Line data Source code
1 : /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 : Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The plumed team
3 : (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
4 :
5 : See for more information.
6 :
7 : This file is part of plumed, version 2.
8 :
9 : plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 : it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11 : the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 : (at your option) any later version.
13 :
14 : plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 : but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 : GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 :
19 : You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 : along with plumed. If not, see <>.
21 : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 : #include "AdjacencyMatrixBase.h"
23 : #include "core/PlumedMain.h"
24 : #include "tools/Communicator.h"
25 : #include "tools/OpenMP.h"
26 :
27 : namespace PLMD {
28 : namespace adjmat {
29 :
30 999 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
31 999 : ActionWithMatrix::registerKeywords( keys );
32 1998 : keys.add("atoms","GROUP","the atoms for which you would like to calculate the adjacency matrix");
33 1998 : keys.add("atoms","GROUPA","");
34 1998 : keys.add("atoms","GROUPB","");
35 1998 : keys.add("atoms-2","ATOMS","the atoms for which you would like to calculate the adjacency matrix. This is a depracated syntax that is equivalent to GROUP. You are strongly recommened to use GROUP instead of ATOMS.");
36 1998 : keys.reserve("atoms","GROUPC","");
37 1998 : keys.addFlag("COMPONENTS",false,"also calculate the components of the vector connecting the atoms in the contact matrix");
38 1998 : keys.addFlag("NOPBC",false,"don't use pbc");
39 1998 : keys.add("compulsory","NL_CUTOFF","0.0","The cutoff for the neighbor list. A value of 0 means we are not using a neighbor list");
40 1998 : keys.add("compulsory","NL_STRIDE","1","The frequency with which we are updating the atoms in the neighbor list");
41 1998 : keys.addOutputComponent("w","COMPONENTS","matrix","a matrix containing the weights for the bonds between each pair of atoms");
42 1998 : keys.addOutputComponent("x","COMPONENTS","matrix","the projection of the bond on the x axis");
43 1998 : keys.addOutputComponent("y","COMPONENTS","matrix","the projection of the bond on the y axis");
44 1998 : keys.addOutputComponent("z","COMPONENTS","matrix","the projection of the bond on the z axis");
45 1998 : keys.setValueDescription("matrix","a matrix containing the weights for the bonds between each pair of atoms");
46 999 : }
47 :
48 326 : AdjacencyMatrixBase::AdjacencyMatrixBase(const ActionOptions& ao):
49 : Action(ao),
50 : ActionWithMatrix(ao),
51 326 : read_one_group(false),
52 326 : neighbour_list_updated(false),
53 326 : linkcells(comm),
54 326 : threecells(comm),
55 326 : maxcol(0),
56 652 : natoms_per_list(0)
57 : {
58 652 : std::vector<unsigned> shape(2); std::vector<AtomNumber> t; parseAtomList("GROUP", t );
59 326 : if( t.size()==0 ) {
60 272 : parseAtomList("ATOMS", t);
61 136 : if( t.size()>0 ) warning("using depracated syntax for contact matrix. You are strongly recommended to use GROUP instead of ATOMS");
62 : }
63 :
64 326 : if( t.size()==0 ) {
65 272 : std::vector<AtomNumber> ta; parseAtomList("GROUPA",ta);
66 136 : if( ta.size()==0 && getName()=="HBOND_MATRIX") parseAtomList("DONORS",ta);
67 272 : std::vector<AtomNumber> tb; parseAtomList("GROUPB",tb);
68 136 : if( tb.size()==0 && getName()=="HBOND_MATRIX") parseAtomList("ACCEPTORS",tb);
69 136 : if( ta.size()==0 || tb.size()==0 ) error("no atoms have been specified in input");
70 :
71 : // Create list of tasks
72 136 : log.printf(" atoms in GROUPA ");
73 2270 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ta.size(); ++i) { log.printf("%d ", ta[i].serial()); t.push_back(ta[i]); }
74 136 : log.printf("\n");
75 136 : log.printf(" atoms in GROUPB "); ablocks.resize( tb.size() ); unsigned n=0;
76 13747 : for(unsigned i=0; i<tb.size(); ++i) {
77 13611 : log.printf("%d ", tb[i].serial());
78 13611 : ablocks[i]=ta.size()+n; t.push_back(tb[i]); n++;
79 : }
80 136 : log.printf("\n"); shape[0]=ta.size(); shape[1]=tb.size();
81 : } else {
82 : // Create list of tasks
83 190 : log.printf(" atoms in GROUP "); ablocks.resize( t.size() );
84 117830 : for(unsigned i=0; i<t.size(); ++i) { log.printf("%d ", t[i].serial()); ablocks[i]=i; }
