Lagrangian multipliers printing (STRIDE) is nonsensical");
260 52 : simtemp=getkBT();
261 52 : parseFlag("REWEIGHT",reweight);
262 52 : if(simtemp<=0 && reweight) error("Set the temperature (TEMP) if you want to do reweighting.");
263 :
264 52 : checkRead();
265 :
266 52 : log.printf(" at");
267 548 : for(unsigned i=0; i<at.size(); i++) log.printf(" %f",at[i]);
268 52 : log.printf("\n");
269 52 : log.printf(" with initial learning rate for optimization of");
270 548 : for(unsigned i=0; i<kappa.size(); i++) log.printf(" %f",kappa[i]);
271 52 : log.printf("\n");
272 52 : log.printf("Dumping times for the learning rates are (ps): ");
273 548 : for(unsigned i=0; i<tau.size(); i++) log.printf(" %f",tau[i]);
274 52 : log.printf("\n");
275 52 : log.printf("Lagrangian multipliers are updated every %lld steps (PACE)\n",pace_);
276 52 : log.printf("Lagrangian multipliers output file %s\n",lagmultfname.c_str());
277 52 : log.printf("Lagrangian multipliers are written every %lld steps (PRINT_STRIDE)\n",stride_);
278 52 : if(fmt.length()>0)
279 52 : log.printf("The format for real number in Lagrangian multipliers file is %s\n",fmt.c_str());
280 52 : if(tstart >-1.0 && tend>-1.0)
281 16 : log.printf("Lagrangian multipliers are averaged from %lf ps to %lf ps\n",tstart,tend);
282 52 : if(no_broadcast)
283 0 : log.printf("Using NO_BROADCAST options. Lagrangian multipliers will not be comunicated to other replicas.\n");
284 : //for(int irep=0;irep<nrep;irep++){
285 : // if(apply_weights[irep]!=0)
286 : // log.printf("%d",irep);
287 : // }
288 156 : addComponent("force2"); componentIsNotPeriodic("force2");
289 104 : addComponent("work"); componentIsNotPeriodic("work");
290 52 : valueForce2=getPntrToComponent("force2");
291 52 : valueWork=getPntrToComponent("work");
292 :
293 : std::string comp;
294 548 : for(unsigned i=0; i< getNumberOfArguments() ; i++) {
295 992 : comp=getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_coupling";
296 992 : addComponent(comp); componentIsNotPeriodic(comp);
297 992 : comp=getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_work";
298 992 : addComponent(comp); componentIsNotPeriodic(comp);
299 496 : work.push_back(0.); // initialize the work value
300 992 : comp=getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_error";
301 992 : addComponent(comp); componentIsNotPeriodic(comp);
302 : }
303 : std::string fname;
304 : fname=lagmultfname;
305 52 :*this);
306 52 : if(ifile.FileExist(fname)) {
307 37 :;
308 37 : if(getRestart()) {
309 37 : log.printf(" Restarting from: %s\n",fname.c_str());
310 37 : ReadLagrangians(ifile);
311 37 : printFirstStep=false;
312 : }
313 37 : ifile.reset(false);
314 : }
315 :
316 52 :*this);
317 52 :;
318 104 : if(fmt.length()>0) {fmt=" "+fmt; lagmultOfile_.fmtField(fmt);}
319 52 : }
321 37 : void MaxEnt::ReadLagrangians(IFile &ifile)
322 : {
323 : double dummy;
324 888 : while(ifile.scanField("time",dummy)) {
325 4708 : for(unsigned j=0; j<getNumberOfArguments(); ++j) {
326 4301 : ifile.scanField(getPntrToArgument(j)->getName()+"_coupling",lambda[j]);
327 4301 : if(dummy>=tstart && dummy <=tend)
328 42 : avglambda[j]+=lambda[j];
329 4301 : if(dummy>=tend) {
330 4231 : avglambda[j]=lambda[j];
331 : done_average[j]=true;
332 : }
333 : }
334 407 : if(dummy>=tstart && dummy <=tend)
335 6 : avg_counter++;
336 407 : ifile.scanField();
337 : }
338 37 : }
339 572 : void MaxEnt::WriteLagrangians(std::vector<double> &lagmult,OFile &file) {
340 572 : if(printFirstStep) {
341 165 : unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
342 165 : file.printField("time",getTimeStep()*getStep());
343 1320 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i)
344 2310 : file.printField(getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_coupling",lagmult[i]);
345 165 : file.printField();
346 : } else {
347 407 : if(!isFirstStep) {
348 370 : unsigned ncv=getNumberOfArguments();
349 370 : file.printField("time",getTimeStep()*getStep());
350 4280 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i)
351 7820 : file.printField(getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_coupling",lagmult[i]);
352 370 : file.printField();
353 : }
354 : }
355 572 : }
356 5456 : double MaxEnt::compute_error(const std::string &err_type,double l) {
357 5456 : double sigma2=std::pow(sigma,2.0);
358 5456 : double l2=convert_lambda(type,l);
359 : double return_error=0;
360 5456 : if(err_type=="GAUSSIAN" && sigma!=0.0)