85 190 : log.printf("\n"); shape[0]=shape[1]=t.size(); read_one_group=true;
86 : }
87 652 : if( keywords.exists("GROUPC") ) {
88 12 : std::vector<AtomNumber> tc; parseAtomList("GROUPC",tc);
89 6 : if( tc.size()==0 ) error("no atoms in GROUPC specified");
90 6 : log.printf(" atoms in GROUPC "); setupThirdAtomBlock( tc, t );
91 640 : } else if( keywords.exists("BRIDGING_ATOMS") ) {
92 16 : std::vector<AtomNumber> tc; parseAtomList("BRIDGING_ATOMS",tc);
93 8 : if( tc.size()==0 ) error("no BRIDGING_ATOMS specified");
94 8 : log.printf(" bridging atoms are "); setupThirdAtomBlock( tc, t );
95 624 : } else if( keywords.exists("HYDROGENS") ) {
96 4 : std::vector<AtomNumber> tc; parseAtomList("HYDROGENS",tc);
97 2 : if( tc.size()==0 ) error("no HYDROGEN atoms specified");
98 2 : log.printf(" hydrogen atoms are "); setupThirdAtomBlock( tc, t );
99 620 : } else if( keywords.exists("BACKGROUND_ATOMS") ) {
100 16 : std::vector<AtomNumber> tc; parseAtomList("BACKGROUND_ATOMS",tc);
101 8 : if( tc.size()==0 ) error("no ATOMS atoms specified");
102 8 : log.printf(" atoms for background density are "); setupThirdAtomBlock( tc, t );
103 : }
104 : // Request the atoms from the ActionAtomistic
105 652 : requestAtoms( t ); parseFlag("COMPONENTS",components); parseFlag("NOPBC",nopbc);
106 326 : if( !components ) { addValue( shape ); setNotPeriodic(); }
107 249 : else { addComponent( "w", shape ); componentIsNotPeriodic("w"); }
108 326 : getPntrToComponent(0)->setDerivativeIsZeroWhenValueIsZero();
109 : // Stuff for neighbor list
110 652 : parse("NL_CUTOFF",nl_cut); nl_cut2=nl_cut*nl_cut; parse("NL_STRIDE",nl_stride);
111 326 : if( nl_cut==0 && nl_stride>1 ) error("NL_CUTOFF must be set if NL_STRIDE is set greater than 1");
112 326 : if( nl_cut>0 ) log.printf(" using neighbor list with cutoff %f. List is updated every %u steps.\n",nl_cut,nl_stride);
113 :
114 326 : if( components ) {
115 166 : addComponent( "x", shape ); componentIsNotPeriodic("x");
116 166 : addComponent( "y", shape ); componentIsNotPeriodic("y");
117 249 : addComponent( "z", shape ); componentIsNotPeriodic("z");
118 : }
119 652 : log<<" Bibliography "<<plumed.cite("Tribello, Giberti, Sosso, Salvalaglio and Parrinello, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 13, 1317 (2017)")<<"\n";
120 326 : }
121 :
122 11081 : unsigned AdjacencyMatrixBase::getNumberOfDerivatives() {
123 11081 : return 3*getNumberOfAtoms() + 9;
124 : }
125 :
126 24 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::setupThirdAtomBlock( const std::vector<AtomNumber>& tc, std::vector<AtomNumber>& t ) {
127 24 : threeblocks.resize( tc.size() ); unsigned base=t.size();
128 53168 : for(unsigned i=0; i<tc.size(); ++i) { log.printf("%d ", tc[i].serial()); t.push_back(tc[i]); threeblocks[i]=base+i; }
129 24 : log.printf("\n");
130 24 : }
131 :
132 326 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::setLinkCellCutoff( const bool& symmetric, const double& lcut, double tcut ) {
133 326 : if( read_one_group && symmetric ) getPntrToComponent(0)->setSymmetric( true );
134 326 : if( nl_cut>0 && lcut>nl_cut ) error("D_MAX for switching functions should be shorter than neighbor list cutoff");
135 :
136 326 : if( tcut<0 ) tcut=lcut;
137 326 : if( nl_cut>0 ) linkcells.setCutoff( nl_cut ); else linkcells.setCutoff( lcut );
138 326 : if( linkcells.getCutoff()<std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ) log.printf(" set link cell cutoff to %f \n", linkcells.getCutoff() );
139 326 : threecells.setCutoff( tcut );
140 326 : }
141 :
142 11700 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::prepare() {
143 11700 : ActionWithVector::prepare(); neighbour_list_updated=false;
144 11700 : }
145 :
146 11750 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::updateNeighbourList() {
147 11750 : neighbour_list_updated=true;
148 : // Build link cells here so that this is done in stream if it needed in stream
149 11750 : if( getStep()%nl_stride==0 ) {
150 : // Build the link cells
151 11750 : std::vector<Vector> ltmp_pos( ablocks.size() );
152 1194628 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ablocks.size(); ++i) ltmp_pos[i]=ActionAtomistic::getPosition( ablocks[i] );
153 11750 : linkcells.buildCellLists( ltmp_pos, ablocks, getPbc() );
154 : // This ensures the link cell does not get too big. We find the cell that contains the maximum number of atoms and multiply this by 27.
155 : // In this way we ensure that the neighbour list doesn't get too big. Also this number should always be large enough
156 11750 : natoms_per_list = 27*linkcells.getMaxInCell();
157 11750 : nlist.resize( getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0]*( 2 + natoms_per_list ) );
158 : // Set the number of neighbors to zero for all ranks
159 11750 : nlist.assign(nlist.size(),0);
160 : // Now get stuff to do parallel implementation
161 11750 : unsigned stride=comm.Get_size(); unsigned rank=comm.Get_rank();
162 11750 : if( runInSerial() ) { stride=1; rank=0; }
163 11750 : unsigned nt=OpenMP::getNumThreads();
164 11750 : if( nt*stride*10>getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0] ) nt=getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0]/stride/10;
165 : if( nt==0 ) nt=1;
166 : // Create a vector from the input set of tasks
167 11750 : std::vector<unsigned> & pTaskList( getListOfActiveTasks(this) );
168 :
169 11750 : #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nt)
170 : {
171 : // Get the number of tasks we have to deal with
172 : unsigned ntasks=getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0];
173 : if( nl_stride==1 ) ntasks=pTaskList.size();
174 : // Build a tempory nlist so we can do omp parallelism
175 : std::vector<unsigned> omp_nlist;
176 : if( nt>1 ) omp_nlist.resize( nlist.size(), 0 );
177 : // Now run over all atoms and construct the link cells
178 : std::vector<Vector> t_atoms( 1+ablocks.size() );
179 : std::vector<unsigned> indices( 1+ablocks.size() ), cells_required( linkcells.getNumberOfCells() );
180 : #pragma omp for nowait
181 : for(unsigned i=rank; i<ntasks; i+=stride) {
182 : // Retrieve cells required from link cells - for matrix blocks
183 : unsigned ncells_required=0;
184 : linkcells.addRequiredCells( linkcells.findMyCell( ActionAtomistic::getPosition(pTaskList[i]) ), ncells_required, cells_required );
185 : // Now get the indices of the atoms in the link cells positions
186 : unsigned natoms=1; indices[0]=pTaskList[i];
187 : linkcells.retrieveAtomsInCells( ncells_required, cells_required, natoms, indices );
188 : if( nl_stride==1 ) {
189 : if( nt>1 ) omp_nlist[indices[0]]=0; else nlist[indices[0]] = 0;
190 : unsigned lstart = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0] + indices[0]*(1+natoms_per_list);
191 : for(unsigned j=0; j<natoms; ++j) {
192 : if( nt>1 ) { omp_nlist[ lstart + omp_nlist[indices[0]] ] = indices[j]; omp_nlist[indices[0]]++; }
193 : else { nlist[ lstart + nlist[indices[0]] ] = indices[j]; nlist[indices[0]]++; }
194 : }
195 : } else {
196 : // Get the positions of all the atoms in the link cells relative to the central atom
197 : for(unsigned j=0; j<natoms; ++j) t_atoms[j] = ActionAtomistic::getPosition(indices[j]) - ActionAtomistic::getPosition(indices[0]);
198 : if( !nopbc ) pbcApply( t_atoms, natoms );
199 : // Now construct the neighbor list
200 : if( nt>1 ) omp_nlist[indices[0]] = 0; else nlist[indices[0]] = 0;
201 : unsigned lstart = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0] + indices[0]*(1+natoms_per_list);
202 : for(unsigned j=0; j<natoms; ++j) {
203 : double d2;
204 : if ( (d2=t_atoms[j][0]*t_atoms[j][0])<nl_cut2 &&
205 : (d2+=t_atoms[j][1]*t_atoms[j][1])<nl_cut2 &&
206 : (d2+=t_atoms[j][2]*t_atoms[j][2])<nl_cut2 ) {
207 : if( nt>1 ) { omp_nlist[ lstart + omp_nlist[indices[0]] ] = indices[j]; omp_nlist[indices[0]]++; }
208 : else { nlist[ lstart + nlist[indices[0]] ] = indices[j]; nlist[indices[0]]++; }
209 : }
210 : }
211 :
212 : }
213 : }
214 : // Gather OMP stuff
215 : #pragma omp critical
216 : if(nt>1) {
217 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ntasks; ++i) nlist[pTaskList[i]]+=omp_nlist[pTaskList[i]];
218 : for(unsigned i=0; i<ntasks; ++i) {
219 : unsigned lstart = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0] + pTaskList[i]*(1+natoms_per_list);
220 : for(unsigned j=0; j<omp_nlist[pTaskList[i]]; ++j) nlist[ lstart + j ] += omp_nlist[ lstart + j ];
221 : }
222 : }
223 : }
224 : // MPI gather
225 11750 : if( !runInSerial() ) comm.Sum( nlist );
226 : }
227 11750 : if( threeblocks.size()>0 ) {
228 89 : std::vector<Vector> ltmp_pos2( threeblocks.size() );