361 0 : return_error=-l2*sigma2;
362 : else {
363 5456 : if(err_type=="LAPLACE" && sigma!=0) {
364 5456 : return_error=-l2*sigma2/(1.0-l2*l2*sigma2/(alpha+1));
365 : }
366 : }
367 5456 : return return_error;
368 : }
369 122646 : double MaxEnt::convert_lambda(const std::string &type,double lold) {
370 : double return_lambda=0;
371 122646 : if(type=="EQUAL")
372 : return_lambda=lold;
373 : else {
374 8830 : if(type=="INEQUAL>") {
375 1687 : if(lold>0.0)
376 : return_lambda=0.0;
377 : else
378 : return_lambda=lold;
379 : }
380 : else {
381 7143 : if(type=="INEQUAL<") {
382 1687 : if(lold<0.0)
383 : return_lambda=0.0;
384 : else
385 : return_lambda=lold;
386 : }
387 : }
388 : }
389 122646 : return return_lambda;
390 : }
391 5456 : void MaxEnt::check_lambda_boundaries(const std::string &err_type,double &l) {
392 5456 : if(err_type=="LAPLACE" && sigma !=0 ) {
393 5456 : double l2=convert_lambda(err_type,l);
394 5456 : if(l2 <-(std::sqrt(alpha+1)/sigma-0.01)) {
395 0 : l=-(std::sqrt(alpha+1)/sigma-0.01);
396 0 : log.printf("Lambda exceeded the allowed range\n");
397 : }
398 5456 : if(l2>(std::sqrt(alpha+1)/sigma-0.01)) {
399 0 : l=std::sqrt(alpha+1)/sigma-0.01;
400 0 : log.printf("Lambda exceeded the allowed range\n");
401 : }
402 : }
403 5456 : }
404 :
405 572 : void MaxEnt::update_lambda() {
406 :
407 : double totalWork_=0.0;
408 572 : const double time=getTime();
409 572 : const double step=getStep();
410 572 : double KbT=simtemp;
411 : double learning_rate;
412 572 : if(reweight)
413 396 : BetaReweightBias=plumed.getBias()/KbT;
414 : else
415 176 : BetaReweightBias=0.0;
416 :
417 6028 : for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {
418 5456 : const double k=kappa[i];
419 5456 : double cv=(getArgument(i)+compute_error(error_type,lambda[i])-at[i]);
420 5456 : if(reweight)
421 4224 : learning_rate=1.0*k/(1+step/tau[i]);
422 : else
423 1232 : learning_rate=1.0*k/(1+time/tau[i]);
424 5456 : lambda[i]+=learning_rate*cv*std::exp(-BetaReweightBias); //update Lagrangian multipliers and reweight them if REWEIGHT is set
425 5456 : check_lambda_boundaries(error_type,lambda[i]); //check that Lagrangians multipliers not exceed the allowed range
426 6128 : if(time>=tstart && time <=tend && !done_average[i]) {
427 630 : avglambda[i]+=convert_lambda(type,lambda[i]); //compute the average of Lagrangian multipliers over the required time window
428 : }
429 5456 : if(time>=tend && tend >=0) { //setting tend<0 will disable this feature
430 112 : if(!done_average[i]) {
431 105 : avglambda[i]=avglambda[i]/avg_counter;
432 : done_average[i]=true;
433 105 : lambda[i]=avglambda[i];
434 : }
435 : else
436 7 : lambda[i]=avglambda[i]; //keep Lagrangian multipliers fixed to the previously computed average.
437 : }
438 5456 : work[i]+=(convert_lambda(type,lambda[i])-oldlambda[i])*getArgument(i); //compute the work performed in updating lambda
439 5456 : totalWork_+=work[i];
440 5456 : totalWork=totalWork_;
441 5456 : oldlambda[i]=convert_lambda(type,lambda[i]);
442 : };
443 572 : if(time>=tstart && time <=tend)
444 96 : avg_counter++;
445 572 : }
446 :
447 5252 : void MaxEnt::calculate() {
448 : double totf2=0.0;
449 : double ene=0.0;
450 5252 : double KbT=simtemp;
451 55348 : for(unsigned i=0; i<getNumberOfArguments(); ++i) {
452 100192 : getPntrToComponent(getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_error")->set(expected_eps[i]);
453 50096 : getPntrToComponent(getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_work")->set(work[i]);
454 50096 : valueWork->set(totalWork);
455 50096 : getPntrToComponent(getPntrToArgument(i)->getName()+"_coupling")->set(lambda[i]);
456 50096 : const double f=-KbT*convert_lambda(type,lambda[i])*apply_weights[myrep];
457 50096 : totf2+=f*f;
458 50096 : ene+=KbT*convert_lambda(type,lambda[i])*getArgument(i)*apply_weights[myrep];
459 50096 : setOutputForce(i,f);
460 : }
461 5252 : setBias(ene);
462 5252 : valueForce2->set(totf2);
463 5252 : }
464 :
465 5252 : void MaxEnt::update() {
466 :
467 5252 : if(getStep()%stride_ == 0)
468 572 : WriteLagrangians(lambda,lagmultOfile_);
469 5252 : if(getStep()%pace_ == 0) {
470 572 : update_lambda();
471 572 : if(!no_broadcast) {
472 572 : if(comm.Get_rank()==0) //Comunicate Lagrangian multipliers from reference replica to higher ones
473 484 : multi_sim_comm.Bcast(lambda,learn_replica);
474 : }
475 572 : comm.Bcast(lambda,0);
476 : }
477 5252 : isFirstStep=false;
478 5252 : }
479 :
480 : }
481 :
482 : }