229 66184 : for(unsigned i=0; i<threeblocks.size(); ++i) {
230 66095 : ltmp_pos2[i]=ActionAtomistic::getPosition( threeblocks[i] );
231 : }
232 89 : threecells.buildCellLists( ltmp_pos2, threeblocks, getPbc() );
233 : }
234 : // And finally work out maximum number of columns to use
235 11750 : maxcol = nlist[0];
236 1140150 : for(unsigned i=1; i<getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0]; ++i) {
237 1128400 : if( nlist[i]>maxcol ) maxcol = nlist[i];
238 : }
239 11750 : }
240 :
241 216 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::getAdditionalTasksRequired( ActionWithVector* action, std::vector<unsigned>& atasks ) {
242 216 : if( action==this ) return;
243 : // Update the neighbour list
244 54 : updateNeighbourList();
245 :
246 54 : unsigned nactive = atasks.size();
247 54 : std::vector<unsigned> indlist( 1 + ablocks.size() + threeblocks.size() );
248 3844 : for(unsigned i=0; i<nactive; ++i) {
249 3790 : unsigned num = retrieveNeighbours( atasks[i], indlist );
250 269574 : for(unsigned j=0; j<num; ++j) {
251 : bool found=false;
252 67587417 : for(unsigned k=0; k<atasks.size(); ++k ) {
253 67573541 : if( indlist[j]==atasks[k] ) { found=true; break; }
254 : }
255 265784 : if( !found ) atasks.push_back( indlist[j] );
256 : }
257 : }
258 : }
259 :
260 409666 : unsigned AdjacencyMatrixBase::retrieveNeighbours( const unsigned& current, std::vector<unsigned> & indices ) const {
261 409666 : unsigned natoms=nlist[current]; indices[0]=current;
262 409666 : unsigned lstart = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getShape()[0] + current*(1+natoms_per_list); plumed_dbg_assert( nlist[lstart]==current );
263 21916923 : for(unsigned i=1; i<nlist[current]; ++i) { indices[i] = nlist[ lstart + i ]; }
264 409666 : return natoms;
265 : }
266 :
267 405876 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::setupForTask( const unsigned& current, std::vector<unsigned> & indices, MultiValue& myvals ) const {
268 : // Now retrieve bookeeping arrays
269 405876 : if( indices.size()!=(1+ablocks.size()+threeblocks.size()) ) indices.resize( 1+ablocks.size()+threeblocks.size() );
270 :
271 : // Now get the positions
272 405876 : unsigned natoms=retrieveNeighbours( current, indices );
273 : unsigned ntwo_atoms=natoms; myvals.setSplitIndex( ntwo_atoms );
274 :
275 : // Now retrieve everything for the third atoms
276 405876 : if( threeblocks.size()>0 ) {
277 920 : unsigned ncells_required=0; std::vector<unsigned> cells_required( threecells.getNumberOfCells() );
278 920 : threecells.addRequiredCells( threecells.findMyCell( ActionAtomistic::getPosition(current) ), ncells_required, cells_required );
279 920 : threecells.retrieveAtomsInCells( ncells_required, cells_required, natoms, indices );
280 : }
281 405876 : myvals.setNumberOfIndices( natoms );
282 :
283 : // Apply periodic boundary conditions to atom positions
284 405876 : std::vector<std::vector<Vector> > & t_atoms( myvals.getFirstAtomDerivativeVector() ); if( t_atoms.size()!=1 ) t_atoms.resize(1);
285 405876 : if( t_atoms[0].size()<getNumberOfAtoms() ) t_atoms[0].resize( getNumberOfAtoms() );
286 26226247 : for(unsigned i=0; i<natoms; ++i) t_atoms[0][i] = ActionAtomistic::getPosition(indices[i]) - ActionAtomistic::getPosition(current);
287 405876 : if( !nopbc ) pbcApply( t_atoms[0], natoms );
288 : // And collect atom position data
289 : std::vector<Vector> & atoms( myvals.getAtomVector() );
290 405876 : if( atoms.size()<getNumberOfAtoms() ) atoms.resize( getNumberOfAtoms() );
291 26226247 : for(unsigned i=0; i<natoms; ++i) atoms[ indices[i] ] = t_atoms[0][i];
292 405876 : }
293 :
294 21245263 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::performTask( const std::string& controller, const unsigned& index1, const unsigned& index2, MultiValue& myvals ) const {
295 21245263 : Vector zero;; plumed_dbg_assert( index2<myvals.getAtomVector().size() );
296 21245263 : double weight = calculateWeight( zero, myvals.getAtomVector()[index2], myvals.getNumberOfIndices()-myvals.getSplitIndex(), myvals );
297 21245263 : unsigned w_ind = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getPositionInStream(); myvals.setValue( w_ind, weight );
298 21245263 : if( fabs(weight)<epsilon ) { myvals.setValue( w_ind, 0 ); return; }
299 :
300 14130310 : if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ) {
301 : // Update dynamic list indices for central atom
302 6759016 : myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*index1+0 ); myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*index1+1 ); myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*index1+2 );
303 : // Update dynamic list indices for atom forming this bond
304 6759016 : myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*index2+0 ); myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*index2+1 ); myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*index2+2 );
305 : // Now look after all the atoms in the third block
306 : std::vector<unsigned> & indices( myvals.getIndices() );
307 6872649 : for(unsigned i=myvals.getSplitIndex(); i<myvals.getNumberOfIndices(); ++i) {
308 113633 : myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*indices[i]+0 ); myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*indices[i]+1 ); myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, 3*indices[i]+2 );
309 : }
310 : // Update dynamic list indices for virial
311 67590160 : unsigned base = 3*getNumberOfAtoms(); for(unsigned j=0; j<9; ++j) myvals.updateIndex( w_ind, base+j );
312 : // And the indices for the derivatives of the row of the matrix
313 6759016 : unsigned nmat = getConstPntrToComponent(0)->getPositionInMatrixStash(), nmat_ind = myvals.getNumberOfMatrixRowDerivatives( nmat );
314 : std::vector<unsigned>& matrix_indices( myvals.getMatrixRowDerivativeIndices( nmat ) );
315 6759016 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+0]=3*index2+0; matrix_indices[nmat_ind+1]=3*index2+1; matrix_indices[nmat_ind+2]=3*index2+2;
316 6759016 : myvals.setNumberOfMatrixRowDerivatives( nmat, nmat_ind+3 );
317 : }
318 :
319 : // Calculate the components if we need them
320 14130310 : if( components ) {
321 2415123 : unsigned x_index = getConstPntrToComponent(1)->getPositionInStream();
322 2415123 : unsigned y_index = getConstPntrToComponent(2)->getPositionInStream();
323 2415123 : unsigned z_index = getConstPntrToComponent(3)->getPositionInStream();
324 2415123 : Vector atom = myvals.getAtomVector()[index2];
325 2415123 : myvals.setValue( x_index, atom[0] ); myvals.setValue( y_index, atom[1] ); myvals.setValue( z_index, atom[2] );
326 2415123 : if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ) {
327 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( x_index, 3*index1+0, -1 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, 3*index2+0, +1 );
328 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( x_index, 3*index1+1, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, 3*index2+1, 0 );
329 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( x_index, 3*index1+2, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, 3*index2+2, 0 );
330 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( y_index, 3*index1+0, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, 3*index2+0, 0 );
331 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( y_index, 3*index1+1, -1 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, 3*index2+1, +1 );
332 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( y_index, 3*index1+2, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, 3*index2+2, 0 );
333 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( z_index, 3*index1+0, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, 3*index2+0, 0 );
334 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( z_index, 3*index1+1, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, 3*index2+1, 0 );
335 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( z_index, 3*index1+2, -1 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, 3*index2+2, +1 );
336 6503456 : for(unsigned k=0; k<3; ++k) {
337 : // Update dynamic lists for central atom
338 4877592 : myvals.updateIndex( x_index, 3*index1+k ); myvals.updateIndex( y_index, 3*index1+k ); myvals.updateIndex( z_index, 3*index1+k );
339 : // Update dynamic lists for bonded atom
340 4877592 : myvals.updateIndex( x_index, 3*index2+k ); myvals.updateIndex( y_index, 3*index2+k ); myvals.updateIndex( z_index, 3*index2+k );
341 : }
342 : // Add derivatives of virial
343 1625864 : unsigned base = 3*getNumberOfAtoms();
344 : // Virial for x
345 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+0, -atom[0] ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+3, -atom[1] ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+6, -atom[2] );
346 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+1, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+4, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+7, 0 );
347 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+2, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+5, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( x_index, base+8, 0 );
348 : // Virial for y
349 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+0, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+3, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+6, 0 );
350 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+1, -atom[0] ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+4, -atom[1] ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+7, -atom[2] );
351 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+2, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+5, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( y_index, base+8, 0 );
352 : // Virial for z
353 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+0, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+3, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+6, 0 );
354 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+1, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+4, 0 ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+7, 0 );
355 1625864 : myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+2, -atom[0] ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+5, -atom[1] ); myvals.addDerivative( z_index, base+8, -atom[2] );
356 16258640 : for(unsigned k=0; k<9; ++k) { myvals.updateIndex( x_index, base+k ); myvals.updateIndex( y_index, base+k ); myvals.updateIndex( z_index, base+k ); }
357 6503456 : for(unsigned k=1; k<4; ++k) {
358 4877592 : unsigned nmat = getConstPntrToComponent(k)->getPositionInMatrixStash(), nmat_ind = myvals.getNumberOfMatrixRowDerivatives( nmat );
359 : std::vector<unsigned>& matrix_indices( myvals.getMatrixRowDerivativeIndices( nmat ) );
360 4877592 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+0]=3*index2+0; matrix_indices[nmat_ind+1]=3*index2+1; matrix_indices[nmat_ind+2]=3*index2+2;
361 4877592 : myvals.setNumberOfMatrixRowDerivatives( nmat, nmat_ind+3 );
362 : }
363 : }
364 : }
365 : }
366 :
367 405876 : void AdjacencyMatrixBase::runEndOfRowJobs( const unsigned& ind, const std::vector<unsigned> & indices, MultiValue& myvals ) const {
368 405876 : if( doNotCalculateDerivatives() ) return;
369 :
370 737807 : for(int k=0; k<getNumberOfComponents(); ++k) {
371 411298 : unsigned nmat = getConstPntrToComponent(k)->getPositionInMatrixStash(), nmat_ind = myvals.getNumberOfMatrixRowDerivatives( nmat );
372 : std::vector<unsigned>& matrix_indices( myvals.getMatrixRowDerivativeIndices( nmat ) );
373 411298 : plumed_assert( nmat_ind<matrix_indices.size() );
374 411298 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+0]=3*ind+0;
375 411298 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+1]=3*ind+1;
376 411298 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+2]=3*ind+2;
377 411298 : nmat_ind+=3;
378 423041 : for(unsigned i=myvals.getSplitIndex(); i<myvals.getNumberOfIndices(); ++i) {
379 11743 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+0]=3*indices[i]+0;
380 11743 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+1]=3*indices[i]+1;
381 11743 : matrix_indices[nmat_ind+2]=3*indices[i]+2;
382 11743 : nmat_ind+=3;
383 : }
384 411298 : unsigned virbase = 3*getNumberOfAtoms();
385 4112980 : for(unsigned i=0; i<9; ++i) matrix_indices[nmat_ind+i]=virbase+i;
386 411298 : nmat_ind+=9; plumed_dbg_massert( nmat_ind<=3*getNumberOfAtoms() + 9, "found too many derivatives in " + getLabel() );
387 : myvals.setNumberOfMatrixRowDerivatives( nmat, nmat_ind );
388 : }
389 : }
390 :
391 : }
392 : }